Find It Out (Single Player)

Date uploaded:
23 Mar 2024 at 09:00 (Minor update on 24 Mar 2024)

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Superjazz (More uploads by Superjazz)
Single player
Snooze and cooba + everyone onboard really :)
1.23+ (This file requires JJ2+)
Screenshots (12.79 MB)

File contents

Fio0.j2l Intro 5.40 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio1_a.j2l From Here To... 22.72 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio1_b.j2l Be Quick Or Be... 12.73 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio1_x.j2l Save Point 1 3.13 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio1_y.j2l Save Point 2 1.35 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio2_a.j2l The Dark Land 19.23 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio2_b.j2l The Prisoner 16.30 kB 24 Mar 2024
Fio2_c.j2l Area of The Cursed 5.50 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio2_d.j2l A Lost Soul and a Memory 1.95 kB 23 Mar 2024
fio2_e.j2l Back In The Prison 5.15 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio2_f.j2l The Path of Mortals 16.59 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio2_x.j2l Save Point 3 2.54 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio2_y.j2l Save Point 4 2.80 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio2_z.j2l Save Point 5 2.31 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio3_a.j2l The Quest 15.22 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio3_b.j2l Rine 25.45 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio3_x.j2l Save Point 6 1.90 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio3_y.j2l Save Point 7 2.29 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio4_a.j2l Realm of Shades 60.75 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio4_b.j2l Realm of Flames 13.24 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio4_x.j2l Save Point 8 2.29 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio4_y.j2l Save Point 9 2.29 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio5_a.j2l A Warm and Familiar Place 24.93 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio5_b.j2l Tricks and Traps 16.79 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio5_c.j2l Hour of Justice 11.23 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio5_x.j2l Save Point 10 2.88 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio5_y.j2l Save Point 11 2.17 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio6_a.j2l Nicus 1.90 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio6_End.j2l Ending & Credits 9.25 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio6_Score.j2l Score 0.77 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio7_Bonus_a.j2l Be Quick Or Be...I 5.84 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio7_Bonus_b.j2l Be Quick Or Be...II 6.83 kB 23 Mar 2024
darkness.j2t darkness 74.64 kB 23 Mar 2024
EgyptN.j2t Egypt (night) 190.87 kB 23 Mar 2024
HocusBN.j2t HocusBN 142.10 kB 23 Mar 2024
Oasis.j2t Oasis 121.78 kB 23 Mar 2024
wbrg.j2t Where Bad Rabbits Go 49.07 kB 23 Mar 2024
wisetyness.j2t wisetyness 179.76 kB 23 Mar 2024
xlmdamn4.j2t Damn + Cold 225.38 kB 23 Mar 2024
xlmdamn6.j2t Damn + Dark 225.36 kB 23 Mar 2024 13th World 769.70 kB 23 Mar 2024
ENIGMA.IT unreal add-on (enigma) 1963.31 kB 23 Mar 2024 Land of wonders 1403.85 kB 23 Mar 2024 Under Thine Spell 1506.70 kB 23 Mar 2024 Underworld II 1800.92 kB 23 Mar 2024
AWS_FIRE.XM " Breath of Fire " 976.56 kB 23 Mar 2024
darkenc.xm Dark Encounters 408.33 kB 23 Mar 2024
EMPTY4ST.XM Empty Forest 647.77 kB 23 Mar 2024
fogpolution.xm Fog polution 788.14 kB 23 Mar 2024
NWK-LAST.XM Last Sunset 1663.22 kB 23 Mar 2024
menur.mod ndv-srmt 47.68 kB 23 Mar 2024
Bonus.s3m Pull Back the Bass 267.27 kB 23 Mar 2024
FlyingIndian.S3m Flying Indian II - MYSTICAL 303.21 kB 23 Mar 2024
Menu2.s3m Jazz 2 menu music 542.14 kB 23 Mar 2024
Neve.s3m Neve's Crossing 687.69 kB 23 Mar 2024
wargate.s3m Wargate 806.07 kB 23 Mar 2024
Warlord.s3m Warlord Theme 643.09 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio0.j2as 9.57 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio1_a.j2as 3.48 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio1_b.j2as 12.06 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio2_a.j2as 22.66 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio2_b.j2as 5.29 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio2_c.j2as 1.85 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio2_d.j2as 7.54 kB 23 Mar 2024
fio2_e.j2as 7.73 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio2_f.j2as 9.20 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio3_a.j2as 3.16 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio3_b.j2as 22.51 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio4_a.j2as 26.87 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio4_b.j2as 25.47 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio5_a.j2as 16.60 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio5_b.j2as 27.67 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio5_c.j2as 35.66 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio6_a.j2as 7.33 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio6_End.j2as 18.52 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio6_Score.j2as 18.18 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio_common.asc 16.27 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio_cutscene.asc 28.61 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio_drawing.asc 12.47 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio_entities.asc 36.42 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio_globals.asc 13.18 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio_utils.asc 4.64 kB 23 Mar 2024
SEdatetime.asc 8.85 kB 23 Mar 2024
sevk.asc 11.88 kB 23 Mar 2024
MLLE-Include-1.6.asc 23.90 kB 24 Mar 2024
Fio2_a-MLLE-Data-1.j2l MLLE Extra Data 5.84 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio2_b-MLLE-Data-1.j2l MLLE Extra Data 5.63 kB 24 Mar 2024
Fio2_c-MLLE-Data-1.j2l MLLE Extra Data 2.83 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio2_e-MLLE-Data-1.j2l MLLE Extra Data 2.65 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio2_f-MLLE-Data-1.j2l MLLE Extra Data 4.96 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio3_b-MLLE-Data-1.j2l MLLE Extra Data 9.27 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio4_a-MLLE-Data-1.j2l MLLE Extra Data 17.44 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio4_b-MLLE-Data-1.j2l MLLE Extra Data 5.97 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio5_a-MLLE-Data-1.j2l MLLE Extra Data 7.23 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio5_b-MLLE-Data-1.j2l MLLE Extra Data 4.83 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio5_c-MLLE-Data-1.j2l MLLE Extra Data 3.53 kB 23 Mar 2024
Fio6_End-MLLE-Data-1.j2l MLLE Extra Data 3.13 kB 23 Mar 2024


“Here it finally is, the Find It Out (Multiplayer) pack, that has been worked on for so long. The single player part that was planned to be together with the Multiplayer part is right now progressing slowly, if at all, so for now it’s just being a separate project. The name for the pack comes from the concept of the sp episode, which you will have to, as said, FIND OUT.”

That was what I wrote in back then, over 16 years ago. Now after 16 years, I could say; Here it finally is, the Find It Out (Single Player) episode and I am very happy about managing to complete the project. But I definitely have to open up, that this was no smooth and easy journey at all, nor is the episode itself either (except maybe on Easy difficulty I hope).

This project actually started out back in the early 2005 (so almost 20 years ago) as a collaboration project between cooba, Snooze and me. It is by far the the biggest project of mine both time- and work-wise. It is also my first SP episode in over 20 years:, so I had even more motivation to create a more high-quality episode than my latest one so far.

Shortly after getting started with the creation of the first level (not the intro as that was added later when scripting became possible), the project quickly became fully my own, but even today the influence of cooba and Snooze can still be seen in the traits of the first level. I am very grateful for both that we decided to attempt this collaboration project, as today it is finally coming to fruition.

Originally, I had very ambitious goals and ideas for the project, as you can imagine, since I was a teenager like many of us in the current community were back then. I had the ambitions for a very wild story that would take the player on an adventure through many different worlds and realms represented by dozens of levels, as is the case with a typical episode of JJ2 :p

However, as the episode slowly progressed, my motivation to work on the episode became very on-off. I could at one moment burst of ideas and inspiration, but soon be lacking of any. There were several long gaps when there was absolutely zero progress on the episode for several months, maybe even years. Some years ago, I was even desperate enough that I threw the episode at Seren and asked her to take it over and finish it as she pleases, but luckily she did the right thing and turned down my offer.

As a result of the exceptionally long development process, the episode lived through multiple eras of level- and gameplay design and it shows. You’ll notice it as soon as you complete the first few levels. The gameplay seems very simple from the beginning with very little choice in directions, etc. But later on becomes much more diverse at least compared to the first levels. For the level music selection, I decided to go with classic module tracks that you may recognize from several old SP- and MP-levels.

Also since this a very story-driven episode, it features a fair amount of cutscenes (some may feel very long even) where you can just sit back and relax. You can also skip them by pressing fire or use fast-forward/slow-motion with the left/right arrow buttons at any time.

Since JJ2+ introduced AngelScripting back in 2013, many of the oldest levels have been more or less vastly renovated. Some even through multiple iterations and the 2nd level (Be Quick Or Be…) was remade completely from scratch. I included the original version of that level as the bonus level(s) that become unlocked once you complete the main episode.

Regarding the episode difficulty, I can say that it is probably more challenging than an average SP episode on J2O on Medium-difficulty. Hence if you don’t consider yourself an experienced SP player, I recommend starting with Easy-difficulty (there is a score/ranking board at the end of the episode that rewards you based on your score and difficulty). The Hard-difficulty is designed for very experienced players and I haven’t even beaten the episode on Turbo yet (at least not fairly).

Note that in this episode your level progress is automatically saved, in the sense that there’s a custom checkpoint functionality, infinite lives, enemies and pickups that disappear for good after killing/picking them up. However, every death after the first one will cost you a thousand points in score, so try to avoid dying too much.

The minimum resolution supported by the episode is 640×480, but it is recommended to play in 800×600 for the smoothest experience. Otherwise, you’ll find many of the graphical elements overflowing through the screen.

Well, what more can I say. Thanks for reading my wall-of-text! Or maybe you didn’t if it was a case of TL;DR. Anyway, here you go…

Superjazz/Vivando of XLM proudly presents: Find It Out (Single Player)


EDIT: Slightly adjusted the food amount in the 3rd level so that the first possible sugar rush will trigger at a more convenient timing.

EDIT 2: Added additional trigger blocks to workaround spring problem in the 4th level (The Prisoner).


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Quick Reviews Average: 9.1333333333333

Recommendedkn0b010ck5m0th rated 8.7

Gud SP episode; interesting story, cutscenes dun rly well. Fun lvls & bossfites. Bossfites 2 ez (in ez mode) w/ toast PU. Annoyin pits, 2 many of `em: myb mo` baddies insteada pits … Zelda-tier block puzzles; luv when blox freeze w/ ice & not defrost w/ toast. Now curious Wizard Character's full story. Imprisonment w/o explanation = hyper-realism

RecommendedPrimpy rated 9.5

An amazing, lengthy SP level pack that surprisingly flew under most people's radars. Give it a shot!

RecommendedNimoStar rated 9.2

Some hiatus that is. My condolences for all the community members that died in between, waiting for the release :P


User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 0

Review by WaterRabbit

23 Mar 2024, 23:57 (edited 24 Mar 24, 02:40)
Bee Boy Swarm (31 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings31 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness50%

I have only played the first few levels, but so far what I've seen has been great. The only issues I saw were minor grammatical errors and what seemed to be graphical glitches in "The Dark Land" when dying after the checkpoint with the weapon shop.

Edit: Found another bug, in "The Prisoner'. I died at one point and respawned but the box with the spring now fails to appear.

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Review by Superjazz

24 Mar 2024, 09:18 (edited 24 Mar 24, 09:49)
Jazz Jackrabbit (261 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings131 Featured reviews15 Average helpfulness89%

Hi WaterRabbit! Thanks for reporting your findings!

I'm not sure what the graphical glitches could be that you are talking about. Unless it is the same case what one of my betatesters managed to trigger after dying repetitively at the final boss of the same level, in which case the layers seemed to mess up completely (but I have no idea how to reproduce that or what could be behind it), which could also be a bug with JJ2 itself. I wonder if you would be able to post a screenshot on our JJ2 Discord Server?

The spring issue you mentioned in The Prisoner is almost certainly a bug with object activation/deactivation behavior in JJ2 itself. I was able to reproduce it, although it was quite random. However, I realized that it was possible to force the spring crate to spawn by going far enough to the left, so basically by climbing up the stairs and all the way to the upper fire pit and back. Anyway, I realized that not all players may realize this, so I added some extra trigger blocks to work around the issue, since I most likely don't have too much control over the object activation mechanisms.

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