Far Out Finished!

Date uploaded:
23 Oct 2015 at 09:50

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The dboy (More uploads by The dboy)
Single player
Original JJ2 creators

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faroutfinished.zip (11.61 kB)

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Far_Out_Finished_.j2l Far Out Finished! 11.31 kB 23 Oct 2015


This is my finished version of one of the unfinished levels that came with JJ2 – originally called Far Out (Psych3.j2l).

For the first 3/4 of the level (from the start up to the big room with a lot of platforms) about 90% of the LAYOUT of the level is unchanged, although virtually all of the eyecandy and events in this section are mine. Everything after that room is also my creation.

It’s quite a big level – there’s around 60,000 points to be had on normal difficulty so if you get less than that – you’ve probably missed a secret!



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Quick Reviews Average: 7.4666666666667

PurpleJazz rated 6

While not a terrible effort overall, the level design feels like something straight out of 1998, which is unsurprising considering its origin. It has gameplay that’s reminiscent of the official levels, albeit with less polish.

RecommendedSeren rated 6.7

It’s not particularly interesting but can be fun for a single playthrough. Definitely worth a download for those who enjoy the official JJ2 campaign, but not those who are looking for originality or a challenge.

RecommendedDynamiteK rated 9.7

Short, sweet and nice! This really is a nice re-creation of a map that never was! Well done on re-creating it fairly accurately to what it may have looked like.

User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 10

Review by The dboy

28 Dec 2015, 12:30
CTF Bug (0 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings0 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness80%

@PurpleJazz: If you’re finishing in less than 5 minutes, there’s a LOT you’re missing out on ;)

@Blaze The Movie Fan: thanks for the great review!

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RecommendedReview by Violet CLM

30 Sep 2022, 19:09
I might as well work here (539 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings280 Featured reviews26 Average helpfulness90%

This is a good glow-up! It’s striking how much of a difference the fade color and the foreground layers make, and the intro area from psych3 has a lot of cool edits with pickups off to the side and stuff. Using a Cheshire2 is very smart—surprisingly few psych3 edits seem to do this—though I don’t understand why the fly carrot was removed here, as it was the original’s most distinctive feature. The spring section that replaces it is pretty cool, though. The rest of the layout is also generally good and fun with some fun takes on Psych wall shapes, albeit with the occasional dud moment (everything relating to TNT, some alcoves it’s easy to get stuck in). This isn’t a transformational take on JJ2 gameplay but there’s a lot of aww yeah neat. A great take on psych3.

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RecommendedReview by Blaze The Movie Fan

30 Nov 2015, 19:55
Frog (14 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings14 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness11%

I know giving this level the rating 10 might be a bit overboard, but this is truly a perfect level in my opinion, I see no issue with it.

It takes a long time to finish it, and the placement of the enemies is perfect, so is the eye candy, I loved fighting all these monsters.

My favorite part of the level is when I had to find a couple of crates to unlock the next crate, that was so fun.

I did check the original version, and not only is it not finished, it feels like it barely even started.

As for this level it’s beyond awesome, I love every aspect of it. I can’t think of anything negative to say.

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