shooting game

Date uploaded:
22 Jun 2002 at 04:00

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Sacrush (More uploads by Sacrush)
Custom / Concept

No screenshots yet. (702.33 kB)

File contents

kill1.j2l kill the humans 1.10 kB 20 Jun 2002
kill2.j2l kill the humans 2 1.01 kB 20 Jun 2002
kill3.j2l kill all ninja's 1.04 kB 20 Jun 2002
kill4.j2l kill all aliens 1.04 kB 20 Jun 2002
kill5.j2l destroy all bombs 0.94 kB 18 Jun 2002
kill6.j2l destroy TOBY 0.91 kB 18 Jun 2002
hhh.xm Happy Hardcore High 305.48 kB 31 Jan 2001
JT_BREEZ.XM Mountain Breeze 623.64 kB 14 Jan 2001
metal.mod 409.43 kB 11 Sep 1998


its a sort of shooting game wel i am not going to tell it how it goes well have fun


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User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 2.4

Review by Violet CLM

Posted more than 20 years ago
I might as well work here (539 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings280 Featured reviews26 Average helpfulness90%

This is an extremely boring newish concept using the author’s own tileset which was not included in the .zip.
The six levels consist of, while remaining on the left side of the sucker tube, shooting all the humans, aliens, bombs, or what have you. Once you destroy them all, using whatever weapons are at your disposal, you are allowed to exit the level. Not that you were prevented from doing so beforehand.
With such small levels, I would feel obligated to put some eyecandy in. Not so. They have a simple (often not well working) background, some blocks, and that’s it.

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Review by American

Posted more than 20 years ago
I might as well work here (708 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings577 Featured reviews5 Average helpfulness85%

This is a crappy concept with an even more crappy level. Avoid at all costs.

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Review by Iam Canadian

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (28 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings28 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness100%

This is a gametype obviously inspired by Space Invaders and its clones. Violet satisfatorily explained how this poor thing works, so I’m going to just rate it. Good concept, but impossible with the Jazz2 system.

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Review by spazz

Posted more than 20 years ago
Spaz Slackrabbit (166 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings166 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness25%

This is boring. And also include the titleset, I can’t open the first level. When I played it, you only have to shoot some enemies and then the level is over. And thats about 6 levels. It’s also to small, what is this, your first levels or something?

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