Jul 12, 2007, 12:32 PM | |
List all objects found inside the dome.
Jul 12, 2007, 03:51 PM | |
I assumed the glass-drinking would be auto-narrated. And correct grammar I try to have :P
Look to see if the missing bolt for the fallen-off wheel is here. |
Jul 14, 2007, 11:43 AM | |
I scanned around for any loose bolts on the ground - specifically, whatever once held that wheel on - but loose bolts were strangely absent.
Despite the fact that I was now in possession of a key, the cabinets lacked keyholes. Perhaps Uberbob was right about them being for glue storage. I took stock of everything currently in the room: The metal counter with two sealed drawers, a rock (the other of which was destroyed by Fooruman), the broken, three-wheeled trolley, two clocks, the cabinet, and whatever was on top of it. Earlier, I had taken from the room a clock, a crowbar, a magnifying glass, and a wheel, all of which I still had with me. Page claim. |
Jul 14, 2007, 01:46 PM | |
We can't go there, because the valve controlling the heat flow to that area is missing a wheel, which is on another valve, and can't be removed because the bolt fixing it in place is broken.
Jul 14, 2007, 02:04 PM | |
![]() ![]() I have an idea, just a silly old idea, I have a plan, just a silly old plan... Head to Y3, nick the wheel. Go back to Y7, place the wheel on top, push the handle of the magnifying glass through. Hope for a +2 circumstance bonus to counteract the -2 improvised tools penalty. |
Jul 15, 2007, 04:49 PM | |
I started to get a really bad idea that involved disassembling the valve I had just gone to so much trouble to fix. I ignored it.
I considered the possibility of using the magnifying glass as a makeshift axle, but it was far too thin and probably not strong enough. The last thing I wanted to do was break more potentially useful things. "Shuri," Faw asked, "do you have any ideas or are we all going to die here?" "Also, Shur, I'm bored and hungry. At once," Uberbob added. Last edited by Radium; Jul 15, 2007 at 05:49 PM. |
Jul 16, 2007, 03:55 AM | |
Use the crowbar as a makeshift axle.
Jul 16, 2007, 09:35 AM | |
Tell to the party: "We need to get to that door at the cave, but it's impossible due to the broken bolt. I'm trying to find a way to solve that problem. If you got any ideas, do tell me."
Ask Uberbob with a macabre grin: "And Uberbob, have you ever heard of the Book of Bunny Suicides?"
Earth Mantra, for all your ambient music needs. |
Jul 16, 2007, 12:47 PM | |
I considered trying the crowbar as an axle, too, but it was the wrong shape. Pity, though, as that would've been a very simple solution.
I decided to almost think about Uberbob and co as people for a second. "We need to get to that door at the cave, but it's impossible due to the broken bolt. I'm trying to find a way to solve that problem. If you have any ideas, do tell me." "We could have a footrace," Uberbob suggested. "If we're all running and trying to beat eachother, one of us is bound to make it." "Uberbob, have you ever heard of the Book of Bunny Suicides?" I asked. "No, can't say I have. Why?" "No reason." "What do you think we'll find in the cave that'll be so useful, anyway?" Araches asked, "it could just be for storage, or completely empty" I shrugged. "Anything would be helpful. A ladder, a bolt, a jacket, I don't know. We have no other leads." "Maybe Uberbob's right... a little-" Faw proposed. Everyone, save Uberbob and Fooruman, stared at him as if to say "heresy!". "Really. One of us could try gunning it directly to the cave, loot it, and run back. The pipes go in a circle, so it we take a straight path it might not be too far." "Great," Araches responded, "I vote Faw goes. He's actually almost dressed for cold weather." Faw looked shocked. "Wait, what? I can't run that fast. You or Shuri should go." He paused, then added more. "And it's your fault you didn't pick up a sweater at the first ice themed villain." |
Jul 16, 2007, 12:54 PM | |
"Fooruman, how fast does that canoe of yours go?"
Jul 16, 2007, 01:00 PM | |
"Fooruman, how fast is your canoe?"
The old wizard glanced down and to his left as if staring at something invisible. He looked back at me. "Two spaces per turn." "Thanks, Fooruman. The measurements you give me help so much, you have no idea." "Wait," Araches asked, "you're considering one of us rowing a canoe, across dry land, to the cave?" |
Jul 16, 2007, 01:32 PM | |
"You got any better ideas?"
Jul 16, 2007, 01:48 PM | |
Remind me how everyone in the party is dressed.
Jul 16, 2007, 02:03 PM | |
..so the plan is to run across the wasteland, from the dome to the cave?
EDIT: The cart is all wooden, right? Araches could set it on fire to provide a heat source for whoever does the run.
Mystic Legends http://www.mysticlegends.org/ The Price of Admission - Hoarfrost Hollow - Sacrosanct - other - stuff |
Jul 16, 2007, 02:09 PM | |
Hang on, Araches can conjure fireballs, right?
So, can Araches create and keep one for heating instead of the more usual incineration? |
Jul 16, 2007, 02:13 PM | ||
EDIT in response to an EDIT: The cart is metal, presumably the same kind the valves are made of. |
Jul 16, 2007, 02:25 PM | |
I vote we send Uberbob, he's the most hyperactive. It's a toss-up as to which direction is shorter (east or west), but I figure it's harder for him to get lost if he goes west. |
Jul 16, 2007, 02:30 PM | |
Technically, on the map I'm using there is no east or west. And Uberbob is enthusiastic, but Faw was suggesting Shuri or Araches because they can run faster (assuming combat move translates proportionally in-game, Shuri can run twice as fast as Faw or Uberbob and Araches can run 1.5 times as fast as Faw).
Jul 16, 2007, 02:36 PM | |
Hadn't though about the combat values. Shuri's got more clothing on than Araches, so she goes then.
And the compass directions on my map are a) there to allow directions to be indicated, and b) because a square projection is a lot easier to do than top-down circular or flattened. |
Jul 17, 2007, 09:18 AM | |
"Alright, fine, I'll go. I'll take the left route around so I don't get lost. Faw, give me one of your shirts; you have too many on."
"Shuri - wait, (-) it, you aren't understanding what I'm saying." He took his spear and scratched a circle into the ground. "The pipes go in a circle. Rather than following them all the way around-" he scratched a line across the circle, "-just taking a direct route will make it, like... a half-pith shorter." "Even then it's pretty far, though," Araches added, "and you're forgetting the river is somewhere in the middle." |
Jul 17, 2007, 09:44 AM | |
Hmm, perhaps I should map the map onto a circle.
To be honest, I don't have any other ideas. If Shuri turns into an icecle, at least we know to steal a better valve. |
Jul 18, 2007, 06:39 AM | |
How will we know what direction we should take if we want to go straight to the cave door instead of following the pipes? Without an accurate map, there's no way to find out.
I noticed that Fooruman got to the scale before anyone else, and he claims it is because he has a vehicle: http://www.jazz2online.com/jcf/showt...451#post408451 Maybe rowing a canoe over dry land is faster after all? |
Jul 18, 2007, 12:36 PM | ||
Also, there appear to be no actual commands to go D=. Even without a perfectly accurate map, there are some routes/planning/stuff that are clearly better than others. Deviating from the pipes even slightly can shorten the distance. And I really don't want to have to load, but I've decided ahead of time which solutions are plausible/implausible so I don't accidentally have mercy. Or you could continue to pester your party for ideas, though theirs aren't always good.
GENERATION 22: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment. <i>"This picture shows me that the gray bird man is just a bully and picks on smaller birds. Just because he has no friends and takes it out on others smaller than him to look good. I can see in the parrats eyes that it does however have a understanding of the gray bird man and is upset about getting cut."</i> - Speeza on cartoon birds. |
Jul 18, 2007, 01:48 PM | |
"Fooruman, can you use megawarp to get to the cave?"
Jul 20, 2007, 08:27 PM | |
Since no one else seems to want to respond until I answer this, I'll say: no. Megawarp takes universal coordinates, which Fooruman usually guesses at.
GENERATION 22: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment. <i>"This picture shows me that the gray bird man is just a bully and picks on smaller birds. Just because he has no friends and takes it out on others smaller than him to look good. I can see in the parrats eyes that it does however have a understanding of the gray bird man and is upset about getting cut."</i> - Speeza on cartoon birds. |
Jul 21, 2007, 04:59 AM | |
If we can do what Birdie said, then do that.
Otherwise, get Shuri to leg it for the cave. The best route is probably to follow the pipe to Y3, then circle round to the right. When she reaches AE3/E3, follow the pipe south to the glowing light at D10. She can pause there to warm back up, and also check on L33tz4n. That's probably not the shortest possible route, but a) it's reasonably short and b) it has landmarks. Feel free to adjust it slightly for the actual scale of the map. |
Jul 21, 2007, 08:51 AM | |
I agree. If Someone can cast a speed spell on Shuri, he/she should do that before Shuriken tries to run through the freezing cold.
I just hope the key fits inside the lock of the cavedoor...
Earth Mantra, for all your ambient music needs. |
Jul 21, 2007, 11:23 AM | |
Use the save command 9999 times so you'll level it up and be able to quick save...
Jul 23, 2007, 09:55 PM | |
Sorry, was Harry Pottering yesterday. And the day before.
I thought a moment. "Alright, I've got a plan. I'll head down to the cliff face where the heating pipe starts, from there I'll leg it to the shaft of light, and from there it shouldn't be too far to the cave. Faw, one of your shirts. Can you do something to speed me up, Araches?" Our healer-turned-necromancer pulled off his blue overshirt and handed it to me while Araches pointed a gloved finger at my feet and said "haste!" I discreetly put Faw's shirt on under my armor (which is surprisingly easy to do when you have ninja-like agility), said "be right back" in hopes I'd be right, and sprinted away outside. Back to the cliff face, I looked ahead. In the distance, across the smoking silver river, I could just barely make out the foggy shaft of light piercing the gray-red landscape. I crouched to get a running start, summoned up my inner racing-ninja, and darted out towards the horizon. My face and feet felt numb in the freezing, screaming wind, but after a few seconds of running and bounding over a pipe I had reached the warmth of the light. I stopped to catch my breath and looked around, but despite my prior prediction, Leetzan was nowhere to be found. "Leetzan?" I called. "L33tz4n?" I called with more numbers. Still no response. I guess this meant she was off somewhere dead. "Eh," I shrugged, not caring, and turned around to try to spot the direction to the cave. In the far distance to my left I could make out a large dark object, so I breathed in a bit of the slightly warmer air, dug me feet into the dusty red ground, and charged towards forward. This was a much longer walk than it was to the light, and I got the impression that I should've been able to discern this from my knowledge of the circular map. Despite this, I trudged on at a rapid pace until I could barely feel my tiring appendages in the cold. After what felt like hours (two minutes), tired, cold, and hungry, I reached the door. It looked about as we had left it, though steam no longer poured out of the loose bolt from when the pipe was heated. If I had the wrong key, it would be so ironic. And I'd probably die. ![]() |
Jul 24, 2007, 01:16 AM | |
Nothing else to do but to try to open the door with the key.
Jul 24, 2007, 12:05 PM | |
Before trying to open the door, I put my hands around the loose bolt that had once poured out steam. I tried to pull it out as hard as I could, digging my frozen fingers under the cold metal, but it remained stationary. If only I had some sort of prying device with which I could loosen it...
Despite the bolt, I was still freezing to death and quite ready to seek shelter. I fumbled around with the key in my numb hands until I managed to get it in the hole, gave it a twist, and was rewarded with the click of a door unlocking. I pushed the door, slipped inside, and shut it behind me. It was still cold, but not the piercing, windy frigidness of outside. I let out a sigh of relief, which I could see swirl and float away ahead of me in the dim lighting. I felt along the wall next to me for a switch or button, finding one and successfully lighting the room with the whiteish glow of halogen bulbs embedded in the ceiling. It looked like I was in a natural cave, refurbished to be a living quarters. A soft bed with blue covers was to my right, and next to it a nightstand with a crystal lamp. A small table was across from the bed, holding an onyx-hued laptop computer. A list was hanging on the wall ahead of me. In the very center of the room, a blue carpet had "BR" embroidered in the center. "Blackraptor?" I asked myself, half expecting myself to reply. ![]() |
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