the j2o hoaxes (ultra rare)

Date uploaded:
10 Apr 2023 at 04:40 (Minor update on 30 Oct 2023)

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FabiAN[NC] (More uploads by FabiAN[NC])
..made by incredible jazz2 players

File contents

the Link (to j2o forum thread).txt 0.25 kB 10 Apr 2023
TESTpool.j2l Untitled 0.72 kB 11 Apr 2023
Corrupted Sanctuary.j2t Corrupted Sanctuary 122.01 kB 15 Jun 2023
TESTpool.j2as 0.11 kB 11 Apr 2023
p1a - multi set.png 110.67 kB 08 May 2009
p1b - suggarush.png 72.19 kB 08 May 2009
p1c.png 70.50 kB 08 May 2009
p1e - jazz pinball.png 158.17 kB 08 May 2009
p1f -froghunting.png 115.46 kB 08 May 2009
p2a.png 108.52 kB 08 May 2009
p2c.png 98.80 kB 08 May 2009
p3 -ingame JCS.png 120.42 kB 08 May 2009
p5.png 245.70 kB 08 May 2009
p6 - woha.png 157.23 kB 08 May 2009
p6b.png 188.04 kB 08 May 2009
p6c - the pool idea.png 211.82 kB 08 May 2009
p8a -race.png 107.42 kB 08 May 2009
p8b - survivor fun.png 88.53 kB 08 May 2009
p9a.png 176.26 kB 08 May 2009
p9b - frog.png 256.62 kB 08 May 2009
p9c - hyper ship.png 145.49 kB 08 May 2009
p9d - vertical missiles.png 198.06 kB 08 May 2009
p9e.png 79.89 kB 08 May 2009
p9f.png 182.66 kB 08 May 2009
p9g - flagrun -must seen.png 113.06 kB 08 May 2009
p9h - super.png 119.18 kB 08 May 2009
p9h menuhoax02.png 865.74 kB 07 May 2009
p9i menuhoax01.png 863.48 kB 07 May 2009
p9i.png 879.85 kB 08 May 2009
PJs - JCS from v1.25.png 328.84 kB 07 May 2009
y 800x600 resolution (hoax to show how it would looks like).png 91.41 kB 08 May 2009


// Rebuilded j2o Hoaxes
+ the Pool Hoax (TESTpool.j2as) = rebuilded by VioletCLM

..for the other hoaxes rebuilds (if they are coming..) i will add
here the external links to the upcoming j2o downloads..


( the full detailed description here, i will write later….and much more detailed , also about the credits!!)

// if you now think:
where are the files? levels,tilesets,scripts, mutators?
you should know:
all of these picture are hoaxes.
a hoax
is a other word for “fake”
the j2o hoaxes was created in a time.. bevore plus “scripts/mutators” came out
i mean = a time bevore time..
all of this amazing stuff was on a j2o forum thread
sadly.. the most of all images are not online anymore..

so.. the j2o forum thread stay without all of this amazing pictures
they was uploaded to external sites… like tinypic and others, many years later… the images are not online anymore..
so everything got lost.
FabiAN[NC]: we had many luck, i saved them just in time before they were lost
and now i bring them back, for you all!!
i promise this time they will not get lost ;)
…i uploaded them here that they don’t get lost anymore…
so now everyone can download them, and get inspired by it!
~ the j2o hoaxes – will be a Great inspiration for your new Scripts and Mutators!!!
get inspired! :)
i think, this here is also important to see
// chatlog:
[[Monday, April 10, 2023 at 21:47:14]] Server: “ Anniversary Bash 25”

[21:48:08] FabiAN[NC]: violet the j2o hoaxes!! has arrived!
[21:48:14] violetclm DM: Yes, we saw
[21:48:21] violetclm DM: People are talking about them
[21:48:26] violetclm DM: It’s great to have some of that stuff back, like I said
[21:48:28] blacky[si]: tfw you lived long enough to see the hoaxes become reality
[21:48:36] dragusela: i never knew about these hoaxes
[21:49:20] dragusela: the fact is you can remake them today with scripting


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User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 0

Review by Violet CLM

11 Apr 2023, 21:17
I might as well work here (539 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings280 Featured reviews26 Average helpfulness90%

It’s great to see some of these again after their image hosts took them down! Simply replying to the thread with these might have made sense, but I suppose there’s no guarantee whichever other image host might not go down in turn… J2O is the only site we can really rely on. Some fun images, ranging all the way from wild stuff to totally trivial now.

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Review by FabiAN[NC]

27 May 2023, 19:55 (edited 3 Jul 23, 21:54)
CTF Bug (8 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings8 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

<< you can click here to enter the j2o Hoaxes thread
(this links to the jazz2online Forum Thread, press on the newspaper image to fast enter the j2o forum thread)

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