Float Lizard

The Float Lizard is an enemy in Jazz Jackrabbit 2, represented by a JCS event.

Character details

The Float Lizard is one of Devan’s trickiest enemies. It’s basically a regular Lizard with a copter on him allowing him to fly.


Once a Float Lizard sees a rabbit, it starts to chase it. When the enemy gets close, he drops a bomb. They don’t hurt but that can send you flying! When he gets hit once, he drops from his copter and turns into a normal Lizard.

Depending on the parameters, the copter can either stay and allow the rabbit to fly if he catches it or disappear instantly.

Enemy characteristics

Times to shoot: 4
If you shoot the floating lizard once, it falls and becomes a normal lizard which can be killed in one single shot. But if you achieve to shoot the lizard three new times before it touches the ground, it dies.
Score: 200
Speed: Fast

JCS details

Parameters Default Range Description
Fly Away 0 0-1 Select if you want the copter to stay once Lizard drops from the copter
Duration 0 0-255 Selects how long the Copter lasts
