Shellion's Extreme Revenge (SXR)

Date uploaded:
9 Oct 2000 at 04:00 (Minor update on 9 Oct 2000)

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Spaztic (More uploads by Spaztic)
Oli made the castle level. Thanks to the Beta Testers, too.
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File contents

SXR Important Readme.txt 2.85 kB 25 Mar 2003
1Starter.j2l Diamond Cutter 7.09 kB 22 Jul 1999
2Starter.j2l Marble Mayhem 6.28 kB 22 Jul 1999
3Starter.j2l Cheap 3D 3.86 kB 22 Jul 1999
BlazinPullets.j2l Blazin Pullets 10.00 kB 17 Jun 1999
Carritsec.j2l Carrotus Secret! 4.60 kB 22 Jul 1999
SwordFight.j2l Sword Fight 6.89 kB 17 Jun 1999
SXR.j2l Flames of Revenge 11.01 kB 22 Jul 1999
SXR_Candy.j2l Mmmm...sugary =) 8.63 kB 23 Jul 1999
SXR_Carrotus.j2l Carrotus Chaos 6.73 kB 22 Jul 1999
SXR_ESlide.j2l Electric Slide 8.44 kB 22 Jul 1999
SXR_Flight.j2l Flight to Carrotus 2.93 kB 16 Jul 1999
SXR_Heat.j2l Bunny BBQ 11.19 kB 22 Jul 1999
SXR_HolyTree.j2l Holy Tree! 6.12 kB 23 Jul 1999
SXR_HolyTree2.j2l Tree Glee 5.38 kB 23 Jul 1999
SXR_JazzBoss.j2l Jazz Cloned?!?! 1.06 kB 22 Jul 1999
SXR_Knight.j2l Knight Fight 8.83 kB 12 Jul 1999
SXR_Last.j2l Last Fight 1.91 kB 15 Jul 1999
SXR_Marco.j2l Sandy Shells 10.72 kB 23 Jul 1999
SXR_Moria.j2l Mines of Moria 9.30 kB 23 Jul 1999
SXR_Rad.j2l Radical and Funky Fresh 6.61 kB 22 Jul 1999
SXR_Start.j2l SXR Intro 2.99 kB 22 Jul 1999
SXR_Tech.j2l Tech Cetra 9.00 kB 22 Jul 1999
SXR_ULAK.j2l Under Lock and Key 8.60 kB 23 Jul 1999
SXR_Vally.j2l Mount PuZzLe 6.16 kB 17 Jun 1999
TheFortress.j2l The Fortress 8.09 kB 17 Jun 1999
Astro Zlich.j2t Astro Zlich 34.90 kB 22 Jul 1999
Mez01.j2t MEZ01 35.74 kB 10 Jul 1998
Mez03a.j2t MEZ03a 42.69 kB 05 Aug 1998
MEZ03B.J2T MEZ03b 42.69 kB 05 Aug 1998
Neonius.j2t Neonius 64.09 kB 14 Jun 1999
Qobcandi.j2t QoB Candion TC 38.33 kB 20 Sep 1998
SXRIntro.j2t SXRIntro 116.43 kB 22 Jul 1999
Whare.j2b 112.99 kB 24 Nov 1998 Jazz Belmont 712.19 kB 25 Jul 1998
alc_run.xm - No Where To Run - 915.58 kB 11 Jan 1999
friends.xm Friends... 1277.79 kB 11 Apr 1999
Faces.669 FACES - 2UNLIMITED 397.13 kB 08 Nov 1998
2unlimit.mod mod.2unlimited 54.74 kB 08 Nov 1998
70's grove.mod 70's grove 521.94 kB 20 Dec 1998
2nd_pm.s3m UnreaL ][ / PM 586.78 kB 02 Jul 1998
ccity12.s3m Cool City - volume 1.2 244.66 kB 05 Dec 1998
DIGITA~1.S3M Digital Accent 128.48 kB 20 Mar 1999


Original Text:

This is a spiffy little level pack I made a while ago. It got around 4 or 5 in the top 100 list at Jazz2City and I felt like reposting it. It’s got 25 levs and lots of added in shiznit that real spiffy. Check it out.


New Information (3-25-03):
SXR has been re-uploaded to j2o’s current servers so you should be able to download it again. YaY! Hurray for Bobbt.


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User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 9.268085106383

Review by Ragnarok!

Posted more than 20 years ago
Spaz Slackrabbit (146 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings88 Featured reviews9 Average helpfulness80%

Spiffy little pack? HAH, Thats a bit funny, i found it great! That’s a lie… oh well her goes my review:

Eyecandy: There is good eyecandy though it is the original eyecandy for the tilesets. It isn’t fantastically amazing or anything, actually there isnt much to see here. A few bugs in the tiles that can be seen extremely easily but oh well. The eyecandy isn’t really fantastic, it just uses the original tileset backgrounds. The eyecandy could be better. Above average this is, I suppose.

Gameplay: Well, some of the levels are a bit plain and boring. Seeing as they are sometimes really plain, or easy. I kind of hate it when someone makes a pack like this and it isn’t as fun as others make it seem. The creator thought more about the design and structure of the levels rather than the fun-factor. There isn’t anything that is too hard, or too boring, or that makes you want to stop it’s just that this pack, has quite a few problems with it.

Pickup Placement: Now this is a type of thing that is perfect in this pack, actually not really but it is good i have to admit. It isn’t disgusting nor is it wonderful. It is good, far above average but not at the top.

Overall: Overall this is a good pack that could be better with a few updates.[This review has been edited by sabaspaz]

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Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 20 years ago
Way better than Aiko (862 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings464 Featured reviews35 Average helpfulness92%

OMG My long review that I did for some reason got deleted, so I will start all over. I should get paid for reviewing this. Anyways, the download has been fixed and I can finally see this. It wasnt as good as I expected it. I hope my review will be longer than traftons, and this tiem I will just talk about all the levels altogether, since I am not willing to rewrite my whole review again in the same old fashion. The intro level (SXR INTRO) looked a bit screwy, but at least it was understandable. It confused me a bit though. Level 1 I started right on top of the boss. Reading Traftons review it made me think if I was suppose to start right before the boss, or if it was a glitch. Anyways, you basically have to fight 2 robot bosses, thats basically it. The next level (level 2) named Carrotus Chaos had interesting music. The enemies were poorly placed, some where placed in poor locations and they were overused. There were barely any pickups in this level, except for some ammo and coins. The level was short and easy, and was boring. I didnt like it much. The next level (3) has a name ripped off from lord of the rings, the fellowship of the rings (mines of moria). The level had a serious case of having to many enemies, so much that I thought I would get an enemy error playing it. I felt the backround could of been warped, since it was a bit dullish. The storyline in this level was quite amusing. There were some spiffy secret passages. In one place i thought I was barricaded in because I had no clue there was a warp in the top right corner. A lot of places were very narrow, and I’ve gotten stuck in many places in this level. The food, when it appears, is usually all clunched up. This level is also quite difficult, especially the maze which takes forever to beat.The next level (level 4)is named sandy censored. The eyecandy isnt bad here, but the enemy placement is. It is all clunched up and sometimes you cant get out without getting hit by an enemy. There are way to many gems in the crates, and due to the enemies the level lacks in fun factor. I have nothing much to say about this level except that its nearly impossible. The next level (5) named Holy Tree, which I think is a weird name. The level is a bit better. Only in some places zounds of enemies attack you, while in others its all peaceful. There is barely any eyecandy and the backround is dull as well. In a lot of places you are forced to get hurt because there are tons of enemies around you. The only place which really caught my attention was at the end, the mystic forest, except for the annoying generating bees. The next level is also made with the diamondus set and I didnt like it. I got stuck on a vine (you know how after you warp if you wall onto a hook or vine you may get stuck) Also, the part of the level with the control panel was difficult and bored me, i didnt like it. The level itself was confusing and took a while to beat. Level 7 is named Knight Fight and uses the medivo set. The whole level is sorta narrow, and I didnt like the fact that enemies are placed right on top of one ways. I found some eyecandy bugs, and like most of the levels this one was confusing. There were some fiendish parts, and some fun parts in this level. Next level (8) has a strange name (mmmm….sugary =)) and it uses a candion conversion made by dethman or sometimes (i had no clue he made conversions). This was one of the funnes t levels in the pack. At first glance the level looked quite nice. I liked the backround. The enemies were still clunched up though. Eyecandy is ok, soemtimes strange, but ok. Soem of the puzzles were really fun here, and there were a lot of fun parts. I enjoyed playing this level. Next level, Radical and Funky something (I kinda forgot the name) has funny music =P. Sadly, the enemies dont give you a break here and they are clunched up again (I can easily relate the enemy placement in these levels to those of RHG) and some parts were also fun (like that spring place and the hat trick place) The level had a lot of creativity in it, but some parts looked kinda ugly. The level isnt that hard, nor long. Lvl 10, tech central has some cool secrets, good music and stuff. The eyecandy is decent here, I loved the secrets. Though the goodies and enemies were clumped again, the level was still interesting, but kinda short. The next level, which I mistook for the last, is called JAzz cloned. ITs basically a boss level where you have to fight 3MCE jazz bosses. Nothing that interesting. Level 12, named electric slide, also has great music (most of the levels do). Though I think the enemies were still overused, some parts of the level were fun to play (like the beginning). I liked the eyecandy here though, except for the many tile bugs, though the eyecandy possibly could of been better. I think that in some places the soda pop food item was way overused, and ther could of been more variety in food and ammo. In the area around pos 40,40, I couldnt get out. Also, the level is easier to play with spaz, since he can sidekick all those enemies at once while it will take jazz a while. Bunny BBQ also had clumped enemies. The text was interesting, and so where the puzzles. Good music BTW. Just when I thought I had finally reached Eva and that this was the last level, it wasnt. The pickup placmeent is ok. Mount puzzle was an amusing levels. I dont remember any enemies being here (though I may have forgotten) and the puzzles were cool, though extremely difficult. Again, I saw some tiling bugs. the first puzzle wasnt that hard, though I couldnt solve the second puzzle. The 3rd puzzle was quite easy. I felt that there could of been some hints in the puzzles, because sometimes I had no idea of what to look for or what to do. Im surprised there werent any clumped up enemies here O.o. The next level, flames of revenge, is evil. The music was good, but the level was EXTREMELY annoying. There shouldnt have been 2 poles together in the beginning, the enemy has a godo chance of hurting you there. I also had no clue that the lava was a hurt event the first time I played ,because I jumped over the text sign that said that. The enemies here were espeically clumped up. The warp parts were usually annoying and sometimes made me loose lifes and stuff. Some parts I didnt like because it was hard not getting hurt there (like position 191, 42) and you cross that place multiple tiems. The spikeball part you must get hurt at, because the spike balsl are almost impossible to avoid. Yay, you finally found eva. Last fight: OMG finally, the last level. First of all, the backround irritated me because of the speed it was moving at. The weapon stock isnt as good as I hoped it to be. You have to fall like 600 tiles down before you finallly land in the battle arena where you face 3 devans. The last credits level was fun =).

OVERALL: Firstly, I wrote this whole review on paper, then typed it out, then had to retype it because something happend. It took me 4 hours playing and reviewing this level, and i hope i wont do this again. It is hard to add up the mark for this pack, because the levels all have different quality levels. I havent played the extra multiplayer levels, but will soon after. I think ill give this about a 7.5 and a download recc. Great work!

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Review by aiko

Posted more than 20 years ago
I might as well work here (510 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings490 Featured reviews3 Average helpfulness82%

“Spiffy little level pack” is the understatement of the week! This pack is nothing but awesome and probably one of the best homecooked Jazz2 things you will ever find.
It would take too much time and space to describe and praise everything in the SXR pack so i only can give some examples: there is a very spiffy Intro using a QoB-like menu from where you can choose story, credits etc..
And there are tons of pretty hard puzzles, eyecandy, enemies, MCEs in each of the levels (and there are so many levels!). Most levels use kewlish custom music and some of the best custom tilesets.
I really can’t say much more. “Shellion’s Extreme Revenge” is definitely in my “Top 3 downloads ever” list (AS and SXR are my favourite packs, i think). And i even thought about giving a 10 here. Well, HiGH 9 (NiNE!) POiNTS!!! Incredible! More than just a MUST-DOWNLOAD!!! Awesome work, Spaztic (+Oli and the Majestic Mappers team)!!!
P.S.: The pack also includes six great battle levels (three by Spaztic and three by Oli).

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Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 20 years ago
Jazz Jackrabbit (255 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings255 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness22%

One of the best single player episodes ever released in my opinion. It has tons of enemies, puzzles, custom music, levels, great creative stuff, fun difficulty level. I must say you should download this RIGHT NOW!

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Review by ShadowGPW

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (46 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings38 Featured reviews2 Average helpfulness85%

This pack was one of the best I saw ..

If ya compare these levels with the orginal CLiffy`s ones.. this one rocks da house a lot more!

Recommand to download?

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Review by SPLASHcc

Posted more than 20 years ago
Spaz Slackrabbit (102 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings102 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness25%

A very very good lvl pack.
Good lvls and puzzles.
On some point a bit too much enemies, but still very good.
(censored someone already used the spaceship idea…)

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Review by Blade

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (84 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings84 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness64%

Hey! A single player episode! Nowadays single player levels are rare.
This is nice one, but not so beautiful. Author didn’t use background layers very well. In fact, that doesn’t matter much.
Nice levels, but not enough weapons or foods.

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Review by Nimrod CC

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (29 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings29 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

One of the best single player level out!!
A MUST download!

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Review by Talec

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (7 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings7 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0

Awesome! I especially like the ship at the end. I’m hoping to figure that trick out so I can use it in one of my “Things-to-do-when-I-have-unlimited-time” packs ;P

You might actually see it somewhere in 2002 :P

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Review by mrplonker

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (26 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings26 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

Spiffy is a bit of an understatement!

I like this a lot!

well done

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Review by xtreemcc

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (8 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings8 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0

This is one of the best level pack’s ive seen, i downloaded it from along time ago and i love it!

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Review by Alternater DS

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (1 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings1 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0

I’m trying to download it right now and im on 18 % 19% anyway. 20%
But i bet it will be cool. since it’s so big!
- Seltzer aka Alternater aka BoX aka Motoman aka Tweety aka Tweety2 aka Name BoX

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Review by KJAZZ

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (62 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings62 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness23%

This is just…incredible.

It would have gotten a 10 but when
I finished the candy level (onto the grove level) It gave me an acess violation and shut down.

The levels I played were just…Incredible (Incredible 3 times in one review? Theres something I haven’t done :)

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Review by Grath vice pres. of AR

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (1 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings1 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0

look this rocks the boat
it should be a episode in jazz3
all EXEPT for the “mines of moria” one

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Review by Nitro

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (60 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings60 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness42%

I’m stuck on second level :p
I’ll tell yah more sooner o’ later.

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Review by DEMON

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (10 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings10 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

These levels are awesome!
BEST EVER (I think)[This review has been edited by DEMON]

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Review by DEMON

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (10 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings10 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

It’s ver cool, but it overuses enemies in 1 part. There are also very cool lvls with original sets…
Lemme change that rating :-p

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Review by Enigma

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (30 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings30 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness71%

Wow, this is GOOD! Lots of enemies to bash, and a lot of difficult puzzles. The Jazz clones are really great, even when they move so crazy. A few tiny eyecandy flaws but mostly the fact that 3 bosses at a time is really too much are all what’s keeping me from giving this 10.

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Review by BlackDeath

Posted more than 20 years ago
Spaz Slackrabbit (111 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings111 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness44%

Time for a 10 again.

This one deserves it, read all of the above if you do not believe me :)

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Review by Stilettø

Posted more than 20 years ago
Spaz Slackrabbit (181 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings181 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness30%

WoW one of the coolest lvl pack`s ever


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Review by ÍpÐøpé

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (61 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings61 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness100%

Weh! This level pack Rulez the World!

Everybody, come and download!

~JøJø aka ÍpÐøpé

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Review by tazar

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (30 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings30 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%


But there were some bug. (In Mines of Moria level, etc.)
There very many hard/tricky puzzles!
The music selection is perfect!

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Review by Xtreem

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (9 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings9 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness100%

This must be one of the best level packs i have ever played, i downloaded it when Jazz 2 City was still up, i think it totaly kool.
There is some very hard puzzles like Mines of Moria (if any one can help me pass this please tell me).
This pack also includes some of the best music files and tilesets around.
This is pratically like a new Jazz game and is well worth the download.

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Review by Lark

Posted more than 20 years ago
I might as well work here (500 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings376 Featured reviews10 Average helpfulness77%

I’d say this is the best level pack I’ve ever played :) My only complaint is the Mines of Moria — I got stuck in the walls about 6 times while playing… other than that, it’s a great level pack!

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Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
Jazz Jackrabbit (265 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings242 Featured reviews4 Average helpfulness73%

This is definetly one of my favorite level packs. The idea of Shellion is realy amusing. The Jazz boss is awesome (Its one of the only real good MCE bosses :) ). I especialy like the music in Electric slide. It rulez! This is realy worth it. download it TODAY!
I downloaded it on jazz2city , not here.:-P


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Review by The Trasher

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (4 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings4 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

9.5 out of ten. (It lost a mark because of the f@#$%^g Mines Of Moria.

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Review by Gargoyle

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (68 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings68 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness13%

Tottaly ausume dude!

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Review by Wild Bill

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (35 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings35 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness25%

sweet sweet sweet! this is one of the best level packs i have ever played. some of the levels are a bit hard(mines of moria) but still cool with a cool ending. this is ALOT better than Tomb Rabbit(which was boring as crap) 10 POINTS!! DOWNLOAD NOW!!!

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Review by the WINNER

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (46 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings46 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness47%

Great levels with SWEET EYE CANDY!
Big size, but it doesn’t matter, because it is GOOD!
With menu! Download NOW!

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Review by >Elrick<

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (55 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings55 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness22%

Exelent!These is great!I realy like some puzzles and mussssic,it rockz!!!That end ship is incredible!It is a masterpiece!I would give 10 but some of puzzles are way too hard.

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Review by Hawk

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (1 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings1 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0

Great levels. But hard…. best pack I ever seen.

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Review by Red Ninja

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (23 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings23 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness40%

THESE ARE THE BEST! these are the best levels! O YEAH ~~ VERY NICE ~~

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Review by Arch Angel

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (3 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings3 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0

Man these are great lvls! The Mines of Moria were hard and i got stuck a couple times there, but these are very, VERY cool lvls. I recommend downloading strongly!

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Review by Superspaz

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (11 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings11 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0

Ultimate cool!!!
But sometimes I think the lvls are a bit hard…

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Review by Snowball

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (46 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings46 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness33%

very good lvl pack, but there is a lot of bugs.
i love that lvl pack, lot of enemies, secrets, there are well hidden, and a lot of great puzzles.

i have a question:
how can i make a jazz boss??
[send answer to:
i also have MSN messenger.]

there is 3 jazz bosses at the same time, witch make it very hard. i know, you only need to defeat one, but the two others are still in the way :]

if you can fix all the bugs, this will be the ultimate lvl pack.

i hope you will answer my question…[This review has been edited by Snowball][This review has been edited by Snowball]

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Review by Pikablu

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (2 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings2 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0

Hehe this is my first review… anyways Great lvl pack… Some puzzles are really hard… Oh yeah! Great music too!

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Review by SD

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (6 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings6 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

So much hard i think.

(So much rating removal i think. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

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Review by ScionFighter

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (32 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings32 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness14%

Cool episode including its own story and wiping levels on original tilesets. It aslo includes 9 multiplayer levels.

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Review by spazz

Posted more than 20 years ago
Spaz Slackrabbit (166 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings166 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness25%

To difficult puzzles.

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Review by Superjazz

Posted more than 20 years ago
Jazz Jackrabbit (261 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings131 Featured reviews15 Average helpfulness89%

This is weird. I mean not this level pack, but my old rewiew is gone.

And yeah, I rise my rating also with a 0.2 because your level has over 3000 downloads, that’s a big amount!

[This review has been edited by Superjazz]

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Review by SRabb

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (0 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings0 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0

Not bad…

(Rating removal. Please do not rate things low without at least providing a reason that is, at minimum, almost sense-making. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

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Review by American

Posted more than 20 years ago
I might as well work here (708 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings577 Featured reviews5 Average helpfulness85%

Now that after sixteen bajillion (bajillion is now a measure of time. Complain and suffer.) years, SXR has finally been reuploaded by everyone’s favorite Spaztic Face and BOBBT so I can finally get my vengeful, greasy, bony, loathesome reviewer’s fingers on it and boy, oh boy, what a whammy it still is even after all this time. Spaztic asked me not to rate the menu level so, naturally, I will. Now on to the review!

Unzipping went smoothely, aside from the muskrats attacking.

Level 1: The Menu
Much like Spaztic said it would be, this level is a bit, well, behind the times. It features an ultra-spiffy (or not) graphic of credits rolling by and looks like it is straight out of one of the more high-class cruddy hotels from 1999. But at least it is high class. The menu actually works, but well, this is definitely not a very good credit level. But at least it is there.

Under Lock and Key
The second level, entitled “Under Lock and Key” and using the Castle tilset, is also pretty well-done and stuff. The eyecandy was a bit subpar, but I suppose that is because of this pack’s age. After navigating your way through the lower dungeons (hint: it is not as hard as you think, and it definitely invovles fighting quite a few less enemies than you may think. Look for secrets.) you find yourself running through several corridors and up a few vines before falling into a fight with two robots being controlled by four Devan $hell. After defeating the Devan quadruplets’ mechanical monstrocities, the level ends, and on (in classic Jazz 2 single player progression) to Carrotus you go…

Carrotus Chaos
“Carrotus Chaos” is an accurate name for two main reasons. The first being, obviously, it uses Carrotus. The second is that this level is quite chaotic. If you thought the first level was difficult, you may find yourself dying quite a bit in this level. There are plenty of Tuf Turtles and various floating baddies that will rain on your parade, along with some sparkly miscellaneoties (if that’s a word) that distract. Beyond that, it’s a fairly straightforeward process with a few save points along the way. At the end, you warp back to what may confuse people since it is the start, but a trigger has opened which lets you exit the level. At the end, it ominously warns that harder levels are in the future. We’ll see.

Mines of Moria
Ah, Mez01. If there ever was a tileset that truly reperesented everything that was 1999, this hotel favorite would be it. Simple, easy-to-use, and groundbreaking back then, this tileset was both easy to use and hard to make a bad-looking level out of, so experts and new levelmakers alike enlisted it as a tileset of choice. This level, “Mines of Moria” is another level to count among the Mez01 levels of greatness. After a series of various annoying puzzles, I must admit that I was tempted to completely skip this level. Some may have more patience for this sort of puzzle than I, but I finished it anyway. Not my favorite level of the pack, but for the puzzle-obsessed, you’ll like this (I like puzzles slightly more than action, but this was a bit of overdose.) This level takes forever to get through, and may make some like this pack a lot less or a lot more. It is in many ways hard to tell.

Sandy $hells (KILL THE CENSOR)
After the small cramped areas of the previous level, the openness of Sandy $hells (without the $, but I had to use it because of the stupid censor headed censor) (uncreative name alert) was welcome indeed. Also the lack of so many puzzles lended some hand to this level. The start of this level bares mild resemblance to that of “Marinated Rabbit” in that there is about equal time before you get into water, but otherwise this level is quite different from all others. This level is in general good, and other than using the infuriatingly pestering “BeeBoy/Bees” event, the only real felony this level makes is using the bad worn-out “Sea Monkey” (a standing monkey under water) joke. A solid level, if I do say so.

Holy Tree!
“Holy Tree!” (I don’t even want to know) starts off with a sign saying that you must defeat “Diamondus and Midivo (sic)” to get to Shellion and Eva. Another save Eva plot line, but at least it was one of the earlier ones, sort of. This Diamondus level is more or less standard, with good eyecandy and quite a few enemies (mainly Tuf Turtles and Bees) along with plenty of “Kill This Rabbit” signs. Do not even consider trying to go through the level without killing many enemies – they will simply come back to haunt you, literally. A good level, though maybe a bit hard.

Tree Glee
“Tree Glee” (pfft) is yet another Diamondus level. Upon beginning it, you read a sign declaring “Just because you’re out of the Mystic Forest doesn’t mean you’re out of the enormo Diamondus!” While I am unsure how “enormo” Diamondus happens to be, this level is indeed a fairly large one. The general part of the level is more or less standard, with unsurprising eyecandy that throws you back to…well…the last level that you played. Still, the level is definitely unique from the other one. Overall, a good level, if not unimportant, which I won’t go into extraneous detail on.

Knight Fight
Knight Fight is staged in (surprise) Medivo (not Castle.) It’s a fairly standard level, too, featuring a lot of spikes, hidden passages, helmuts, and of course…cheese. Come prepared to be hit by a lot of spikes, because there are quite a few of them. As with all of the other levels here, there are a lot of spikey things and various other objects to massacre yourself on. Come prepared to jump from thing to thing in order to avoid dying. This level has gameplay similar to all of the others, so I won’t say any more except the word fish. Fish.

I somehow managed to forget the name of this level.
This level uses the Candy tileset. Nothing much to mention here, other than I think it would have been better to play around Christmas. That and the Tuf Turtles look funny turning one way and the next rapidly on top of oreos. Yayayayayayaya.

Radical and Funky Fresh
Radical and Funky Fresh, which sounds like a deoderant slogan, uses the Psych tileset. Dragonflies, hatters, and caterpillers…oh my.

Tech Centra
Pressed for time as I am, I will just say that this level uses a techno-ish tileset I always forget the name of and is otherwise a good if standard level. Whee.

The Final Level
MCE bosses are never very reliable. Neither are springs. Some of them reversed in this level, and after I killed one of the Jazz clone bosses, they just revived. Still, this is a fun boss fight with a few tricks involving the springs. Could have been better, though.

…Or not. (Electric Slide and more)
A not bad at all Tubeelectric level tacked on. Since I hate it because it made me think I was finished, I will say no more.

A few more good levels occur after that. Due to lack of time, again, I am unable to review them in length. Play them yourself.

The ride home
As with any good story, there is a nice ending. You are transported home on a sucker-tube based space ship. This was well-done and looks spiffy.

I suppose in some ways, this pack has became worse with time. This is the natural cycle of things. Regardless, this remains one of the most all-time spiffy packs and I seriously recommend download. Great job, Tic. Keep making more stuff.

+ PROS: This is truly a great pack in almost every way.

- CONS: Not as good as it was in 1999.

Due to the number of levels in this pack, I will not use the grade system.

THE VERDICT: My final rating is an 8.5 and a download recommendation. Truly a classic.

- Trafton[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

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Review by Ðx

Posted more than 20 years ago
Carrot Juice Addict (330 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings332 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness26%

cool episode and nice lvls>>>>:)<<<

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Review by Lamer

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (22 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings22 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness33%

This one is a classic. If you don’t download it, you’ll never know how good it truly is.

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Review by Fanden

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (10 Points)
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The levels are good and eyecandy is good etc. The only thing that make the pack dont reach a 10 is because of the bosses that are too many on one place. like when you fight against the jazz clones (How did u make em?) that appears in the number of 3 at the same time! if U understand what Im saying…. But its good levels though.

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Review by DanYjel

Posted more than 20 years ago
Jazz Jackrabbit (215 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings215 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness44%

The craziest episode on j2o.
One from best SinglePlayer episodes.
Very, very originally episode. Almost originally Time Tripping episode. Very hard for hard, easy for easy difficult.
But 4 bosses in level…[This review has been edited by Danyjel]

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Review by snzspeed

Posted more than 20 years ago
Carrot Juice Addict (327 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings269 Featured reviews7 Average helpfulness66%

Great job!! AN 9.2!

(download recommered!)

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Review by Taz

Posted more than 20 years ago
Jazz Jackrabbit (279 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings279 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness39%

Really great.

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Review by sonictth

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (33 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings33 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness15%


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Review by Spazie

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (19 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings19 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness25%

Great job!
very creative and original! i like the idea with the springs, though it needs some more works on buggies…it crashes me out on the end and sometimes i get stuck in the wall overall very good!

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Review by wadledee

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (67 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings67 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness42%

AWSOME! THIS IS VERRRRRY THE BEST I EVER DOWNLOAD ON J2O! You did an great job, Spaztic! Well done! The best Episode!

DON’T DOWNLOAD THIS, THEN… euhh… Never mind!
Play this more then one time:IF YOU DON’T DO THAT THEN…never mind :P

An 9.7(!)from me! Great job Spaztic!

this review has edited by Wadledee

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Review by NOKA

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (22 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings22 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness45%

Yes this is the really good episode (the mez level is really confusing) Everything is originally designed, but I’m going to take off points (HA HA)

Well as this is the multiple I will take of points for that tileset which is used in intro-it’s not the best because the sky doesn’t fit togeather (this is clearly visible) and graphics have a lot of transparent area.

I found some bugs in the levels during the game but there was a small amount of bugs and they aren’t so horrible :)

The levels you have made are almost perfect (in some parts) and I like it!
I like where everythink (in tilesets o levels ofcourse) is perfect.
So because not everythink is perfect and the intro tileset is scaring me I’ll give you a 9.0 – I was thinking about 8.7 but oh well.. I had so much FUN playing your cool episode, it was quite simmilar to that times when I was playing JJ2 The Secret Files my first time.


there is your 9 for really nice job.

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Review by Gizmaluke

30 Jan 2005, 06:36
Frog (17 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings17 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness8%

(Unsupported rating (10) removal. ~Violet)

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