Koth of the Hill v2

Date uploaded:
2 May 2003 at 04:00

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mikeejimbo (More uploads by mikeejimbo)
Treasure hunt
SMCool's ideas, some of my friends who don't play online playtested

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Koth2.zip (6.97 kB)

File contents

Koth.j2l King of the Hill 3.34 kB 02 May 2003
Koth2.j2l King of the Hill 3.48 kB 30 Apr 2009


There are two edited versions of my earlier King of the Hill levels, one following SMCool’s advice, the other not. Which one do you like better?


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User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 6.0666666666667

Review by Lark

Posted more than 20 years ago
I might as well work here (500 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings376 Featured reviews10 Average helpfulness77%

Koth2 is better. Koth would probably take a day or two to finish. I wish somebody would host these because they look like a lot of fun.

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Review by mikeejimbo

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (20 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings20 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness40%

I believe I agree with you.

Now, this is still open to be edited further. Perhaps the fall penalty doesn’t have to be so steep.

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Review by Sun Fun Dude

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (24 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings24 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

It could be fun with maybe a bigger level. Its better then the last one but yes the penalty is a bit steep!

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Not recommendedReview by Blackraptor

10 Apr 2005, 05:51
Way better than Aiko (862 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings464 Featured reviews35 Average helpfulness92%

Ok, basically you have to stay up on the hill and collect 100 coins so you could warp and get all the gems and win. The arena is very small, but not really threatening at all. I would be more worried about people taking my coins and having to wait longer than falling off. The eyecandy is also very boring and has some minor tilebugs. The second version of this has springs in the side pits instead of stuff that makes you lose all your coins. I’d find this version less challenging, but probably better since I would find getting 100 coins to take a long while if you have 7+ people. Thankfully the coins spawn every 2 seconds so that wont take long at all with only a few people. The ammo here is really sparce though, and in the version with the springs, kinda useless. The concept isn’t really anything too special either, but at least it works.
Layout/Gameplay/Concept: 6 (the concept brings it up quite a bit here)
Eyecandy: 5
Placement of Stuff: 5.2
Overall (not an average): 5.7
Final Rating: 5.475, boosted up to a 5.5. The idea has a bit of potential (its not anything new but its still the first time I think someone tried something like this) but the levels are just really small and bland. No download reccomendation for this one (although comes kinda close to one, mainly for the idea).

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