Jazz in the Matrix: Regurgitated

Date uploaded:
27 Jul 2002 at 04:00 (Minor update on 27 Jul 2002)

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Magic Card (More uploads by Magic Card)
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regurgitated.zip (1.03 MB)

File contents

readme.pdf 1570.81 kB 07 Jul 2002
readme.txt 3.97 kB 07 Jul 2002
levels.zip 12.34 kB 07 Jul 2002
tilesets.zip 712.03 kB 07 Jul 2002


This is the demo of the sequel to Jazz in the Matrix. It’s got a ton of cool moves, including the Matrix jump. The music can be found at http://www.fileplanet.com/dl/dl.asp?planetunreal/official/utmusic.zip. This pack includes the first four levels.


Falcon: The original Jazz in the Matrix was released in 2000 and was the last game reviewed by Wakeman at Jazz 2 City. It had 9 levels and used only custom tilesets. Though it’s no longer available, I’m going to re-release it on the Special Edition CD (if I make it). Update on Regurgitated: Have decided to do completely differently levels. The only level from the demo will be Techno Mountain, however I’m going to do a little more with the eye candy (add some trees and stuff). I have to keep the levels relatively small for now, though, because otherwise I won’t be able to test them. I have a very old video card (though I’m upgrading soon). The UT music stays. I’m thinking of remaking Train Chase to seem more like Hi-Speed from Unreal Tournament, so I’m just going to do one long train. Other planned levels so far include Zion and the Zion Mainframe. I’m thinking most of it will take place in the Zion mainframe, but I don’t want to reveal too much of the plot here. There’s more to it than just the Devan Clones. So for now try to enjoy the level pack and remember to unzip everything!

Update 8/8/02

Well I’m getting kind of skeptical about finishing this level pack. The remake of Train Chase literally doesn’t work. I’ll keep you posted.


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User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 4.54

Review by Radium

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (24 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings24 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness66%

I’ll be mean and rate this one level at a time:

Level 1 (Creative name): It starts out with a few text messages, and then it
says “jump on the switch to choose a path” or something. There is no switch.
Theres a hill with a trigger zone on it, but no switch. Even if there was a
switch, you couldn’t see which path opened, since it’s all white. One path
leads you to a ton of weapons and lives, but then you can’t take the other.
On my fith try (after viewing the level in JCS), I found my way down into the
rest of the level. Here, you “matrix jump” over some fire. The matrix jump
would be neat if you could tell you were moving, but the background was
all white. Next, you stomp a crate and some steps appear. There’s a small
masked black dot on one that causes jazz to constantly jump. A ton of
special moves? Two.

Level 2: Tileset not found “spacey.j2t”

Level 3: Tileset not found “spacey.j2t”

Level 4: You run through some tunnles, kill some Sparks, and stomp a crate.
The best part was where the matrix jump was on the right, and the way the
carrot and gem were hidden. One part after that had so many sparks I
didn’t even touch the ground, just stomp, stomp, stomp. Then, finally, the exit.
It ends with a climatic “file not found: .j2l”.

Overall: Download recomendation? Yes, because it will make even newbies
thankful they can make good levels. From now on, always test your levels
completely many times, get beta testers, and make sure if you use a Cracco
tileset, it isn’t automasked.

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Review by Violet CLM

Posted more than 20 years ago
I might as well work here (539 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings280 Featured reviews26 Average helpfulness90%

Despite how bad this is, I’d like to congratulate Magic Card, because it IS better then the original.

In the first level, the background is solid white, and most of the walls are invisible. You get some free ammo, and it shows you that some pits, if you jump over them, there are lots of float ups so you have no way to fall. There’s also a new special move, the “Matrix Shift”, which apparently is the author’s way of telling us he just figured out how to use triggers. http://www.jazz2online.com/articles/view.php?id=32
The second level is the best of the lot. You climb a mountain, sort of, fight a few enemies, go inside the mountain, run through some tunnels, hit some crates, and voila. The exit. It’s still the best, though.
The third uses the old theme where you’re jumping from moving car to car. It has been done better, however, as for example, generally falling onto the road hurts you. This has some nice ideas, though. The generating bubble shield at the boss is not one of them.
The fourth level uses Dethman’s 7th lava fall tileset. You run along straight lines, turn around, do it again, repeat, loop. Near the end, you get to jump UP using float ups, instead of across. Fun.

Please use less generic filenames. I had to rename all four levels so they didn’t overwrite the levels of Spazzyman’s Christmas Chronicles 2001, which was a better pack, I think, but not by a big amount.

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Review by Magic Card

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (3 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings3 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

Thanks for the tips everyone. I appreciate them. I have some plans for fixes:

1. I’ll fix the tutorial level. You have to have seen the Matrix to understand why it’s all white.

2. You have to unzip EVERYTHING. The zips and the zips inside.

3. You really missed out on the best levels if you didn’t play levels 2 and 3.

4. Electric IR is right. I’m no newbie! You just don’t know how to use WinZIP.

5. Where did I go KR? Into your subconscious.

6. I’ll change the filenames.

7. There’s a few bugs I have to fix in Train Chase.

8. Remember, these are only the first four levels, and as such they are the easiest.

9. Oooooh, I figured out how to use trigger crates, huh? Simply open a door huh? Didn’t you notice the entirely new path to the end of the level? You know how long it took me to make that? How many animations it took? Each and every tile had to change. The yellow and black bars had to change direction and the ones next to them had to match. This is more than just opening doors. In the full version, this will determine what level in the pack you actually go to. And it’ll be more than just Trigger Crates. Sometimes it’ll be trigger areas, throwing you back to the beginning of the level and noticing that the level has changed completely. This is no simple trigger event. This is pure insanity. Mwa ha ha ha ha! Cough.

10. Radium, how would you prefer it ended? Leading back to the main menu? Oh of course, everyone wants that but everyone just leaves it blank. This isn’t the end of the pack. This is DEMO. The real version comes in a few months.

That’s all for now. Thanks for the suggestions. I’ll try to fix the levels as soon as I can.

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Review by 4I Falcon

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (14 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings14 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness33%

uh, just out of curiosity, where’d the ORIGINAL JitM get to?

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Review by American

Posted more than 20 years ago
I might as well work here (708 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings577 Featured reviews5 Average helpfulness85%

Better than the original :)

I luckily have spacey.j2t. While it was an interesting experience, I can’t say the levels were any good. Sorry. Welcome back, though, Magic Card!

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Review by defalcon

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (29 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings29 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness100%

Card! Yer back!
I’ll review this afterwards, no time now.
I still have the 1st Jazz in the Matrix…

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Review by DoubleGJ

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (81 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings73 Featured reviews2 Average helpfulness73%

Magic Card is back! And I don’t know how to rate this, because I’m still downloading. :)

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Review by ShadowZ

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (4 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings4 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

Ive seen the matrix and can i ask you this question. What has this single player mission got to do with the matrix? The first tutorial is also very confusing.

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Review by CraccoBoy

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (52 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings52 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness29%

Radium, at least 95% of my tileset’s final versions haven’t got automask.

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Review by ScionFighter

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (32 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings32 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness14%

Uh, good idea to put the Matrix in Jazz2 world. I must tell you, that im Matrix fan ^^. And dont forget to make a Zion city level ^^

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Review by SuckaTube

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (8 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings8 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness11%

Boy, those triangles sure do hurt!

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