May 30, 2004, 04:45 PM | |
Shuri takes Araches and Leetzan south, but the furnace's intense heat makes it impossible to get far into the furnace room.
Uberbob leads the (fairly insane) party north. There is a lever here. Team Team Shuri exits: North, West(no). My page, not yours. ![]()
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May 31, 2004, 07:19 AM | |
POV : Uberbob
Pull lever POV : Shuri Turn dial : East
Mystic Legends The Price of Admission - Hoarfrost Hollow - Sacrosanct - other - stuff |
May 31, 2004, 05:32 PM | |
Organize morale building Capture the Flag game between Team Shuri and Team Stupid.
May 31, 2004, 05:54 PM | |
POV: Shuri
Action: Ask Araches and L33tz4n what we should do next
Ooh, shiny link... Must click it... Last edited by Ekardnamal; Jun 8, 2004 at 05:42 PM. |
Jun 10, 2004, 02:01 AM | |
Uberbob pulls the lever, causing the north hallway to light up. Shuri turns the dial east. The west hallway goes dark while the east one lights up. Shuri turns the dial north, plunging the east hallway into darkness. The north hallway is already lit, but you pull the lever anyway. The north hallway is dark while the south lights up. Party regroups. Much celebration. ![]() You take a look at the monolith, but you can't see it in the dark. It's suspended above a bottomless pit, however, and any attempt to tamper with it will cause you to fall to your DOOM. You try to organize a CTF game, but since you have no flags, you can't. =O Shuri asks Leetzan and Araches what to do next. Araches says, "The ratio to light against dark is too unbalanced here. Let's move someplace lighter." Leetzan says, "There must be a reason why there is hot machine and a cold machine in this place...Air Conditioning?" Fooruman picks his nose. You're standing in the dark monolith room. Only exit is south. There, happy now? >=/
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Jun 10, 2004, 12:24 PM | |
There is no dial to turn.
You go south and pull the lever, then go back north. The monolith is hanging over a bottomless pit, and any attempts so far to mess with it have resulted in death. Araches looks like she'll strangle you if you keep trying to mess with something that has no apparent purpose. Exits are south.
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Jun 10, 2004, 03:41 PM | |
"Because you haven't told me to do it yet XD," replies Araches.
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Jun 10, 2004, 04:26 PM | |
"You can't act without instruction?"
Jun 10, 2004, 04:34 PM | |
"I don't know what you're talking about," says Araches, and goes south to the lever. "Coming?" The rest of the party members follow, leaving you behind. Shall you join them?
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Jun 10, 2004, 07:25 PM | |
You and the party are back in the lever room. Exits are north, south, and west. Now what?
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Jun 10, 2004, 09:49 PM | |
Make Araches be the leader for now.
Do not shift POV. Follow the leader's instructions until everyone is out of this underground area. |
Jun 10, 2004, 09:55 PM | |
Araches is now party leader! However she has no idea what to do next. >=D What, did you think Rad would make it that easy?
"Was it the hot machine, or the cold machine?" Leetzan mumbles to herself.
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Jun 11, 2004, 05:09 PM | |
Inf: We're in an under ground bunker-type place on Antifoo.
"I was thinking about the hot and cold machines, and how they affect hot chocolate," she replies. "I think I lost my sanity since I join3d thi5 quest7." Everyone nods in agreement. "Th47 co1d ma(hin3...m4bye...yes! No, maybe not...oyi, I can't think." Araches hits Uberbob on the head, knocking him out cold. "Nope, still can't think. It's too hot in here..."
This space for rent. Last edited by Lem_Gambino; Jun 11, 2004 at 05:29 PM. |
Jun 13, 2004, 12:41 PM | |
You turn the dial east and go to the cooling room. The cooling machine is running full blast, as you can tell by the air rushing into the vent. "Cool enough for you to think?" you ask Leetzan. "Yes," she replies. "but I lost my train of thought."
Araches rolls her eyes. Uberbob is waking up, but she grabs him and Faw and conks their heads together, knocking them both out. "You certainly have some odd friends," Fooruman says to you. You glance at Xion's
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Jun 13, 2004, 01:00 PM | |
"Says the man who hid in a trench for years, after associating himself with the Ultimate Evil and a thirteen year old."
Jun 13, 2004, 09:44 PM | |
"Says the man who hid in a trench for years, after associating himself with the Ultimate Evil and a thirteen year old." you say. Fooruman raises an eyebrow and says, "And you think being trapped on gremlin infested island, being attacked by evil merpeople in and underwater city where they worship gerbils, messing around in a shopping center supported by pieces of a magical bookmark, and nearly getting killed by a thief who has, in my opinion, the stupidest name in all existance is far odder than MY crazy adventures?! I'll have you know that I have turned bread into base metals and dropped TNT onto one of the most annoying travel agents I've ever met!!! And let's not forget about that Footrix incident..."
ONE HOUR LATER... You and your teammates wake up as Fooruman finishes his story. He looks around confused, and says, "What were we talking about again?" Araches looks like she's ready to beat Fooruman to a bloody pulp. You mention something about the cold machine to your teammates, but they're too sleepy to notice except Fooruman, who's busy picking his nose again. "Well, I DID have a cold machine back at home before Unfooruman came. It was called a freezer." All who have lost their sanity playing this game please raise their LEFT foot. B)
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Jun 14, 2004, 11:31 AM | |
Looks like you'll have to, VIERA.
Here's the situation. We solved the sphere problem (seasons) and krpwned the enemies. HOWEVER, Shuri was the last one alive, so we now have an option of the POV system [(c)2003 Xion] where we can control both Uberbob and Shuri. Now, we're in an underground labrynth. The switches control lighting. Where we entered, we have a path south to a lever...changes the North and East lights on/off. To the west of that we have a welded gate, but it once had a large static-electric sphere that blew up a lightbulb. To the east, after we light things up, we get to another lever. Controls North/South lighting. To the north is a monolith suspended over a pit of nothingness, and the monolith is clicking. I myself think it's a red herring, but I can not be a hundred percent sure of that. To the south of that, there is a dial. Whichever direction the dial is pointing, that path is lit up. To the east of that, there's a room which leads south to a room with a warm machine, a set of bars, and a lever. We lost our spear and katana trying to toggle the lever from behind the bars, but to no avail. Back to the dial. South is unpassable because it's some kind of furnace room. East leads to a fork. North is Fox, a half-kitfox half-invisible gremlin merchant that can sell spells for items and sell items for spells. The south path has a cold machine with a vent, which shuri got stuck in once. We are currently in the cold machine room, only exit is north. Araches claims to know the answer, where it involves the dial...L33tz4n believes that a piece of the puzzle lies in the cold machine somehow. Anyways... Awake L33tz4n Say: "Didn't you mention something about the cold vent? I'm sure that this puzzle has a solution...but individually we can't figure it out. Let's put our brainpower together and solve this puzzle so we can confront Blackraptor and defeat him Once and for all!"
![]() |
Jun 14, 2004, 01:53 PM | |
Sorry for being a carpy GM, but I'm fairly new at this.^^;;
Anyway, you Leetzan and ask her, ""Didn't you mention something about the cold vent? I'm sure that this puzzle has a solution...but individually we can't figure it out. Let's put our brainpower together and solve this puzzle so we can confront Blackraptor and defeat him Once and for all!" "Yes, let's do that," she says sleepily. "You have beem making a map of this place, haven't you?" Happy now, Strato? BP
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Jun 14, 2004, 02:20 PM | |
Cold machine is on. You turned the hot machine off a while ago.
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Jun 14, 2004, 03:37 PM | |
"Yes. I've been keeping it on the back of Page 74."
Show L33tz4n the ugly map. |
Jun 14, 2004, 03:49 PM | |
There is no page 74 in your inventory, and if there was it wasn't useful at that time any way (you were all on Superultramegatropolis or whateverthat place is called), and since all useless items are part of the Thirdnotewhatever, it is now part of the Thirdnote and is rendered unreadable. You do have a nice bookmark, however. Now if you could only find something to write with... *goes off to find inventory*
EDIT: Here is the latest version of the Inventory, as of page 167: Inventory: -Thirdeighteennoteevenbettercitrusfruitymanyshamele sspagedla zerlightysuperflyingfullyclotheductscraptlegalfour seatsestrudelire -Druid Robe -Pearldiver's Knife -Magic Map -Magic Mirror -Bookmark of Eternity -Ballista -Berry -Leaves -Wildflowers -Fruits (2) -Tape -Ice Pick -Photograph -Vial of Middenite -Toothpick -Mouse Bones
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Jun 14, 2004, 04:44 PM | |
Using the Ice Pick, you scribble a map pf the underground maze on the the rusted wall. Funny, the Hot and Cold Machines are right across from each other, with the furnace room in the middle of them. How odd. X)
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Jun 14, 2004, 05:07 PM | |
...I have an idea.
Find any spare articles of clothing...a robe, a cloak, anything large and cloth. Cover the vent with the robe/cloak/large cloth piece. Have fooruman hold the cloth in place at ALL COSTS...even if it involves some kind of Foo magic...any at all. If it's something stupid like "Summon Refridgerator magnet" or something crazy like that. Take the rest of the party off to the furnace area. Analyze furnace area
![]() |
Jun 14, 2004, 05:22 PM | |
Fooruman doesn't know any Foo Magic, he only knows Sux Magic. He doesn't want to be left alone because he thinks the Green Peace People will attack him. Now what?
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Jun 14, 2004, 05:28 PM | |
"Green Peace is just a story made up to scare small children."
<img src="" border="0" alt="The rodent thingy wasn't worthy."> I would not want anyone having sex with my cocktail. ~ Radium |
Jun 14, 2004, 05:35 PM | |
Judging by his last actions, Fooruman has the intelligence of a 5-year-old. He doesn't believe you and thinks you're an agent sent to capture him so you could figure out how to turn bread into base metals. Better have someone else do it.
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Jun 14, 2004, 06:34 PM | |
Make Greenpeace do it.
Jun 14, 2004, 06:40 PM | |
Greenpeace is not in your party =( Perhaps if YOU USED SOMEONE IN YOUR PARTY that would make things easier. >(
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