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Uuummm....War Stories Might Be Back? - by various people


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Jan 2, 2002, 11:19 PM
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The viewpoints of everybody faded and Kaz came in with one spotlight on him. He started to say, "Even though I have no clue what's going on... I claim the 800th post and 21st page!!"
And then he ran and things resumed.
Kovu aka Alec

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Jan 3, 2002, 06:19 AM
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Spoot! I should've claimed the page *pout*
"And so it begins."
"If you go to Za'Ha'Dum, you will die."
"We are all Kosh."
-Kosh, Babylon 5
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JCF Éminence Grise

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Jan 3, 2002, 10:04 PM
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No appreciation of long posts around here. *Grumble*

More story from me tomorrow, maybe.
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Jan 4, 2002, 12:38 PM
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"I'm not sure they actaully told us where Blagagna was, did they?" asked a former employee called Druff. Dan Druff.
"But they got us out of a heap of trouble with those formidable Hedge Clippers, and that's worth rewarding!" responded a sturdy female employee with the namesake of Miss Directed.
"Yes," said Dan, "but this is our boss! If we went against our new boss, he might fire us and we'd have to go to Opposition's Opposition Publishing Co. Inc.!"
"Always a dreadful thing, Opposition's Opposition." replied the one who had started the whole conversation, a former former weight lifter named Stan Dear. "I hear you can't even wear AMAZING GUY! undershorts without being fired and sent to Opposition's Opposition's Opposition Publishing Co. Inc., also known as Opposition Publishing Co. Inc., which is where we work now."
Miss Directed puzzled on this for a moment, and then raised her index finger and said "So if we get fired from Opposition Publishing Co. Inc., we'd get sent to Opposition's Opposition Publishing Co. Inc., where we could get sent back here where it pays better just by sleeping under AMAZING GUY! bedsheets! We've got nothing to worry about! Let's try and save the Taverners!"
Stan Dear, in a futile attempt to be unoriginal, also raised his index finger. Thumbing through the pages, he hit upon "SAVING, SAVINGS, SAVING CREAM". Turning to Saving, Stan read the following.

''Saving people from evil tyrants is generally done by a group of middle age heros or four children and a dog. If you are neither of these, forget about it.''

Miss Directed looked beaten for a moment, then snapped her fingers. After the company doctor managed to put them back together, she said what she was going to say before being an invalid. "I've got it! Let's use some of the Plotline Hotline machines to get either a group of middle age heros or four children and a dog to rescue the Taverners from certain plot twists!"
Dan Druff brightened, then went out. When he came back in, he looked unhappy. This could or could not have something to do with the fact he was. "No can do, Dir'. They took away our PLHL keys after we were fired."
"Why were we fired, anyway?" asked Stan Dear, playing with his toes.
"We were independant thinkers, instead of merely doing whatever Jim Drab told us to do. Anyway, we don't need keys! Jim Drab and the rest are still running around in the War Tavern world. I was the last one out of Plotline Hotline, and I left the door open!"
"Dir', you are a wonder." said Dan. "The only question is, how do we get back there? I know that I have no idea where it is located."
"Actually, that's a rather simple problem." said Stan, trying to suck his left heel. "We merely go into Mario world1, and enter that Warp Central or whatever it's called. Then we warp to Plotline Hotline's alternate universe, or wherever it's located."
"Have you ever thought that for every story in existance, there is a Plotline Hotline, and the one we come from is merely one in a vast multiverse of Plotline Hotlines, all desperately trying to keep track of what the various characters are up to?"
"Now that you mention it, no."
"Back to buisness, though, how do we get to Mario world1? I haven't gotten my pay check this week yet, and I spent my last one on Racoon Feed."
At this point Miss Directed spoke up again. "We should have no problem getting to Mario world1. Simply click the Jazz2Online link at the bottom of the page, search the downloads section for uploads by Hellraiser and download Mario world1."
"Far out."
"Quite. Let's get cracking, shall we?"
So Dan, Stan and Directed clicked on the link at the bottom of the page and vanished.

ANTE TUBBES continued to speak his thoughts aloud. "I wonder if the Discovery Channel's on today!"***

Alantrium aka The Golden Knight finished reading "WAR AND PEACE" and turned to some books by Elizabeth Moon. Apparently some of the sets of the movie had been destroyed by the dinosaurs getting loose and rampaging around the world in eighty days, so he had plenty of time on his hands before he had to do some more acting. Besides, he was getting paid for goofing off while the crew (not the cast) went all over chasing dinosaurs, which mainly only served to frighten them, so they rampaged further and destroyed more. Good thing he was being paid a fixed rate, and not depending on how well the movie sold, for he had a feeling people would be pretty sick of dinosaurs. Maybe once everything was over, he could take a vacation to somewhere in some other dimension. That would be nice.
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Jan 4, 2002, 12:41 PM
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GenEX continued to tell tales of his hedgeclipper heroism to the little school children that had come for a field trip. They had finally gotten over Admael's claiming Super Rabbit was a fake, and had shifted their admiration to AMAZING GUY!. GenEX was just describing how the evil villains were descending on him, and he smashed all five million of them on the head with one blow while Ducky and Cobra were cowering in a corner, when the door exploded outward, just to be different. A mysterious figure walked in mysteriously, and drew his cloak (all mysterious figures have cloaks! And capes!) around his face more tightly. He was wearing long pants, cowboy boots, a large jacket, two pairs of gloves on each hand and a large sombrero. No skin was visible. For some reason, the lights dimmed, to add to the effect. The little school children screamed and hid behing GenEX, imploring him to attack the scary guy with his ferocious hedgeclippers of doom which had been enchanted in a previous incarnation by the great Misfitzio while trying to trap GenEX with his futile powers equal to about ten times that of Chickens. GenEX did a Kovu and jumped through the trap door, which was quite a feat as it was closed at the time. Once all the scared ones had jumped into the trapdoor, ran into a wall, fled out the door or fainted, five beings were left awake in the 'Tavern. The mysterious figure, Ducky, Cobra, Unknown Rabbit (who couldn't have left if he wanted to) and Gizmo, who was washing his face. Oh right, the school childen remained as well. Suddenly, the mysterious figure shed his concealing garments, and revealed himself in all his glory as the amazing AMAZING GUY!. (aka Ancosyd (aka Freelance)) Seeing the enamored school children through his evilish glasses, AMAZING GUY! used his super strength to pick up all the bar stools at once and fling them at the school children. They fled. Oddly enough, AMAZING GUY!'s sales never afterwards were quite what they had been. Especially after the board of directers ordered the series to stop. Gizmo chased his tail.

Dan, Stan Dear and Dir' walked carefully into Plotline Hotline. Stan Dear had still not regrown his hair from the adventures in the Boondocks with the Kailia Fraze, and Miss Directed might never get her starboard noses back, but other then that there had been no difficulty reaching the hallowed halls of Plotline Hotline. Nervously, Dan Druff edged towards the Radical Plot o' Matical while the scary music grew louder. Suddenly, a bat flew down from the ceilling and said "BOO!" loudly. All three jumped backwards several paces, Stan Dear colliding with a wall in the process. "May I inquire both your name and your reason being here, bat?" asked Miss Directed, regaining her composure. "I'm here because I feel like it." said Batty Buddy.*

Blagagna prowled around the woods of Wabbit Woasters uncomfortably. The sheer magical aura was beginning to give him a brain, and he was realising that shooting and maiming and hurling through space to various places people and other animals was wrong. Stomping on a squirrel's head, Blagagna was pondering if he should change his ways or not when Newspaz joined the server and blew him into smithereenies on accident. "|Newspaz roasted Blagagna" read the non-existant screen. Newspaz had no idea he had just terminated an exciting member of the current plot, so he ran around shooting at various bushes until someone else joined. Nobody ever did find out who had been hosting.****

Unknown Rabbit feebly got out his book of Bumble Bee pictures which he had gotten from Teh Great God Agama during the adventure with the stones, and adoringly looked at the cutey creatures. Suddenly he felt a sudden urge to sleep, so he did so.

Isabelle Kettlesore, a reminant of the late Jurassic period, tore through updown Humanhattan. She was eating some plastic fruit from a screaming lady's hat, thinking of her lucky cohorts who were eating the delicacies of Mini Sodas and Mini Apples when the police arrived. "HALT IN THE NAME OF THE LAW!!" one shouted, even as he was stepped on. Such bothersome distractions, thought Isabelle, sticking her inquisitive head into a bakery. Yum, more food! Suddenly she was hit by a restraining beam, and she saw that man who was always giving her instructions on what position to be, and talking about plot and cameras, whatever that meant. A large helicopter descended, she was trapped in a cage and taken back to the set of Jurassic Park large number, where she met up with other dinosaurs that had been captured by similar methods.

Disguise's latest tileset was released, and the nurse who had been trapped in it until it was was free. Walking back to the hospital, she was naturally shocked to see all her coworkers dead in various positions. Stealing some loose change, she felt something growing inside her. She raised her left arm into the air, struck a Kirby pose, and proclaimed a proclomation. "I SHALL AVENGE THEE, SHALL IT TAKE A THOUSAND BANDAGES!" Just then, a meteor struck nearby, the same type that had hit on Libarius just before the Kilts. A strange, green coating swept over the nurse, and she was transformed into a indefeatable, superhuman, godlike being. Because there was only one of her, the effects were not limited at all, and in fact still haven't stopped to this day. Yes, she was now known as.....

ULTRA NURSE! Super Hero on the side of Sterilized Napkins!**
Running with super napkin speed, Ultra Nurse ran to Dan Druff's house and collected his adorable racoon for a kid sidekick which would later die in issue 256 in a brutal confrontation with ULTRA PATIENT which would make sales skyrocket. Racoons are so cute.

Kaz kept running.

Darth Vader, after numerous baths, finally managed to get all the lemon pies off of him. Suing the creators of Space Balls, he went about with his evil plans, until Luke arrived, at which point he died along with his master. Luke, I am your Disaster. Yup yup. Am I losing your interest here or something?

Again, sorry about the double post. I exceeded the maximum number of characters AGAIN.
*No, I don't know how Batty Buddy got there. Continuity is dead.
**Not just a short gag, meant to be used in future continuations.
****The number of stars has nothing to do with the order they appear in.
Kovu aka Alec

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Jan 4, 2002, 06:20 PM
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BeBop Cola!

"I'm fired?!" Ancoysnd aka Lance aka AMAZING GUY could not believe his ears.
"Yah-huh, you didn't kill everybody in the Taver--uhm...set...yea..."
"But...but...waaaaaah...." Ancoysnd stalked out of the room, plotting revenge on ANTI-TUBBS.

"Owwiee!" Kovu yelped in pain, as he removed his skull from a large metal object.
"Skullie*, what're you doing out there?" *PLOP*
Once his brain redecorated the interior of his newly dusted skull, Kovu took a look around.
"Where in the hel-erm, excuse me, heck, am I?" Finding himself in an abysall maze of tunnels was rather disenhearting.
"Well, my mama** always told me that water grows on the bottom side of floors, so I should go south!" Kovu then chose a random direction, naming it south, and headed that way.


Last time we left our Bat, he was lost in, er...Agent Megum's dark abyssy thingy, I think, about 10 pages ago.***

"Help meeeee!" The Batness cried out desperatley, feeling the cold grip of the abyssy thingy wrap around him.
"Ungoodieness!"(And somewhere, far far away, Kovu got the sense someone was stealing his line)
BatBud walked for hours, until he saw a dull glowing.
"What in a?" Suddenly, a strange creature appeared infront of him.
"Kirby! What're you doing here?"
"Well, can't you talk?"

"Hmm... all this delicate scientific planning is...tiring..." Ancoysnd mulled over his stack of stick drawings of ANTI-TUBBS dying.
"I wonder if the Discovery channel is on?" He said, walking over to his MEGA-TV which he kept in the secret hideout(which he got to keep due to the speedyness of his firing)
"Oh lookie! Steve Irwin!"

"THIIIISSS IS DAAAA WAAAYYY WWWWWWWWEE WAASH OUUUR FAAACE!****" Kovu sang brokenly, to keep himself from going insane as he attempted to navigate the vast sewerish tunnels.
"It's a me, Mario!" He heard a haunting voice...
"What the?" He turned around just in time to see a fat plumber barrel down the tunnel, the force of which, throwing him wildly like a doll.

"Thanks Kirby! Who knew you had a band and a spaceship and millions of bucks! Thanks for dropping me off!" BatMan shouted to Kirby, who waved from his spaceship.
"No, no, this dimension will do just fine!" Battie began walking down the intricate, very clean corridors of clean, mechanical dimension he now found himself in. Eventually he came to a door.
"Retinal scan commencing, hello Batty Buddy." A computer voice said.
"Cool, I guess I'm accepted***** in high-tech stations across the universe!" The door opened with a mechanical hiss, revealing the image of a coke machine with a red guy painted on it. It began singing mechanically,******
"Hello, consumer, yes hello, consumer, bah bup bada bah, BeBop Cola!"
"Ooh, a coke machine!" Baten looked over the options.
"Ah! A Mingus Dew!" He said, putting in a dollar and pressing the button. The machine sang.
"And I say to myself, I need exact change."
"That IS exact change!"
"And I say to myself, I need exact change."
"Stupid machine!" Bat began pushing it, and it fell over ontop of him.

"And so, the inverted blue octopus lays it's clutch of eggs in the crabs still beating heart, and they hatch, devouring the crab alive. This has been a presentation of the BBC and Discovery channel, good night." Ancoysnd chuckled, and then said,
"Boy, all that edjumacation get's me thirsty, I wonder if this place has a coke machine." He wandered around, until he found one, with a red guy painted on it. It sang.
"Hello, consumer yes hello, consumer. Bah bup bahdah bah, BeBop Cola!" Ancoysnd looked through what the machine had to offer.
"Ooh! A Mingus Dew!" I proceeded to put in money, and push the button.
"And I say to myself, I need exact change."
"ANd I say to myself, I need exact change."
"Stupid machine!" Ancoysnd, pushed the machine, and, in like, it fell on him.

When Kovu awoke after being Mario pummeled, he found himself in a beautiful white room, with a coke machine in the middle.
"Is this heaven? Oh look, a coke machine!" And the machine, it did sing,
"Hello, consumer yes hello, consumer, bahbup bahdah bah, BeBop Cola!" Kovu's eyes immediatley saw his favorite drink.
"Ohh, a Mellow Tangerino! My favorite!" Kovu put in the money, and pressed the button, the machine quickly chugged out a Mellow Tangerino, and Kovu began to walk off into the white, fluffy goodness. Until, the machine began to shake violently.
"What the?" The machine jumped up right over Kovu.
"Bah bup bahdah bah, BeBop Cola!" And, ofcourse, the machine landed on Kovu.

With all three of our heros caught 'neath BeBop cola machines, I shall narrate each funkyly.

"Oh, man! Is anything down there not" Bat said dismally.
"Okay, just gotta keep my cool, everything will be alright." Ancoysnd assured himself. Suddenly, Kovu heard a noise, and then saw a scorpion walk upto him, and sit there, looking at him................
and then it lept on his face and stang him seven times.
"Ahahaha!" And jumped off.
"Oh, venom....coarsing through my veins." Bat managed.
" out...noo...noo, you've been through tougher scrapes than this!" Ancoysnd shouted.
And just then, out of the cola machine a coke shot out at sonic speeds, hitting Kovu in the face and knocking a tooth out.
"Awwooh...ohhh... that was my tooth!" Batbud cried. Suddenly, a small robot crawled upto Ancoysnd.
"Oh! It's some sort of rescue toaster!" Kovu cried for joy.
"Go get help little buddy!" Bat said. Then, the robot just picked up it's tooth and walked off.
Then, the machine launched another coke, knocking two more teeth out of Ancoysnd's head, and the robot returned, collecting the teeth.
"What're you making, a necklace?!" Kovu cried.
Months, prehaps years pass...
Bat bud, with a beard growing, snores, still stuck under the cola machine. The scorpion walks in, pushing a coke with his claws.
"Shut up! Ah...oh, it's you ben!" Ancoysnd says.
"*Click* *click* *chirp* *click*"
"Oh, oh well that's good, what's on the menu for today?" Kovu asks.
"Oh, a Orange Bedornge, yummy!" Batto says, and the scorpion punctures the can with it's tail, the pressurised juice flying into Ancoysnd's mouth.
"Oh, thank you, ben!" Kovu says.
"*Chirp* *click*" Ben walks back.
"Hey ben...hehe....what're you doing, that tickles!" Bat chuckles.
Ben crawls back up.
"*Click* *Chirp* *Chirp*"
"You what?" Ancoysnd asked.
"*Chirp* *Click*"
"Oh! Oh! You laid you're brood of eggs in my navel? We're gonna be mommies!" Kovu cried for joy. Suddenly, a coke shot from the machine, knocking a tooth out.
"Oh! That was my last tooth!" Batty shouted. And the robot, with a necklace of teeth, comes in and scoops it up.
"Oh, that's it, go get him Ben!" Ancoysnd cries, and Ben attacks. For a while, the two circle each other.
"Go for the eyes!" Kovu encourages.
Then, the robot brings out a large monkey wrench..........

"YOU! YOU KILLED BEN!" Bat shouted.
"And you're eggs, there hatching...there orphans!" Ancoysnd cried.
"I"m getting angry! You wouldn't like me angry!" Kovu became green and super strong, throwing the coke machine off of him.
"Smash Robot!" The robot fled, but too slowly, and they, green and covered in scorpion larvae, smashed the robot to pieces, in the name of ben. Suddenly, then, underneath all of them, a trap door opened, and they all found eachother in a large, black room, swarming with scorpion larvae.
"Kovu? Ancoysnd?"
"Bat? Kovu?"
"What're you guys doing covered in scorpion larvae too?"
Suddenly, a dark, mechanical, menacing voice piped in.
"Bah buh bahdah bah, BeBop Cola!!"

*Skullie, Kovu's name for his skull, not to be confused with a charachter from the X-Files
**Mama is actually a referance to M.A.M.A. Mehcaniced Automated Mega Android, a creature Kovu encountered earlier
in his adventures.
***Actually, I dunno when we last saw Bat, and since this was in a flashback, his experiance with BeBop cola should be out of sync with everyone elses....ahwell, I"m writing it...And I forgot what
Kiku's shadowy joint was really called...
****Unlike the childrens song, this is a reference to a Cat food commercial, in which the Cat sings this song, while licking it's paws after eating the unspecified cat food brand.
*****Referance to how credit cards are accepted, y'know, like "Visa, the only card accepted worldwide." etc.
******The rest of this post is ENTIRELY based and copied from something else...
however, if no one notices....erm....I thought of it...yeah....
"And so it begins."
"If you go to Za'Ha'Dum, you will die."
"We are all Kosh."
-Kosh, Babylon 5
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JCF Éminence Grise

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Jan 5, 2002, 12:16 PM
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Long posts are in style, no? No? NO?!? Ahhh, who asked you?

Aaaaaaaaaand, ANOTHER flashback! To what happened in the War Tavern AFTER AMAZING GUY! drove out the school children!

AMAZING GUY! used his super strength to pick up all the bar stools at once and fling them at the school children. They fled. Oddly enough, AMAZING GUY!'s sales never afterwards were quite what they had been. Especially after the board of directers ordered the series to stop. Gizmo chased his tail perfectly, while Ducky hurled odd phrases either copied from books by famous authors or that were to tell the truth famous quotations but just had the sound of having been made up on the spot by a rabbit whose species is easily mistaken by ones who don't know as much about famous quotations as she does. "Ow!" shouted AMAZING GUY!, being hit by {You're a far better man then I, Gunga Din!}. "I'm not Gunga Din, you monster with purple horns, a green face and warts on your nose! You look like a refugee from Hoyle Classic Games' Old Maid!" (Don't ask. Please.) Unknown Rabbit woke up for long enough to tell Ducky what that meant, and it so infuriated her that she threw "Cows? Who eats [ugh] Cows?" at AMAZING GUY!, smacking AMAZING GUY! right in the eye, puncturing a hole in the evil glasses. This was really quite an odd experiance for AMAZING GUY!, as one eye showed monsters, and part of the other eye showed people he almost knew... from a long time ago that probably wasn't that long ago but for the purposes of this continuation was described as having possibly been and so ad infinitem.

Cobra realized that you can not ban a member who was already banned, so she resorted to brute force, and grabbed the marker once more. Sadly, AMAZING GUY! saw it as a huge Bazooka now in gigantic version and blew it to bits with his Laser vision which he didn't have before and will never have again as it would make him too powerful, wot wot? Out of the ruins of Cobra's belovwed giant marker sprang fantasticillions upon untouchablillions of little Infestication Aigs, which upon touching the stars around AMAZING GUY!'s head after he was hit by another quote (I MAY BE DIEING, BUT I'M TAKING YOU WITH ME!) turned into a strange process known as the Float Factor to those privleiged enough to read Larry Marder's Tales Of The Beanworld. The Float Factor, following the Float Factor's nature, simply hung around in the air, unmoving. GenEX, whose sigh kick powers had informed him of the nature of AMAZING GUY!'s glasses, promptly jumped onto the Float Factor (which you can jump upon all day and they won't budge) and started snipping at the evil glasses. Soon, they fell off entirely, and AMAZING GUY! was back to normal, seeing his old friends. Then he saw GenEX.

"I'm fired?!" Ancoysnd aka Lance aka AMAZING GUY could not believe his ears.
"Yah-huh, you didn't kill everybody in the Taver--uhm...set...yea..."
"But...but...waaaaaah...." Ancoysnd stalked out of the room, plotting revenge on ANTI-TUBBS. The rest had been friends! He had killed the only monster there, which had been presumably casting a spell on the others which made them also assume hideous appearances. Rubbing his nose, which still smarted from {Gonna eat a lot of Peaches.}, Ancoysnd took a cab to his apartment, where he went over to his drawing board, where he made stick figure drawings. "Hmm... all this delicate scientific planning is...tiring..." Ancoysnd mulled over his stack of stick drawings of ANTI-TUBBS dying. "I wonder if the Discovery channel is on?" He said, walking over to his MEGA-TV which he kept in the secret hideout(which he got to keep due to the speedyness of his firing) "Oh lookie! Steve Irwin!"

Several hours later:

"And so, the inverted blue octopus lays it's clutch of eggs in the crabs still beating heart, and they hatch, devouring the crab alive. This has been a presentation of the BBC and Discovery channel, good night." Ancoysnd chuckled, and then said, "Boy, all that edjumacation get's me thirsty, I wonder if this place has a coke machine." He wandered around, until he found one, with a red guy painted on it. It sang. "Hello, consumer yes hello, consumer. Bah bup bahdah bah, BeBop Cola!" Ancoysnd looked through what the machine had to offer. "Ooh! A Mingus Dew!" I proceeded to put in money, and push the button. "And I say to myself, I need exact change." "I GAVE YOU EXACT CHANGE!" "And I say to myself, I need exact change." "Stupid machine!" Ancoysnd, pushed the machine, and, in like, it fell on him.

End of flashback, dude.

Unknown Rabbit snored, slumped against the wall like GenEX. He hadn't been awake, so he did not know of the hideous deed that had been done. Kovu was having various adventures with a coke machine, a scorpion and stuff. Ducky was looking horrified, and Cobra was standing in an Admin approved pose, looking at the body of the banned trouble maker who had somehow stuck around anyway. There wasn't any possibility that he was faking it, or that a restractable knife had been used, as you can't really fake your head being split open like a canteloupe. That AMAZING GUY! aka Freelance aka Ancoysnd had a very powerful punch.

Suddenly, Ultra Nurse burst in, Racoon in tow oozing cuteness. Some of it landed on the War Tavern, which promptly turned pink. Singing birds and flowers appeared all around it. Ducky took in the nurse outfit, however modified, in a minute, and so asked Ultra Nurse "Oh, Nurse in a modified uniform, can you help this departed comrade, whose head is split open like a canteloupe?"
"Not I, for bandages can not bring one back to life, except in MAD parodies of Little Orphan Annie. But the Racoon shall assist. Go, Racoonie!"
So the Racoon ambled over in the way Racoons have of ambling, and shook some cuteness onto GenEX. As a head split open like a canteloupe isn't very cute, it instantly righted itself, and GenEX sprang back into life. The only trouble was that he was now singing Muppets songs, and wanting to watch the Brady Bunch all the time. After being thanked gratefully, Ultra Nurse and the Racoon sped out of the door in search of new patients with paitence. And there was a little celebrating, until everybody fled from Brady Bunch except Unknown Rabbit, who was still asleep. Obviously, Ultra Nurse had forgot to tend to him.

Batty Buddy spun around. A giant BeBop cola machine was walking up to them on hideous legs made out of soda cans, holding a shook up soda bottle in one of its non-existant hands. "DON'T SHOOT!" cried the Cartoon, ducking behind Ancosynd's big, bulky form. Kovu grabbed his automatic Epic Novel Launcher 4000.50 (tm) just in case, which he didn't have before, so he could fight Saga to Soda with the awesome soda machine. "And I say to myself, I need exact change." said the immense construction of modern thirst annoyingly. Suddenly, Kovu got a brain wave. He shouted "I GAVE YOU EXACT CHANGE!" The machine said in a perky voice "And I say to myself, I need exact change." again, then jumped into the air. Kovu quickly sidekicked away, and the BeBop cola thingy smashed into the ground, and right through. Batty Buddy exclaimed it was just like a cartoon, and asked Kovu how he had thought of it, who explained he had gotten the idea from a match of Cannibal Feud. They then went their seperate ways, having no idea where they were.

Kovu ended up in a Pickle Factory, where he got a job that paid well and became quite prosperous and never went to the War Tavern again until he next did.

Ancosynd ended up at the unemployment office again, where the receptionist looked at him oddly. Back to square one.

And Batty Buddy arrived at Plotline Hotline, where he made a nest in the rafters for a few days until swooping down to meet a trio of freethinking looking people.

Kovu aka Alec

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Jan 5, 2002, 04:32 PM
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The Adventures of Taverners, and inverted blue octopus and scorpion larvae, continues

"OMNI-BOT! Can you hear me?!" A CEO of BeBop Corp. shouted down the great chasm created by the Cola droid.
"Bee---bop---col-l-l-a..." A small, cracked, mechanical voice piped up.
"Don't worry, help is on the way!" The CEO, by the name of none other than Jim Drab, former head of the PLHL of the Warstories Continuity.
"This is the last straw! First they house Blagagna...who killed Mr.Continuity, and now they've hunted me down, foiled my Rescue Toaster, and destroyed the OMNI-BOT...that's it! My minions, cometh!" Jim Drab cried forth, and thousands of Ben class scorpions swarmed overhim, merging together, and formed...

It was a normal day in Happy Puppy Pickle, Co. Pickles being havested, pickled, bottled, lids being screwed on to tightly, jars put in crates, and being shiped off to food stuff stores Carrotous-wide. It came as a surprise to Kovu when the loudspeaker activated,
"Number 349568231, please report to my office." It was the president.
*Gulp* Kovu went to the office.
"Is that you, Number 349568231?"
"Y-yes sir?"
"You have bottled 30,000 jars since you joined us a month ago, yes?"
"Y-y-yes, sir..."
"Excellent work, I'm promoting you to Manager of Bottle Operations, with a raise."
"Really sir? Thank you, sir!"
"Very good, now, remember, when need that shipment for the War Tavern by next week."
"War Tavern? That sounds vaugely familiar...ahwell, yes sir, it'll be ready." Kovu beamed.

"No Superhero openings! How can this be?" Ancoysnd asked.
"I'm sorry Mr. Smithersommerson. Due to video games, the comic industry is really suffering."
"Video games, eh?" After a long plane flight and a couple of dimensional jumps...
"Hello, Mistah Smithersomm--something, welcome to Nintendo Incorporated! I hope you enjoy you're position of temporary head designer while I go on my vacation."
"Sure will, Mister Miyamoto!" And with that, Shigeru Miyamoto, clad in a hawaiian shirt with one of those drinks with the little umbrellas in it, strode into a super long limo.
"Be back in two months!"
"Sweet!" Lance cheered under his breath.

"Remind me why we are here again?" Cobra asked Ducky.
"Well, Gen is gonna do something incredibly stupid to meet the second assistant costume designers coffe holder of the Brady Bunch." Ducky said, while hefting the still sleeping Unknown.
"There he is now!" Cobra shouted. Gen walked into the middle of a large field of grass, where the competiton was being held.
"What's he gonna do?"
"I dunno..."
And suddenly, Gen brought out a huge container of gasoline, poured it all over himself, and lit himself ablaze.
"Oh my God..." The judges held up '10', '10', '10', and 'I want my mommie.'

"Who the heck are you?" One of the miscellanious PLHL employees asked.
"I am Batty Buddy!"
"And what are you doing here?"
"Listen, I have some important and very plot altering information!"
"Sweet! What is it?"
"Listen--it is extremely important that..."

And so, as the crabs corpse is riddled by the Octopus larvae, they break of, and become a part of the delecate bed of krill, until they mature into the deadly, inverted blue octopus! This has been a continuation of the BBC and Discovery Channel.
"And so it begins."
"If you go to Za'Ha'Dum, you will die."
"We are all Kosh."
-Kosh, Babylon 5
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Jan 6, 2002, 12:46 AM
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I can't keep you down, can I?

SCORPI-CEO (Scorpico is much easier to remember/pronounce, don't you think?) thundered through the hall ways of a inconvienlently badly lit place fortunately furnished with lots of hall ways to thunder down in evil mode sheerly for the sake of having met your quota of sucessfully thundered hallways.. A few real life turtles tried to get out of SCORPI-CEO's path, but moved slowly, and were stepped on. SCORPI-CEO slipped and fell every time, which caused him and the Ben-class scorpions to unmerge for a little bit. After the OMNI BE BOT COLA machine had been freed from the giant.... hole, it had acted upon a flaw in its programming and had promptly opened the soda bottle held in its non existant hand. Everyone had been soaked. Making odd scorpion noises, SCORPI-CEO dismissed the idea of taking over Turtemple in order to gather more legions for attempting to take over the War Tavern and slaughter the inhabitants, and went about his daily job of prosecuting trespassers who had accidentally trespassed on their own land by mistake.

Kovu continued bottling pickles. So far, he had filled 3000 of the odd 40000019000.02 Pickle Bottles (tm) that were supposed to be sent to the War Tavern for an unknown reason, and he was getting tired. Leaning on a Pickle Bottle (tm), Kovu read the reason for this shipment for the first time. The handwriting was very scrawly, like you might find written by someone with clear handwriting, who was sleepwriting drunk. He couldn't make any words out, except the last three, which as far as he could tell read "welcome back party." Knowing it wasn't his buisness to wonder, Kovu continued Bottling Pickles. So far, he had filled 3026 of the odd 40000019000.02 Pickle Bottles (tm) that were supposed to be sent to the War Tavern for an unknown reason, and he was getting tired. He suddenly figured out that his promotion allowed him to order others to assist him, so he promptly (so much easier then suddenly) did. The job went much faster, and the odd 40000019000.02 Pickle Bottles (tm) were ready just a day before they were noted down to be shipped in a car, to be different from being cargoed into a ship.

The guy whose initials are SM lounged around in a beach chair, wearing his sunglasses, straw hat, shorts and hawian shirt, drinking ice cold lemonade through a straw. He suddenly figured out it was winter, and ran indoors shivering, desiring to play a warm video game.

Mr. Ancoysnd Smithersommerson lounged around in a large leather couch, wearing his 3D glasses, "Nintendo" brand hat, baggy pants and JJ2 T-shirt, (not legal to be sold) drinking hot cocoa while he throught of ways to make Nintendo either do better, or please the world. Looking down at his T-shirt, he used Nintendo's vast resources of cold and papery cash to buy all rights for all Jazz Jackrabbit related things from anyone who held them and set about designing JJ3 (for GameRhombadececedron) The programmers and the like held their calm, though they all privately agreed that the temporary head designer was a little wacko.

Suddenly, GenEX's newly inherited cuteness sprung into being once more, and the fire turned into little spring kittens, and the gasoline to honey. All the judges applauded this fabulous special effect, though none of them knew what happened. The last one thought he did, however, and ordered a bunch of police ostriches from Tubelectric to arrest GenEX for witchcraft. The charges were dropped when the ostriches saw how cute he was.

"It's extremely important that we what?" asked Stan Dear impatiently, wanting to get inside to the gadgets.
"Well, I can't tell you. I have to keep the readers in suspense for a little longer."

The Inverted Blue Octopus is blind at birth, and feeds by eating any living creature that goes by, just by feeling the water currents. At 3-6 years, the Inverted Blue Octopus aquires eyesight, then deals enormous damage to all denizens of the deep. Also the land, as several people have reported seeing Inverted Blue Octopuses on land, eating insurance salesmen. No one really cared, however, so the police paid little attention. At about 68.33333333333333333333333333333333333 years, the Inverted Blue Octopus reaches maturity, and starts mutilating crabs, then laying its eggs in their still beating heart. We would tell you more, but I think our cameraman just got eaten.... yep. Drat. This has been a continuation of blah blah blah.

Ultra Nurse and Cutey Pie (not to be confused with GenEX) roamed the world, looking for uncute or injured people. Eventually the cuteness spread to the pet baby dragon related creature of a large creature that liked to destroy Tokyo, but that's another story.

The second assistant costume designers coffee holder of the Brady Bunch ran up to GenEX, overwhelmed by the cuteness. GenEX, naturally, was flabbergasted by the attention given to him by such an important personage. After all, coffee stunts your growth, and being small helps being cute. Doesn't a little baby look cuter then a teenager with spiky hair, a cigarette, vest without a shirt that doesn't cover the skull tatoo, spiky bracelets, black pants and big boots? Anyway, you now understand (mostly) GenEX's enamorment. Ducky and Cobra observed the scene with thoughts on it basically at opposite sides of the spectrum, and Unknown Rabbit was being pulled into a Barrow by a Barrow Wraith. Then Tom Bombadilo or someone came by and rescued him, but unfortunately got too near GenEX and became overly cute. Several decades later, his wife grew overly infuriated with the cuteness, and billed him for all the stress she had experienced from it. Cuteness bills.

Newspaz carefully took aim at an idle rabbit in an unsportsmanship manner, and fired. "|Newspaz roasted An idle rabbit" flashed upon the nonexistant screen, and Newspaz won.
"Yay," said Newspaz, "I won."
"It's true, you did."
"Wha? Who are you?"
"I'm the current author, Newspaz."
"I'm in a story!? Wait until I get ahold of my agent..."
"You were merely included to stop a wandering plot segment, and then you were talked about right now in order to explain so you'd feel better about roasting Blagagna."
"But... but I didn't feel bad about it! It's what you DO in a battle!"
"Heartless wretch."
And so I withdrew, and Newspaz tried to wake up, but nothing happened, so he went about his buisness as usual until the server stopped for no reason.

And now it's 2 AM, so I think I should go to bed. Beddy Bye!
Kovu aka Alec

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Jan 6, 2002, 06:20 AM
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Jim Drab(un-scorpi-ceo-ed) sat in a large control room, lined with strange, rectangular object.
"Is everything ready?" Jim asked.
"Yes, sir!"
"Launch!" And, the rectangular objects, revealingthemselves to be BeBop Cola machines, flew into the air, and landed in various places. Slowly, the world was taken over by there Coke shooting, Ben flinging, Rescue Toastering antics. But that's another story.
And OMNI-ROBOT ran through Tokyo(in the real dimension) destroying things.

"Okay, Charlie, let her rip, straight to the tavern!" Some miscellanious Happy Puppy Pickle Co. employee shouted to the driver of the mega-truck taking the pickles to the tavern.
Just then, Kovu remembered something,
"Wait, you're forgetting one!" He heroicly lept into the back of the truck, placing in the forgotten Pickle jar. However, the truck was moving so quickly, and the chances of maimage by jumping out were so high, Kovu stayed inside, taking a chance to examine the pickles, to make sure they were extra fresh.
"Hmm...thease are diffrent, there hard and metallic...and they make a beeping noise like a bomb...ahwell, I guess they ordered the crunchy variety."
And so, the truck rode on to the Tavern.

Shigeru sat in his Bean Bag of Money chair, infront of the huge TV, with one little Nintendo Gamecube unit plugged in.
"Hmm, I think I'll play my latest stroke in video-gaming genius, Pikmin!" He put the disc in the drive, and powered up.
However...this was no ordinary Nintendo Gamecube. As the opening sequence rolled, he was sucked into the screen...into

Meanwhile...Ancoysnd had finished the production of JJ3, and distributed it worldwide, making trillions of dollars.
"Woohoo!" Ancoysnd shouted.

As GeneralEXplenative was carried via plane to Brady Bunch HQ, Cobra, Ducky, and the now groggy Unknown puzzled about what to do.
"Stupid, we should've considered bus fare for the trip back, but nooo 'Don't worry, Ducky, the Coffe assistant will give you a ride home in his magical fairy rainbow cart!' I'm gonna kill him!" Ducky snarled.
"So I suppose, the only method of getting home is...hitchiking, yay!" Cobra and Ducky cheered at the prospect, whilst Unknownie cowered.

Once the eggs have been laid, the inverted blue octopus swims off into the abyssal night, it's flesh degenating, sluffing off in clumps, and dies. This has been a continuation of the BBC and Discovery channel.

And, somehwere, on a list server far away, Newspaz continued to roast, and roast he did.

This has been a continuation of the BBC and Discovery channel.
"And so it begins."
"If you go to Za'Ha'Dum, you will die."
"We are all Kosh."
-Kosh, Babylon 5
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JCF Éminence Grise

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Jan 6, 2002, 02:35 PM
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Beauman, where are you, anyway?

Jim Drab was thinking of various things, letting his mind wander this way and that, not really caring what he thought about, as long as he looked busy thinking of things. Suddenly, he had a thoughtful thought. (I think) "Heeeey.... wait a minute. If I don't run Plotline Hotline anymore, WHO DOES?"

The Mutant Inverted Blue Octopus Known As John Jacobson To Only His Close Friends And Your Excellency To Everyone Else Who Was At All Polite Which Is Beginning To Be A Rarer And Rarer Trait World Wide To The Great Disappointment Of National Behavior Scientists Who Like Eating Spinach Cupcakes And Drinking Marmelade Skies With Lucy's Diamonds (TMIBOKAJJTOHCFAYETEEWWAAPWIBTBARARTWWTTGDONBSWLES CADMSWLC) used his Ultra Spiffy Spiffyful Spiffy Spiffish Go Cart to ride through the forests, his servants/Plotline Hotline employees on his heels, as they searched for Blagagna. Uni Corny tripped over his own feet, and fell into a conviniently placed ditch, sucessfully kicking Bill Bored in the face while flailing arms and legs about. TMIBOKAJJTOHCFAYETEEWWAAPWIBTBARARTWWTTGDONBSWLESC ADMSWLC glared with red eyes and Uni Corny, and continued to drive haphazardly through the Wabbit Woasters Woods, blowing up trees with a LFG 4000.61 clasped in two of TMIBOKAJJTOHCFAYETEEWWAAPWIBTBARARTWWTTGDONBSWLESC ADMSWLC's 10 tentacles. So technically, he was more of a Inverted Blue Decopus, but that didn't sound nearly as catchy. Then the Server Stopped, and TMIBOKAJJTOHCFAYETEEWWAAPWIBTBARARTWWTTGDONBSWLESC ADMSWLC and the Plotline Hotline employees suddenly found themselves in the mystic land of "Choose a Server". TMIBOKAJJTOHCFAYETEEWWAAPWIBTBARARTWWTTGDONBSWLESC ADMSWLC, being the oldest Inverted Blue Anythingopus alive, having never layed eggs due to constapation, had seen this land many times before. He had seen Armaggedon hack into the Warner Bros server by fooling the Password guard, and he had seen Warner04 later being roasted for supplying the real password instead of the fake one. He had seen.... well, better not to go into detail. Ahz Sleep gasped in horror at how ugly some of the rabbits entering servers were, while TMIBOKAJJTOHCFAYETEEWWAAPWIBTBARARTWWTTGDONBSWLESC ADMSWLC kept a wary eye looking for Blagagna. Little did he know Newspaz, who was passing by right at that moment, had already brought down his quary.
"Nonononono, that was NARRATION! Not Current Author Speak! You didn't hear that!"
"Oh, you're probably right. Sorry to have bothered you."
So I patted the evil TMIBOKAJJTOHCFAYETEEWWAAPWIBTBARARTWWTTGDONBSWLESC ADMSWLC on the head, and created a little fade out effect that changed the scene.

Charlie drove on and on, through hill and over dale, under sea and over cloud, through rain, snow and houses until he reached the general area the War Tavern was located in. He slowed down, giving Kovu time to jump out of the trunk with a funky ninja move, and grasp ahold of the top of the trunk. Swinging back and forth, Kovu managed to somersault onto the truck's top, and crawled carefully along until he reached the end, at which point he flipped through the open window into the passenger seat. "Hi." said Charlie briefly, and kept driving. Kovu, however, was unusually curious. "Charlie, did 122 War Tavern road order extra crunchy pickles?"
"Nah. They ordered extra soft, just the way some friend of theirs' called Kovu likes them, for his welcome back party."
Thinking it was a different Kovu, Kovu computed the sentence up to the first "," until he arrived at a conclusion. "Charlie, we're delivering the wrong Happy Puppy Pickles! The ones in back are all hard and metallic, and make beeping noises like a-"

Shigeru floated helplessly in Teh (It has to be Teh) GamCub Dimenson, looking at least for some Pikmin to play with. Then PeekABoo arrived. Shigeru groaned. PeekABoo was so useless, all he would do is try to play PeekABoo with you. Closing his eyes, Shigeru awaited the arrival of ChargedSpanner or someone.

Meanwhile, Ancoysnd began production of JJ4, giving the public no time to really learn all the subtle bugs in JJ3 before a no version came along. It was obvious that was what EPIC had done wrong.

Cobra and Ducky stood by the road, happily waving their thumbs. A truck came by, but it exploded just before it reached them, so that was no good. After a few bozos, a racing car drove up, skidded to a halt (sucessfully making roadkill of one of GenEX's birdies) and opened the back seat door. The owner, who looked vaugely like Elfis, grinned and said "Hop on in!". Ducky and Cobra climbed into the back seat, carefully dragging Unknown Rabbit along with them. "So, where are you tw- three going?" asked the driver jauntily, breaking both the speed laws and the speed of sound. "Well, we're going to 122 War Tavern road, but I think a stopover at a hospital first wouldn't be amiss." "Can do!"

Some time after The Old Inverted Blue Octopus dies, The New Inverted Blue Octopus is born, and is blind at birth, and feeds by eating any living creature that goes by, just by feeling the water currents. At 3-6 years, the Inverted Blue Octopus aquires eyesight, then deals enormous damage to all denizens of the deep. Also the land, as several people have reported seeing Inverted Blue Octopuses on land, eating insurance salesmen. No one really cared, however, so the police paid little attention. At about 68.33333333333333333333333333333333333 years, the Inverted Blue Octopus reaches maturity, and starts mutilating crabs, then laying its eggs in their still beating heart. This has been a repeat of BBC and the Discovery Channel.

Newspaz wandered in a wandering fashion into Samg, where he met up with Darth Maul and now he's toast. Well, I'm still here and he's a rather tasty breakfast meal often asorbed by bi or not by pedual **** sapiens in large quanities. Eventually he'll be reincarnated as Newspaz again, and will set about making Meza2, a version of Mez02A in 3D, which nobody but Newspaz would be able to imagine until it's finished.

The BBC and the Discovery Channel bid you a good knight, and an evil dragon.

Kovu, Charlie and the single Happy Puppy Pickle that had not been a bomb went flying out of the truck, miraculously unhurt. "Quick, Kovu, HOLD THE PICKLE!" screamed Charlie, as they both went falling towards Adventure Island, where all the Elements raged against eachother in epic battles that might someday be converted into a simulation/strategy game. Gosh, thought Kovu, I never knew Adventure Island was so close to 122 War Tavern road! Of course, I never knew it existed, either....

Meanwhile, Ancoysnd had finished JJ4, distributed it world wide, made umpteen unheardofillions and was starting production on JJ5 before any of the public could notice what a rush job JJ4 had been.

"So," said the driver, "what do you do for a living?"
"Well," said Ducky, "I take various jobs, but like most of my friends, never really seem to keep one. The other girl has the same trouble, and the near-dead guy is in training to be a Bumble Bee Watcher."
"Really? Some Bumbly Beez do that to him?"
"Actually, I think it was a turtle."
"Ah. What was he doing watching a turtle, then?"

Suddenly, Shigeru Whatsit, always a man of the times, was upgraded into the GameRhomadececedron Dimension.

"Ok, ok. Listen. It is extremly important that...."

ANTI-TUBBS aka ANTE TUBBES aka ANTI-ANTI-NEGATIVE-NOT ANTI-S WITH AN OVERSLASH thought of a new way to capture Tubbs. Tubbs loved explosions, so he would get a big truck to explode! Tubbs was sure to come. Thinking for a little while, ANTI-ANTI-NEGATIVE-NOT ANTI-S WITH AN OVERSLASH decided on a Happy Puppy Pickle truck, which was very simple to do, as he was in charge of that as well as Opposition Publishing Co. Inc.. He also ran Happy Kitty Kangaroo Ko., Blargle's Boasting Barf Photos and Kristina Krazy's Koala Masks. Giving instructions to one of the Happy Puppy mascots, ANTI-ANTI-NEGATIVE-NOT ANTI-S WITH AN OVERSLASH wondered what products Opposition Publishing Co. Inc. could come up with to rival Nintendo's new JJ3, JJ4 and possible JJ5. Finally, he came up with "Snozz SnackSquirrel 2".

"So we've told you about us, but we've heard nothing about you? What's your name, Mr. Driver Guy, and what do you do?"
"My name is Bond, James Bond. I work for Acme Imports."
"You're probably right. My parents always told me I had big dreams, and if I didn't do something about them, I would start saying the weirdest things to people I've just met. I never did anything about it."

Kovu, who had lost Charlie in the mist around Adventure Island which for some reason only obscured nouns when you were in it, started singing. "THIIIIIISSS IS THHHHHEEEE WAAAAAAYYY WEEEEEEEEEEEEE SIIIIIINNNGGGG TOOOOOO LOOOUUUUDDDD, SIIIIIIIINNNGGGGGGGGGG TOOOOOO LOOUDDD, SIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGG TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO LOOUUUDDDD....." However, before he could set to work on the next 75 and a half verses, a flying jackhammer flew over and told him he was being way to loud, as this was a public skyway. Blushing, Kovu said he was sorry, and landed right in the Volcano of Adventure Island. Fortunately, due to the magical talisman given to him by the Mages of Jarntiylizareg (see torn off part of page) he was unhurt, and merely fell through the lava into an underground system of caves, tunnels and anicent buildings, where he met Disguise doing some research.

TMIBOKAJJTOHCFAYETEEWWAAPWIBTBARARTWWTTGDONBSWLESC ADMSWLC at last got bored of waiting, and walked into a server named "LEGENDS ONLY" with the Plotline Hotline employees following, just before this post ran out of characters. It was a very close thing, however.
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Jan 12, 2002, 05:13 PM
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Six day down period... guess I'll have to reply to myself. How annoying.

TMIBOKAJJTOHCFAYETEEWWAAPWIBTBARARTWWTTGDONBSWLESC ADMSWLC looked around him. Twenty six of his Plotline Hotline employees had managed to get in after him, the others had been blocked by a sign that said "Server is Full. Please cry and break your toys over the head of your network administrator." Besides TMIBOKAJJTOHCFAYETEEWWAAPWIBTBARARTWWTTGDONBSWLESC ADMSWLC and the twenty six Plotline Hotline employees, several people had already been there. (Insert your own name here), (insert name of your best friend here), (insert the name of your best friend's mother's best friend's gossip partner's landlord's sister's cousin's former roommate here), (insert the name of your best friend's mother's best friend's gossip partner's landlord's sister's cousin's former roommate's political idol's clothing manufacter's best customer's uncle's brother's 1st prize winning chicken here) and (insert Stiletto's name here). TMIBOKAJJTOHCFAYETEEWWAAPWIBTBARARTWWTTGDONBSWLESC ADMSWLC, not finding Blagagna, demanded of (insert the name of your best friend's mother's best friend's gossip partner's landlord's sister's cousin's former roommate's political idol's clothing manufacter's best customer's uncle's brother's 1st prize winning chicken here) where Blagagna was, who was forced to honestly say he/she didn't know.

"So," said Kovu, "why are you here doing research in this underground system of caves, tunnels and anicent buildings?"
"I want to make a tileset about this! If Carl Barks can use a huge library to create duck comics, I can look at the real thing before I create a tileset! NOW GIMME YOUR TELETUBBIES POSTER!"
"I don't have one! Besides, I didn't bring it with me." said Kovu, after checking his pockets.
"Oh. Well, can you supply witty material?"
"Oh, certainly. For example, your hairstyle looks like a beaver climbed onto your head and died...."

Ancoysnd, after anonymously giving several million dollars to the makers of Skitch Possum (the most awesome possum ever to blossom?), lounged about trying to think of more money making ideas. He had already totally exhausted the various ideas of placing Jazz Jackrabbit pictures on all forms of clothing, hiring teenagers to graffiti ads for Nintendo on various brick walls, eating Caviar, filming a Jazz Jackrabbit movie in less then a day and many other ideas, and he was bored. After eating some Lobster Oldburg, Ancoysnd decided to try to come up with some other type of game. Pikimin 3?

"So," said Ducky, "why did you decide to pick us up? Weren't you afraid we might be dangerous lunatics armed to the teeth with bananas?"
"Well, I was hoping for something of the like, but you three turned out to be totally ordinary people."
"Totally...... ordinary?" Cobra gave way to sobs.

ANTI-TUBBS aka ANTE TUBBES aka ANTI-ANTI-NEGATIVE-NOT ANTI-S WITH AN OVERSLASH was furious. Tubbs had not come to the explosion sight, even though the Happy Puppy Pickle Henchmen had waited at the sight for over 24 Hours! Maybe he could arrange a few cars to drive by Tubbs so he could hop on them. Cars with more Happy Puppy Pickle Henchmen, of course. And lots of machine guns.

Bub turned to Biff, looking bored, and made an obvious statement. "It's obvious that Tubbs isn't going to come. Let's go home."
"Yeah," said Blog, "I'm amazingly bored waiting out here. Especially since the Uno cards were eaten by an alligator 7 hours ago."
Biff agreed, and the three Happy Puppy Pickle Henchmen left, machine guns over their shoulders. Several minutes later, Tubbs ran up. He had been in southren Bulgaria when he had heard of the explosion, and it had taken him over 24 Hours to get here, But the last ash of the fire cremating in a minature fireworks display was worth it.

This is the last Will and Testament of (Insert Newspaz's first name here) "Newspaz" (Insert Newspaz's last name here). All of "Newspaz"'s real estate, money, artifacts, fame and general popularity shall be given to his fatherHigh Chancellor Palpetine, as campaign funds. His pet lava lamp shall be given to the highest bidder. We assure you that "Newspaz" was alive, and in sane body and mind when we he wrote this, and no evil masterminds altered it in ANY WAY to further their schemes.

"It is extremly important that you do NOT operate any of the Plotline Hotline machines! Not two years ago, I saw a Lord Of The Sith (Not in any way related to Lord Of The Rings) come in here and booby trap all the gadgets to explode if anyone other then a Sith Lord touches them."
Stan Dear, Miss Directed and Dan Druff gasped at this daintily for a little while, and then started reading through "Teh History of The War Tavern" (With backwards "Z"s) carefully. "Ah!" said Dan Druff eventually, pinpointing a spot on a page with a pin. "We need to retrieve Darth Vader from before Luke arrives, and convince him to help the people that hit him with lemon pies without being killed ourselves, and then bring him back to this time! After that, all we have to do is teach him how to use the right Plotline Hotline machines, and get him to summon either Four Children and a Dog or a bunch of Medieval Heroes to rescue the War Taverners!"
"Well, that sounds easy!" exclaimed Miss Directed. "Let's go!"
So they went, not hearing Batty Buddy call out that if they had read a little more carefully, they would have noticed that the Taverners had ALREADY been rescued from the menace of AMAZING GUY!.

"Aren't we anywhere near the hospital yet?" groaned Unknown Rabbit, slowly raising his head a half inch.
"Oh sure, we've passed it at least twenty times already. But if I had dropped you off the first time, we wouldn't have had all this interesting conversation!"
Ducky and Cobra exchanged nervous glances, until they forgot which was theirs in the first place.

"and Carol Brady-you know, Florence Henderson-we're always having to deal with her insane desire to buy everything in all the stores she sees.... we've had to withdraw her payments until she gets over this. You may have noticed her recent work has been kind of withdrawn. And Rip Taylor is always lording over people saying he has such a cool name and arguing with the cameraman 'YOU GOT MY BAD SIDE! HOW YOU EVER GOT A JOB AS A CAMERAMAN I DON'T KNOW, AS YOU'RE A ABSOLUTE MORON!!!'. And then there are the Water Follies.... they're always galivanting around trying to get star billing... I tell you, I have no idea how the director deals with these people. Their acting is about the best thing about them. And did I tell you about Peter Brady's drinking habit...."
At this point, Gen burst into tears and ran out of the room, totally disillusioned. But the Brady Bunch were so wonderful! This man had to be LyIng. And something would have to be done about it, as LyIng is bad! And bad isn't cute!
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Jan 17, 2002, 03:24 PM
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"Not that type of 'witty' material!" snapped Disguise, after checking his hair to make sure it wasn't true. "This weird god like thing came down to earth a few days ago and told me that on the day after this one I would run out of witty material to insert as mask messages in textured backgrounds and trees and thingies!"
Kovu didn't quite know what this meant, but it sounded bad, so he nodded sympathetically.
"So, once it is the day after the day before the day after the day it is now, I shall need someone else to give me witty material to put in my tilesets!"
"Oh.... hey, who's that who just appeared behind you and is currently giving you bunny ears?"
Disguise spun around to face Mr. Knowitall, the War Tavern living book of answers.
"Disguise, you already said you wouldn't be making any more tilesets for a long time, maybe a year."
After this, Mr. Knowitall unappeared to go back to mounring his dead brother, Mr. Continuity.

"..who was that?" asked Disguise, after realizing what the man had said was true."
"That was Mr. Knowitall. He knows everything, and can answer any questions when he feels like it."
"Oh. Well, as he's right in saying I wasn't going to make any tilesets for a while, there's really no point in my sticking around here. Coming?"

And Kovu, after deciding that no matter how weird it was around here, it would still be better to get out, trudged intrepidly after Disguise, looking at a few of the nearby buildings in case odd looking movie creatures might suddenly jump out and bite him. None did, due to there not being an odd looking movie creatures in the buildings, but it was the scary music all around them that made it seem likely. Especially since it was getting louder.

So, after a few hours of intrepid trudging, Disguise led Kovu out of the maze of tunnels and caves into the clear, open air of Adventure Island, and through a grove of trees to Disguise's camp. The camp was made of a woodcutter style fireplace, a small brook and a tent kept up by tent poles, and held down by rocks on the sides.

"Gee," said Kovu, after Disguise had set down his backpack and gotten a drink of water from the brook, "isn't this Adventure Island?"
"Yes, it is. What's your point?"
"Well, where are all the adventures?"
Disguise only had just enough time to fling himself at Kovu, shouting "NEVER SAY THAT!" before a large blue heron flew by and scooped them up.

ANTI-TUBBS lounged around in his ANTI-TUBBS brand mansion, sipping watermelon juice (a must try) while awaiting news of the machine gun Happy Puppy Pickle Co. car enterprise. If he did capture Tubbs, what would he do afterward? He could always change his name to ANTI-someone else, but would it have the same ring? And changing your name can get you in trouble with airport security, so that might not be the best idea. So in order to keep his name, he'd have to not capture Tubbs, but if he didn't try to capture Tubbs, his name wouldn't really be true... there was really no way out of it. So thinking, ANTI-TUBBS drifted into sleep...
until the clock struck 12. He woke with a start. Hadn't it been daylight when he had gone to sleep? His toast was still warm.....
and then he heard the sound. A sad, ghostly wail was coming closer from the general direction of the billard room. Shaking, ANTI-TUBBS stared towards the door, looking for a weapon.........
and then the ghosts walked through the door.

"Scroo- err, ANTI-TUBBS..... ANTI-TUBBS.......!" they cried, hefting hefty chains as they walked. And he recognized them. Jack and Jill, the young pair he had savagely pushed off the hill when they had accidentally intruded on one of his evil satellite dishes being set up for his plan to locate Tubbs' location... hadn't worked. There were the Butcher.. and the Baker.. and the Candlestick Maker... the ones he had unjustly slandered enough to get them run out of town in a small tub-which later sank-because they were learning too much about his catching Tubbs plan #182, a bake sale with a "free explosion with every purchase". It hadn't worked either. There was Simple Simon, the idiot he had let buy an exploding pie of Tubbs' favorite flavor. Of course, he had forgotten to publicize it, so Tubbs had never heard. And there was that lady whose nose was bitten off by his trained blackbirds which wouldn't attack King Tubbs... how had that idiot become King, anyway? The list went on and on. And they were all heading for him.

"What do you want?" asked ANTI-TUBBS, trying to sound imposing.
"Repent! ANTI-TUBBS, Repent!"
There was some hurried muttering. ANTI-TUBBS heard only snatches, like "He will not repent!" and "I know that, you idiot! It's my nose I lost, not my ears!"
There was some more muttering, and then Jack got in front.
"We are the ghosts of just a few of your sins. And we, despite all that you have done, have come to give you a warning. Repent!"
"I don't want to. Being evil is fun."
By this point, ANTI-TUBBS had gotten pretty used to having a bunch of ghosts around, and was just trying to think where he had put his camera, when Jack spoke again.
"Then we must depart. But you shall be visited thrice more before the night is through."
And they were gone.
ANTI-TUBBS went back to sleep.
And then the clock struck one.
He woke up again, staring around.
He saw his watermelon juice.
He looked around again.
And there was another figure, coming through the door.
"I am the spirit of "somewhere near the beginning of the year by non scientific standards" past!"
ANTI-TUBBS looked as the figure walked in, tripped over a gun laying around, pocketed it then stood up to face ANTI-TUBBS again.
"Now, if you are ready, we shall begin the trip."
"The trip? What trip?"
"The trip to somewhere near the beginning of the year by non scientific standards, of course!"
"That's in the past! How do you expect to take me there? And who are you, anyway?"
"With the spiffy Three Ghosts Brand Time Machine! My name is Beauman."
"Wait a minute.. you're not dead, are you?"
"No, but the normal first ghost is out sick, so I'm standing in. Now, get out of bed, put on your night cloth and please step this way to the Ultra Spiffy Three Ghosts Brand Time Machine..."

And so, they were sent to sometime less then a year ago but still somewhere near the beginning of the year by non scientific standards.

ANTI-TUBBS looked around. Things looked a lot the same, there weren't any images of his good and kind past, no childhood sweethears or anything.
"What are you trying to pull? This is nowhere near the distant past!"
"Erm, yeah, due to budgets cuts... could only go back about a year.. sorry, won't happen again....."
"Well, let's get this over with. Where's this vision I'm supposed to see?"
"Today is the day the JCF was made open to the public!!"
"Hmm, good question. Let me check the list...."
So Beauman got out a list telling the three ghosts what to do, and flipped through the pages until he reached "First Ghost".
"Isn't your name Fquist?"
"Of course not! It's ANTI-TUBBS!"
"Oh, sorry, wrong set of ghosts... my mistake, must have been that left turn in Algathar's pit of Ungoodness. Well, I'll go to wake up Fquist now.. good luck with your night time thingy. Once daylight strikes, you wake up in your own time, so remember to take note of everything you see. Bye!"
"Wait! Aren't I supposed to go back to my bed for a second ghost to come along and show me things?"
But Beauman didn't hear the lost voice of ANTI-TUBBS, who was left in March 23, 2001 until daybreak.

And in the present....

At two, a ghost floated into the room where ANTI-TUBBS had been sleeping. Nobody was there. After prowling around and looking in all the other bedrooms for a while, the second ghost returned to its starting place, where the third ghost had arrived. After holding a discussion, the two ghosts returned to Teh Plotmaster, Keeper of the Plotholes, who decided it must all be Beauman's fault and fired him instantly. Sometime later, at daybreak, ANTI-TUBBS returned, and wasn't changed in the least.

So really, the entire above ANTI-TUBBS story has no point, and is entirely unuseful to the plot. I only did it to try and get some more people to reply.
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Jan 21, 2002, 01:54 PM
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Ducky gathered enough courage to speak once more, after noticing they had sped past another hospital.
"What's your real reason for avoiding the hospital? Are you merely starved for conversation, being a hermit or something, or are you an accomplice of some evil type person inside the hospital trying to keep us away from finding him or her out?"
"No, I'm a cab driver. The longer the car drives, the more you have to pay me. OF COURSE I'M AN ACCOMPLICE OF SOME EVIL TYPE PER-oops, did I say that?"
"...yes, you did." said Ducky, looking nervously at Cobra once more. "Did you mean it?"
"Yes! And now that you know, you must die! TO TEH POWER PLANT!"
Cobra looked sad. "And he looked so non evil like, too." she said, as Ducky wondered what the Power Plant had to do with anything.

Batty Buddy took wing, deciding there wasn't really a point of hanging around in Plotline Hotline, and swept the skies in search of interesting sights. After passing a falling character wearing a shirt that read "Buy Happy Puppy Pickles! They're good!", BB alighted on the underside of a roof to rest just in time to see GenEX burst out of the door, sobbing cutely. Batty stared, then dropped down to hover in front of him. "Hey Gen, whatcha doing here? Bad vibes?"
"The second assistant costume designers coffee holder of the Brady Bunch is an eViL man! Somehow I must defeat him, bringing peace to this section of the land!"
Batty Buddy, deciding that fighting an eViL man was a lot more interesting then flying around randomly, inquired what the second assistant costume designers coffee holder of the Brady Bunch to make him deserve Gen's hatred, while searching in his backpack for anything that might come in useful.
"He's been slandering the Brady Bunch, that wonderful group of beings! Such eViL talk is only said by the eViLest, Worstest Fiends!"
Batty Buddy threw a wary glance at Gen, who caught it. Then he noticed what the cute one had said. "Don't rhyme so much! It might summon..."
"It might summon someone? Summon who, I ask? And might this summoned someone assist in our eViL eredicating task?"

Kovu screamed like a lil baby as the large blue heron flew along with him and Disguise in its claws. The odd part was that it seemed to be flying in a circle, gradually gaining altitude. Trying to remember his last science lesson, Disguise yelled at the bird. "Stop! You'll hit the end of the atmosphere and we'll all burn up!"
But the bird didn't seem to hear, or if it did it didn't understand, just as any blue heron would do if you shouted what Disguise shouted at it. But soon Kovu, who was facing the same direction as the bird, saw a large portal floating in the air before them. Not knowing what large portals look like, I can't tell you, but Kovu knew it was a portal as soon as he saw it. Soon, the bird was close to it, and the air around them was glittering. And then they were through, in another dimension, and the bird was still methodically flapping foward. Kovu turned to Disguise, knowing he went to many odd places to do research, but Disguise had never been here before either. So they contented themselves with watching the various creatures nearby while they flew, which included various Pikimin. As Shigeru Miyamoto, seated on a golden throne came into view, Kovu guessed where they were in a low gasp of awe. "Awwwwwwww!" he said lowly, and then stated his guess. "We're in the GameRhombadececedron Dimension, Disguise!"

"What does the Power Plant have to do with anything?" asked Ducky, after giving up figuring it out for herself.
"Well, in the spirit of all villains, I can tell you as you will soon die anyway. I am going to dump you into the thingy where coal is dumped to make steam to make eel-ect-rickety!"
The car is going much too fast to jump out of, thought Ducky, her brow furrowed in thoughts of ways to escape.
Cobra lifted her face to the air, sure she was soon to die and deciding to be melodramatic about it.
"Oh god, if you do truly exist, give us a sign! Smite down this evil doer and rescue Unknown, Ducky and I!"
And then Charlie (who was sent flying by the same explosion Kovu was, as you may recall) fell on the head of the driver. The car skidded off the road into a lake, and all five landed in the lake in less then olympic form positions, making spiffy ripples go out in a circle from where they had landed. The car fell down through the lake's waters, as it was much deeper then it looked, and smashed into an underwater vehicle moving along below, breaking one of the viewing windows. And so, as Charlie, Ducky, Cobra and the Evil Driver surfaced sputtering, so too did two Jedi Knights and a Gungan. Meantimes, Unknown Rabbit sunk slowly down to the bottom of the lake.

Arncecroc thundered through The Plains, kicking mountains like molehills, his current form over a mile high. Pausing to step on three lifeforms, who had formerly been known as Bub, Biff and Blog, the evil scourge and hacker shrunk down a bit in order to look for GenEX, who had accidentally summoned him by rhyming so. And he wasn't one of those docile genies, who did their summoners every wish. Of course, if he assumed one of their forms, he might be able to pose as a genie until the right moment, at which point he would strike. The irony of such a victory far outshined the simple buisness of squashing Gen as soon as he reached him, so Arncecroc assumed the form of a cute pink genie as he appeared seemingly out of nowhere right beside Gen, who was wondering cutely why Batty Buddy was so frightened just because he had been talking in rhyme.

"{AHHH!!! RUN!}" (translated from the Japenese) cried a Japenese person, as the OMNI-BOT ran through Tokyo, destroying things.

Ancoysd stepped outside of the Nintendo building for a bit to get some fresh air, and was plowed into by Kazooie. After getting up again, Ancoysd asked the red bird where he was going, and why in such a hurry.
"I'm trying to get away from the War Tavern! AMAZING GUY! came and started a big fight, so I ran away!"
"AMAZING GUY!...? But that was just a few weeks ago, and on a whole different planet! How'd you get here?"
"I run very fast..."
"Ah. You know, you've given me the inspiration for a new game. How'd you like to star in Nintendo's latest buisness venture?"
At this point, Kaz looked into the face of Ancoysd, and recognized it as the same as AMAZING GUY!'s. He then fled.
Ancoysd took this as a very funny joke, and shouted out "Run, Forrester, Run!" before collapsing on the ground with laughter. Several minutes later, a few medic people ran up to him, concluded he had had a stroke, and (he being important) shot him off in a very high speed spaceship to a hospital on Carrotus, said to be the best. Sadly, it was the same one that the Evil Driver had prevented Ducky, Cobra and Unknown Rabbit from entering, as there was an evil person in it.
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Jan 22, 2002, 02:46 PM
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Cobra sobbed praises and Ducky bobbed in a rather corklike manner. They had fallen into a very clear lake, and the driver swam hastily away, not stopping to see if they were okay. He wrung some water out of a bazooka he was carrying inhis pocket and galloped away. The Jedi treaded water and looked around.
"Crumbs!" One yelled. " This isn't Naboo! Where are we? I can't sense any Force at all!" Cobra batted her eyelashes, which were waterproofed with purple mascara, at the younger Jedi, who bobbed over to the rabbits.
"Excuse me, but what planet is this, and are we still in the correct galaxy?"

Cobra mumbled incoherently at the same time as Ducky.
"I think its either Diamondus or...are those ruins over there? Maybe Medivo, except its usually rainier...and I believe your galaxy is west more." But this was drowned out by Ducky screeching happily at the Jedi and queuing for his autograph. He scribbled it down on a piece of paper and wrote down Cobra's directions. "Thank you, ladies..."
The other Jedi was still trying to figure out where they were. "I think I've got it, master..."
"Great! So where's that that gungan now.."

The froglike creature popped up a few feet with a sodden rabbit and Cobra shrieked loudly. "Unknownieeeee!!!" Ducky started crying. "IS HE DEAD!?" Cobra bawled.

The gungan mumbled something asthe first jedi dragged it to their ship. "Thanks again!" They yelled, and the gungan dropped it soggy Unknownie.

Cobra hollered and Ducky tried to catch Unknown before he sank to the depths again. "COBRA!!! HE'S DEAD!!! OR ELSE HE'S IN A COMA!!"

They carriedon in such a way for about a quarter of an hour.


(Oka, I had no idea what was happening..)
remember? (:
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Jan 28, 2002, 01:12 PM
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"Shigeru Miyamoto!" Kovu ran torward his video game idol, plowing through various sequels which lay about in the GamRhabero something-or-other.
"Will you autograph my... uhm, face?"
"{Okay}" (Transalated) and so, Shigeru signed Kovu's face.
"Well, that's all hunky and dory, but why are we here, and how do we get back to where we were before?" Disguise asked, as he looked for holes in the dimension.
"Erm...I dunno." Kovu said, now with large japanese letters(presumably Shigeru's signature) plastered across his face.
"Wait, I do know, if we can get to plotline hotline, we can change the plot back in time so we don't end up here!"

"It won't work....we won't sell it." The SUPREME boss of Nintendo said to Ancoysnd.
"C'mon, a red bird in a bear's backpack? It's classic!" Ancoysnd had a great affinity for his Kazooie inspired game idea.
"But it's such a botched job, you finished it and it's sequel in a DAY!"
"But...but...phoey." Ancoysnd stalked out of the SUPREME bosses chambers, until he got an idea.
"I know, I'll go back in time and sell it on that Nintendo 64 machine they used to have, it'll be beautiful for back in those I need is a time machine...I know, the Plotline Hotline!"

"Aren't you just a cute widdle genie!" Gen squished the cheeks of the cute little but actually evil genie type thing.
"Gawd...that is too cute...It's melting my eyeballs...I can't kill Gen and/or the genie, because that's not cute....I know, I'll go back in time before AMAZING GUY! blew Gen's head apart, so the maid will be unneeded and he won't become cute. Yess...." Batty thought, then disembarked for the Plotline Hotline, where there was a time machine, ofcourse.

"Mwahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" THe EVIL NOSREP of the hospital had already tied up Ducky and Cobra, and buried Unknowness six feet under.
"Soon my evil plan will be COMPLETE! However....I must clip my toenails before I undertake global domination, I shall return, leaving you completely unguarded with the tools to escape right at you're disposal...mwaha!" And so, quite obviously, they escaped there respective traps, but were still moping about the death of Unkownie.
"Sob...this is so sad...*sniff*"Ducky sobbed
"If there was just some way we could go back in time..." Cobra said....
"Wait a second....."

"Take it! Strike me down with you're Jedi weapon....I am defenseless..." The emperor said, stroking Luke's lightsaber as the battle of Rebellion v. Empire raged on outside. Suddenly, a time hole opened up, with the Plotline Hotline employees dropping from it, hitting the emperor on the head, fortunatley, though prematurely casting him into the Death Star II's power core.
"What in George Lucas is going on here?" Luke asked.
"*Hhhuuu...kooooo*Shatner! This is bad...*Hhhuuuu....koooo*" Darth said.
"Look, no time to explain, we need you to Sith us up a plot change!"
"Can do...."
"And so it begins."
"If you go to Za'Ha'Dum, you will die."
"We are all Kosh."
-Kosh, Babylon 5
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Jan 28, 2002, 02:17 PM
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GeneralEXtasy screamed in general ecstasy as a cute pink genie appeared in front of him. Temporarily forgetting about the second assistant costume designer's coffee holder of the Brady Bunch, Gen swept the startled genie into his arms and starting calling it various things that ended in "Oogums", including "Blue gums". Batty Buddy looked warily around for Arncecroc, not seeing him, little knowing that he was the little pink genie being cuddled by Gen.
"I'm looking warily around for Arncecroc," said Batty Buddy, "but I don't see him. And he can't be the little pink genie being cuddled by Gen."
GenEX noticed BB looking warily around for Arncecroc, not seeing him, little knowing that he was the little pink genie GenEX was cuddling. "Hey, Batty Buddy, you odd fuddy duddy, why are you looking warily around for Arncecroc, not making a sound, not seeing him? We've got this little pink genie I'm cuddling to protect us from that meanie!"
"I guess you're right. CAN HE GRANT WISHES?!?" exclaimed Batty Buddy, no longer looking warily around for Arncecroc, though still not seeing him, little knowing he was the little pink genie being cuddled by Gen.
"I don't know the answer to that question... let's ask! Hey Genie, can you do that rather magical task?"

Ancoysd, on a stretcher being carried by several Nintendo dudes, entered the hospital. Although Ancoysd was rather in a state of unnoticing, the carriers noticed something was different about the hospital today. Everyone was standing around, not moving, their hands up in the air.
"Friendly place!" said an as of yet nameless Nintendo person, waving to them with the hand that wasn't carrying Ancoysd's stretcher. A doctor, frozen in mid step, took no notice of them. That was about the time they noticed something was wrong.
Suddenly, a cloaked figure came out from one of the adjoining rooms, some sort of raygun in one hand, a sheaf of bills in the other.
"Darth Sidious!" exclaimed a Nintendo person, doing a little tap dance in surprise.
"Darth Sidious!" exclaimed another Nintendo person, raising his hand for no reason, punching out all the teeth of the man behind him.
"Durth Sidgeieish!" cried the Nintendo person who had lost his teeth.
"I'm not Darth Sidious, I'm High Chancellor Palpetine!" cried Darth Sidious.... err, High Chancellor Palpetine... either one, really.
"Hi Chancellor Palpetine!" cried the last of the assorted flavor Nintendo people, waving his free hand around. It had developed a cramp.
"Hi." replied Palpetine, aiming his ray gun like thing at them. "Now, I give you two choices. Leave this place, or be frozen like the rest of the people in here."
"Oh, are they FROZEN?!" cried the tap dancing Nintendo Person. "I've always wanted to meet a frozen person!"
So saying, he left the stretcher to try to shake hands with a stiff nurse. The stretcher fell, naturally, and Ancoysd slid to the feet of Palpetine, who examined the coma covered body.
"Why, it's the head game designer of Nintendo! This will be most useful to my plans.." said Palpetine, using Teh Force to get a forklift. It drove through the wall, making a large hole, then began to lift up Ancoysd as Palpetine's Force demanded.
But before Palp's latest piece of evil plan could be accomplished, Kaz ran through the hole in the wall, knocked the High Chancellor off his feet and ran straight through the other wall, not stopping for a moment. His passing warmed the hospital people sufficiently, and they began to treat both Ancoysd and Palpetine, who had apparently gotten a concussion. The forklift was forgotten about, and the Nintendo people went home.

Shigeru Miyamoto rose from his throne, joystick shaped scepter in one hand. Decending by using various muscles of his legs and feet, the Jap came to the spot where the huge blue heron alighted, and greeted Kovu & Disguise in the usual manner, with a greeting of the usual manner.
Kovu, after recovering from both being in the GameRhombadececedron dimension and meeting Shigeru Miyamoto there, made a cordial response to Shigeru's usual mannerisim induced greeting.
"Thank you for greeting us in the usual manner. But how did you get to be king of the GameRhombadececedron dimension, and why did the huge blue heron bring us here?"
"Kejero, the Heron, is under my instructions to bring any of my former associates to me. You see, here in this alternate dimension, I have access to Teh Plotmaster, who is the Keeper of the Plot Holes. He tels me a War Tavern character meeting is required, and what better place to hold it then in this unreal spot?"
"Well, I can think of any number of them, but never mind. Why is the heron called Kerjero, and why is a heron here, anyway?"
"Oh, he flew through the portal one day quite by accident. To go with the other birds, of course!"
"Yes! Overlord the Pheonix, Ninja Dodo the Dodo and Blade the Great Bald Eagle!"
By this time, Kovu had gotten used to the strange look of the GameRhombadececedron Dimension, and even the little game characters climbing all over him, so having a living Dodo was no surprise.
Disguise, brushing a few of the game characters of Kovu's ear, walked up to Shigeru.
"But I'm not a War Tavern character! What am I doing here?"

And Unknown just lay there, head kind of sagging. Meanwhile, Charlie swam laps around the lake for no reason, and the Evil Driver Guy reached land at last, and the Jedi managed to fix their ship, and the Gungan's ear got caught in the door as it closed, and the sun shone, and the birds chirped, and the poets continued to dream, and then without any warning, something happened.

Back at the War Tavern, which hadn't been mentioned in forever, it was buisness as usual. Fquist was muttering to himself about the shoddyness of the most gaily painted wall, as Cobra was not there to converse with. DDay and BBoy were accusing each other of copying, and Willet was arguing with Fire Sword about nothing in paticular. Tyf was playing Rummy with a dark corner, and Slayer was absent mindedly guarding the beer taps. Action Hank was asleep on the chandeleir which didn't exist, as always. Beauman was keeping out of Quisty's way, who still hadn't recovered from his ghostly visitors. And then the door burst open again, and four figures entered with no warning other then the door bursting open.
BBoy screamed, hiding behind DDay, who was hiding behind him.
"Agh! Who the heck are you?!" Slayer shouted in a 'get out of my bar' tone of voice.
"I'm Barg." A short, fat one said.
"I'm Clyde." A tall, skinny one said.
"I'm Jugrgd." A squinting one said.
"And I'm ClockWork." A average type one said,
"and we're the friends of...Xavier!"
"XAVIER'S DEAD." said Tyf loudly, then went back to working on her books and runs.
"Yeah, yeah, we heard someone ate him." said Barg, tears running down his nosehair. "But that's not what we came for. We came for Beauman."
Beauman kind of shivered a bit, and stammered a bit, and shuddered a bit, all for no reason, then said "Me?".
"BainIthron?" asked Beauman, after thinking a bit.
"Good answer. Anyway, we came to report that how matter how hard we tried, we could not find the artifact thingie."
"Oh, that's all right. Unknown Rabbit found it, but he pressed this shiny red button on it, and the world blew up and pieced itself back together sometime in the future, only it was a different world... Blah, you don't understand me, do u?"
"No, I don't. But there's another matter as well."
"Yes. We bring news from The Plotmaster, keeper of the Plot Holes."
"You bring news from The Plotmaster, keeper of the Plot Holes?" gasped Beauman, looking at the four who were bringing news from The Plotmaster, keeper of the Plot Holes.
Jugrgd noticed Beauman looking at them as they were bringing news from The Plotmaster, keeper of the Plot Holes. "Yes, we bring news from The Plotmaster, keeper of the Plot Holes. He wants all of you to come to a big meeting in the GameRhombadecedron Dimension, where Shigeru Miyamoto currently rules."
Before any of the others could think about it, Action Hank talked in his sleep, saying "Yes, ok.".
"Excellent!" said Clockwork, and produced a portable portal from his pocket. "Now, all step this way, please..."

Ducky stopped in mid scream, and pointed behind Cobra. Turning, Cobra saw what Ducky had been pointing at. A ninja star was spinning towards them, and the Evil Driver Guy was standing on the shore, laughing manically. Ducky ducked, but Cobra thought quickly, and tried to use her Mystic Admin Powers to reflect the star. However, the Mystic Admin Powers (MAP) didn't work as they were supposed to, and the ninja star merely turned into a huge portal. Deciding that it might lead to a safer place, Cobra somehow managed to get all three of them through. Charlie, returning from his twentieth lap, was just in time to see the trio vanish into a portal, which soon turned back into a ninja star.

Stiletto looked oddly at TMIBOKAJJTOHCFAYETEEWWAAPWIBTBARARTWWTTGDONBSWLESC ADMSWLC, then said was he was thinking. "Are you sure you're a legend?"
"I'm a legend among Inverted Blue Octopuses! snapped TMIBOKAJJTOHCFAYETEEWWAAPWIBTBARARTWWTTGDONBSWLESC ADMSWLC, looking dagger eyed at Stiletto. Stiletto shrunk back a little, but concluded that TMIBOKAJJTOHCFAYETEEWWAAPWIBTBARARTWWTTGDONBSWLESC ADMSWLC and the Plotline Hotline employees shouldn't be there, so he hit a trigger crate to remove everyone who was not a legend. But contray to expectations, the trigger crate just made a warp and a sign pointing to it appear. Naturally, everyone in the server entered it, allowing the Plotline Hotline employees who hadn't been able to get in get in, at which point they too entered the warp.

And the Japs shot the OMNI-BOT with an all new ray, which warped him.
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Jan 28, 2002, 02:20 PM
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Ancoysd and Palpetine lay feebly in beds, looking feeble. Every two minutes, on the hour, a nurse or doctor would come in and refresh their ice pack. So it was no surprise to Palp, as Ancoysd was still in a coma, to see a man in white robes stride into their room.
"I am Randalf`s DNA'sweird, wizard of Modeled Earth. As there's all that time between the time the Ma'elDogg and I fall into the abyss and the time I greet the various people trying to get that city back from Wizard Saturation, I came here for a brief span of time to obey an order from The Plotmaster, keeper of the Plot Holes."
"Never heard of you."
"Too bad. Anyway, I have come to deliver the portal that shall take you to the GameRhombadecedron Dimension, where a meeting of pretty much all the War Tavern characters is to be held!"
So saying, Randalf`s delivered a portal that would take them to the GameRhombedecedron Dimension, where a meeting of pretty much all the War Tavern characters was to be held. Randalf`s then lifted up the limp body of Ancoysd and muttered a few magic incantations, which healed Ancoysd entirely. After shoving Ancoysd through the portal, Randalf`s cast the same spell on High Chancellor Palpetine, and was about to shove him through the portal when the portal closed from the force of Teh Force.
"I don't want to go!" said Palpetine, looking Randalf`s squarely in the eye. "I want to remain in the real world!"
And then the forklift drove up, picked up Palpetine and drove quickly away. Randalf`s, deciding not to give chase, returned to Modeled Earth, and The Lord Of The Things adventure.

Miss Directed, Stan Dear and Dan Druff continued along the road that goes on and on, having managed to get to a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away by means of a hole in the continuity. They had already been stopped by a troup of storm troopers, but after saying "We're not the dudes you're looking for" to them, got away uncaptured. "Darth Vader must be Somewhere in this galaxy!" cried Dan, after deciding that Darth Vader must be Somewhere in that galaxy.
After concluding that Dan was probably correct, Stan said Dan was probably correct and left it at that. But then they were hit by this cool Tractor Beam, which after doing a little farming, pulled them up the The Deaf Star, in which voices could not be heard. As luck chose to have it, Darth Vader was there, and he had just finished cleaning off the armies of Lemon Pies. Handing Miss Directed a notebook and a pen, Darth Vader produced his own and wrote "You're garb iz stranj. Wear are yu frum?"
"A long time from now, in a galaxy far, far away." wrote Miss Directed, after comtemplating the entire Space Time Continuim the space of a second.

And after some time, they managed to retrieve Darth Vader from before Luke arrives, and convince him to help the people that hit him with lemon pies without being killed themselves, and then brought him back to their own time. After that, they taught him how to use the right Plotline Hotline machines, and got him to summonn Four Children and a Dog to rescue the War Taverners. However, upon leaving Plotline Hotline, the group accidentally walked into a plothole, which somehow transported them right in front of Clyde, who was still pushing War Taverners through the portal. They were pushed through.

ANTI-TUBBS ate toast and caviar, screamed at his incompetent servants and generally did things expected of someone who's both evil and in power. But today was different. His mood was worse. Apparently, an old man dressed in white had swooped down on an eagle and had transformed his Happy Puppy Pickle Machine Gun Equipped Cars into this weird interdimensional portal, which sucked up Tubbs, who had been just going to land on the roof of one of the cars. You couldn't trust anyone these days, though ANTI-TUBBS, spitting out a turtle egg that had gotten into his caviar by mistake. A servant who didn't look familiar brought in a new tray of food, which included one of those cool plates with metal coverings over them. You know the type I mean.
Anyway, ANTI-TUBBS ate the food, as is expected, and at last came to the metal covered plate. Lifting the lid, he was surprised to see some sort of green portal beneath. Then he was sucked through to a different dimension..

Isabelle Kettlesore chewed away at the cage bars contentedly, which the C&CJP screamed at her not to. She paid no attention, and was soon through. The other dinosaurs followed, seeing an opening, and the C&CJP ran along, throwing various pointy objects at the prehistoric creatures. But then a dinosaur kicked over one of the fiendishly clever and intricate inventions of that era, which produced something that looked like a very large Interdemensional Portal. They were all sucked through, giving them all only enough time to shout in various languages something like "AHHH!!!! A DINOSAUR KICKED OVER A FIENDISHLY CLEVER AND INTRICATE INVENTION OF THIS ERA, WHICH PRODUCED SOMETHING THAT LOOKS LIKE A VERY LARGE INTERDEMENSIONAL PORTAL! AND IT'S SUCKING US THROUGH!"

And all throughout the universe, War Tavern characters were sucked into interdemensional portals by various means.

Shigeru Miyamoto looked at a nearby clock. "Brace yourselves, people. They should be arriving soon."
And then there was a large bright flash, and pretty much everyone except High Chancellor Palpetine appeared.

"Look!" cried Shigeru, pointing them out one by one. Some were ghosts, some were alive, and some were something else.

"There's Abe Lincoln, humble railcutter from the past! And Action Hank, the duck! Admael, powerful one! Godly Agama, tileset maker supreme! Ahz Sleep, the Plotline Hotline employee! AFC Blinky, from Bucky O' Hare! Alantrium, the Golden Knight, free with money! Al Negator, the Bucky O' Hare villain! Althagar, owner of the pit of ungoodness! Ancoysd, he of many names! ANTI-TUBBS, sworn to seek out Tubbs for all his days! Arjan, king of the gods! Armaggedon, old timer! ATMA WEAPON, other self of GenEX! Avelanche, from Rage of Evil! The BACTA FLUIDS, sworn enemies of Cannibal Feud! Barbara Streisand, eater of gum! Barg, fox from Medivo! BBoy, the infamous drunk! Beauman, worker of mystic and redundant deeds! Ben and the Ben Class Scorpions, scorpions! Biff of Happy Puppy Pickle Co.! Bill Bored, one with an odd fascination with Billboards! The creatures known as Blabeds! *Blacksheep, the rabbit.. or is it sheep?! Blagagnga, the idiotic slayer of Mr. Continuity! *Blizzard, Kiki sayer! Blog of Happy Puppy Pickle Co.! Bluez, easily angered! Bob, the mystical voice! BoX, the consumer of all!"
The list went on and on. But Charlie, Batty Buddy, Arncecroc, GenEX, High Chancellor Paletine and the second assistant costume designer's coffee holder of the Brady Bunch were not there.

"Never mind," said Shigeru, "we shall just have to hold the meeting without them."

Edit: Ugh. You posted while I was typing. Ignore my two posts then... of course, we were thinking a similar thing...

By the way, Ancoysd was in a hospital with some evil person, having had a stroke. So he can't have been talking to those people about a Kazooie game. Not only that, Shigery Miyamoto has had a translator attached to his neck since his very first appearance.

Last edited by Violet CLM; Jan 28, 2002 at 02:31 PM.
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Feb 3, 2002, 02:34 PM
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Don't blame me for the last part.... please?

Miraculously, probably due to the sithed up plot charge, Darth Vader and his escorts arrived at Plotline Hotline first. After some debate, it was decided that a bunch of Medieval Heroes would be better to summon, so Darth Vader was taught how to use the Plotline Hotline machines. There was something against this in the "Employee Agreement" laws, but as they were now employees of Opposition Publishing Co. Inc., they didn't bother to bother.

Soon, a group of Medieval Heroes were standing in Plotline Hotline, dusting interdimensional fairy dust off of their clothing. The apparent leader, an old man with a beard and a staff, extended a hand to Dan Druff, who was closest. "Thanks to the interdimensional fairy dust that is being brushed off our clothing, we know why you have brought us here. We shall go forth, and rescue the War Taverners. And may all who stand in our way kindly step aside."
"That's all very nice, but who are you?" asked Stan, who was kind of surprised that the whole thing had worked.

"I am Randalf Mayfear, wizard of Medal Urge."
"I am Airyhorn, a Ranger." said a tall man, nodding. "and I have many names."
"I am Boredmore, he of whom the bards forget." said another man, looking similar to the other.
"I am Logoless, the archer." said a tall and graceful blonde, shouldering a bow.
"I am Grimtree, and I shall not shirk from the task, whatever it may be." said a short and bearded fellow with a axe that was bigger then him.
"I am Photo, and I have the ring, so you'd better keep me safe!" said a short one with hairy feet.
"I am Slam Cantsee." said another hairy footed midget. "And I will follow Master Photo wherever he goes!"
"I am Maybe." said another of the vertically challenged hairy feet. "And he is Pigeon." They looked almost exactly alike.

Batty Buddy, wings aching from two such unusually long flights in such short sucession, alighted on a tree nearby the Plotline Hotline. "Now, only Sith can operate the machines inside," he thought, thoughtfully. "but I'm an insane cartoon. Surely I can think of something."
"Hey! Don't call me Shirley!" cried a voice from his backpack. Batty Buddy quickly thrust his wing in and pulled out a tiny cloaked figure. "Who are You?"
"I'm Darth Skywalker, 4th in the chain of Pokesith! Over 250 different characters! COLLECT 'EM ALL!!!!!!!11!1!!!!11!11!11111"
"A Pokesith? Now there's an idea.." said Batty, smirking. He proceeded to go towards the entrance to Plotline Hotline.

At a very similar moment, Cobra and Ducky arrived at Plotline Hotline as well. They had rented a real Taxi on credit, saying they'd pay the money tomorrow, as if they got their way they would be no tomorrow in this branch of time. But then Ducky noted a sign above the Plotline Hotline door reading "DANGER. DO NOT ENTER. MACHINES INSIDE WILL EXPLODE ANY OPERATORS WHO ARE NOT SITH."
This stumped the pair for a while, until Cobra got an idea. Reaching into her magic handbag of stuffness, she pulled out a pad of paper and a pen, on which she wrote "Honorary Sith". "Trust me, it'll work." she said, in response to Ducky's incredulous gaze. "Let's go."

Kovu and Disguise, having obtained a "Get out of the GameRhombadececedron Dimension free card" in a game of Pikimin Monopoly, were on their way to Plotline Hotline. The Blue Heron had given them a ride to the coastline, but neither of them were really sure where Plotline Hotline was. But by asking directions from local yokels and resident presidents, they managed to get into the right dimension. After that, it was only a matter of Disguise drawing a race car for them, using a magic pencil that only would work in the Plotline Hotline's private dimension, and they sped off in the right direction. They were a little daunted by the sign, but decided that Disguise could easily draw a sith for them, so they advanced towards the building.

So after a few more introductions, the refugees from The Ignored of the Rings set out from Plotline Hotline, intent on rescuing The War Tavern from AMAZING GUY!, a trouble which had ended quite some time ago. But they bumped into Batty Buddy, and Kovu, and Cobra, and Disguise, and Ducky, and the Pokesith, and they all started fighting. The three former Plotline Hotline employees had been told to stay back, so they couldn't have told the Medieval Heroes to not fight these people.

Darth Vader soon joined the frey, lightsaver swinging madly. And then High Chancellor Palpetine showed up, leading a huge army of council members, so there would be some nameless characters that could be killed off without remorse. Naturally, the battle soon called in super heroes, so Comb Man and ULTRA NURSE were there, complete with Cutey Pie. Jim Drab, leading a vast array of Ben Class Scorpions, showed up, as he had decided he wanted to run Plotline Hotline again. And ANTI-TUBBS had heard from an unreliable source Tubbs would be there, so he arrived, several Happy Puppy Pickle Co. zombies with him, holding machine guns and pickle launchers.
The OMNI-BOT had finished with Tokyo, and the BeBop Cola machines had finished with the rest of the world, so they also joined in the huge fight. TMIBOKAJJTOHCFAYETEEWWAAPWIBTBARARTWWTTGDONBSWLESC ADMSWLC was also there, having left the Legends Only server in a huff, and was bashing heads energetically with his ten tentacles. The Plotline Hotline employees had come along, and were distressed to see all these people fighting at their workplace, so they joined in the battle for no reason. GenEXMRT, having fought the second assistant costume designer's coffee holder of the Brady Bunch victoriously, also showed up, Arncecroc now in genie form floating along behind him. Arjan showed up, deciding this was even better then the Godly battles, and began throwing lightning at everyone.

Back in the War Tavern, that place you had forgotten about, Beauman was once more running the James Bond cameras. And everyone in the Tavern was watching the vera huge fight, and wondering who a lot of the combatants were.

But suddenly, as everyone was fighting madly, and people dieing by the score, Arncecroc revealed his true form. And there, standing among the temporarily stunned fighters, was a huge abombination. And he pointed his finger, and fire leapt from his finger. Fire from the opposite of heaven. All touched by it were consumed, including Arjan. And the universe blew up, just as the evil person in the hospital was about to do something nasty to Ancoysd, who was still in a coma.

And The Plotmaster, Keeper of the Plot Holes, watched this, and he was displeased.
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Feb 3, 2002, 06:47 PM
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Blah, I didn't think how hard that would be to continue to, did I? And to think I was getting rid of the plot that nobody was really replying to.......

Feel free to have some confrence of the omnipotent powers, or the universe righting itself with some changes, or whatever happen. And Plotmaster could well be all powerful, and able to fix this up. Who knows?
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Feb 4, 2002, 06:59 AM
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Lol! THat was so funny, Unknownie! I started laughing aloud at the Lord of The Rings characters. THose were great names. Lol...
What I was going to say was it reminded me of a dream I had last night. Everyone had decided not to destroy the ring and they took it home and reforged it with a picture of apples on it and then some people came along and chased me and a bunch of other people to an art studio were a guy tried to help us by giving us a rug(I'd been watching Aladdin ;P) but that didn't work so the bad people caught us.

Okay. To the point. I don't think I can continue this.

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Feb 9, 2002, 12:55 PM
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The Plotmaster, Keeper of the Plot Holes, turned away from the first story window, and returned to the table.
"Well, the universe just blew up. All the fault of the War Tavern characters, as usual."
Utah, of the famous Watchers, turned his enormous head. "Don't blame yourself, Plotmaster, old boy. The Marvel universes blow up all the time!"
"And I say you two just are on a much too high scale." grumbled a green bug with antennae, dealing the cards. "Back in DC, we may have Crisises of Infinite Earthes, but whole universes are a little much."
"You could be right, Ambush Bug," said The Plotmaster, picking up his hand and examining it, "but when one is in charge of a universe, one also feels a little guilty when it blows up."
Ambush Bug *Pop*ed over behind Utah, snuck a quick look at his hand, and *Pop*ed back to his chair.
Utah glared at the orginless creature for a moment, then returned to studying his cards. "Well, if you feel like the universe's time had not yet come, you could always try to resurrect it. There must be some magic power in that high silk hat-errrr, those plot holes you're always bragging about."
The Plotmaster gasped, and accidentally flashed a few of his cards at Ambush Bug, who accepted the information readily. "The Plotholes? But.. they're far too dangerous! There's no knowing what might come out of one!"
"You want to save your universe, don't you?" responded Utah, looking nigh-omnipotent.
"I guess you're right.. last hand, then."

Sometime later, after Utah and Ambush Bug had gone home (See you next crisis!), The Plotmaster entered the odd room that was filled with plotholes, the place that Beauman had somehow found him in once. Gingerly, The Plotmaster reached into a plothole, and pulled out the first thing that came to hand.
"I wuv you, you wuv me, we're a happ-"

Several hours later, after dealing with both the Teletubbies and Dreamylandless, The Plotmaster finally pulled what he was looking for out of a plothole. The fabled......

Holy Grail.

There were a few Monty Python characters attached to it, but they were thrown back into the plothole, and The Plotmaster gazed at the chalice for a bit. Gingerly, not totally sure how to operate the thing, The Plotmaster put the Grail up to his lips.. and spat out the liquid inside.
"Blagh! This tastes disgusting!"
Some of the Grailified saliva splattered onto walls, but adding to the general apprehension, a little slopped through one of the plotholes The Plotmaster had not tried yet.

"Where... where are we?" asked Fire Sword, looking around as best a Fire Sword is able.
"I don't think we're in Carrotus anymore, Toto." said Batty Buddy. The Pokesith had ran away exploring, so he was feeling a little lonesome.
"I'm in good health once more!" cried Ancoysd. It was true, his stroke was gone.
Unknown Rabbit, who had been there longer then most of them, remembered where he had seen these paticular decorations before. "Creatures, I just remembered where I have seen these paticular decorations before."
"Are you sure?" asked Cobra, who was a little disconcerted to see him alive.
"Course I'm sure, it just said so. Anyway, this looks just like Heaven. I've been here before."
"Then we're all DEAD!" screamed The Psycho. He fell onto the ground, screaming and clawing at nothing. An angel floated up, looked at the poor creature, and turned to SlaYer.
"Don't worry sir, this happens regularly. Some people just can't quite adjust at once."
"Wait.. who are you?" asked Unknown. This figure looked strangely familiar.
"I'm chief good doer around here. My name is Hansol Majawk. Don't worry, I know how you sort of came to life once more using my one wish, and I don't mind. Besides, you got here in the end." The angel gave a grin, and started dragging The Psycho away for rehabilation while Unknown Rabbit just stared a little.
"Hey Beauman, whatcha got there?" asked Kovu, who was still confused. Beauman was holding some sort of box.
"Well, I'm not sure, but I think it's what's left of our universe." said Beauman, kind of cradling the thing. All around them, other former inhabitants of the same universe as them were blinking into nonexistance. An angel walked up to Fquist and said "Sir, you'd better get in line. Some of the people who get up here don't really belong, and everyone who really wants to enter heaven must go through a metal checker first. The sooner you get in line the better - you don't want to be stuck here for enternity. Especially not with the constant new arrivals."
There was some general muttering, and the inhabitants of the universe the War Tavern had been situated in started milling towards a large building which closely resembled an airport. But then Darth Vader pointed up into the sky. "Look, up in the sky. What's that?"
"It's a blackbird." said Unknown, squinting.
"It's a plane!" cried Disguise, getting out a sketch pad.
"It's the jitterbug. Move along there, move along." said Xavier, using his cane to whack stragglers.
"No... it's a plothole!" cried Ducky, staring. And indeed, it was a plothole. A genuine plothole had appeared in the sky. Beauman walked foward, as if in a trance, and opened the box he was holding. A glowing liquid which was probably The Plotmaster's spit shot forth from the plothole, and landed in the universe. "No, not AGAIN!" cried Hansol Majawk, turning to someone who looked important. "He's getting away AGAIN!"

And then all was as it had been very recently. Everyone was fighting in front of Plotline Hotline. But this time, when Arncecroc revealed his true form, The Plotmaster said "Oh no, I don't want to go through that again." and created a plothole underneath the rouge whatever. Arncecroc was teleported back to wherever he belonged. The fight kind of stopped in surprise, and when nobody was looking, Batty Buddy got inside Plotline Hotline. And the Pokesith, which somehow knew the mechanics of the machines inside, sent the time back......

to the time when...............
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Feb 13, 2002, 03:04 PM
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Humbug. I missed the 4000th view by ONE!

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Feb 14, 2002, 02:17 PM
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Cuteness bills? Please, I don't want to be married yet

GenEX was suddenly inspired to take action. He bust out of his Brady imprisonment and took some winged sandals out of his bag(*cough*Hermes*cough*)and took off into space. Locating the tavern at last, unaware of what was going on, he remodeled the tavern again, this time creating a master control room, which would be all his. He settled down in his big comfy chair and made various improvements to the tavern systems via a supercomputer. Of course, he also brought along 100 kittens that could talk to him but not to other taverners(*cough*Morwen*cough*). This was his duty now. Being a hero was just not worth it in his opinion.
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small
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Feb 15, 2002, 12:15 AM
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Basically, things were getting really hectic, so lots of different parties decided to go to the Plotline Hotline, where they could set the time back to before whatever they didn't like happened. And they all went there, and almost everyone in the entire story showed up, and they had a huge fight, and the universe blew up. But The Plotmaster, keeper of the Plot Holes fixed up the universe, and everything was back to the fight. Batty Buddy got away from the fight, and his little Pokesith went and set the time back to a date that is waiting for someone to say what it is.

THUS, what you said makes no sense. Sorry though.

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Feb 15, 2002, 12:14 PM
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Can't we all just get along? Guess not...

"Ah, now this should bring the battle in our favor," GenEX said proudly. He finished his latest addition to the Tavern arsenal. Now all he had to do was get to the battle scene.

A few seconds later, GenEX made it to the Plotline Hotline. "Time for phase one of 'Apocalypse later,'" he said as he pushed a button.
Calling through the loudspeaker, he yelled "ALL TAVERNERS MUST GET ON ONE OF THE TRACTORS THAT YOU SHOULD SEE AROUND YOU!" Thus, everybody who was still alive managed to fit somewhere on the giant tractors. GenEX pushed another button, and the tractors floated up to the TavernShip. Shouts of all the other characters could be heard below.

"Lemme guess, that was your 'tractor beam?'" questioned Beauman. GenEX nodded, and pushed a big shiny red button that said "Panic Button". His voice came over the loudspeaker inside the tavern, "ATTENTION ALL TAVERNERS. WE ARE PREPARING FOR BATTLE. BUCKLE YOUR SEATBELTS, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO GO TO THE BATHROOM OR ADJUST YOUR PICTURE, CANCEL THE THREE-RING CIRCUS, THERE WILL NOT BE A MOVIE ON THIS FLIGHT, STUFF IS GOOD, DON'T FORGET TO-"GenEX stopped himself before he got carried away. Sitting himself in the special custom-made Battling Station™, he made sure the Tavern was in Auto-Pilot before he got in his cockpit and prepared his vast weaponry. He had no idea what everybody was fighting about, but GenEX wasn't in the mood to be delayed for his live singing of "Pretty Fly for a Rabite".

Did I do something bad?
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small
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Feb 15, 2002, 01:04 PM
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I'm telling you that stuff is totally out of continuity! We're waiting for a post to tell us exactly what time the universe was sent back to, due to Batty Buddy's Pokesith.

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Feb 15, 2002, 01:35 PM
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30 seconds ago?
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small
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Feb 15, 2002, 07:37 PM
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Ok, back to the War Tavern. It hasn't gotten any press for a while now. was Christmas, and the Golden Knight was found by the C&CJP, and ANTI-TUBBS reformed, and Jim Drab and Plotline Hotline continued searching for Blagagnga. Except this time, the dinosaurs Didn't get loose at the future earth, and ANTI-TUBBS Didn't become evil again (at least, not right then) and hire Ancoysnd as a super hero, and Blagagnga Didn't get roasted by Newspaz, who would later be killed by Darth Maul, and Jim Drab Didn't get replaced with a mutant inverted blue octopus. In short, everything was back to normal. Unknown Rabbit was still swathed in bandages and the like from top to toe, but he wasn't dead. Ancoysnd got the job vacancy at Happy Puppy Pickle Co. instead of Kovu, and Disguise forgot his announcement and made some anicent ruin tileset of general aclaim. Shigeru Miyamoto, as there Wasn't someone to replace him, Didn't go on a vacation, so he Wasn't sucked into first Teh Gamcub Dimenson, then the GameRhombadececedron Dimension. GenEX Didn't become cute, as there Wasn't any AMAZING GUY! to punch his head in, so he Didn't meet the Second assistant costume designer's coffee holder of the Brady Bunch, and Didn't summon Arncecroc, who Didn't destroy the universe. Batty Buddy and Kovu, after a slight misadventure with some BeBop cola machines, got back to the War Tavern, where they attracted the attention of the wall Fquist had fallen in love with once with their story. It began to follow them around for a while, but there was an unpleasant incident with a ball and chain.. and I won't go into the gory details. Because ANTI-TUBBS Didn't hire Ancoysnd for his evil purposes, your favorite three former Plotline Hotline employees Didn't hear about this, and Didn't go get Darth Vader to assist them in creating the characters from Ignored of the Rings. High Chancellor Palpetine, due to not having the funds from Newspaz's modified will, Didn't change around the Plotline Hotline machines so only Sith could use them. He and Darth Vader killed eachother while Luke watched, without any former Plotline Hotline employees to intervene. Cobra and Ducky Didn't get a ride with the Evil Driver who looked like Elfis, as GenEX didn't go to a cute contest. Thus, Unknown Rabbit wasn't killed in a lake, and the Bongo of the Jedi wasn't broken. The evil person in the hospital didn't manage to do whatever he intended to, as ULTRA NURSE! showed up, and defeated him righteously. ANTI-TUBBS, due to having reformed, Wasn't visited in the night by Beauman, and thus Wasn't stranded Somewhere near the beginning of the year by non scientific standards past for a few hours. Nintendo, not having Ancoysnd as a temporaral lead game designer, Didn't make JJ3-5. And because of this, Opposition Publishing Co. Inc. Wasn't forced to make Snozz SnackSquirrel 2. As Kovu Wasn't required for a welcome back party in his name, Charlie Didn't go deliver pickles to the War Tavern, and will probably live to a ripe old age because of it, unless he gets involved in some other adventure. And the universe Didn't blow up, so Plotmaster and his friends Didn't have a poker game. Also, all the good citizens from the universe Didn't have to go to Heaven, so Hansol Majawk was spared the pain of Unknown Rabbit getting away again. Etc etc etc etc. To sum it up, Everything that happened in the last 33 posts is to be ignored. Pretty much a clean slate here. Yep yep. And, because you like them so, I'll try to think of a new plot related thingy.

Several days later..

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" cried GenEX, spitting the nails from his teeth. He, along with several others, had just been afixing a large banner saying the same over the 'Tavern door. BBoy complained drunkenly as a few of the nails bopped him on the head.
"Well, you've got to understand there are some hazards when you stand underneath something that's under construction!" cried Ducky from inside, where she was happily trying to outblow Blacksheep with a few of those things that make noise when you blow on them. Slayer was arguing with Cobra over the price of champagne, but spared the time to rip "December 31st" off of the calender. Beauman signaled everyone to come outside to watch the fireworks, and they did, with Slayer taking the counter he had been behind with him. Kovu kind of got tied to one of the rockets somehow, while GenEX looked perfectly innocent, but he landed in a pool, and none of his bruises were Too serious.

After the initial party had kind of died away, everyone got a bit drunk, except for the ones who either didn't drink or couldn't. So they weren't too alarmed when the night, to be obliging, turned stormy. Or when the door creaked open, and a redeyed figure walked in the door, and roamed the floor, as if searching for something.
"MY EYES HURT!" cried the figure at last, jolting some of the 'Taverners who were not yet too far gone back to moderate sobriety.
"Yeah, I Know it's a red eyed figure, but don't look at me, ok guys?" said Batty Buddy, trying to find any recognizable features on the new arrival.

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Feb 16, 2002, 02:37 AM
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Thumbs up

"Yes!" GenEX cheered. Now he could sing Pretty Fly for a Rabite!
Getting up on the stage, he grabbed the microphone and sang.

Always acting bravely?
That's right, that's right.
Always acting bravely?
That's right, that's right.
Always acting bravely?
That's right, that's right.
And all the bunnies say I'm pretty fly, for a rabite.
(music plays)
Was living in a cavern, for my entire life,
I killed without much mercy, to fill my apettite.
But now I'm with the tavern as a genius engineer,
I upgrade all components yet I still have time to steer!

So come on in and have a sip of gin,
We have such drinks that your head is sure to spin!
Yeah we party long, and sing some songs!
We fly through space, we fly through space!
And we have our feud, host the the Beau, and you may picked to play sometime pretty soon.
So grab a party hat and, hey, hey, join our fearless crew!

Always acting bravely?
That's right, that's right.
Always acting bravely?
That's right, that's right.
Always acting bravely?
That's right, that's right.
And all the bunnies say I'm pretty fly, for a rabite.

We have a little fund that is very poorly spelled. It says to "SAV TEH DUKKYS" and I think the fund means well/ But it has few donations, I really don't know why. It's still chock full o' money but what's it used to buy?

Come and join the fun, there's room for more than one. We got running gags and all sorts of jokes and puns. Yeah, come and have some beer for it'll bring you cheer, but you better not get drunken or you best get outta here.

Put on a party hat, a silly looking one at that, go put on a party hat and, hey, hey, join our fearless crew!
(music stops)
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small

Last edited by GenEXMRT; Feb 16, 2002 at 01:34 PM.
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JCF Éminence Grise

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Feb 16, 2002, 01:11 PM
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Actually, it's the "SAV TEH DUKKY FUND" (with backward "K"s). It originated in the JMMB, when Blacksheep kidnapped Ducky for a reason unknown, and left her at the north pole. Blacksheep then requested some random that had something to do with a helicopter, a lot of money, and a leather couch, so Cobra started raising money for this ransom with the "SAV TEH DUKKY FUND" box (with backward "K"s). At the moment, I really have no idea what it's used for.

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Feb 16, 2002, 01:37 PM
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Grrrrr... Do you know how long it took me to make that parody? At least 3 hours! And I knew it was "SAV TEH DUKKY FUND"(with backwards k's), but I had to make it rhyme and have a similar amount of syllables! This is all you have to say?
*eyes turn crimson with flames in pupils*
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small

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Feb 16, 2002, 02:45 PM
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Actually, I wasn't raising money with that box. I just came across that box in the tavern and put a dime in it, which Hip promptly took to buy some gum.
please leave the satanic fish alone

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Feb 16, 2002, 03:27 PM
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Because Unknown Rabbit didn't like the song, GenEX started a tornado outside the tavern and threw Unknown into the unknown. The tornado picked up speed and was sucked back up into the clouds. Unfortunately, Unknown Rabbit didn't land. He was thrown out of the planet's range of gravity. Of course, since much of the tavern was drunk, everybody applauded Gen's creative method of disposing of naughty people.

So now, Unknown Rabbit is LOST IN SPACE. Actually, he's on a planet with really uncomfortable chairs that have super duper ultra glue on the seats, really stinky air, intellect depriving gasses, black-and-white tv, and he has to watch reruns of LOST IN SPACE on high volume for punishment. A warning on the area of the planet states anybody who helps him will be fined 50000x more money than the amount they will ever have.

Are you sorry now?
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small

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Feb 16, 2002, 03:40 PM
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Be a team player, Gen.
Just because someone bugs you it does not mean you get to kill off/remove them from the story.
please leave the satanic fish alone

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Feb 16, 2002, 03:42 PM
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1. I didn't kill him

2. Wasn't that kinda like what happened to me?
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small
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Feb 16, 2002, 11:06 PM
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Uhhh, let's see...... you were murdered by a former Taverner who abandoned everything he had ever done, that got a job as a super hero. You then were turned cute, had tea with the second assistant costume designer's coffee holder of the Brady Bunch, vowed to destroy him, summoned an amazingly evil force in disguise as an amazingly cute genie.

How is that similar?

Unknown Rabbit stared at the screen numbly, except for the parts which had feeling. He was sure he had watched the entire series at least ten times by now, and the episode "One Of Our Dogs Is Missing" was getting Really old. As the ending neared, he found himself wishing the dog didn't save Judy from the giant. Then another jolt of the intellect depriving gasses hit him, and his intellegence ebbed away again, and he was sobbing as it looked like Judy would die.

GenEX glared around at the milling crowd, most of whom weren't looking at him. "All the rest of you liked my song, right? Just like My Story, it's the most fabulous thing ever, right?"
This started one of the more intelligent rabbits off on an essay which went something like "Well, actually, it's really impossible for any one thing to be the most fabulous thing ever, as beauty and fabulousisem are only in the eyes and ears of the beholder, which means that whatever one person make think is the most fabulous thing ever, another person shall disagree with, so-" until the big bad tornado huffed and puffed and soared him away to Never-Never Land where he fell in with Peter Pan and never really regretted having being soared away from the War Tavern.
"Now look here," said the mysterious red eyed figure, still roaming the floor. "I didn't come here as a mysterious figure that doubles as a plot device just to be ignored in favor of some rabbit who likes singing and conjuring tornados!"
"Oh, right." said someone, and the attention returned to the mysterious figure.
"What do you want here?" asked Slayer, in a "if you're here to cause trouble, get out" tone of voice.
"And who are you?" asked Ducky, in a "can't get any rest" voice.
"Whee! Stars!" cried BBoy, in a "I'm about to pass out on the floor" voice.
"And what is the difference between a Raven and a Writing Desk?" asked GenEX, in a "you're diverting attention from my absolute wonderfulness" voice.
"I shall answer your questions in reverse order, in order to make me look weird. The difference is that Ravens are best destroyed with Jazz's Uppercutt, while Writing Desks are best destroyed with Spaz's Sidekick. I can do nothing about your alchoholic problem. I am Vampyra Smurferama. AND I VANT TO SUCK YOU BLOOD!"
At this point, the mysterious figure shed its concealing garmints. A small, blue, blonde, fanged creature stood there in elevator shoes. It seemed to be selecting.
There was a brief silence.
A drunk snorted.
Blacksheep burst out laughing, and started mutilating the table with her fist, until Ducky told her to be quiet, and keep her tray table up.
"And now, it's time for, CANNIBAL FEUD!" cried Beauman, in a "it might work, so I'll try it" voice.
"With us today, from unknown regions of Pennsylvania-" cried Beauman, in a "game show" voice.
"That's TRANsylvania!" interjected Vampyra Smurferama, in a "what's with all the definition of our voices?" voice.
"-of Transylvania, is Vampyra Smurferama. And competing against her today will be....." Beauman got out this crane thing, and started reaching around through the crowd... until it dropped, and grabbed "Fquist! This looks to be an interesting match of Cannibal Feud, folks!
"I don't want to play!" cried Fquist, squirming in the grasp of the crane thing. "Put me down this minute, or I'll call my agent and sue the lot of you!"
"You want to be put down? Oh, ok." said Beauman, and deposited Fquist in the Cannibal Feud arena. A small "Enter Only" door opened, preventing Fquist from running out it, and Vampyra Smurferama entered with a "I'm going to be famous!" attitude.
"Ready....... GO!" cried Beauman, and Fquist ran in rectangles around the ring, with the Vampire Smurf in hot persuit. GenEX tried singing another song, but the attention was diverted, so he gave up.

Mindlessly watching the four space hippies try to destroy the Robinsons, Unknown Rabbit numbly felt his last bit of brain slip away from him. All was just a fleeting scene of various colors to him now, with no longer any meaning. A stream of what had formally been identified as grey swooped past, and he heard a noise. Not that he knew what hearing was. He sat there still, unmoving, eyes locked on the television that he no longer knew what it was. The endless reruns flew by, unknown to his barely existential consciousness. And then he felt another jolt of the intelligence depriving gas..... and his mind wrapped around somehow. He had become one of those super geniuses you always read about in insane stories. And naturally he was able to get loose. Using his newly developed psychic powers, he was able to slip out between the bonds ensnaring him. His injuries were oddly healed.. how long had he lain in that chair? Days? Monthes? Years? He stiffly made his way out of the room, though not fast enough to avoid another jolt of the gas, depriving him of the newly found psychic powers. But his genius was still considerable.

"Well, Fquist has put up a good sprint, making you wonder why he didn't enter in the olympics, but it looks like he's getting tired. We should see the main fight any time now, folks.."
There were a few ragged cheers, and Ducky brushed a few of the cobwebs out of her hair. GenEX had long since run out of fascinating songs, but as nobody had listened to them, he could use them again later with no fear of repitition.
Fquist leaned against the side, puffing. Vampyra, her fangs glistening in Spring's early light (just remember that she arrived on January First), headed slowly towards him. Fquist tried to get away, but his muscles were highly overtaxed, and he fell to the floor, gasping.
"Or maybe not! Well, it looks like Vampyra is going to take the first bite soon.."
As promised, the Smurf bent down, fangs ready, and sunk them into Fquist's neck a little. There was an unusual effect. Contrary to expectations, Fquist had not become another vampire.

Instead, he had become..

the almost equally dreaded....

FrankenQuist's monster. Slow and teetery, the former landlord bumped along to the opposite side, where he crashed through the wall. Vampyra Smurferama followed, cackling a little, then returned to her earlier task of what seemed to be selecting.

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Feb 17, 2002, 07:44 AM
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Since everything became quiet, GenEX knew he had to do something. This is the WAR Tavern after all.

"And now, Cannibal Feud infinity! We all fight and kill eachother," GenEX yelled into the microphone. Of course, nobody heard him. He decided to go back to his little chamber. He knew the sight of his precious little kittens would cheer him up. And it did.

Meanwhile, Unknown had dismantled the television and reconstructed it as a catapault. Unfortunately, by the time he launched it, the intellect depriving gas had deprived all his intellect. The whole time he was flying back to the war tavern he spent eating his belly-button lint.
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small
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Feb 17, 2002, 02:39 PM
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I must be missing something here...

Unknown Rabbit, over the space of monthes, loses all his intelligence. Then he becomes a super genius, and leaves the room. After that, instead of seeing what else is on the planet, he goes Back into the room, and assembles a catapault. This shouldn't take too long. Naturally, by the time he's finished, his intelligence is all gone. From the same gas that took monthes when he started with Less intelligence.

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