A Couple 'o Trendsetters

Date uploaded:
27 Nov 2011 at 18:40 (Minor update on 2 Dec 2017)

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PT32 (More uploads by PT32)
Custom / Concept
Tileset creators
trendsetters.zip (932 kB)

File contents

AH Readme.txt 1.81 kB 09 Jun 2011
PB Readme.txt 1.34 kB 09 Jun 2011
Air Hockey.j2l Air Hockey Mania! 2.28 kB 09 Jun 2011
Prison lev1.j2l Prison Break Mode demo 3.42 kB 09 Jun 2011
Desolation01.j2t Desolation 01 148.72 kB 05 Aug 2007
Metal Mania.j2t Metal Mania 206.22 kB 06 Jun 2000
superg.it --Shufflebox-- 370.78 kB 27 Nov 2009
Warz3.it --Warzone 3.0-- 483.24 kB 17 May 2011


A couple of interesting concepts I’ve been toying with for a while.

One is an Air Hockey Battle. The other is a Prison Break level.

The PB one might’ve been done already (and even better, just maybe), but I’m giving it to you anyway.

EDIT: Air Hockey can be played in either 1.23 or TSF. Prison Break can be modified to work in 1.23, but I’m too lazy.


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User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 0

Review by minmay

28 Nov 2011, 01:32
Turtle Goon (57 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings18 Featured reviews7 Average helpfulness80%

Trigger zones work in 1.23. They just aren’t listed in the JCS.ini that comes with most versions of it. Just add this line to your 1.23 JCS.ini: 246=Trigger Zone |+|Trigger |Trigger|Zone|TriggerID:5|on/off:1|switch:1
Or, heck, just use the converter; if it messes up the triggers, that is a bug in the converter and not an actual difference between the level formats’ or JJ2 versions’ capabilities.

Also, they only apply to the connection that triggers them, so unless the 2vs2 is in the form of four players splitscreening, touching one yourself does nothing for your teammate or your opponents. Test your levels!

(also you spelled claustrophobic wrong)

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