Jul 13, 2013, 10:33 AM | |
Thanks for this quick reply!
This Gem Stomp bug also occurs with Gem Crates, and even when goodies are falling out of the enemies you shoot, actually. (And maybe that's not all?) Other requests: • In multiplayer, ammo in the map should appear powered-up if the player has the power-up, and not depending on the server. • In spectate mode, we must see the amount of ammo in the bottom-right, or possibly nothing, instead of ×00. • When an Ammo Crate is open by a player in multiplayer, the resulting ammo should depend on either the weapons of the player, the weapons in the map, or the weapons of all players, and not the weapons of the server. Potentially, we could choose in JCS which ammo may fall out, as for Gem Crates? Last edited by French; Jul 14, 2013 at 12:41 AM. |
Jul 22, 2013, 09:03 AM | |
Don't suppose we could add triggers changing on spectators depending who they're spectating? To be able to 'see what the players see', especially on maps with trigger-based gameplay. Copy the player's triggers onto the spectator's, and reset all triggers to 0 on unspectate? Would be a very nice effect on live streamed games.
There would have to be an option to disable this for maps relying on spectator triggers of course, but then again I've never heard of such maps.
drop by my SoundCloud or something if you want, it's my life's pride |
Jul 26, 2013, 04:09 PM | |
I have a bug report and a request.
Bug: Some AS scripts need the gamemode to be changed to coop in order to work properly. Request: Add detecting keys (up, down, left, right, shoot, jump and weapon change), like the running function in the JJPLAYER class. Anyway, you did a great work, keep it up! |
Jul 26, 2013, 05:26 PM | |||
We had a talk about this in the dev forum and decided it probably wasn't a good idea. There are too many levels where something would end up going wrong.
![]() French, the stuff in your last post variously falls into a) already done or b) being actively considered as a practical design choice. |
Jul 27, 2013, 05:11 AM | ||
EDIT: Here's the code. Code:
void CreateBullet1(int objectID) { int playerID = jjObjects[objectID].creator - 32768; int bulletID = jjAddObject(OBJECT::BLASTERBULLET, jjPlayers[playerID].xPos, jjPlayers[playerID].yPos, jjPlayers[playerID].playerID, CREATOR::PLAYER); jjObjects[bulletID].direction = jjPlayers[playerID].direction; jjObjects[bulletID].ySpeed = 2; jjObjects[bulletID].xSpeed = (jjObjects[bulletID].direction*10)+p.xSpeed*3; jjObjects[bulletID].xAcc = jjObjects[bulletID].direction*5; } void CreateBullet2(int objectID) { int playerID = jjObjects[objectID].creator - 32768; int bulletID = jjAddObject(OBJECT::BLASTERBULLET, jjPlayers[playerID].xPos, jjPlayers[playerID].yPos, jjPlayers[playerID].playerID, CREATOR::PLAYER); jjObjects[bulletID].direction = jjPlayers[playerID].direction; jjObjects[bulletID].ySpeed = -2; jjObjects[bulletID].xSpeed = (jjObjects[bulletID].direction*10)+p.xSpeed*3; jjObjects[bulletID].xAcc = jjObjects[bulletID].direction*5; } void onMain() { p.ammo[9] = 3; for (int i = 0; i < jjObjectCount; i++) { if (jjObjects[i].isActive && jjObjects[i].creatorType == CREATOR::PLAYER) { //Create bullet if (jjObjects[i].eventID == OBJECT::ELECTROBULLET && jjObjects[i].state != STATE::EXPLODE) { jjDeleteObject(i); CreateBullet1(i); CreateBullet2(i); continue; } } } } Last edited by szmol96; Jul 27, 2013 at 05:57 AM. |
Jul 27, 2013, 05:23 AM | ||
EDIT: The above script works fine for me when I host it in Battle.
Mystic Legends http://www.mysticlegends.org/ The Price of Admission - Hoarfrost Hollow - Sacrosanct - other - stuff Last edited by cooba; Jul 27, 2013 at 06:21 AM. |
Jul 27, 2013, 07:24 AM | |
I'm hosting it right now.
Mystic Legends http://www.mysticlegends.org/ The Price of Admission - Hoarfrost Hollow - Sacrosanct - other - stuff |
Jul 27, 2013, 11:47 AM | |
You need to place electroblaster ammo somewhere in the level. Otherwise JJ2+ assumes you are trying to cheat by shooting ammo that you couldn't have obtained. And by the way, unless you're planning to put more inside of that for() loop, the
continue; instruction is completely unnecessary.
I am an official JJ2+ programmer and this has been an official JJ2+ statement. |
Jul 30, 2013, 11:27 AM | |
I have another two requests:
1. Could you make the Home Cooked levels list longer? 2. Frog Master game mode. RulesSorry for bothering and thanks! |
Jul 30, 2013, 01:56 PM | |
1, longer HCL: I think we can, can't we? Though it might get annoying to browse, so maybe we'd need to add an easier way to browse by pages (for examle the left/right arrow buttons).
2, Frog Master: Nice idea, sounds a bit like pestilence but with the zombies disarmed. The limited movement of frogs can be an annoyance though. But the idea of owning players is awesome ![]()
Aug 1, 2013, 01:50 AM | ||
But probably you could show more levels by page, or browse subdirectories. Is it possible? What do you mean by “longer”? Is there currently a limit? And have you tried adding more pages for J2E's ? |
Aug 1, 2013, 03:35 AM | ||
EDIT: Also, I have more ideas/requests. (I know I'm getting annoying.) - An integrated join/leave notifier like NotifyJJ2 by Link. - Testing for ANY player's chat in AS. Last edited by szmol96; Aug 1, 2013 at 04:53 AM. |
Aug 1, 2013, 10:23 AM | |
I Have a simple idea, when there is new JJ2+ version released the old version will show warning message on the Splash screen and pester you to download the new update.
Sega Satan somewhat |
Aug 2, 2013, 10:49 AM | |
That's if you pick up a fake carrot that you think exists but the server doesn't agree with you about.
Aug 3, 2013, 07:07 AM | |
What I think should be done with the Home Cooked Levels list: Raise the limit to 512, and make the left/right arrow keys mimic the PageUp/PageDown keys.
Aug 3, 2013, 07:55 AM | |
Ah... Well, maybe 2048?
Aug 3, 2013, 11:14 AM | |
I can't think of any reason why we would need to have any limit (without looking at the actual code).
Aug 4, 2013, 02:30 PM | |
If it's possible to increase or remove the limit on how many levels are able to be listed in the HCL, then I think having the left/right arrow keys change what level types are currently listed (ie. have All / Single Player / Battle / Treasure / CTF listed as categories on the top of the screen, and have the current selection highlighted with the other ones darkened) would be a useful way to quickly sort through high numbers of levels -- particularly if the list is made accessible through the server setup screen instead of having to type in a .J2L filename.
Aug 4, 2013, 02:34 PM | |
Levels don't have any internal specification of what gamemode they're for, though. The closest they get is the Multiplayer checkbox, which is a pretty blanket category, not always applied, and would anyway necessitate decompressing each .j2l file in order to read it.
Aug 5, 2013, 03:19 AM | |
The categories to be shorted as parts...
For example the first would have the 1-256 levels the second 257-513 and continues... Can you made Hotel mode? It is based on Unknown mode but it saves the coins and whatever you had. WHAT IS UNKNOWN MODE: Rarely happen a server to host as unknown mode, it is a mode that it looks like coop. But without lives and some other differences...
Sega Satan somewhat Last edited by MrAlextov; Aug 5, 2013 at 03:30 AM. |
Aug 5, 2013, 06:45 AM | |
Mystic Legends http://www.mysticlegends.org/ The Price of Admission - Hoarfrost Hollow - Sacrosanct - other - stuff |
Aug 5, 2013, 09:09 AM | |
... The horror!
![]() Thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster(And his noodly appendages)! ![]() On a slightly more serious note, perhaps left and right could jump one page at a time, and PageUp/PageDown could jump ten pages at a time? |
Aug 6, 2013, 03:42 AM | |
Just make the list unlimited, a scroll function and smaller font like the current jj2+ serverlist that was changed ages ago. On top a search function that searches on levelname of filename by simply pressing keys. All of this combined should the best option.
Aug 6, 2013, 04:05 AM | |
Good idea... But may problem that the JJ2 has a number... Too big numbers for example 512000 may work
Sega Satan somewhat |
Aug 7, 2013, 11:09 AM | |
Another feature suggestion, don't suppose while spectating we could implement the ability to press the number of the player you want to spectate, or maybe even bind some players to certain numbers? The thought occurred to me while I was streaming a game of JJ2, and it would be quite useful when there's someone I want to watch at this specific moment but I don't want to waste time cycling through all the current players.
drop by my SoundCloud or something if you want, it's my life's pride |
Aug 7, 2013, 12:39 PM | |
There's not enough for buttons for 32 players.
Mystic Legends http://www.mysticlegends.org/ The Price of Admission - Hoarfrost Hollow - Sacrosanct - other - stuff |
Aug 7, 2013, 01:11 PM | |
My TV has 1000 channels, but the remote has only 10 numeric buttons. Remarkably, it works fine! Maybe we need to look into Sony's patents (or the user manual) to see how they did that?
Aug 8, 2013, 01:46 AM | |
About switch players with numbers there would be another window to see what numbers you are spectating to be not visible in live (or without this window, but in a Logitech keyboard with weird screen) and to spectate someone when you arent in the chat punch keys |1|>|4|>|ENTER| and you spectating him. Also good to use |-| for Red flag and |+| for the blue flag in ctf.
Sega Satan somewhat |
Aug 9, 2013, 08:41 AM | |
Not sure if anyone suggested and is it possible already, but wouldn't it be easier for some players to change controls for ammo? For example - 7, 8 and 9 are hard to press while playing. It would be easier to bind them on some letters instead.
Aug 9, 2013, 03:03 PM | |
No, JaRU is making a suggestion unrelated to yours.
Aug 10, 2013, 01:30 AM | |
Oh... (Now its deleted), but actually great idea because the numbers are too far. Instead using 1-9 you can use Z, X, C, V, B, N,M, ",", "." and makes your live better.
Sega Satan somewhat |
Aug 10, 2013, 06:38 AM | |
While we're talking about controls, would it be possible to add a previous weapon button for Controllers? Even though this won't affect too many people, it will be a massive help for those it does help.
![]() |
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