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Jazz2.exe | 1010.00 kB | 16 Jul 2003 |
This patch does just the same as the other one I published here 2 years ago.
But with a modification, it’s like smart.
If goes down and a new list which we don’t even know come up, you’ll still be able to access it without re-patching your game.
Imagine that in 2 years a new list server comes… something like..
You’ll be able to access that list without repatching the game.
Warning, if a new list comes up and one goes down..
Then someone must warn me so I’ll be able to make this patch file to access it.
It doesn’t have any kind of spyware inside, it’s just… magic. :D
I bet someone will find how it works, but oh well.. :P
I must thank Defalcon and Ice M A N.
OK, a note for everyone and it’s making me mad, if you download this please rate it with a reasonable comment and mark, okay??
This patch no longer works. Install JJ2+ if you have trouble connecting to online games.
Yeah, my first review and a REALLY easy one, too. g
This is a real improvement for everyone who wants to play on the internet with other jazz-maniacs out there and so most of you just NEED it! Nothing else to say, get this useful little thingy.
Works how it must and that’s important. Important to download by everyone who wants to play Party mode at internet. Nothing cool, just update of listserver. Good update. I WON IN LOTTERY OR WHAT!!![This review has been edited by Danyjel]
How dare you acuse Beto of doing an evil and fiendish thing?[This review has been edited by labratkid]
I guess I should give you a high rating for this… not everyone has it, so if my server is hosted on another list server that’s up (for example, Nimrod’s server), than people without it will not be able to so my server. However, this is good for keeping away noobs…[This review has been edited by labratkid]
It dont work! The Serveer list were down so I tried to download this. now the isnt it just the server list that dont work, but the whole game chrased and had to be re-installed! Are u sure u tested it good enough?
Fanden, if your game crashed after installing this patch is because you didn’t have version 1.23 before adding this patch.
I say this one time and again, the game MUST be upgraded to 1.23 in order to work.
Don’t apply this patch after installing the game.
You have to install the game, patch it with 1.23 official patch (essential, important, a MUST) and then apply this one.
This file itself doesn’t crash the game.
Thank you for this.
What MoonBlaze said, only replace the ‘Thank you’ with thanks.
Yes, this is pretty cool, but I don’t think it deserves a 10/10.. There are other cool Jazz2 programs out there. I mean, come on, it’s useful, but it doesn’t deserve a 10. Nice work Alberto.
I downloaded it and it makes for a good “just in case” utility. I give it a 9 because I hate it when I feel helpless and this helps me.
Danyjel dont’t give HIGH ratings if you dont give an good review. but the review from me? its good its handy and i will use it but here is my rating ( can i give it? lol =D)
Idont know if i download it..
my mouse views now to the BACK button.
hmm.. why i dont knof if i download it: i want have a crashed game because alberto just said patch it to 1.23 what is with 1.24 does it wor with this j2 ver too? PLEASE ANSWER ME! thanks…
When I try to start the program I get this really annoying message saying it can’t load “ENGLISH.J2S”.
Alberto this is good if you are just joining servers. I give you credit for that but if you host because you forwarded it through your domain (which probly has low bandwidth) all you get is a ping if you try to join a server hosted with this file yo should be ashamed of yourself!
(Rating removal. This file does not speed up gameplay. If you have the latest game patches, it is useless unless the server is changed. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Just responding to Labratkids Post:
I guess I should give you a high rating for this… not everyone has it, so if my server is hosted on another list server that’s up (for example, Nimrod’s server), than people without it will not be able to so my server. However, this is good for keeping away noobs…
This patch connects you to contrabands server, and if it goes down, it will redirect you to another operational list server, If you use this, your game is still mirrored on both working list servers.
Wortless not being able to help TSF :(
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.
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