JJ1: Bloxonius

Date uploaded:
17 Jul 2004 at 04:00 (Minor update on 17 Jul 2004)

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Lark (More uploads by Lark)
Tileset conversion
Beta testing by Blackraptor, lots of tips by Violet. Flash and Snooz also beta tested but didn't make any major suggestions.

No screenshots yet.

Bloxonius.zip (213.05 kB)

File contents

blackys readme file.txt 2.34 kB 17 Jul 2004
bloxonex.j2l DeMoNiUs 11.22 kB 17 Jul 2004
JJ1 Bloxonius (LRK).j2t JJ1: Bloxonius (LRK) 84.11 kB 12 Jul 2004
xmas3.s3m 172.67 kB 16 Jan 1998


This was the fastest conversion ever. It took four days to make the tileset, and five days for Blacky to make the example level. Remember, this is listed as “JJ1: Bloxonius (LRK).” There are lots of other Bloxonius tilesets that you might confuse this with.


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Quick Reviews Average: 10

jalo0 rated 10

I love bloxonius!!!
Thank you very much!

User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 8.45

Review by PHT

Posted more than 20 years ago
Spaz Slackrabbit (109 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings97 Featured reviews2 Average helpfulness83%

I’m too lazy to write a long review, so I’ll keep it short. I really like this conversion. I started to make a level, and after a minute I knew a story. :)
Well, I decided to make a level pack and the first level will be with this conversion from lil Labratkid. :D
The tiles are converted very well, and Labratkid added some useful things like slopes and a funny guy which head you can shoot. :)
Also, there is a sky texture, which let’s you create outdoor passages.
I WON’T rate the example level (tough I don’t understand why people always come and punish me when I do..), but it doesn’t work as well, because there’s something done wrong with the triggers. Tough, I like the Randomizer idea.

However, good work from LRK and worth downloading. The only thing I dislike is that the shadows are a bit hard to use (until you got out how they work).

I think I’ll give this a 7.7, it would be higher, but I wished there would be more new tiles..

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Review by cooba

Posted more than 20 years ago
Carrot Juice Addict (326 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings112 Featured reviews32 Average helpfulness86%

Pretty good conversion, except animation of lamp, which has missing frames. Nothing else missing, and LRK even made slopes.


PHT : No, Lego man with shootable head was actually included in Bloxonius, as he was supposed to be living guy despite being motionless, like those ones in toy planes.
Also, rating example levels is forbidden on J2O, I think. (Triggers work fine for me, though)[This review has been edited by Cooba]

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RecommendedReview by sonicnathan 1

28 Jan 2009, 19:16 (edited 12 May 09, 04:42)
Spaz Slackrabbit (136 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings99 Featured reviews6 Average helpfulness70%

Well a good tileset I must say. I used this once and It was easy to use.

What this is
This is basically a conversion of Bloxonius. this is great as there’s lots of eyecandey and everything is here. Lets go through the list.

Wow great! there’s hills, polls, hooks, blocks, toys, signs and even a little lego man! I looked thought his tileset and I have to say, I couldn’t find anything missing. everything from jazz 1 is here, including arrows, signs, animations and a jazz 1 style background and textured background. everything you could ever need to make a good level is here. The only thing that could be added is some flipped tiles. Great job! this is the definition of total conversion!
Look great! Love it! Colors are the same from jazz 1 and everything that was added is properly colored. Good job!
All the animations are here and they look great! Good job!
Pallet Events
Only textured background and water works. It’s a shame that the rest don’t work. Oh well.
Well it’s only a conversion and you still are limited to what you can do. Still, this is great and you still have quite a couple of options.
Masking is perfect. Everything is simple lines and objects. Great job!

Final score:51/60
Score: 9.2
Rank: A
DR? Yes. This is a great conversion and I look forward to more of your work!

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