Forgotten Islands

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23 Aug 2003 at 04:00 (Minor update on 23 Aug 2003)

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Moonblaze (More uploads by Moonblaze)

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forgotteni.j2l Forgotten Islands 2.50 kB 23 Aug 2003
Forgotten Islands.j2t Forgotten Islands 20.12 kB 23 Aug 2003


A small funny tileset. (I rule at writing Descriptions:)
Please review this BlurredD.


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User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 7.5727272727273

Review by Unhit

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (28 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings24 Featured reviews1 Average helpfulness75%


First of all, the mask text is boring :(

Now for the real review. This is a typical Moonblaze-tileset: a bit dark. And, another typical thing: good looking sprite layer, AWESOME background! KEKEKEKE. What I missed was a single block, because now you have to use that destruc scenery with triggers. Maybe you can add that.

It is gosu but it could be gosuer!


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Review by blurredd

Posted more than 20 years ago
Spaz Slackrabbit (198 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings198 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness90%

I have no real system of reviewing tilesets so I’ll just get to the point. I was on the verge of making a level with this tileset until I realized I didn’t like the 4th layer BG tiles (or in other words, the light brown tiles) too much. It’s a shame this tileset is so small. A common flaw in several of Moonblaze’s tilesets is lack of variety in tiles. And what I mean is that most of the ground tiles are just one general color. It would be nice to see a tileset as varied as Tubelectric or something. I wonder if this review made any sense so far. Anyway, it’s a good tileset for it’s size.

8.0 because I’m nicer than Unhit and the BG pwns so much.

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Review by Duke[LBF]

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (2 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings2 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0

Nice Tileset! i like it to make levels with it! cool bg and nice for SP levels! only one bad thing, a little bit to dark, and the level is to easy ;) Nice work!+

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Review by Taz

Posted more than 20 years ago
Jazz Jackrabbit (279 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings279 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness39%

I gonna review this tileset too! Gwappa!

This tileset is not big (17 × 10 = 170 tiles) but it’s nice for it’s size. It don’t feel really like a island, you see sea on the BG but there are too many cave things and too less things like beach etc. The BG anyway is the best thing of the tileset, there are many clouds and you can put in thunder, too. There is rain if you want and like I said, sea. The tileset for other layers is a bit lacking of tiles because of only one ground where you can walk on and one for cave backgrounds. There is a little waterfall too, but it’s not so special. THere are cool destruct, buttstomp and trigger tiles, I don’t know really what it is but it looks like a purple PacMan. Nice fireflies are in the tileset for light, too. The sucker tubes are just a bit the same like other MB Tilesets.
Overall a nice tileset, it don’t have the feeling of an island (Beach music don’t fit) but it haves a great background and you must download this.

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Review by sonictth

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (33 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings33 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness15%

170 tiles ar enough.
Nice animations.
Nice Backgrounds.
(The Watter-fall i think is from jazz1 isn`t it?)
Classic tileset kind.
I Like it.
Download recommandation:

From 1 to 10


7 !!!!:
Download is fact.

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Review by DanYjel

Posted more than 20 years ago
Jazz Jackrabbit (215 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings215 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness44%

Small, but nice tileset. It is easy to use and it is important. Cool background. I think work was not hard, only Moonblaze used brain. Not hard, but, GOOD WORK!!!
+ 0.2[This review has been edited by Danyjel]

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Review by RSPSS FR

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (86 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings86 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness61%

Pretty good tileset. It has a good background, which almost looks like it is nin multiple layers but is actually just on layer 8 (and I like the star smilyface and text). Sadly it lacks eyecandy for any layer other than 4. The fireflys looked strange, but it dosen’t matter.

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Review by Lark

Posted more than 20 years ago
I might as well work here (500 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings376 Featured reviews10 Average helpfulness77%

The graphics are very nice looking, and the color choice is cool. You should’ve included a dark textured background, like the one in Haunted House. It’d be nice if you made a day version, too. If this was all ready day, it wouldn’t be as neccasary to include a night, but you should usually make it so people are not forced to make it night. I can’t say I like the slopes, but they are nice, and original. Sort of Hocus Pocus style, if you’ve ever played the game. The clouds are simply the most wonderful clouds ever created by man, or moose. The moon is okay. A 64×64 moon in the set would be nice (2 tiles x 2 tiles). If there was a day version, you could put a 64×64 sun so you can make it go over the water horizon, so it looks like sunset (or sunrise). The blocks are very hard to see, and they are purple, which doesn’t look good with the tileset. It’s good that you didn’t rip them, though. I like the style, you just have to look really closely to see them. The “cave” tiles aren’t my favorite, either, but they bear a lot of eyecandy tiles, which is all ways nice. It’s diamondus style, sort of. Lots of eyecandy, and you can make slopes in the wall. You included plenty of stars, so the sky can have lots of variation. The waterfalls should’ve been darker. They look like they belong in a broad daylight tileset. They look indeed very nice when animated, but we’re not going to get to the animations yet. The signs are nice, and not ripped. Upward slopes for the bottoms of the main building tiles would be nice (if you don’t know what I mean… too bad ;p Like the slopes in Diamondus that go on the bottoms of the terrain, not the grass slopes… never mind, I can’t explain). Anyway, as for the spikes, I think you should’ve made one spike tile without blood on them, and one with blood. If you make a big area with spikes, it’s not good to have blood on so many of the needles. It looks too repetitive (sp?). A transition tile between the grass tiles with dirt under them and the grass tiles that are just kind of floating is not present… as far as I know. I couldn’t find one.
There is nothing wrong with the mask.
This is where a lot of tilesets get points taken off. Compatability refers to if poles work, if water works in 8bit, if pinball events work, etc. Also, if snow looks nice. Heaven doesn’t have a lot of this, and nobody really noticed.. if I could edit my review of it (for some reason, I can’t), I would change it from 10.0 to 9.0 because of this. Anyway, poles do not work here. I’m afraid I might have to take off some for this. Carrotus poles and jungle poles would be nice to see. Water in 8bit mode does not work. Water can be very neccasary here, being that this is an island tileset. Lots of people with slow computers use 8bit, and they like the water to look nice. It looks like toxic slime here, which is cool in the right situations. The pinball events don’t work, either. The 500 bump looks cool, but this way, of course, unintentional. In tilesets like this, pinball events really aren’t too neccasary, since this isn’t a futuristic type tileset. Pinball events are a must in Tubelectric, Sirius, etc. I wouldn’t expect to see a pinball event in a set like this, so I’ll go easy and not take anything off.
The animations here are minimal, but they are still very nice. The waterfalls look cool. The lightning animation is a bit corny, but I really wouldn’t find much of a reason to use it, anyway. It doesn’t look all that good non-animated, anyway. I don’t really understand how the moving cloud animation should work, so I’ll leave it alone. As for the bug, it looks very smooth and nice for a 3 frame animation. Good job. ;p I don’t know how the shooting star animtion works, either, but it looks nice.
This tileset is very easy to use, and it still manages to look nice.
The graphics are nice, and so is the masking, but the compatability is teh sux.

Download reccomendation.

007, tilesets do not have gameplay. That’s for levels.[This review has been edited by labratkid]

MAJOR FLAW! The dark grey tile that goes under the big clouds isn’t placed properly, meaning there is a visible black line. -.1, but it still rounds up to 7.2.[This review has been edited by labratkid]

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Review by Spazzyman

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (18 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings18 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

I hate you MoonBlaze. Yes You suck. Yes this is an attack. Because your tilesets always pwned ;). I like your bg and clouds (how did you manage to make those? Thats the reason why i dislike you. You do everything better than me ;p) Anyway, a really really good tileset. The not-many-tiles give the tileset ease-of-use. and 8.0 from me. The grass looks like a bag of pwn. I like the overall theme of it too. Good Job moonblaze. An 8.0 from me, you deserve it.

Hey! How many of you noticed i said an 8.0 from me 2 times? Yay for stupid me.[This review has been edited by spazzyman]

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Review by 007

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (82 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings82 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness33%

A nice tileset


and i like the falling star :)

and why a milk in the ground :D

i give it a 7

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Review by Michael

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (1 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings1 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0

It’s easy to use, but looks good too, I like the sucker tubes and the background gives it a feeling like you’re stranded on an island.
A 7.7 will do. (:
Don’t wanna drink that milk….

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Review by snzspeed

Posted more than 20 years ago
Carrot Juice Addict (327 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings269 Featured reviews7 Average helpfulness66%

Good job but Its too small, so i cant rate this as a 8. its small , and the smallness of it remover one point.
so my rating number is 7.

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Review by Litenante_91

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (4 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings4 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness33%

How do you do own tileset?
The tileset was the best!
I will give you…

10 in rating!

Email me on


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Review by Fawriel aka Piccolo

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (4 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings4 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

I’m just writing this because I’m trying to find a good tileset of yours to make a level with, and.. really. This background is so beautiful. Why didn’t you put more effort into the layer 4 tiles? =\
I think you need some more patience.

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Review by MoonBlazE

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (91 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings87 Featured reviews1 Average helpfulness73%

Use Dark Marshland lil’ Fawriel =|

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