Apr 16, 2008, 08:03 AM | |
I think all of us have at some point or another had the idea of just making a new platformer as a "spiritual successor" to Jazz2. And honestly, it's probably one of the better ideas in terms of realism, cost, et cetera. We'd know the code a whole lot more intimately, rather than relying on potentially poorly documented and confusing source code. We could even have it compatible with JJ2 levels, somehow. Naturally, this is incredibly ambitious, but considering thusfar, to my knowledge at least, there hasn't been a coordinated movement about it. It's just been one man teams of people who run out of energy very quickly. I know I've been there =\. It'd be at least prudent to come up with some sort of design documentation or plans so that we'd have an idea of what to be looking for, in case we wanted to create this project. Considering the pool of coding talent, we'd have a good shot at at least getting somewhere with the idea. So long as nothing from JJ2 is packaged with the game, we can have the option of using files (to my knowledge, it's under fair use) that came with it.
Apr 16, 2008, 09:12 AM | |
Whenever they finish the dedictated server we got a pretty good successor to Jazz2. By adding offline and client-side games to it, it could even replace the current versions.
However, people may indeed run out of energy very quickly. Besides that, AFAIK there are some people making serious progress in trying to get a copy of the original source code. Although the code could be confusing in the beginning, it saves the lot of work needed to remake the game and makes it more likely new versions are backwards compatible and can be installed by patching an earlier version.
Nov 23, 2009, 10:15 AM | |
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Source Code FAQ Myths
Ive found my source code corrupted by another person. I suspect their FTP program added a line break every second line.
Think they used cute FTP. Ive had this problem with filezilla. Does anyone know a smart way I can remove the excessive line breaks without doing it manually? I know CSS optmisers will do this for CSS files. Is there something I can use for my php code? |
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Lord Uber Dowzen |
This message has been deleted by Lord Uber Dowzen.
Dec 16, 2009, 09:09 AM | ||
<a href="http://www.jazz2online.com/J2Ov2/downloads/info.php?levelID=5301">Episode 1 The War begins</a> Epsiode 2:N/A Episode 3: Probably never Episode 4: Probably never <a href="http://www.jazz2online.com/J2Ov2/downloads/info.php?levelID=4882"> Deckstar V3</a> <a href="http://www.jazz2online.com/J2Ov2/downloads/info.php?levelID=5408">Colonial Fix</a> Jazz 1 Fanolint: 98% <a href="http://www.jazz2online.com/J2Ov2/downloads/info.php?levelID=5407">Finished secret levels</a> |
Dec 16, 2009, 06:55 PM | ||
There's a 99.7% chance that was a bot. |
Dec 17, 2009, 01:08 PM | |
Well at least the ban hammer was dropped.
<a href="http://www.jazz2online.com/J2Ov2/downloads/info.php?levelID=5301">Episode 1 The War begins</a> Epsiode 2:N/A Episode 3: Probably never Episode 4: Probably never <a href="http://www.jazz2online.com/J2Ov2/downloads/info.php?levelID=4882"> Deckstar V3</a> <a href="http://www.jazz2online.com/J2Ov2/downloads/info.php?levelID=5408">Colonial Fix</a> Jazz 1 Fanolint: 98% <a href="http://www.jazz2online.com/J2Ov2/downloads/info.php?levelID=5407">Finished secret levels</a> |
Jun 13, 2010, 10:19 PM | |
Coop does indeed work online. You can use this bug fixer to allow for health to be lost and for coop to work in general. Also, jj2+ will allow you to easily change gamemode while playing online, in addition to a lot of other awesome things.
![]() Lexicographer: Someone who writes dictionaries Neophyte: A novice, or newbie Hemisemidemiquaver: In music, a sixty-fourth note Exit Troglobite, Stage Left |
Jan 6, 2011, 02:17 PM | |
And what do you want to see? it's possible to get a ton of assember code (asm) out of JJ2, but this have nothing to do with a "high"-level programming language (like C where JJ2 is written in, C++, Delphi,...) and we are "decompiling" JJ2 since years (as a Delphi programmer i hate it to call C a high-level programming language, sorry, not realted to the theme, but had to say this)...
(plus itself and jjm and a ton of other utilitys and functions we are using all the time, wouldnd be possible without "decompiling") In my oppinion you do not get happy with this, if you understand asm and know what you do, have fun and possible you will show us a result in some time (months?, years?,more years? ![]() Have fun... Sfaizst Oh, before i forget: I only saw for Delphi.Net once a decompiler that give a "readable" source back and for no other language (Scripts can be "decompiled" generally, I think D.Net is creating something similar like a script, so that netframework from windows can translate it and C,C++,Delphi,... are NOT Script Languages) |
Jan 7, 2011, 10:05 AM | |
You two guys know that reverse engineering, decompiling and disassembling the game is prohibited, right? Because I'm pretty sure it means that your posts are not supposed to be on JCF, are they?
P.S.: By the way, it looks like it wasn't forbidden in Jazz 1, or at least in the license nothing's written about that. Alister maybe could exploit this, since OpenJazz has different physics than Jazz 1.
Mercatura musicae delenda est. There is a flame untamed Deep in my heart Unyielding, pure Ain Soph 'tis measureless Our right divine: Aspire to all horizons To seek nature ov things Retreat within yourself To find the primal breath Behemoth - Transmigrating Beyond Realms ov Amenti |
Jan 7, 2011, 10:24 AM | |
Are you sure? All that stuff about not endorsing illegal activities, blah, blah...
Mercatura musicae delenda est. There is a flame untamed Deep in my heart Unyielding, pure Ain Soph 'tis measureless Our right divine: Aspire to all horizons To seek nature ov things Retreat within yourself To find the primal breath Behemoth - Transmigrating Beyond Realms ov Amenti |
Jan 7, 2011, 11:04 AM | |
Look at those "Did you ever steal something?", "Are you a potential thief?", "What are you pirating right now?" and similar threads and repeat it. Basically we only can't do illegal things here (like linking to warez), but talking about how we yesterday group raped someone is fully okay.
I am an official JJ2+ programmer and this has been an official JJ2+ statement. |
Jan 7, 2011, 02:08 PM | ||
No one cares about people disassembling JJ2.
As for linking to downloads, that's explicitly forbidden by our host's ToS, so that's a different case. Quote:
Last edited by Stijn; Jan 7, 2011 at 05:15 PM. |
Jan 8, 2011, 08:17 AM | |
I mean, disassembling JJ1 when needed, for any possible imaginable reason.
EDIT: Naaaah... JJ2 is too big to be disassembled using a program that generates a C-like source code. Your decompiler will most probably generate pure chaos, if it doesn't crash.
Mercatura musicae delenda est. There is a flame untamed Deep in my heart Unyielding, pure Ain Soph 'tis measureless Our right divine: Aspire to all horizons To seek nature ov things Retreat within yourself To find the primal breath Behemoth - Transmigrating Beyond Realms ov Amenti Last edited by WhiteBlaster; Jan 8, 2011 at 08:22 AM. Reason: :gnitidE rof nosaeR |
Jan 8, 2011, 08:26 AM | |
Mystic Legends http://www.mysticlegends.org/ The Price of Admission - Hoarfrost Hollow - Sacrosanct - other - stuff |
Jan 8, 2011, 04:43 PM | |
Oh. That's why my C++ decompiler blew up. Right....
EDIT: Isn't it possible to disassemble JJ3 and work on it? EDIT2: I actually have NO idea about ASM right now. Started learning some basics but. Last edited by Hackzor; Jan 8, 2011 at 05:32 PM. |
Jan 9, 2011, 06:46 AM | |
Here you''ll probably realize how significative the fundamental difference between "theorically possible" and "pratically achievable" is.
To do what you are proposing to do would mean that someone takes all of the disassembly output (really a bunch of code) and translates it into C or C++. This first step would require a person that knows Assembly and C/C++ well enough (not to mention 3D animations) and that is patient enought to do a work that would try the patience of a saint. Next step: trying to understand something about what came out from this. Last step: trying to program the remaining pieces, which requires an advanced knowledge of 3D games, the Unreal Engine, etc., that no one here has (as far as I know). I really don't like to swallow the others' hope but, quite frankly, I find this idea quite UNREALizable. P.S.: Trust me, nowadays learning ASM isn't a good way to waste one's life, except in very particular cases.
Mercatura musicae delenda est. There is a flame untamed Deep in my heart Unyielding, pure Ain Soph 'tis measureless Our right divine: Aspire to all horizons To seek nature ov things Retreat within yourself To find the primal breath Behemoth - Transmigrating Beyond Realms ov Amenti |
Jan 11, 2011, 12:11 PM | ||
i dont actually believe in like adjusting jj2 to devolope it further . jj2 has proven to be strong . i believe it can go with like 10 more years . the thing we need to figure is how easy is it instead of trying to figure out the uineasy decoding of jj2 etc etc but lets just try all together to rebuild it kinda like jj2 it self the game is not so big 25 mbs orso meaning building a game simulair to jj2 bring it to life in a new way simple graphics only yet better then its previous one new features built in server control(like jj2 plus ) build in mp3 suport . we tried to decode jj2 like for ages now . isnt it better to say screw it . build a game next to it simulair yet better that we can like convert jj2,s levels in to it . calling the game Jackrabbit reborn orso
![]() im still alive yeah |
Jul 28, 2013, 01:13 PM | |
This story is little pointless..
In 2015 (or later or never) Epic: We have alot of problems, Lets close the company... Someone buys the backups (Whould be cool to be assemblergames.com) After releasing these on Internet. Me enjoying the Pre-OEM alphas and having the source code from backup disc
Sega Satan somewhat |
Aug 7, 2013, 09:01 AM | |
Hello guys,
I've a question about of accelerated graphics of JJ2. I've tried to start a new post, but I don't have permision to do this. So, my question is that on my Geforce 2 GTS 64 AGP4x (Windows XP SP3), JJ2 showed me a wider possibilities of differents resolutions, and if I chose the hardware mode, this runs a lot great too. For the other hand, I've other PC with Win 7 and it work with a ATi HD7950 PCIe 16x, but JJ2 only shows me two resolutions (640x480x16 and 640x480x8). What happens? JJ2 only support some video cards? There is a way to raise the resolution to 1920x1080 for example? I remember when I played JJ2 on my old PC, but today I don't have my old PC because I've selled this. I regret for that all my days dudes! ![]() I've searched on wsgf.com but the hex editor don't find the string 80 02 00 00 51 c7 44 24 5c e0 01 for change the resolution. So, can't find a way to raise my resolution, and work smoothly. Well, any help or suggestion will be appreciate. ![]() |
Aug 7, 2013, 12:42 PM | |
JJ2's maximum resolution is 640x480. The other ones were all smaller (even down to 320x200, which is absolutely tiny). Apparently, your new video card won't let you select ancient, extremely low resolutions. There really is nothing you are missing.
There is a thing called BigJazz, which lets you select resolutions up to 1920x1080. But anything larger than 640x480 is extremely crashy, because the game is not built for that.
Jun 13, 2014, 09:33 PM | |
Yep. But we've never gotten in any trouble before!
(You should post some of your work for us to see! Those are always fun threads, even if they never seem to go anywhere.) |
Jun 14, 2014, 06:59 AM | |
Dobermann Software released a replica of the Jazz Jackrabbit 1 shareware on Windows Phone before, but Epic Games lawyers apparently took action and removed it from the store.
Nevertheless, I agree with Violet on posting your work here. Some works like Project Carrot came a long way and are fun to see in action whether they get finished or not. ![]()
Add SlazRabbit on Xbox Live if you want to play some GoW1/2/3/J or Destiny1/2. Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Forever!! Civilian Defence Force - Jazz2 Visual Fantasers ![]() |
Jan 11, 2017, 03:22 PM | |
Anyone knows if someone still has the sources? Tried contacting Arjan or Cliff? Okay, maybe not Cliff, but Arjan may have them tucked in the attic or something.
Dunno about legalities but I think they could work something out with Epic.
.──. │O_O │ ││_╱ │ ╱╱ │╲ (|▔╲ │ ) ╱'╲_▔ _╱`╲ ╲___) (___╱ TUX LOVES YOU. |
Apr 1, 2017, 04:52 AM | |
In answer to who still has the Source Code, Becky from Logicware does (formally known as Burger).
However she would only release it if she got permission from someone from Epic Games. FYI: Logicware did the Mac Port of JJ2; so they were given the Windows Source Code to Port |
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