Dec 20, 2014, 12:30 PM | |
It got fixed in 5.0. Sometimes they fall right through it, though.
Dec 21, 2014, 03:32 AM | |
5.0 is just the number under which the next plus version will be released. I don't know whether an intermediate version is out in the wild, but as changes to plus are still made daily, I don't think it's the same thing as what will eventually be released as 5.0.
Dec 21, 2014, 03:49 AM | ||
Mystic Legends The Price of Admission - Hoarfrost Hollow - Sacrosanct - other - stuff |
Dec 21, 2014, 04:25 AM | |
D'aww. It's been such a long time since the last JJ2+ version was released.
![]() "Floppy ears and a big butt?" - Slaz |
Dec 21, 2014, 07:34 AM | ||
![]() EDIT: Well that list has the people who were preety much involved in the project. ANOTHER EDIT: Daaaaaaamnnn, i was hoping for it to come out this christmas ![]() Last edited by Jelly Jam; Dec 26, 2014 at 12:55 PM. Reason: lame |
Dec 30, 2014, 01:21 PM | |
May I suggest a "King of the Hill" gamemode? It's kinda simple: The team who can keep the control point captured for 3 minutes wins the game. The other team can capture it by standing on it for... let's say 10 seconds? There's a timer for each team. The control point can be anything. I don't know if it's just be, but I'd really love to see and play KOTH on JJ2.
![]() "Floppy ears and a big butt?" - Slaz |
Dec 30, 2014, 01:34 PM | ||||
Dec 30, 2014, 01:44 PM | ||
Edit:also the jj+ is gonna to have the save option fixed? cause everytime i load a save file,it gives me an acces violation
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Dec 30, 2014, 02:01 PM | |
Save files were literally the first item in the issue tracker, but sorry to say, they're not fixed yet. There needs to be a way to get them to play nicely with AngelScript (and other engine changes, but that's the most obvious), and because there are no SP episodes that explicitly require JJ2+, it's never been a priority.
Jelly Jam: Ideas from the community certainly get used sometimes, but they have to hit that sweet spot where ease of implementation meets definite benefit. No guarantees on any specific suggestion. |
Dec 31, 2014, 02:25 AM | ||
Also, since I steal all the ideas from Team Fortress 2, there could be a "Robot Destruction" gamemode. Each team has a base, each base has robots. There are 3 kinds of robots: C robots, B robots and A robots. C robots drop less gems than B robots, B robots less gems than A robots. Each team's robots are passive props. To be able to destroy the B robots you have to destory the C robots first, same thing to A robots. All the gems are stored in the "reactor core". If a team can reach to the opposite team's reactor core, they can steal their stored gems. All they have to do is to reach the reactor tile (or prop, whatever) and wait there until they steal all the gems (stealing 5-10 gems per second). They have to run with the enemy reactor core to their reactor core, so they can store all the stolen gems. This gamemode is more like a mix of "Capture the Flag" and "Capture", but harder and more exciting. I'd draw something of how should a map look like, but my mouse is kinda broken. If you're curious how this gamemode looks, download Team Fortress 2 from Steam (It's a free game), go to "Play Multiplayer", "Show Beta Maps" and there is "Robot Destruction". Oh, and also for the robot prop could be used the robot boss animation(s). They're not standing still, but wandering.
![]() "Floppy ears and a big butt?" - Slaz |
Dec 31, 2014, 04:03 AM | ||
also the robot destruction idea i think it can be implimented in angel script too,making a wave of robots in a area,then when you kill them,they will drop gems and the gamemode must be treasure hunt ![]()
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Dec 31, 2014, 09:20 AM | ||
![]() "Floppy ears and a big butt?" - Slaz |
Dec 31, 2014, 11:04 AM | |
The score IS the timer. It's just not specific on how much time represents one point.
King of the hill is virtually the exact same as domination with a single control point. The JJ2 control points are too small to stand on them, and they are usually in midair. I'd rather give options that make a real difference, like spawn timers for domination and ctf, gaining gems instantly after shooting a player, and making blinking players incapable of hitting others nor being able of picking up their own gems instantly (which is why treasure results in frustrating chain fights).
Last edited by Treylina; Dec 31, 2014 at 11:17 AM. |
Dec 31, 2014, 12:27 PM | ||
![]() "Floppy ears and a big butt?" - Slaz |
Dec 31, 2014, 04:02 PM | |
'Robot Destruction' the way you describe it rather looks like something that could be AngelScripted, instead of being hardcoded into Plus.
Of course I'm no scripter, but I'd imagine making a few custom robot enemies and defining rules on how and when they spawn are a proper base for such gamemodes. Actually, I thought about some JJ2 'horde' mode a while ago. As in making waves of enemies spawn in Battle maps, which become harder and in greater numbers after each cleared wave, with a chance to resupply ammo/health inbetween them. Then there could be a boss wave once every 10 waves or so. Man, I should learn to use AngelScript sometime..
Add SlazRabbit on Xbox Live if you want to play some GoW1/2/3/J or Destiny1/2. Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Forever!! Civilian Defence Force - Jazz2 Visual Fantasers ![]() |
Dec 31, 2014, 06:42 PM | |
Do! And/or collaborate. There's a sufficient store of people who find scripting any particular effect or feature comparatively trivial, but a) haven't come up with the particular ideas you're looking for or b) don't have the energy to turn snippets of code into full levels. If you're specific enough about what you need, and don't want to put in the time to do it yourself, it shouldn't be hard to find someone to help.
Jan 1, 2015, 12:38 AM | ||
![]() I worked on that more than a year ago. At that moment I wanted to make it more like a new kind of jj2 assault level where a group of players could fight against normal jj2 enemies and also more fancy coded jj2 bosses. I also wanted to include a coin system where players could buy new type of guns, upgrades to the castle or other stuff out of the coins fallen from enemies. I stopped working on it because at that moment I kinda lost motivation and some things weren't possible with AS yet ![]()
[13:07:13] *** Foly is on a KILLING SPREE! [13:07:14] *** you killed yourself [13:07:14] *** Foly was looking good but died instead... |
Jan 1, 2015, 03:08 AM | |
Ah, good to hear I'm not the only one who believes such gamemode is a good idea, Foly. I will try following Violet's advice and start reading the AS documentary. Maybe we can make Castle Defense a collaboration in the near future, as the next JJ2+ release will likely bring enough new AS features anyway.
My current JCS project is an SP level using an original tileset (where only the level isn't fully finished yet). Perhaps I'll delay it and use it to experiment AS features to make it more interesting and visually appealing. ![]()
Add SlazRabbit on Xbox Live if you want to play some GoW1/2/3/J or Destiny1/2. Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Forever!! Civilian Defence Force - Jazz2 Visual Fantasers ![]() |
Jan 1, 2015, 04:52 AM | |||
So, this could be done in JJ2 as well? There are so many gamemodes that could be just awesome on JJ2, but looks like nobody's got an initiative. Quote:
-This year I've got an important exam, probably the most important so far. School in Romania is way more difficult than in some of the countries (I know this from various sources) and I have to study hard until this summer. -I have no idea how to program. I'd like to learn though, since my current life wish is to become a programmer, even if I'm not THAT clever ._. -I'm 14. No reason to detail here. If anyone would like my idea, I am up to make a map but nothing more.
![]() "Floppy ears and a big butt?" - Slaz |
Jan 1, 2015, 04:54 AM | ||
Do it! Do it! Do it! ![]()
![]() "Floppy ears and a big butt?" - Slaz |
Jan 1, 2015, 06:17 AM | ||
Items in Squad (Team) Wars: 1. Health-o-meter (already explained) 2. Camera (You can look through the level and see what others do) 3. Chatting Device (Everytime you find an item you tell in public chat you got that certain item, well this makes you only talk in team chat) 4. Lost Flag (You can get some points using a flag) You will be able to get those items from chests. Also I can show you some images of the gamemodes.
~XxMoNsTeR |
Jan 1, 2015, 11:44 AM | |||
Well i for once think the plus team should focus on the Race gamemode. When you join as a spectator and watch a race, there is a countdown 3,2,1 even though you aren't playing, that should be fixed. Also, when you join to a race after it's started, the countdown is useless, since the other players can get somewhere while there is a countdown on your screen.
If you find a way to fix these problems, AND you implement 'em in some future plus update, then i think there should be a custom gamemode: Knockout race. Simple, in every lap, the last player that gets to the warp is out. Quote:
EDIT: Quote:
![]() Last edited by Jelly Jam; Jan 1, 2015 at 01:13 PM. |
Jan 2, 2015, 08:08 AM | |
Already possible in Angel Script, already possible in Angel Script. It's all I hear. What if I don't know programming, huh?
![]() "Floppy ears and a big butt?" - Slaz |
Jan 2, 2015, 08:22 AM | |
Then you learn it, like I'm attempting to do. It doesn't seem like you need to become a scriptkiddie in order to utilize AngelScript properly.
Add SlazRabbit on Xbox Live if you want to play some GoW1/2/3/J or Destiny1/2. Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Forever!! Civilian Defence Force - Jazz2 Visual Fantasers ![]() |
Jan 2, 2015, 09:43 AM | ||
I understand the sentiment of "I don't know how to program, so what is JJ2+ doing for me?". But on the other hand, the JJ2+ team only has limited time and motivation. Spending it on features that allow other people to implement whatever game mode or game feature they have in mind is in my opinion the best way to go, rather than (for example) focusing on adding a few specific game modes which would mean other features would never get added at all. |
Jan 2, 2015, 12:48 PM | |
Well... it's somehow possible in Angelscript, but... how can you detect who's the last player?
~XxMoNsTeR |
Jan 2, 2015, 12:49 PM | |
Well yeah... something like that...
~XxMoNsTeR |
Jan 2, 2015, 01:12 PM | ||
![]() Last edited by Nick1416; Jan 2, 2015 at 01:13 PM. Reason: Adding Quote |
Jan 2, 2015, 03:04 PM | |
I don't see the difference. Either someone makes it for you in C++ or someone makes it for you in AngelScript. But the latter you have the opportunity to learn and help out with, if that's important to you. Even if not, you're willing to use tilesets that other people draw; why not scripts that other people write?
Jan 3, 2015, 04:06 AM | ||
![]() "Floppy ears and a big butt?" - Slaz |
Jan 3, 2015, 06:43 AM | ||
![]() |
Jan 3, 2015, 01:39 PM | |
The downloads section has various levels including thanks to cooba, SE, Purplejazz (and maybe others I missed) for helping with scripts or writing them entirely. There's a snippets list and a help thread.
![]() |
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