Death Metal

Date uploaded:
2 Mar 2002 at 05:00

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Skulg (More uploads by Skulg)
>CelL< made the example level. Oh, and I wanna thank mirrow and Patar for telling me bugs in the tileset.
Screenshots (612.08 kB)

File contents

Lifelesslandscape.j2l Lifeless Landscape 3.87 kB 01 Mar 2002
Death Metal.j2t Death Metal 39.15 kB 25 Jan 2002 Almagest 766.81 kB 15 Jan 2000


Uhm… the name says everything :D
It’s a metal tileset, with blood and bones and all that stuff. I hope you like it :)


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Quick Reviews Average: 10

RecommendedRabid Rabb rated 10

Best Tileset ever, very easy to use , and damn good feeling!
Death Metal rocks!

User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 8.4833333333333

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
Jazz Jackrabbit (265 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings242 Featured reviews4 Average helpfulness73%

Err… Err… Uhhm… Well, forgive me Evilmike and other admin dudes, but i have just no way to describe this tileset at the moment. Must be due to a lack of inspiration. For now, grab this 8.0. BIG download recomendation.[This review has been edited by >CelL<]

The example level sucked :P[This review has been edited by >CelL<]

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Review by Super Saiyan

Posted more than 20 years ago
Spaz Slackrabbit (187 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings187 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness20%

Really awesome tileset. Only it looks so much on normal Paint colours :)
By the way, great music and example level.

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Review by blurredd

Posted more than 20 years ago
Spaz Slackrabbit (198 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings198 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness90%

Hmmmmm… not a 7.7, but not an 8.2…

An 8 seems suitable :P. Lemme explain:

It’s not a 7.7 because it has a lot of good tiles in it (almost agama-like). And it’s not an 8.2 because the tiles may have been made slightly better, the bones aren’t masked perfectly, and the mountains in the BG look almost horrendeos. But it’s still a pretty good tileset. So download it and make some levels with it.

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Review by Violet CLM

Posted more than 20 years ago
I might as well work here (539 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings280 Featured reviews26 Average helpfulness90%

A Skulg tileset! Better not let that influence my rating..

Anyway, this is a tileset. It uses a style that is Highly obviously copied from Blade.
It looks great, except for the Basic Blocks, which lack that special something that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
It has most of the Tileset essentials, including two kinds of vines It’s also got some of those basic tiles you can use by just plopping all over the place, with the four blocks per tile.
Mountain ranges, textured background, arrows, girders, skeleton hands, bones, faces, animations.. I like it. But the Speed, Destruct and Stomp blocks need work. (Originality isn’t quite enough)

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Review by mirrow

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (31 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings31 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness46%
Aiko would/will say: Another tileset masterpiece from my homelands. ..

Well, it is true . This tileset absolutly rocks !!!
You made good animations (the light on the hurts and the red in the eyes).
You made all basic tiles (poles, suckertubes, vines aso.).
THe whole set is an original idea…
HM how to say.. It’s skulg – style :)

go on ….

P.S.: COol lvl + music, CelL .

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Review by Taz

Posted more than 20 years ago
Jazz Jackrabbit (279 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings279 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness39%

You see only toooo much that its made by Skulg ;P.

P.S.: Yeah! Cool level CelL!

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Review by Piccolo aka SoulFirE

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (62 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings62 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness60%

Great tileset man! The bones are great and the metal blocks also, there are cool things like a skull with glowing eyes, dripping blood, skeleton hands, etc. The only thing I don’t like are the mountains for the backgound layer, they are bladeish, but with less quality…:(
Download Now!

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Review by Gargoyle

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (68 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings68 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness13%

Oh man this tileset rules!! Exelent choice of music too (not that that has anything to do with the rating). It doesn’t look SO nice in JCS, but it looks great in JJ2!
A perfect 10! (just to add to the rating)

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Review by Mat

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (6 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings6 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0

Very decent tileset I must say.. Especially the moon gives it a special mood. The only bad thing about it is that its very, well, square. Too bad the landscape is built entirely of squares with no alternatives or pieces of real ‘landscape’, which makes it very… 2D. But nice job anyway ;). And nice music.

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Review by STEELIX

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (24 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings24 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0

hey! metal looks like Steel, so i like it
well… first im gonna download it and take a look and then i’ll rate it

mwa… bit boring… no, this is not what i like… can see why y’all like it, but..
this is just not my stile..

[This review has been edited by STEELIX]

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Review by Blade

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (84 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings84 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness64%

I like the set. Only thing what’s not good is the copied warpbackground. Good work, Skulg-man!

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Review by TrunksDBZ91

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (28 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings28 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness33%

i see the site the tileset and download the tileset than i see WOW cool tileset skulg good music good backround good tiles good moon :P

ps.. its cool

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Review by White Rabbit

Posted more than 20 years ago
Auto-Reviewing Zombie (435 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings268 Featured reviews15 Average helpfulness85%

Excellent tileset, Skulg! I absolutely LOVE it!! Death Metal is simply…er…darn…I forgot the word I was gonna write. But you know what I mean Skulg, don’t you?

Death Metal is a very small tileset. It has got only about 320 tiles and a couple tiles are pretty useless. However, the tileset is very well designed and tiles are sensibly placed without getting all confusing. The few animations in the tileset are fabulous and they look very realistic. I can’t say that this tileset is very useful though. It’s only capable of making scary lvls with (something that suits me just fine :-D). But these few things shouldn’t really put you off, cause there are much better stuff coming up!

The eyecandy of the tileset, for example, is just great. It’s got loads and loads of bones and skulls around making the tileset seem even more…er…scary. The bones can also act as a kind of bridge, very similar to the one’s in Inferno. Some tiles are also covered in blood (no, not my blood) but the blood kinda looks like paint… However, the blood is very well drawnand it still looks very creepy. There are also some other things which can add to the eyecandy. But I ain’t gonna tell you ppl that! You got to download the tileset and find out for yerself. :-P

Death Metal is also a fully equipped tileset. It’s got background tiles for all background layers and has got trigger, buttstomp, destruct tiles too. And that’s not the end. Vines, hooks, poles and shiny, metal spikes are part of the tileset too. As you can see, Skulg has put everything a lvl designer needs in Death Metal. :-)

Now, my fingers are hurting now, so I’m gonna stop writing now. Thanks a lot for making your best ever tileset, Skulg. :-) You deserve this big, fat, juicy, yummy (and so on) 9.

To everyone else: Download NOW.[This review has been edited by White Rabbit]

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Review by Umbaman

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (22 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings22 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness50%

This tileset rulez. Nice Stones. Bloody eyecandy :p. And good to use. It is just cool. DOWNLOAD THIS!!!!!!!!!

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Review by aiko

Posted more than 20 years ago
I might as well work here (510 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings490 Featured reviews3 Average helpfulness82%

Woah! Great german-dutch co-production in this pack. (where the german part, the tileset, is the best, of course ;-).
“Death Metal” has 320 beautiful tiles for you and your JCS and just looks great. It has a whole lot of useful stuff like spikes, vines, poles diagonals and erm…bones. Many bones. And metal. And some bubble blood bath. Not to forget a few background structures like a dark sky with stars, a half moon or those mountains. All in all, very cool (yes, also the masking with your witty message and so on :-).
Cell’s example battle level is 80*80 tiles large and looks very good, too. It has lots of platforms, navigation is fluent and there is some really sweet eyecandy. Horribly playable, i’d say (not to mention the long and a bit too large “Almagest” music tune by canadian tracker Stefan Xenos, which isn’t bad either).
Oh and Blade, old dude, it’s more like “Skulg *WO*man” ;-) German style, mehr davon, Skulg!! Acht fette Punkte für dich (<— describes my high rating of…eight points! w00p!). “Death Metal” and the whole pack is a MUST DOWNLOAD for everyone, of course.[This review has been edited by Aiko]

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Review by Stijn

Posted more than 20 years ago
Auto-Reviewing Zombie (461 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings284 Featured reviews14 Average helpfulness87%

“Skulg-man”, “man”… Skulg is a GIRL, man! :P. For review read Aiko’s review, rating 8,5. Foo.[This review has been edited by Fl@$h aka BlewMeUp]

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Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 20 years ago
Way better than Aiko (862 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings464 Featured reviews35 Average helpfulness92%

Looks cool….I like it……Not excellent, but deserves an 8.5.

The bone bridge is AWESOME. The spikes have a good theme and the skeleblox are cool, although im not favorly fond of these skele-sets.[This review has been edited by Blackraptor]

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Review by Lark

Posted more than 20 years ago
I might as well work here (500 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings376 Featured reviews10 Average helpfulness77%

Nice tileset. Plenty of detail put into simple blocks. If Blur didn’t make a Survivor level with this yet, I’m sure there will be one in his next Survivor pack.

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Review by ratboy

30 Nov 2005, 19:53 (edited 6 Feb 07, 20:01 by Cooba)
CTF Bug (4 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings4 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

new on jazz 2 online takes a lot to impress

tiles 4.0
background 5.0
music 6.0
number of tiles 4.5

[Unsupported rating (5.7) clearance. ~Cooba]

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