Oct 26, 2013, 02:23 AM | |
Oh man, just played Hereafter. The level itself was pretty awesome, and after beating it was even better.
Huge thanks to everyone that's been working on this. It's fantastic to see all the additions you're making to this game!
Define 'normal'. |
Oct 26, 2013, 03:06 AM | |
Glad you liked it!
Highlight block to show spoiler: Now try to beat it with "ChuckNorris" as your name.
Mystic Legends http://www.mysticlegends.org/ The Price of Admission - Hoarfrost Hollow - Sacrosanct - other - stuff |
Oct 26, 2013, 10:06 PM | |
After some cursory experience with mouse aiming, I'd like to request that we be able to shoot with the regular fire key. The current implementation just doesn't click with me; I can't hit the mouse button nearly as fast as my keyboard. I half expect to see people using external programs to map a key to their mouse button, which you have to admit is pretty cheesy (if you've been doing this already, sorry to rat you out, but fair's fair).
Oct 26, 2013, 10:09 PM | |
Already taken care of. Mouse controls are going to be a lot more flexible soon.
![]() Last edited by Violet CLM; Oct 26, 2013 at 10:41 PM. |
Oct 27, 2013, 02:51 AM | |
I am late to the party, but I still have to thank you for all the amazing stuff you did with this game. It's pretty much a totally different experience now and this release really took that to a whole new level (also, Ozymandius, woah).
Question time (not requests, I realise the next big release isn't coming anytime soon) Are there any new textured background types able to be implemented? Same question regarding tile types, though I can't imagine new ones. Will we ever have more than 8 layers? Same question regarding tilesets with more than 256 colours. Are there any more groundbreaking features planned/left to be added? I can't imagine any for this question, either. (Answer this one just with yes/no, wouldn't want to spoil the surprise) Cheers.
so we will shut our mouth when
we are trying to be bastards and speak loudly when we see injustice because everybody plays the game this way saints especially |
Oct 27, 2013, 03:35 AM | |
Levellist problem
I am running a dedivsted server of Jazz Jackrabbit 2 TSF+ and hav eproblem with the levellist, i hav always the 3 default battle maps, no matter what i write to the levellist. It looks like the game cannot find it log: [12:29:03] LOG[=] -PORT 10052.J2L [12:29:03] [12:29:03] >> Level not found. Loading battle1.j2l instead [[Sunday, October 27, 2013 at 12:29:10]] **Current level: "Battle Game" - Battle1.j2l **Next level: battle2 **Game Mode: Single Player **Custom Mode: OFF [12:29:10] >> Error: Level 001 from List was not found and after this new update, the jj2 servers needs more CPU, than the previous + version, is there any fix for it? the server is run in idle mode... |
Oct 27, 2013, 03:43 AM | ||||||
Wherein I pretend to be blur's heir
In the meantime, there's the question of the Tile Menu type having four unused parameters: the three uint8's and the "Parallaxing Stars" checkbox. We're open to community ideas on how they could be used to further enhance this background type. ![]() Quote:
vBrute: It seems you're not running JJ2 through the commandline properly, since it interprets 10052 as the level filename. Can you post the exact path and parameters?
Mystic Legends http://www.mysticlegends.org/ The Price of Admission - Hoarfrost Hollow - Sacrosanct - other - stuff |
Oct 27, 2013, 07:54 AM | ||
Are the levels in your actual folder, not the cache? It looks like the game is trying to detect if there's a level called 10052.J2L.
Oct 27, 2013, 11:17 AM | ||
![]() Quote:
I copied the two levels to game directory and to the UserLevels folder too. I am running the game using bat file with parameters, it looks like it some parameters are the map, i tried several combinations of them, the number 10052 is the port of the game, The first log was created when running the game with these parameters: Jazz2+.exe -windowed -Log[=] -spy -nosound -nodsound -nojoy -SERVER -MAXPLAYERS 8 -COUNTS 13 -port 10052 -LIST when i add list and levellist Jazz2+.exe -windowed -Log[=] -spy -nosound -nodsound -nojoy -SERVER -MAXPLAYERS 8 -COUNTS 13 -port 10052 -LIST -LEVELLIST [1] -LEVELLISTFILE=levellist.ini the log is: [20:04:23] -LOG[=] -PORT 10052 [1].J2L [20:04:23] [20:04:23] >> Level not found. Loading battle1.j2l instead [[Sunday, October 27, 2013 at 20:04:24]] **Current level: "Battle Game" - Battle1.j2l **Next level: battle2 **Game Mode: Single Player **Custom Mode: OFF [20:04:24] >> Error: Level 001 from List was not found when i try to direct run a map using its name behind exe (info: http://www.jazz2online.com/wiki/List...Line+Arguments) C:\GAMESERVERS\JJ2BATTLE10052\Jazz2+.exe battle1.j2l -windowed -Log[=] -spy -nosound -nodsound -nojoy -SERVER -MAXPLAYERS 8 -COUNTS 13 -port 10052 -LIST -LEVELLIST [1] -LEVELLISTFILE=levellist.ini the log is: [20:01:48] BATTLE1.J2L -LOG[=] -PORT 10052 [1] [20:01:48] [20:01:48] >> Level not found. Loading battle1.j2l instead [[Sunday, October 27, 2013 at 20:01:49]] **Current level: "Battle Game" - Battle1.j2l **Next level: battle2 **Game Mode: Single Player **Custom Mode: OFF [20:01:49] >> Error: Level 001 from List was not found what am I doing wrong? the server is normally running, with only the three basic battle maps @ if u want to check web: vBrute.co.nr |
Oct 28, 2013, 02:46 AM | |
I think the problem was twofold:
1.) you didn't specify a gamemode 2.) -port needs an equal sign to work The following works fine for me: Jazz2+.exe -windowed -nospy -nosound -nodsound -nojoy -server -battle -levellist [1] -maxplayers 8 -counts 13 -port=10052 -list
Mystic Legends http://www.mysticlegends.org/ The Price of Admission - Hoarfrost Hollow - Sacrosanct - other - stuff |
Oct 28, 2013, 04:03 AM | |
Thanx cooba, that one works for me too
![]() Can u advise me good battle maps for the server? what are te most popular or most played by the community There is one little bug more, that i found, on my notebook, (lenovo E535, winXP, AMD processor and graphics), it happened to the previous + version too. Normall jazz jackrabbit is starting with no problems (2 and 2TSF), but when i start the plus exe, a FATAL APPLICATION ERROR occurs Could not set video mode 640x480x16 with ANY compatible mode and bla bla bla... To run jazz2+.exe i need to run it using shortcut with parameter -windowed and then alt+enter to go fullscreen and it works with no problem, strange... and btw really crazy new backgrounds ![]() |
Oct 28, 2013, 11:21 AM | ||
Or if you don't want to split up the uint8 values (since it's difficult to understand for some JCS users), use the same 8-bit value to determine both for each layer. Or use one 8-bit value for rotation, one for zoom magnitude, one for zoom speed or something, and apply them to all layers equally. As a level designer I'd prefer to have layers rotating at different speeds, though. |
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juanpablo123 |
This message has been deleted by juanpablo123.
Reason: This was all from the past. Goodbye. (past me sux btw)
Oct 28, 2013, 09:45 PM | |
Feature request: a function to grant a player gems that updates their number of gems for non-local players, like collecting a gem does. I'm sure setting jjPLAYER.gems directly is useful in single player. But in multiplayer, the player has to collect a gem normally before the number in the player list is updated for everyone else, which is far from ideal.
Before anyone suggests the "solution" of spawning an actual gem directly on the player's position: gems are typically used in Treasure mode, where blinking players cannot collect pickups. So for that to work you also have to set blink to 0, and probably have it stay there for at least one frame. I suspect there are bad things that can happen with that. |
Oct 29, 2013, 12:23 AM | |
Are you sure only the debug version works? After I swapped back to the normal version the issue where it crashed in single player resurfaced, but going to a multiplayer game fixed it again. If it's still causing problems for you then you may have a different issue altogether.
Define 'normal'. |
Oct 29, 2013, 04:35 AM | |
Obi is correct, it should make no difference whether you run the debug build or the normal one. But you do need to 'fix single player' (i.e. start an online game before trying single player) for both of them separately (because they have distinct registry keys).
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juanpablo123 |
This message has been deleted by juanpablo123.
Reason: 2 posts below: Ragequit mode post deleted. (past me sux btw)
Oct 29, 2013, 12:24 PM | |
Are you sure you started an online multiplayer game in the non-debug version before trying single player? I really can't think of any other explanation than this.
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juanpablo123 |
This message has been deleted by juanpablo123.
Reason: oh, sorry...
Oct 29, 2013, 11:32 PM | |
juanpablo, what I think is important to understand is that initial reports very frequently end up being much more extreme statements than the actual causes, and it's important to ask followup questions and make sure the actual situation is the same as the one that the reporter is describing. For example, today I got a report that "angelscript seems to be running in 2 instances for clients." That would be pretty extreme! But it turned out the actual issue was that
jjAlert , when called by the server, additionally sends the alert text to logged-in remote admins. What Jerry and others are doing is just trying to make sure we know exactly what you're saying the problem is, since nobody can replicate your problem themselves.
Oct 30, 2013, 02:34 PM | |
New release! (v4.3)
As ever, download from either ModDB or J2O The example levels have not changed in any way since the previous release, but in case you missed that one, here's the link to them. The theme of this release is primarily fixing the previous release. The full list of changes can be found over here, but to sum up, we took in a bunch of the reports we'd gotten from things that had gone wrong and fixed almost all of them. Multiplayer should be much less broken now. But we still found time to sneak in some additions... for example, the mouse wheel can now be used to change your current weapon, clients can finally kill themselves when they get stuck in a wall by typing "!k" (assuming the server allows it), spam kicking is more configurable, and there's a nifty new way of configuring your controls. There are still a handful of individuals who have crashing issues that are unique or mostly unique to them, and we've not been able to track down the root causes there. Because, you know, unique. We don't know when we'll manage to get that done, though we'll continue to investigate the issue/s and talk to the people involved, but it seemed more important to release this now and fix lots of things for lots of people than to wait an indeterminable period of time until we fix the whole game for two or three people. Last edited by Violet CLM; Oct 31, 2013 at 12:44 PM. |
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juanpablo123 |
This message has been deleted by juanpablo123.
Reason: An old release. October 30th. I'm not sure if it still works.
Oct 30, 2013, 11:50 PM | ||
drop by my SoundCloud or something if you want, it's my life's pride |
Oct 31, 2013, 02:44 AM | ||
![]() If you open Plus.ini in Notepad, and change 'AngelScriptDebug=False' to 'AngelScriptDebug=True', then start up JJ2 and try a level with AngelScript, do you get any errors, warnings etc. about AngelScript in JJ2's Chatlogger? Also, are you starting the AngelScript levels through JJ2's Home Cooked Levels list, or via JCS's Save & Run feature? EDIT: I stand corrected. I spoke untrueness!
Last edited by Jerrythabest; Nov 1, 2013 at 02:48 AM. |
Oct 31, 2013, 10:04 AM | ||
Oct 31, 2013, 10:09 AM | |
You can still use WAVS by converting them to *.it
Sega Satan somewhat |
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juanpablo123 |
This message has been deleted by juanpablo123.
Reason: Unrecoverable error while starting new module. Yes, I know. That was the past of me.
Nov 1, 2013, 11:49 AM | ||
If so, you can't use Plus, and probably won't be able to for a few years. |
Nov 1, 2013, 03:00 PM | |||
![]() is there going to be a fix??? EDIT: here's a screenshot Here. Mr.Past me, it's called "bump". Last edited by juanpablo123; Sep 3, 2015 at 04:38 PM. Reason: No reason? |
Nov 1, 2013, 03:39 PM | ||
juanpablo: Your problem is an interesting one but not one that can be solved in this thread, because I or someone else will have to send you some alternate, specific-to-you builds to get more detailed information about exactly what's going wrong. Until that happens, sorry, and please be patient. ![]() |
Nov 1, 2013, 03:44 PM | ||
![]() |
Nov 2, 2013, 01:47 PM | |
Woooo, 103 in PlusTetris!
Nov 2, 2013, 03:21 PM | |
"In the event that you are playing with only one local player, your control scheme is "Keyboard 1" (or its equivalent in your current language), and mouse aiming is enabled in the current level or server, you will use the special "Kbd/Mouse" control scheme instead of Keyboard 1. This is preconfigured to allow either arrow keys or WSAD controls, with your primary mouse button serving as an alternate fire key, but you may configure this control scheme just like the other two if you so wish."
Alright, but how/where to change those preconfigured keys? Because I can't seem to use different keys when mouseaim is on. No matter if I change them in game or before I join the server. |
Nov 2, 2013, 03:31 PM | |
Go up two paragraphs.
Nov 2, 2013, 11:49 PM | |
JJ2+ allows players to edit their keyboard control mapping schemes from ingame, rather than only from the main menu, even in online servers. To modify these controls, press Esc and select the "Controls" option from the menu that appears. (If your JJ2 is configured to use a language other than English, this option will have some other name instead.)
Editing control schemes from this ingame menu works essentially the same way as from the main menu: use the arrow keys to select the control (e.g. jump) you want to specify a key for, press space or enter, then press the key you want to use (e.g. left ctrl). Unlike the main menu control scheme setup screen, the primary, secondary, and middle mouse buttons are available options here, and you are allowed to assign the same key to multiple controls or multiple schemes, although you really shouldn't. |
Nov 3, 2013, 02:27 PM | ||
2. You don't. To mouse spectate while spectating a player would be redundant and annoying.
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