Doom Cave

Date uploaded:
28 Oct 2002 at 05:00

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Moonblaze (More uploads by Moonblaze)
Capture the flag
Great thanks to CelL for Betatest, and a little fast useless thanks to RagE for betatest.

No screenshots yet. (55.26 kB)

File contents

mbctf1.j2l Doom Cave 5.15 kB 28 Oct 2002
wbrg.j2t Where Bad Rabbits Go 49.07 kB 18 Oct 2002


This was orginaly the first entry to Stripe’s contest, but becuse Skulg did not want take the chance of Stripe did releashe her beta version, I had to wait until she releashed the tileset.
I spiffed it up with the new eyecandy, and I liked it so I desided to upload it.
Thanks to CelL for try tell me to call it “The Unhappy Valley of not so cute non-fuzzy not pink things that are un-nice”


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User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 6.9666666666667

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 20 years ago
Way better than Aiko (862 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings464 Featured reviews35 Average helpfulness92%

Heh, I like this lvl.

Eyecandy is good, I could tell he worked on it. The bases, one is high, the other is low and they are easily accesible. Kinda hard to get the coins for the warp, but worth it. I think im giving a high rating, but who knoew. I like this level. The only bad thing is that you passworded it, but i didnt take marks off for that couase it has almost nothing to do with the level, but If you wouldnt have passwirded it, I wouldove tooken a closer look at it and maybe boosted up my rating but oh well. Download this if your drive isnt filling up wiht CTF levels or you just want to collect them like I do ;)

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Review by American

Posted more than 20 years ago
I might as well work here (708 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings577 Featured reviews5 Average helpfulness85%

Not a bad CTF level by Moonblaze, but I can see why it didn’t win the contest. There are a few bugs, but it is a generally good level. The first thing that really annoyed me was base placement. One is very high up and the other is low and very easy to get to. This obviously gives benefit to the team with the high base. As mentioned, I couldn’t see this in JCF because the author put a password on it. Before uploading your levels, either tell the password or remove it so people can tell how you made the level. Weapon placement is fairly good, but a little bunched together in some parts. Eyecandy is very good, though there are numerous tileset use errors that could easily be undone. All and all, this is a fine level, and is worth downloading, especially if you are a fan of CTF levels.

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Review by Taz

Posted more than 20 years ago
Jazz Jackrabbit (279 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings279 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness39%

Thanks to CelL for try tell me to call it “The Unhappy Valley of not so cute non-fuzzy not pink things that are un-nice”

Heh. That is from Mad Jack the Pirate. (If you know who it is, you are really strange ;)

Overall nice level, nice layout, good use of tileset. No bad things, but also, it’s not the bes level from MOOnblaze i ever seen. Download recommedation.

@Moonblaze: Yup, CelL IS really strange. (Oops, meh too. ;P)

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