
Date uploaded:
15 Mar 2024 at 19:25 (Minor update on 5 Apr 2024)

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Dragusela (More uploads by Dragusela)
Capture the flag
Loon, SJ, PurpleJazz, FawFul, Cooba
TSF+ (This file requires JJ2+)
Screenshots (2.74 MB)

File contents

xlmbio.j2l Bioluminescence 177.78 kB 05 Apr 2024
beachfreeport.j2t Beach (Freeport) 784.12 kB 31 Dec 2023
DamnMushroom.j2t Damn Mushroom 536.77 kB 09 Aug 2020
JungleMushroom.j2t JungleMushroom 398.97 kB 03 Jan 2024
Lomat.j2t Scorpio Key 269.49 kB 11 Feb 2024
BubbleGun-mlle.j2a 3.32 kB 18 Jul 2019
SpringMushroom.j2a 7.75 kB 09 Apr 2021
dinner.xm Dinner at Rachael 688.24 kB 04 Mar 2024
xlmbio.j2as 2.22 kB 31 Mar 2024
BubbleGun.asc 1.84 kB 18 Jul 2019
MLLE-Weapons.asc 47.25 kB 06 Sep 2019
SEweapon.asc 14.07 kB 26 Nov 2023
S3K_87.wav 172.00 kB 09 Apr 2021
MLLE-Include-1.6w.asc 24.49 kB 05 Apr 2024
xlmbio-MLLE-Data-1.j2l MLLE Extra Data 19.20 kB 05 Apr 2024
xlmbio-MLLE-Data-2.j2l MLLE Extra Data 26.36 kB 05 Apr 2024
xlmbio-MLLE-Data-3.j2l MLLE Extra Data 18.78 kB 05 Apr 2024


The theme of the map is a large forest full of bioluminescent mushrooms, I had a lot of fun making this but it was quite difficult too. I have to thank PurpleJazz for the bouncing mushrooms script and the others for testing and giving feedback.
There are 3 carrots and 3 power ups.


Edit: Removed the Roller and Voranj weapons for gameplay reasons and fixed bugs.


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User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 8.5

RecommendedReview by Lark

15 Mar 2024, 21:34 (edited 15 Mar 24, 21:37)
I might as well work here (500 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings376 Featured reviews10 Average helpfulness77%

First review in years, here we go! Bioluminescence is a fun CTF level taking place in some sort of odd jungle where super-cool-mushrooms are the focus of the level. It is incredibly platformy, and requires plenty of jumping to navigate. One of my favorite kinds of levels! My favorite part of the level is that there is an obvious path at the top of the level that takes you from base to base with no worries – but it's pretty dangerous to take. You may want to reconsider that route… So to continue on our adventure, you're forced to take alternative routes in this level which wind you around a maze of mushrooms. In the end, it's classic fun with some cool scripting. The weapons are custom, but feel familiar. My recommendation for improvement is to put something awesome underwater. I hate going underwater in levels. I think either punishment or reward should come with it! Another suggestion is helping to differentiate one ways from regular tiles – but that's a very minor thing here and there. Overall, this is a solid 8.5/10.

Thank you for sharing! Highly recommended. Sorry I didn't get to play this with other people. I just played 1 player CTF. It was a good game.

Edit – PS – This is one of the most beautiful levels I've ever seen. GREAT JOB with the background and overall eyecandy! :) :)

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