The cartoon episode 2(Unfinished).

Date uploaded:
10 Nov 2004 at 19:56

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Sacrush (More uploads by Sacrush)
Single player
Dx and Ninja Dodo for betatesting.

No screenshots yet.

File contents

Cartoon2-1g.j2l The news 2.41 kB 21 Nov 2003
Cartoon2-2g.j2l A new adventure 7.61 kB 10 Nov 2004
Cartoon2-3g.j2l Demon danger 16.55 kB 10 Nov 2004
Cartoon2-4g.j2l unhappy ending! 2.08 kB 10 Nov 2004
cartoon tileset.j2t cartoon tileset 77.29 kB 05 Jul 2002 Wasted Life 150.33 kB 26 Jul 2003
forest.xm The Forest of Keroon 384.78 kB 09 Jul 1999
inside.s3m Insideout 153.89 kB 17 Jan 1996
prplsky2.s3m Purple Sky II 144.56 kB 17 Jan 1996


I now the rule that you may not upload unfinished stuff but this is something that will never be finished. I stopped this episode just because the quality of the tileset sucks and the levels arent good enough for me so I decided to make a quicke end and upload it so you may still enjoy these 2 playable levels. It isnt that good so you cannot give this a rating. Have fun!


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User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 0

Review by Gizmaluke

13 Nov 2004, 06:16
Frog (17 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings17 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness8%

Yay! When I playded your first cartoon episode i wish that you make part 2
But it’s unfinished:(
(When jungle rabbit 2 is ready?)

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Review by Ðx

14 Nov 2004, 05:39
Carrot Juice Addict (330 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings332 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness26%

Its not finisht yet but it will come Giz.

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Review by Ðx

23 Nov 2004, 12:08
Carrot Juice Addict (330 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings332 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness26%

Buy it in da store’s.

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Review by PHT

24 Feb 2005, 10:39
Spaz Slackrabbit (109 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings97 Featured reviews2 Average helpfulness83%

Starting Comments:

I enjoyed the first Cartoon episode, let’s see what this beta of the sequel has to offer.

Played with: Lori
On difficulty: Medium
Playing time: 20 minutes


The level started with a kewl intro level, telling the story (more on that later). Then it goes on with pretty normal levels with lots of demons and dragonflies, a few trigger crates and a funny “endboss” at the end. There was nothing really original, which I found pretty dissapointing. The Cartoon Episode 1 had lots of original and fun stuff, while this one was too basic for me. I played with Lori, but often had to use jjfly because I couldn’t readge ledges. Ammo placement was fine though.

Score: N/A (6.0)


The levels were pretty easy, another downfall. Some few enemies were strategically placed, but most were easy to defeat. The crates were not all that hard to find either. Pretty dissapointing again.

Score: N/A (5.5)


Like I said, the levels are mostly pretty basic, there was nothing that really stood in my mind. The intro level was very cool made, like you’d watch TV. The rest sadly wasn’t that original.

Score: N/A (6.0)


The eyecandy was better than in the first episode, but not that really great. The tileset lost in quality over the years, it probably could’ve been improved. The background was fine though, and I found no tilebugs.

Score: N/A (6.7)


The story was not all that original, the demons somehow came back and you have to stop them again. At least it was there though, and like I said I liked the intro level. Some text signs had spelling mistakes.

Score: N/A (6.0)


This was sadly not as good as The Cartoon Episode 1. It was decent, but lacked originality. Eyecandy was decent too, the story was a bit dull. Download reccommendation? Maybe

Overall Score: N/A (6.5)

Download Reccommendation: Maybe

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Review by valdr

26 Jun 2005, 06:11
Frog (18 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings18 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness15%

Do not finish it have mercy for players, yuck. :P

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Review by snzspeed

28 Jun 2005, 09:42
Carrot Juice Addict (327 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings269 Featured reviews7 Average helpfulness66%

(Semimild personal attack removal. ~Violet)

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Review by Nobody

17 Nov 2004, 10:42
CTF Bug (6 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings6 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness13%

Pretty good… Try to finish it off. To me, I think it’s pretty good. I’ll rate this a 7.5 only if you let me because of the gameplay. Please finish it off. At the end devanjust beats us and wins. That’s not what usaully happens you know. And I like this because I only have JJ2 v1.23 and too many people have TSF now. Where could I get TSF?

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