Abandoned Acid

Date uploaded:
3 Mar 2002 at 05:00

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SPLASHcc (More uploads by SPLASHcc)
Single player
the computer, the chair, the mouse, the keyboard, the table, the monitor, the JCS, the desktop, the winzippahdidoo and last but not least, the delicious pie.

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Acid.zip (178.37 kB)

File contents

Readme.txt 0.62 kB 03 Mar 2002
FutMuck.j2l Abandoned Acid 6.72 kB 03 Mar 2002
MuckamokNight.j2t Jazz 2: Muckamok Night 73.19 kB 21 Dec 2001
song13.s3m 121.97 kB 13 Jan 1998


Level using the “Muckamok Night” tileset by Haze. Have fun, I guess…


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User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 7.6

Review by Super Saiyan

Posted more than 20 years ago
Spaz Slackrabbit (187 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings187 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness20%

WOW, fantastic!
This level looks so much on those games on SNES. :D A fat 8!
BTW, I couldnt find that full survival kit on ya site. Where is it!?
Still didnt uploaded ore something!?[This review has been edited by Super Saiyan]

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Review by AcId

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (33 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings33 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness66%

Hey, when did I give you permission to name a level after me?:D

BTW, I think this is TSF.
[This review has been edited by AcId]

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Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
Jazz Jackrabbit (265 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings242 Featured reviews4 Average helpfulness73%

Very funny..

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Review by Violet CLM

Posted more than 20 years ago
I might as well work here (539 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings280 Featured reviews26 Average helpfulness90%

Another level using Splash’s highly unique style of level making. We forget him too much.

It’s an adventure through Muckamo, with appropiate villains, using Haze’s excellent Muckamo conversion. He uses these amibent sounds of Slime every time you get near Slime, so that’s cool. I like it in general.
It says I’m bad at biology, which is probably right. But I am a turtle!

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Review by >Elrick<

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (55 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings55 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness22%

Another kewl single player lvl by mr.SPLASH,these time these level uses Haze’s Muckamok tilest(great choice:])Lets now get to the buisnes;
1#Gameplay:I was not bored playing the lvl so it mean it is well designed ;)
2#Ammo Placement:It is OKAY to me,too bad it is only bouncies(or i do not discovered other),you could make at least few bullets of seekz or toaster ;)
3#Enemy placement:It is kinda good
4#Eyecandy stuff:Nice looking level(background rockz;])It uses tilest very well.
What can i say more?It is nice to see and play these lvl so you should download it.


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Review by Another Jazz 2 fan

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (17 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings17 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness30%

Very cool, I like the use of the Muckamo set and found this level very satisfying to play. I would’ve liked it to be a bit longer, though. Otherwise, keep up the good work!

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Review by sebzero

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (12 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings12 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0

Pretty good level, now 2 the point:

Gameplay: pretty good, I’m sur eyou worked it all out

Placing of ammo: I’m not realy font of that, it’s all the same and not enough, you could add some more ammo and put some variety in it.

Placing of enemies: A bit 2 much, you could bring in more variety 2, those turtles, flying things and (I dont know if thes count 2) the tuff turtles are realy getting boring!!!

Eyecandy: pretty good, the background is great, but I found some little bugs in it!

Well splash, a nice, deserved 7 for you:)

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Review by Lark

Posted more than 20 years ago
I might as well work here (500 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings376 Featured reviews10 Average helpfulness77%

This is a good level but it’s very small for a single level. Eyecandy is good, and it’s original. Download rec.

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