Mega Man 1 - Elecman Plus

Date uploaded:
8 Mar 2009 at 17:39 (Minor update on 8 Mar 2009)

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Joseph Collins (More uploads by Joseph Collins)
Tileset conversion
Capcom Co., LTD, Ronzer Labs, TSSF

File contents

JDC_Tileset_MM1ElecP.txt 3.73 kB 08 Mar 2009
JDC_MM1Elec0.j2l Elecman Plus Credits 1.14 kB 08 Mar 2009
JDC_MM1Elec1.j2l Electrical Spire 3.87 kB 08 Mar 2009
JDC_MM1Elec2.j2l Electrical Spire Remix 10.15 kB 08 Mar 2009
JDC_MM1Elec-Day.j2t Mega Man 1 - Elecman Plus (Day) 15.28 kB 06 Mar 2009
JDC_MM1Elec-Night.j2t Mega Man 1 - Elecman Plus (Night 15.33 kB 06 Mar 2009
Elecman.XM Mega Man: Elec Man S 23.53 kB 08 Mar 2009
ElecmanL.s3m Mega Man: Elec Man S 19.83 kB 08 Mar 2009
mm9wily2.s3m MM9 Wily Stage 2 -MatV 36.05 kB 08 Mar 2009


Mega Man 1 – Elecman Plus Tilesets
by Joseph “Doc Lithius” Collins

Edit: See it in action here!

• “Mega Man 1 – Elecman Plus (Day)” Tileset
• “Mega Man 1 – Elecman Plus (Night)” Tileset
• “Electrical Spire” Example Stage (Very basic stage.)
• “Electrical Spire Remix” Example Stage (Advanced stage with JJ2 events.)
• “Mega Man: Elec Man S” NES -> XM Conversion
• “MM9 Wily Stage 2 -MatV” WiiNES -> S3M Conversion (Used with permission.)

I dunno. I got bored one night while listening to Rockman (Mega Man) music and here we are! The original tileset was very basic, having only the tiles from the original stage, but after a little feedback from a couple of people, I decided to go ahead and make this a full-fledged and fully-functional tileset with “vines”, hooks, spinny poles, and all the eye-candy I thought would be appropriate. I even went to the trouble to make a remixed Electrical Spire stage to show off some of the added tiles (as well as show off the “night” palette swap).
Incidentally, I’m very proud of my Dr. Wily-styled Devan Shell logo. :D

The tileset doesn’t use any JJ2+ special tricks or anything, but the demo levels themselves DO feature the “Pit Level” event. It won’t crash the game if you run the level on an unmodified copy of Jazz Jackrabbit 2, but if you get stuck, you WILL have to use “JJK” to suicide yourself.

• You can easily get stuck in disappearing platforms as well as electrical currents. If this happens, remain still and just wait. Jumping may get you stuck in a ceiling. This is a Jazz Jackrabbit 2 bug, not a level bug.

For basic credits, play the credits stage.
For extended credits, see the enclosed TXT file.


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Quick Reviews Average: 10

RecommendedCake_008 rated 10

Nice. The first level in an import of the stage. Which I love Mega man so of course I would be into it but them a 2nd stage is a remake of the first one. Its also very well done. The doors even open and close when you walk by them. If you like this stage back on the NES then you will like this pack.

[Review changed to quick review. For more information, see Review Rules. – cooba]

User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 8.2

RecommendedReview by sonicnathan 1

16 May 2009, 05:19 (edited 16 May 09, 05:21)
Spaz Slackrabbit (136 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings99 Featured reviews6 Average helpfulness70%

I think this has gone long enough without a proper review.

What this is
This is basically a conversion of a level form Megaman. I’ve never played it so I don’t know how accurate it is, so I’ll just go by my standers.

Well not bad at all. We got the basics, slopes, and regular land tiles. We got mechanical layer 5 type caves, electricity. For the background we got a plain sky, (Textured would be nice) sun, buildings, clouds and a city. We got layer 3 Fences and other stuff. We got hooks, spikes, destruct blocks that look great and look like 8 bit, vines, flashing arrows and a little dancing Megaman. You can make a decent level with this tileset and I don’t know how it stacks up with the real thing, but I think the tiles are good. A little more eycandey stuff would be nice but you got everything you need to make a good level. pallets are also nice.
Not much is given. all there is electricity, arrows and the dancing Mega man. what is there works though and like I said, I don’t know how many animations there were in the game. Still, what’s there, works.
I won’t rate because I don’t know what the Original looked like. What is there looks nice though.
Pallet Events
Won’t rate because nothing was put in to make them work. (I don’t think he was going for that.)
Masking is pretty much perfect with everything masked properly. great job!
You can make a lot with this. I can thing of a base, outdoor city, mixture, battle in the sky and probably more. Good job there!

Final Score: 32/40
Score: 8.2
Rank: B
DR? Yes. this is a nice conversion and you can do quite a bit with it. I look forward to your next conversion!

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