A boring summerday

  • Rating: 4.2

Reviews and comments

    Ðx 20 Jun 2006, 16:31 (edited 20 Jun 06, 16:31)

    4Not recommended:



    There is’t much eyecandy. Next time use all the layers (And edit the BG more with colours). It’s quite boring playing in this level, mayby the eyecandy will cheer the level up a bit more. Try to place some more eyecandy and reupload it.


    The gameplay sucks, no offense but… Why did you placed some V-Poll tiles and you did’t placed any V-Poll event?

    And it’s really spaz based. And there is’t any flow. It’s more like running running running (picking up ammo) running running..


    I missed some ammo, but the gameplay is bad so the Ammo is bad placed.


    And, why did you included all the three sets?

    2 of 3 people found this a good review. Did you? Yes/No

    master sven 21 Jun 2006, 06:38

    ( but the gameplay is bad so the Ammo is bad placed.)
    Thats not true.
    The Ammo can be well placed why the gameplay sux.
    And I included the title sets because they are just a must have.