
Date uploaded:
7 Sep 2002 at 04:00 (Minor update on 14 Jan 2016)

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FireSworD (More uploads by FireSworD)
Capture the flag
Level by me, music by Necros and tileset by Overlord.
Screenshots (524.2 kB)

File contents

GaLaXiuSv2.j2l GaLaXiuS 6.07 kB 02 Oct 2010
top3.j2t Top secret ][ 95.97 kB 26 Nov 2001
necros_-_gateway.s3m 652.35 kB 23 Oct 2007


A very old level (dates back to 2002). This has been well received in JDC events, so I decided to fix a few things and re-upload it. The eyecandy has been modified, but it’s still similar to the last version. So, bland looking level, but it’s solid and easy to learn. I decided to keep the differing power-ups at each side, since I don’t see that as a significant balance issue. Also, since Bjarni rated so poorly based on the “carrot power-up”, I fixed that as well.


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Quick Reviews Average: 8.1

RecommendedPurpleJazz rated 8.1

A JDC classic. Featuring a simple but effective two levels of height design, this is a versatile level that works in all game sizes. The middle section connects the two levels well and provides plenty of entertainment. However, this level is pretty bland looking by today’s standards, although many will enjoy the miminalist feel of the level. B+

User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 7.9166666666667

RecommendedReview by The Blaziken Master

4 Dec 2004, 23:41
CTF Bug (3 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings3 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness17%

Let’s rate it:

Eye Candy:
I like the space eye candy, I love it a whole lot that should get from me:

The Layout is the best thing about this level, well, it is, defentily is, yes! I love it a whole lot:

Weapon Placement:
I like how you place the weapons in the level, I love it! Yeah, there are may weapons, I think some are even hidden.

That’s good, there are two powerups that I found, I like it! Absolutily!

The Carrot Powerup
Well, that’s good, full healed, one actually that’s not good, no good at all:

The Flag’s Place
I like how you place the flags, yeah, it’s diffucult to find, nothing wrong here!

Tileset Choice:
Good choice, I like your choice

Music Choice:
I’m not interested in music but this music is absolutly perfect

Avarge Rating: 6.75= 6.8
If you’re looking for a good level this is the level you’re looking for.
Download recommanded: Yes
Put it into server: Yes

~The Blaziken Master

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Review by Super Saiyan

Posted more than 20 years ago
Spaz Slackrabbit (187 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings187 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness20%

Well honestly its a very nice level for this Tileset. Gameplay is great, there isnt much eyecandy but it makes the level lagless, which is actually a good thing. Despite the fact you copied and flipped one side of the level to the other was maybe a bad idea. This probably means there isnt spend much work into the level, but still its a ok level for a 7.5

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Review by Taz

Posted more than 20 years ago
Jazz Jackrabbit (279 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings279 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness39%

Short review:
A very well maked level.
Download this.

Large review:
A very well maked level.
It’s copied, okay, but the sides are not the same. On the right side is the red base, the left side is the blue base. The blue base haves the very nice sign “Pi is for foos.” and the Bounce PowerUp. The right side haves the RF PowerUp and the Seeker PowerUp. There are everywhere disco thingies, and dead ends. No useless dead ends, useness ;p The springs are very well placed. The weapons are random placed but very good. All is very good, so:
Download this now.

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Review by Spotty

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (87 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings87 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness73%

Yes another great ctf lev by Fs.
If this was a tileset that had eyecandy like one of agamas this would be a very high rated level. None the less fs has done a good job with the tileset on this lev. The Bases are interesting, and originality always scores points. The level is pretty good for gameplay. You can go through the lev without having something stop you (things like that are just evil .. yes : P)
Ammo and stuff well placed. Just the eyecandy that lacks in some places. Thats more with the tileset anyhow though, the layer 5 (im guessing) in the bases is well done, so I wouldn’t rate eyecandy low, just not super high.
In Summary this is a fun and good lev by fs.

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Review by Stilettø

Posted more than 20 years ago
Spaz Slackrabbit (181 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings181 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness30%

Great level
huh Bouncer pu? :P only found rf and seeks Fast to Navigate Around i like it

Download Recommedation!!

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Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 20 years ago
Way better than Aiko (862 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings464 Featured reviews35 Average helpfulness92%

Ok, to start of this review i will talk about eyecandy and tielset use first.

The eyecandy is really good, shows that the author knows how to use the tielset very well. The ammo placement is ok, nice place to put seeker pu, and the sucker tube use is ok. The base placement could of been much worse, but also a bit better, its kinda anoying going on the suckers over and over again because you keep missing the base. Well, the thing that caught my attention most was most likely eyecandy, it ruxored.
Download reccomedation

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