Carrotade v1.2

Date uploaded:
18 Dec 2006 at 01:24 (Minor update on 17 Feb 2013)

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blurredd! (More uploads by blurredd!)
Especially Neobeo and Monolith (see readme for rest)

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File contents

carrotade-readme.txt 10.23 kB 15 Jun 2007
pitlevelex.j2l Pit Level Example 2.42 kB 15 Oct 2006
LevelList.ini 0.53 kB 24 Dec 2006
carrotade.dll 144.00 kB 15 Jun 2007
carrotade.exe 116.00 kB 15 Jun 2007
carrotade.ini 0.42 kB 24 Dec 2006


WARNING: This utility has been rendered obsolete by JJ2+.

This is the server tool I’ve been working on since summer. At the moment I plan on making regular updates. Some may notice that certain features are missing (like LRS and the “zombies” gamemode), but hopefully they will be added in later versions after glitches are worked out. Suggestions are welcomed.

This program might not work with certain unofficial patches. Both the exe and the dll MUST be in the same directory as your JJ2 exe.

Carrotade comes with NeoAC protection and with Win9x and TSF support. The readme contains nearly everything you need to know. Make sure to view the Pit Level example to get an understanding of how pits are supposed to work. Enjoy.

Change Log:
Version 1.1

  • Renamed “/cycle” command to “/endtime” for less ambiguity.
  • Added kickban command (mainly for admin use, see below).
  • Carrotade now loads when game is on the menu.
  • Added Admin Access so clients can log onto a server with a password and issue certain Carrotade commands. A reminder: Exercise caution while using Admin Access.

Version 1.2

  • Fixed bug in TSF where JJ2 would crash when a player tries to capture a flag.
  • Fixed bug with “/n” and “/c” commands so that no longer has to be in the Level List. Admins (still) can only use those two commands with levels that are in your Level List.

Edit: Anyone who crashes after chatting while running v1.2 may want to use this dll instead. It doesn’t come with the cycling command fixes, but at least CTF can be played on TSF. Also, see my comment below.


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Quick Reviews Average: 10

RecommendedSlaz rated 10

This is one of the few utilities released for JJ2 that really add some new functions that makes the game interesting to play for many more years. And on the other hand it makes the ‘normal’ game types like CTF much easier to understand and manage. Great job, techie programmers of the community!

User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 9

Review by Toa Tahu CF

7 Feb 2007, 19:57 (edited 7 Feb 07, 21:11 by Cooba)
CTF Bug (0 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings0 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness66%

The best program iv seen.Im using it the whole night to let my server online and i only need to tayp /idleserver on.

10 of 10

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Review by FOX282

9 May 2007, 08:57 (edited 9 May 07, 09:00)
Frog (11 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings11 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness40%

Is this work on 1.20 engine/CC99 engine?

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Review by Critz

23 May 2007, 14:19 (edited 23 May 07, 21:45 by Cooba)
CTF Bug (0 Points)
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The program is awesome. But i can`t use it on TSF. I can start server normally, but when someone tries to pick up a flag, Access Violation error appears, and Jazz2 automatically closes. Someone know how to launch Carrotade properly on TSF?

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Review by HatebreedMF

20 Jun 2007, 21:48 (edited 21 Jun 07, 02:25 by Violet CLM)
CTF Bug (0 Points)
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I like Forest the most
(Unsupported rating (9.2) removal. ~Violet)

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Review by master sven

25 Jun 2007, 10:47
Spaz Slackrabbit (121 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings71 Featured reviews10 Average helpfulness59%

The 1.2 version has a irritating bug.
Sometimes, my jj2 shuts off and i get the message that jj2 wanted to execute an ilegal code or something.

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Review by Pisarz

28 Jun 2007, 16:36 (edited 28 Jun 07, 16:47 by Cooba)
CTF Bug (0 Points)
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I have only lots of problems with this version of Carrotade. When i want to chat i have an Access Violation or Illegal Opcode error and i must reboot my computer.

Summary: Carrotade it is great program but this version haves lots of bugs. I dont recommend it!

[Unsupported rating (2.0) clearance. Please provide more support for your rating. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. – Cooba]

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Review by blurredd

29 Jun 2007, 03:10 (edited 2 Sep 07, 06:10 by BlurredD)
Spaz Slackrabbit (198 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings198 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness90%

I’m still not crashing after typing anything while using Carrotade, so for the moment I can’t make any fixes. And the last access violation mentioned in this thread isn’t of any immediate help. So it would really help me if anyone with the problem (such as Pisarz, masterrokusho, and Critz) would give me a lot more details of what happened before the crash, including what programs other than JJ2 and Carrotade were running, what operating system you are using, what version of JJ2 you are using, when you loaded Carrotade (such as on the menu screen or after the server started), and if the crash ALWAYS happens right after you type something.

I suggest making your reply in the JCF thread I just mentioned instead of here to ensure I read it as soon as possible, and it’ll make it easier for me to give a response.

Previous comments:

Thanks for the comments. I updated the description so that it can be a little more useful (I have a bad tendency to be vague with certain things). I would guess that if you put the dll and exe in your JJ2 folder and you have 1.23 or TSF and it still doesn’t work, it’s because your JJ2 is using some patch (like the “1.25” patch UNKNOWNFILE made) which is interfering with Carrotade. At the moment I have no plans to support older patches, but support for the patch Grytolle is working on is a different story. If Carrotade doesn’t work for some other reason, PM me here or on MSN and I’ll see what I can do.

The rest of what I have to say addresses Overlord’s comments:

  1. Yeah, Neobeo did some of the best work this game has ever seen, to say the least.
  2. If what you said is true that PC 4.1 shouldn’t interfere with Carrotade, then I find that particularly good news (I admit I still use PC 4.0 for certain functions).
  3. I should probably change this behavior but I’m not in any particular rush. UPDATE: Apparently NeoAC has the same issue, so it’s probably not caused by something I added later on in development. I have an idea for how to fix it, but it seems all that is needed for the program to work (to some degree) is the dll in the same directory as a JJ2 exe.
  4. Same issue as above. I originally made it work this way as an easy fix (curse my poor programming habits).
  5. What level was that in? If you made the level, have you seen the Pit Level example yet? It has a few guidelines within text signs not mentioned in the readme. I would highly advise making levels where the lowest platform next to a pit is at least 8 tiles high. Sucker tubes can help. I’m still working on the functionality though.
  6. Right now it’s just based off the names gip scripts use for joining servers. I would probably have to rewrite a few things to get your method to work (which would mean ditching the overcomplicated system I used where I modified existing hooks), so I’m not too eager to make the change. If I run into a lot of problems with the method I’m currently using, I’ll definitely have to try your method.
  7. I’m not sure what I was thinking when I came up with that name, but I thought it had a nice ring to it.
  8. That might be out of my scope at the moment, but I’ll see what I can do.

Edit: Hitch, you managed to read Overlord’s comments, but what about mine? I specifically mentioned the issue of pits in this post, and in addition to that, I specifically addressed the issue in the readme AND in a text string in the Pit Level example. As with the other “bug” (also mentioned in my comments), it’ll be fixed soon. But anyway, thanks for the review, I appreciate it.

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Review by Olsen

18 Dec 2006, 06:44 (edited 18 Dec 06, 18:12)
Frog (10 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings10 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness30%

I can’t get this program to work, it says “Version of JJ2 not supported.” (I have 1.23)

There’s nothing about it in the readme.. :/

@cooba: Yes, ofcourse I have. :|

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Review by Grytolle

18 Dec 2006, 06:51 (edited 19 Dec 06, 06:47 by grytolle)
Bee Boy Swarm (28 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings7 Featured reviews5 Average helpfulness73%

What? I’m in credits :D Great job on this, though, blur.

Forest should work just fine aswell, for that matter – I find it quite unlikely that the few CRT funtions it uses should be a matter anyway.

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Review by BattleSpaz

18 Dec 2006, 14:56
CTF Bug (8 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings4 Featured reviews1 Average helpfulness46%

One think to be uptaded ASAP: Carrotade should also look for JJ2 from folder it is in, not just “C:/games/Jazz2”, ‘cause mines JJ2 is not there for example. This stops the whole program from functioning…

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Review by SPAZ18

18 Dec 2006, 15:43 (edited 25 Jan 07, 14:03)
Spaz Slackrabbit (162 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings111 Featured reviews6 Average helpfulness73%

I’m also getting the same problem. I have both 1.23 and TSF but Carrotade can’t seem to find either of them.

Oh, thanks PJ7! :)

I have just tried it but I have no idea how to use it.

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Review by cooba

18 Dec 2006, 15:45
Carrot Juice Addict (326 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings112 Featured reviews32 Average helpfulness86%

Have you actually put Carrotade in the same folder as JJ2?

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Review by Overlord

18 Dec 2006, 19:09 (edited 18 Dec 06, 20:29)
Frog (18 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings18 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness85%

Some suggestions/comments/bugs:

1) Created by BlurredD based on Neobeos code – How did I guess? ;P

2) Latest Controller 4.1 should work fine on jj2 while this program is active.

3) This program will only load when both the dll and exe are in the folder where jazz2.exe is located, not outside. Kind of annoying.

4) It refuses to load if the game is not running (main menu). Personally I’d make it wait until a game starts.

5) The death pits should have some delay on them. I was annoyed at how I insta-died right before I hit the pit with spaz where I could’ve easily doublejumped my way out.

6) I’m not sure how the gip script hiding works, but you should make it hide what I call “server query” packets (TCP packet with ID:0×0F and the last 9th byte set to 0 as for zero players joining – query packet)

7) I have seen this prog a number of times before, but I would have never guessed its name. GG.

8) If you can, try to fix the bug where server sometimes freezes for a few seconds where there are lots of players in the server and some are downloading.

More comments coming later. And this HTML/CSS are giving me a headache on reviewing.

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Review by PurpleJazz

18 Dec 2006, 22:38 (edited 20 Jan 07, 09:10 by Purplejazz7)
Spaz Slackrabbit (107 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings55 Featured reviews8 Average helpfulness75%

Wow great program BlurredD! Download this now!

@Spaz18: JJ2 needs to be runing in order for you to be able to detect it.

@WerBack3>>: Yes.

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Review by Vegito

19 Dec 2006, 15:17
Frog (10 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings6 Featured reviews1 Average helpfulness66%

This really is 1 of the best programs I have ever seen. heh.

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Review by Jarno vos

23 Dec 2006, 08:19
Bee Boy Swarm (31 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings31 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness7%

I dont know how to use the other functions, if i open Carrotade v1.0 when running a server, it only popups the chatlogger.
How to use the other functions?

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Review by Spaz WPK XS

2 Jan 2007, 12:08 (edited 2 Jan 07, 12:13 by Cooba)
CTF Bug (1 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings1 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness50%

I recommend this download. Carrotade is a super program. What is this? No viruses in archive, no errors in this archive. It’s a cool utility program. I am happy!!!!!

Review by Spaz WPK XS

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Review by FreeFull

23 Jan 2007, 20:37
CTF Bug (1 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings1 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

I was trying to run it on WINE under Linux. I’ve got that:
freefull@linux-FreeFull:~/.wine/drive_c/Games/Jazz2> wine carrotade.exe
Carrotade v1.1 Created by BlurredD based on Neobeo’s code With much help from Monolith

Initialization failed, press [enter] to exit

Do I need any .dll’s??

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Review by alexdnk

13 Jan 2007, 06:54 (edited 13 Jan 07, 12:12 by Cooba)
CTF Bug (0 Points)
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super gsme

[Rating (10) clearance. Please read the Review Rules. ~Cooba]

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Review by WerBack3>>

20 Jan 2007, 07:56
CTF Bug (1 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings1 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness11%

Is this working for Jazz Jackrabbit 2 The Secret Files?

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