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TC.j2l | Tilted Coaster | 2.27 kB | 05 Feb 2006 |
AltonTowers.j2t | Alton Towers | 66.88 kB | 03 Feb 2006 |
Orbitusremix.s3m | Orbitus Remix! | 377.75 kB | 05 Feb 2001 |
Hello, folks!
I have a new friend on Jazz2Online. Gus. And I have created a rollercoaster-level with one of his tilesets!
But… panic on the coaster! Devan has repaired his robot again to tilt the coaster! All visitors will die.
Your rabbit is the only one that can destroy the robot and save the people! He/she is the only one that can survive 99,999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% chance of dead and 0,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance of survive.
Jump in one of the cars from Coaster Gus and save it!
Good luck!
Nothing to do, just beat some blue ghosts, and a boss. Nothing else. The idea of the roller coaster is very good, i know the idea isn’t the author’s but there’s not much to review except the idea.
What am I doing reviewing this early in the morning??
Eyecandy 15/20
You have the same nice eyecandy as the example level on Gus’ tileset. Would of scored 17 but please, DONT BE LAZY.
Gameplay 4/20
Just enemies, a boss and something to keep you on the coaster.
Enemies 8/20
You could have used something other than monsters. But there is a robot boss at the end.
Items 0/20
No Items…….
Size 12/20
Well, It is big but when you are playing it, you cant control yourself.
No Bonusses
Total Score 39/100
Rating 4
Final Comment
Oh, dear!
I’ve forget the bonusses! I’ll put them immediately!
Oh, dear!
You have stolen the idea of gus!!
I rated it 10 for 3 reasons:
First: You are my best friend on J2O.
Second: You are a good level maker.
Third: You used MY tileset:-P
(Unsupported/biased rating removal. The downloads FAQ states that you should “Try to be impartial and fair when rating levels”. ~Violet)
(To clarify more: You should not base your rating on how much you like a person and wether that person has used your tileset or not. These are not objective means of deciding how high the quality of a file is. – FQuist)
Ok, Fquist. I’ll do like you want.
I rate this level 8 because i think it’s a suitable rating for a level with so many enemies and with the robot boss at end.
[Inappropiate rating (8) removal. You have not provided a single reason why this is good. I can make a thousand enemies in a level that is worth an 1, and you’d rate it an 8? “Many enemies” is not a good reason. To be clear: I’m not saying this level is bad. You need to give good, clear reasons, and you’re not giving those in any of your reviews. – FQuist]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.
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