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nin.j2l | Pokemania | 2.77 kB | 12 Sep 2002 |
nin2.j2l | Mega Mario | 3.11 kB | 13 Sep 2002 |
nin5.j2l | Boss Stage #1 | 2.48 kB | 13 Sep 2002 |
segindo.j2l | The Secret Zone | 2.65 kB | 12 Sep 2002 |
zelda.j2l | Gerudo Valley | 2.09 kB | 12 Sep 2002 |
CCs PoKeMoN STADIUM.j2t | CC's PoKeMoN STADIUM | 100.87 kB | 13 Aug 2000 |
Gerudovalley.j2t | Gerudovalley | 28.73 kB | 26 Jul 2002 |
Mega Man X2.j2t | Mega Man X Dark | 43.85 kB | 13 Jan 2002 |
megamix.j2t | Mario/Sonic Megamix | 76.99 kB | 11 Jun 2001 |
SMBros3.j2t | SMB3: Grass Land | 84.44 kB | 31 Oct 1999 |
This level set is pretty much Jazz in Nintendo games like Mega Man X(SNES), Pokemon, and Zelda 64(obvious). The only bad guys, though are the bosses and spikes. In the full version, I might have bad guys. This is my first upload, so please don’t rate too harsh. Also, don’t get mad because it closes on my last level. Sorry.
These levels are far too easy to beat, that’s all I can say really.
No fear. I’m editing these levels with bad guys and , if i can find it, appropriate music. Please stop the reviews. I promise V2 will be much better. Honest.[This review has been edited by thekirbymaster]
EDIT: Yeah, these levels sucked horribly HORRIBLY bad… not that anyone will see this, but still. I was stupid then, and much wiser now. Not that I’m gonna revive this project of course. It should stay where it is: dead.
This is just bad. And I bet the total of all these levels didn’t even take you 2 hours to build.
The eye candy is terrible, there’s no challenge, no enemies (I don’t know if you know this, but that’s a bad thing!). You use the backgrounds of the levels in a wrong way (as you will notice if you will play in 8 bit mode).
I have seldom seen such a bad pack or level in my life! This is just bad. I repeat do not download this. It is a waste of time! Go do something usefull with your time! I am thinking of sueing you because you took valuable minutes of my life away with this crap!
Same goes for the creator of these levels. Spend time building your levels! This could have been so much levels if you would have spent time and would have came with an original subject.
-New[This review has been edited by Newspaz]
This was BAD. No music, no challenge, I just…jumped and ran for a few minutes. The eyecandy was awful, and only layers 4 and 8 were used in most levels. Don’t waste precious webspace. Please spend TIME on your levels, lest I use the Steel Pipe of Dishonor.
No enemies ! No nothing. This is just barf. I just run around all the levels and i was looking for exit (simple)…
No music! Use ALWAYS music in your levels, only if no music is good for it. But there are still so many music..
Where’s the enemies? What are those extra lives? You must make a balance between goodies and enemies. Try to make better levels in V2
Try actually playing the levels with a friend or letting them check it before uploading. It saves us a lot of room!
How you can this beep call levels?
i just tested it and it is great i like evreting bud then to evreting about nintendo PLEASE say me wen the full version is out
(Unfair rating removal. Judging by your three 10’s given out so far, it would be a good idea if you used other ratings. They do exist, after all. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
To easy, I can just walked to the exit, no eyecandy, no music. Just bad.
Download not reccomend.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.
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