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Condemned.mut | 5.55 kB | 13 Feb 2023 |
Variant on LRS. One or more players are placed randomly on the red team, meaning they are Condemned, and timers count down next to their names. If a player’s timer runs out, they are removed from the game. A condemned (red) player may roast a normal (blue) player to swap both their teams. Best played with a low max health, so people die a lot.
Play with /pregame on or /autostart off, to give the game time to decide who should start on the red team.The game automatically stops once the winner has been determined, so you’ll need to use /c after that. For keeping track of scores for JDC-like purposes, search the server’s chatlog for lines beginning with four asterisks (****).
Whoops, meant to review this last year. Great twist on LRS and Pestilence – like Pestilence you have to actually roast people to win, but like LRS the winner isn't known until the very end.
And unlike either, the amount of time a Condemned game lasts is consistent!
Rules are nice and simple, too. Highly recommended for any LRS-suitable level.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.
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