Jun 26, 2007, 06:20 AM | |
Drat, I thought I had sussed the number-pad puzzle.
I'm working on an updated map showing the flow of whatever liquid is in the pipes. Rad: is the number 130 at all significant in relation to Fooruman? Last edited by Torkell; Jun 26, 2007 at 06:31 AM. |
Jun 26, 2007, 07:00 AM | |
Right, here's the updated version of the map. There's a few changes to the layout, and I've added arrows to show the flow in the pipes, markers to show where the valves are, and a grid reference. The compass directions are arbitary - we've not been given the direction of north. Note that the map appears to tile horizontally - it could even be a disc. We're currently (assuming I've not messed up a turning) in T11.
Map: ![]() ![]() Radium: could you check I've not made any mistakes with this map? |
Jun 26, 2007, 08:08 AM | |
It's better than my map now D=. Also, I'll go ahead and say that the pipes are slightly curved (so that the water forms a ring around the tower), though it doesn't really affect the map any.
I pondered to myself whether the number 130 was of any significance at all in relation to Fooruman. It could be his age, I guessed, but I could recall him saying he was older than that. His weight.. probably not, considering when we met him he was starving to death, and I wasn't starving to death too until at least a day later. "Shuri," Faw addressed me, "do you have any idea what you're doing? I mean, we've been here a while, I feel like you're ignoring us all, and you look like you're thinking really hard about something." |
Jun 26, 2007, 09:11 AM | |
![]() ![]() Right, let's take stock. We're looking for up to three items: a gear for the pump in J5, something (most likely a fuse) for the boxclaw in P6, and a wheel for the valve in Y3. There's also two doors, in I13 and V11. The door in I13 needs a key, while the one in V11 is linked to a '3' and a '4' pad (the '4' pad is slightly larger). It looks like to continue we need to open the dome. It's not dependent on a 3:4 ratio of weight or pressure, as we've tried that (unless the weights need to be in an exact 3:4 ratio - I think I was a couple of pounds out). We've sort of tried numbers, but I'm not sure if the canoe counts. There are also two small rocks, and a patch of light. Hmm... Pick up the small rocks in F9 and U8, then weigh them on the scales at M15. Adjust valves as needed to actually make it there. Last edited by Torkell; Jun 26, 2007 at 09:17 AM. Reason: Map and key reposted as new page |
Jun 28, 2007, 03:00 PM | |
Sorry, had some art award and class planning things to go to.
Something about being cold, scared and alone (yeah... I'm not counting the rest of my party as people anymore) evidently causes you to take stock of your possessions a lot. I had: -My katana, which was about three feet long, steel, and was starting to look like a piece of sticky bloody schrapnel; I'd need to swing by Ninja Depot and pick up a new one after this "adventure". -My "awesome ninja pants", which were secretly just a pair of one-size-too-large black jeans. From Wal*Mart. -My armor, which was sleeveless, only came down to the bottom of my ribcage, and entirely made of metal. In retrospect, I really should've worn something under it. -Some paper and a pen I stole from Faw and used to write down our weights. You know, so after this was all over we could give health talks about how we lost 30 pounds fighting an evil dreadlord that lived in an ice cave. All things considered, homeless people that push around shopping cards had it better than us. "Follow," I yelled over the wind, walking back along the pipe, turning right towards the river, then right again to the last rock I'd seen. "U., want to get the rock?" I asked, gesturing towards it. "Nah, I'm cool. My current rock is better," he explained, holding it out. I looked at the rock on the ground, then at his. "They look exactly the same." "They are exactly the same, but mine's slightly larger. That makes it better for most things rocks are used for." I wished he'd just pick up the (-) rock. "Not everything, though," I said, "Like throwing, and with two you can stack them up." "I don't usually plan that far ahead," Uberbob admitted, "so far it's worked, and I don't want to stop now." I felt a hand on my soulder and snapped around. Fawriel was there. "It's okay if you want to pick up the rock, Shuri. We won't make fun of you or anythin-" Araches interrupted. "Yes we will. I will, anyway." I sighed. I hated this adventure. "For the love of God." I knelt down and snached up the rock. "Shuri!!" Uberbob exclained, "you picked up a rock!" Araches laughed darkly. "Is this what you've become, Shur?" Me: "We can't tell what might come in handy. And, I mean it wasn't nailed down or anything." Uberbob clapped his hands together with glee. "You get it! You really get it!" Me: "Regret." Fawriel frowned. "Guys! Don't make fun of her! She's just trying to help us-" "How long did you carry that First Aid kit for, Faw?" Araches asked. "That SAVED us!" "STONE saved us!" "Okay, all of you shut up," I ordered, "we need to weigh these rocks." We quickly moved back to the last valve, turned it and continued to the scale. I grabbed Uberbob's rock from him (much to his discontent) and ran ahead to the scale. (Radium note: it's been half a year. I forget what position the valve by the scale was in. Let's presume Shuri turned it towards the scale if it wasn't) I dropped the my rock on the scale with a CLANG. The needle flickered from the impact, then settled on "3". So far so good. Without bothering to take mine off, I dropped Uberbob's on. "7". "I believe I see our solution..." Fooruman said speculatively, startling me. I turned around. "How'd you beat everyone else here?" "I have a vehicle, in case you haven't noticed, Senyor Ken." I decided to not pursue this topic any further. ![]() Last edited by Radium; Jun 28, 2007 at 08:06 PM. |
Jun 28, 2007, 03:23 PM | |
What's with the red dot on the image?
Head to the dome, and put the rock that weighs 3 (Shuri's) on the 3 plate and the one that weighs 4 (Uberbob's) on the 4 plate. |
Jun 29, 2007, 09:57 AM | |
If this doesn't work, then I'll tell Uberbob that really super cool rocks are inside the dome.
Jun 29, 2007, 12:37 PM | |
His arm would just end up freezing, Xo, like Shuri's katana did.
And check the art forum for BONUS INTERACTIVE TOU FUN, guys! Before leaving, I looked closer at the red dot on the piece of scrapmetal. It looked like a built-in light, as though the metal was once part of an airplane wing. Or a wall with a red light on it. It was not glowing, therefore probably broken. The rest of the pack was arriving just as I was turning to leave. "Follow," I ordered again, and they grudgingly turned back with me. After an annoyingly long walk and one valve turn, we arrived at the dome. I dropped the two rocks onto the respective platforms. There was a short rumble of a motor starting, gears clicking, and the doors slowly slid open. It was considerably warmer inside - no doubt due to the lack of wind. The contents of the dome itself were rather strange. A few clocks and other trinkets lay scattered around, along with a few rocks (a spare set?). Most of all, everyone seemed happy to get in from the cold. Except Uberbob, who was no doubt about to pocket everything he could. ![]() |
Jun 29, 2007, 12:53 PM | |
Are the clocks of any significance?
Mystic Legends http://www.mysticlegends.org/ The Price of Admission - Hoarfrost Hollow - Sacrosanct - other - stuff |
Jun 29, 2007, 01:05 PM | |
What times are the clocks showing (I don't trust you to have them all the right way round)? Are any working? Can the time shown be changed?
What state is the trolley in? Is that a The pipe that goes into the dome - what is it connected to on the inside? |
Jun 29, 2007, 02:56 PM | |
Uberbob rushed towards the table and began to tug at the handles on the drawers. They didn't budge. "Crap, they must be for storing glue."
"Or just locked," Faw proposed, confirming the cabinent was as well. He tried reaching for the paper and first aid kit on top of the cabinent, but they were out of reach. It was a pretty big cabinent, probably containing amazing things. All of the clocks were still functioning, but none of them had numbers. I took a closer look at the clock on the broken trolley; the back had a knob for changing the time. Judging from the orientation of the word "ClockworksTM" on the back, the correct time was a little bit before 3:00. "Got a hot date?" Araches asked, leaning against the side of the dome. Near her, the pipe led into a heater. I ignored her. The trolley was made of rusted metal, with 3 wheels bolted to it. The last wheel was missing its bolt and had fallen off. Hoping no one would notice, I took the magnifying glass and crowbar. |
Jun 29, 2007, 04:50 PM | |
Get someone to lift Faw up so he can get at the first aid kit. If Faw's too heavy, try lifting either Shuri or Fooruman. What does the paper on top of the cupboard say?
Use the crowbar to open the cupboard and drawers. |
Jun 29, 2007, 09:11 PM | |
"Faw, prop me up so I can reach the top of that cabinent." Fawriel gave me a lift, but the top of the cabinent was still out of reach. I could read off the top of the piece of paper "the secret of happiness is", but the rest was blocked by the cabinent.
Feeling attention defecit, I grabbed the wheel that had fallen off the cart and departed, turning left to reach the broken valve. I put the wheel on top of it. It fell off. It occured to me I didn't plan this very well. ![]() |
Jun 30, 2007, 02:58 AM | |
I think Ae meant to use the wheel from the souther valve, not the cart ;|
Also would it be acceptable if we'd use commands like "go to Y3" rather than "East, North, North"?
Mystic Legends http://www.mysticlegends.org/ The Price of Admission - Hoarfrost Hollow - Sacrosanct - other - stuff |
Jul 1, 2007, 05:49 AM | |
Head back to V11, and change the time on the clock on the trolley to match the others.
Jul 1, 2007, 08:50 AM | |
Sorry, Ae, misunderstood. There's a lot of wheels here. And sure, Cooba.
Also, Torkell, the clock on the trolley was the only one with an identifying mark signifying direction. Shuri was presuming the time was 3:00 on all of them from this. Sorry if I didn't imply that well enough. I suddenly realized that I had misunderstood my own brilliant plan. I trudged back through the cold wind until I reached the previous valve. I snagged the crowbar under the bolt to try to pry it out class-two-lever style. After a bit of prying, I finally managed to work out both the wheel and the fragile, rusty bolt that held it in place. Score. ![]() |
Jul 1, 2007, 08:54 AM | |
Y3, attach the wheel, turn the wheel.
I'll try to avoid shifting the co-ordinate grid on the map. |
Jul 1, 2007, 08:59 AM | |
I turned back, put the wheel on the broken valve, and pounded the fragile, rusty bolt through it with the crowbar.
Huh, I thought to myself, I honestly wasn't expecting that to work. I've been having a pretty good day. ![]() |
Jul 1, 2007, 10:49 AM | |
Attempt to follow the left pipe.
Mystic Legends http://www.mysticlegends.org/ The Price of Admission - Hoarfrost Hollow - Sacrosanct - other - stuff |
Jul 1, 2007, 11:19 AM | |
I followed the pipe left along the ridge. At the end stood a tower, at least 100 feet tall, and with what appeared to be a clock at the top... I guess making it a clocktower. I approached the door; it was shuddering as if trying to open, but it did not have enough force. The pipe feeding into the other side of the tower was cold, and disappeared across the icy river behind me.
The clock face read 3:10, confirming that the clock on the trolley was correct and suggesting I had been wandering around crowbaring valves for about 20 minutes. ![]() |
Jul 1, 2007, 12:34 PM | |
Try kicking the door down?
The more we wander round, the more this seems like Myst. ![]() ![]() Last edited by Torkell; Jul 1, 2007 at 12:49 PM. Reason: Map and key updated |
Jul 1, 2007, 02:12 PM | ||
Which could as well mean that it's the power source for the door.. how are we supposed to use the boxclaw is beyond me.
Mystic Legends http://www.mysticlegends.org/ The Price of Admission - Hoarfrost Hollow - Sacrosanct - other - stuff |
Jul 1, 2007, 03:57 PM | |
I looked across the river; I could vaguely make out the metal box I had encountered earlier.
Since this otherwise looked like a dead end, I gave the door a mighty kick, resulting in hurting my foot. It didn't look like there was much else I could do here, at least alone. Though I rather liked the relative quiet of being off on my own. |
Jul 1, 2007, 08:47 PM | |
Boggy's map isn't completely accurate in shape/spaceing. West along the pipe crosses the river and connects to the boxclaw.
GENERATION 22: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment. <i>"This picture shows me that the gray bird man is just a bully and picks on smaller birds. Just because he has no friends and takes it out on others smaller than him to look good. I can see in the parrats eyes that it does however have a understanding of the gray bird man and is upset about getting cut."</i> - Speeza on cartoon birds. |
Jul 2, 2007, 04:33 AM | |
Think of my map as being like the Tube map - it's not geographically accurate, but it shows what's linked to what.
Hmm, I have an idea... Head west to Y3, turn the valve, remove the wheel. Head south to Y7, add the wheel. Go to V11 and collect the rest of the part (unless we want them to freeze). Make our way to E7 (adjusting valves as needed), make sure the north pipe is heated, and remove the wheel. Back to Y3, add the wheel. Then head to Q7 and stick the crowbar in the claws of the boxclaw. |
Jul 2, 2007, 10:35 AM | |
Deciding I'd better reroute the steam before my tag-alongs froze to death, I walked back to the valve and turned it clockwise. Since I'd need it to get back to the metal box, I stuck the crowbar under the fragile, rusty bolt to pry it out again.
SnnnAAP "(-)," I shouted as the head of the bolt snapped off and bounced into the river. ![]() EDIT: what do you mean "try the small clock on the boxclaw"? This isn't King's Quest D= Last edited by Radium; Jul 2, 2007 at 01:10 PM. |
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