Obsidian Cave

Date uploaded:
13 Apr 2022 at 19:03 (Minor update on 2 Dec 2022)

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PurpleJazz (More uploads by PurpleJazz)
Capture the flag
Special thanks to cooba, FireSworD, FawFul, TreyLina, Loon and ShakerNL for providing helpful feedback during the level's development.
TSF+ (This file requires JJ2+)
ezobsidian.zip (2.72 MB)

File contents

ezobsidian.j2l Obsidian Cave 26.60 kB 02 Dec 2022
WBRGObsidian.j2t WBRG Obsidian 176.03 kB 07 Apr 2022
AntiGravBouncer.j2a 4.71 kB 26 Feb 2021
ds_wds.xm When Darknes Strike 1617.35 kB 27 Jun 2015
ezobsidian.j2as 5.84 kB 13 Apr 2022
AntiGravBouncers.asc 6.39 kB 26 Feb 2021
MLLE-Weapons.asc 47.25 kB 17 Aug 2020
SEweapon.asc 14.07 kB 17 Aug 2020
lavaflow.wav 1829.53 kB 27 Mar 2018
MLLE-Include-1.5w.asc 13.16 kB 02 Dec 2022
ezobsidian-MLLE-Data-1.j2l MLLE Extra Data 9.37 kB 02 Dec 2022


Small/medium CTF level set in a deep underground cavern underneath a volcano, where ground water percolating from above has come into contact with magma.

Best suited for 2vs2 and 3vs3, but larger game sizes may work.

Level asset credits:

  • Base tileset by Skulg, modified by PurpleJazz
  • Background tiles from Terraria, palette-indexed by FawFul
  • Waterfall animations from Diamond Dust by BlurredD
  • Some additional wall eyecandy tiles taken from Chocolate Chips by Toxic Bunny
  • Cave tiles from Sea of Flames by Flamepanther
  • Anti-Grav Bouncers custom weapon by Naps
  • Music: DreamSectioN – Where Darkness Strikes


EDIT 02/12/2022: Made some reworkings to the layout in order to improve the flow, and have added some more ammo.


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Quick Reviews Average: 8.7

RecommendedDragusela rated 8.7

It’s a pretty solid level the layout is nice, the visuals are impressive I like how you used the textured background for lava and maybe you could add a little more of ammo but overall it’s really nice.

8.7/10 D.R

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