Peoples Chimp

Date uploaded:
3 Nov 2018 at 12:50 (Minor update on 7 Jan 2022)

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abgrenv (More uploads by abgrenv)
Single player
Viktor (me)
Peoples (76.84 kB)

File contents

People.j2l Peoples Chimp 28.67 kB 11 May 2021
Depeche.s3m visions 63.27 kB 03 Nov 2018


Well, it’s been a while. 6 years since my last upload. Homemade Levels Pt. 9 I guess. I just thought of making a new level (new set of levels in the future). It’s quite a big level but not too long due to splitting paths. Also I’m planning on continuing it, but some feedback will probably help see if the level is any good in the first place, before making the rest. I’m planning on making 2 maybe 3 more levels that connect to this one.

2021.05.12 minor update, due to the follow-up levels

I tried adding a bit of humor to the texts but the amount of letters you can use and the fact that you can only have 16 texts sort of decreased the possibility of being overly creative.

I played through the level several times and fixed all the bugs I found, but if you happen to see any please mention in the comments.

Anyway, hope you enjoy it. Rate and review it if possible. That way I will know what I did well and where I should improve.

2021.05.12 1:23 AM, minor update due to follow-up levels
2022.01.07 21:29 minor bugfixes


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User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 8

RecommendedReview by Bloody_Body

5 Nov 2018, 15:34 (edited 5 Nov 18, 15:37)
Bee Boy Swarm (36 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings32 Featured reviews1 Average helpfulness93%

This level inherited most of abgrenv’s earlier work’s properties. The level is big, there are splitting paths, gameplay is pretty classic, the tileset is original but author obviously feeled himself free to experiment with it.

At first I wished it had more savepoints, but I guess it’s OK.
The only tilebug I noticed is here:

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Review by abgrenv

5 Nov 2018, 16:34
Bee Boy Swarm (37 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings37 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness85%

Thanks for the review :)

I was actually hoping you would check it out. Glad you enjoyed it.

I was actually thinking about adding 1-2 more save points, but when playing I realised the level isn’t that long despite the size due to the splitting paths.

I also noticed the tilebug, it’s an inconsistency in the tileset, despite the color transition the blue colored tree is actually a tad bit wider than the brown, so unless the blue color is used for 2 tileblocks it will look uneven.

Anyway, I think I will change it back to the proper brown tree color.

Thank you for the feedback!

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