Prime Retribution

Date uploaded:
24 Jan 2004 at 05:00 (Minor update on 20 Nov 2012)

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FireSworD (More uploads by FireSworD)
Iam Canadian, Turtle FoR, LAb RaT KiD, Blacky[Si],Trafton GpW, Scizor CT and a few more I've probably forgotten for help beta-testing.

File contents

OLC1Spot.j2l One Spot 5.55 kB 24 Jan 2004
OLCMdvl.j2l Medieval Skyscrapers 8.86 kB 24 Jan 2004
OLCNTB.j2l Non-Typical Battle 6.72 kB 24 Jan 2004
OLCTMP.j2l The Melting Point 11.02 kB 24 Jan 2004
7th Lava Fall.j2t 7th Lava Fall 345.14 kB 06 Sep 2000
JJ1 Diamondus -NOKA.j2t JJ1: Diamondus -NOKA 141.81 kB 06 Dec 2003
MEZ03A.J2T MEZ03a 42.69 kB 05 Aug 1998
Waz18.j2t Dark Reign (waz18) 51.71 kB 18 Aug 2003
vr_kermator.xm Kermator 1234.77 kB 09 Oct 2001
fm-scrap.s3m skyscraper (remix) 696.11 kB 15 Sep 1995
Isotoxin.s3m isotoxin - necros / fm 461.24 kB 06 May 2000


Strongly Recommended: 16bit color and High detail.

Prime Retribution consists of 3 CTF and 1 battle level.

Medieval Skyscrapers uses the Dark Reign tileset and used to be a JTF level, I converted it into CTF for this pack.

The Melting Point uses 7th Lava Fall and I made it for Trafton’s Holiday Server.

One Spot is a CTF level I made out of complete boredom using NOKA’s Diamondus conversion, its concept is for both teams to use the same warp to capture and score. There’s a Full NRG which you should only get by using TNT under it. This level is better played with more than 2 players.

Non-Typical Battle is a level which uses a slightly different system of getting a 15 seconds shield than Moree Mines.

Please play these online before reviewing. Enjoy.



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User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 8.5857142857143

Review by Lark

Posted more than 20 years ago
I might as well work here (500 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings376 Featured reviews10 Average helpfulness77%

I’m just going to go with a quick review, since I’m not in the mood to do a long one.

One Spot
Eyecandy – Very good
Nice original background, great sprite layer eyecandy… what more do you want?

Gameplay – Good
I don’t really like the gameplay here that much. The flow isn’t very good at all. The layout is nice, and the overall gameplay is pretty fun. The gameplay includes trying to get to a certain spot in a level, then capturing the enemy’s flag when you’re there, then going back to that spot to score. Pretty simple, really.

Ammo placement – Very good
For lack of anything to say about the ammo placement besides that it’s very good, I’ll just leave it at that.

Medieval Skyscrapers
Eyecandy – Very good
Great looking level here. I’ve never seen a level with this tileset look as good as this one does.

Gameplay – Very good
Magnificent, original gameplay. There are cannons that let you shoot further like the ones in many Bank Robbery levels. The flow is nice, the layout is easy to learn… perfection.

Ammo placement – Very good
There is nothing to say about the ammo if I say that it’s very good. If I say it’s not good, then I have something to complain about. But, there’s nothing wrong here.

Non-Typical Battle
Eyecandy – Good / Very good
As good as it gets with a Mez tileset.

Gameplay – Good / Very good
Great flow and gameplay, but a confusing layout. Well, atleast it was confusing for me when I first starting beta testing this, which was a month or two ago. Anyway, the warps can get a bit annoying, as can the jail room, which is why I’m not giving this a, “Very good.”

Ammo placement – Good / Very good
As one of the beta testers, FS told me how to get the shield. Bwahaha. Die, peasants. ;( The ammo placement is good here, like in the others. I don’t like it quite as much, though. And, no, I’m not taking off points for the shield, since it’s strategically placed.

The Melting Point
Eyecandy – Good / Very good
Only BlurredD has made eyecandy with this tileset worthy of Very Good, although the eyecandy here is still very sexy. My only real complaint is that the background is unoriginal.

Gameplay – Good / Very good
Your typical good gameplay… the level is quite small, though. The wind can also get a bit frusturating.

Ammo placement – Good / Very good
See the above ammo placement explanations… or something.

I’m ending the review here because I’m too lazy to write more. I suppose it’s a decent sized review. It might appear small, given the fact that some people cough put like six line breaks between each thing that they say, making it look like they made big reviews.

Download reccomendation – Yes

Edit: I forgot to add a rating. =P

Winner, how come you said that the overall score was 7.7 but gave it a 7.2? It doesn’t make any sense.

Winner, taking off 0.5 points because the levels don’t loop to the others in the pack is not fair. It’s impossible for FS to do that without causing problems since not all of them are CTF. There’s a battle one, if you hadn’t noticed. You shouldn’t take off any points whatsoever for that. You seem to be very biased.[This review has been edited by labratkid]

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RecommendedReview by Blackraptor

5 Jun 2005, 01:53
Way better than Aiko (862 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings464 Featured reviews35 Average helpfulness92%

I haven’t reviewed this. Wow. I think I will now.

One Spot

Firstly, the atmosphere in this level is among the best atmosphere I’ve seen. The backround is really awesome (looks a lot better than the default backround) and the music is pleasant to the ears. The eyecandy is also really nice to look at. I don’t really like the flow of the level. Lots of things could use one ways (66, 28), and I’m not too fond of the placement of the full energy. The layout is alright, I like the originality used in the placement of the bases, which I haven’t seen remade to this day. I also kept bumping into walls and solid tiles as I ran through the object, as several areas are rather cramped. Weapon placement is alright, I didn’t really have a problem with it. The right area could’ve used more ammo though, but the bouncer pu might make up for that. Also, the music has a looping bug, so that = bad =(. Rating for level: Eyecandy: 9.5 Gameplay/Layout: 7.5 Originality: 8.5 Placement of Stuff: 8.4 Overall (not average): 8.3 Final Rating for One Spot: 8.44 ~ 8.4 (-0.1 for the music bug) = 8.3 Additional Comments: Its a great level to look at and maybe play for fun, but I don’t think I’ll have any serious games in here. The looping bug of the music also gives you a limited time to gaze at the eyecandy and marvel the atmosphere before your ears get blasted by an annoying repeating sound.

Medieval Skyscrapers:
I’ve played this one a lot (even had a clanwar in it). Firstly, I also like the atmosphere in it. The level shows off what the tileset is capable of, and it looks like a fortress. Eyecandy and tileset use is great. The layout of the level is better than in the last. It allows for strategy, and still has originality involved in it (though not as much as in the previous level). I don’t like how it is so easy to hide in this level (by flying towards the top corners, nobody ever goes there) and waste time, but bleh. I found the placement of things to be alright, except the underusage of RF. There were so many situations where RFs could’ve saved the day, but because they were placed in the most unused passages, few players had them (In games with a lot of people, you rarely will have time to get them). The lack of RFs got more annoying because the level was so open which maximized their usage. At least there was a bit of pepper in the way for use.. Still, I like this level. It may have lost my clan an important tournament, but I would still play in it. The music is a nice choice, too.

Eyecandy: 8.7
Gameplay/Layout: 8.3
Placement of Stuff: 8
Originality: 8.5
Overall (not an average): 8.5
Final Rating for Medieval Skyscrapers: 8.4 ~ 8.4
Additional Comments: Despite the rather low rating the level recieved, it seems like an interesting level to have games in, although most of them would be 3vs3s or more.

The Melting Point:

Firstly, I like the eyecandy in here. A lot of it inspired Zerox. It has a few tilebugs, but I think most of them are fault of the set and its limits to creativity in certain areas. I like the variety of wall tiles used to prevent repetition. Layout is alright. Its symmetrical to prevent bias. I was never fond of Wind Events in CTF (I don’t like levels such as Superconductor for that reason), but here it is reasonably tolerable. Sometimes its annoying trying to get the carrots though. Also, the small L shaped tubes next to each base that jet you out really fast are a bit useless unless you want an alternative route to go up, since most people would just run for the base instead of the tubes. I guess at certain moments they could provide some form of use. This level is rather original, but a lot of the things in it have been remade (like the backround) and a lot ofthem have been done before (the wind thing). I like the idea of having two +1 carrots and no full energy though, but it would be hard to stay alive with powered up weapons firing at you. Overall, it’s a nice level. I might host it time to time, but I would have few if any important games in here since it doesn’t really feel much of an intense level. Rating: Eyecandy: 8.6 Gameplay/Layout: 8.3 Originality: 8.4 Placement of Stuff: 8.2 Overall (not an average): 8.3 Final Rating: 8.36 ~ 8.4 Additional Comments: A pretty good all around level. Too bad few people play it nowadays, since it could be fun.

Non-Typical Battle:

I like this level. It seems like one of those levels you play for enjoyable games with your friends. It’s rather unique, and has a lot of interesting quirks to it like the jail, the interestingly done shield, and the hidden seeker powerup. Eyecandy is good, but in the other levels it was better. The backround is still cool, though, and the eyecandy is still great. Ammo is placed sparcely but often in large clumps. I’m not too fond of the patterns it is placed in, but it is tolerable. Originality is great. The level has a lot of great quirks in it, like jails, the shield, etc. Unfortunately this makes the level seem like its more intended for open servers with lots of people then intense play. Rating: Eyecandy: 8.3 Layout/Gameplay: 8.2 Originality: 8.8 Placement of Stuff: 7.7 Overall (not an average): 8.3 Final Rating: 8.26 ~ 8.3

Additonal Comments: I would play in this level, but most of the games in it would probably be with friends and on boring evenings or rainy days. I still like this level, though.

Final Comments: The thing I love about this pack is that it shines in originality. Every level has something interesting in it, so even if the levels don’t appeal to you, there would still be something cool in them. I urge everyone to download and play this pack else you will miss out on a lot of great things. All of these levels are good.

Final Rating of pack: 8.4, and definately a download reccomendation.

Great Work!

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Review by blurredd

Posted more than 20 years ago
Spaz Slackrabbit (198 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings198 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness90%

This will be good.

Non-Typical Battle

GAMEPLAY: So-so. Has some nice ideas. Focuses on camping a bit (could be good or bad). Jail thing seems more fit for a larger level.
EYE CANDY: Good and a little original, although 8-bit BG looks glitchy.
HOST THIS OFTEN? Every now and then.

The Melting Point

GAMEPLAY: Decent, although a little limiting. Flow needs a bit work in a few places, but otherwise alright.
EYE CANDY: A little different. Slightly above average.
CARROT PLACEMENT: Okay with the two +1 carrots, considering the size.
HOST THIS OFTEN? Maybe for duels ever so often.

One Spot

GAMEPLAY: Perhaps the most innovative level I’ve seen in a while. Balance is negligible because of the layout. Might be better if it was bigger, though.
EYE CANDY: Pretty nice and original. I like the BG the most.
CARROT PLACEMENT: Probably the most insane full energy carrot placement ever. I recommend using two players. Good thing there’s a +1 carrot.
AMMO PLACEMENT: Alright, although there might be too much TNT.
HOST THIS OFTEN? Sure, if you can get used to the level. It borders “way too evil” on the evil scale.

Medieval Skyscrapers

GAMEPLAY: Not the most original level in the pack, but it has solid gameplay.
EYE CANDY: Original with a nice atmosphere.
AMMO PLACEMENT: Good enough.

Overall review: Four good levels. Can’t say much of anything else. Host them a bunch of times. 8.5 is my rating.

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Review by snzspeed

Posted more than 20 years ago
Carrot Juice Addict (327 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings269 Featured reviews7 Average helpfulness66%

Yay. CTF/Battle pack. time to do a review.


level 1:Non-typical battle

EYECANDY:Heh, nice. background looks great too. i like about the eyecandy alot here.
GAMEPLAY:Nice. i think its well balanced. flow is ok too.. nothing too bad.. little hard to move though.
WEAPON PLACEMENT:Standard. i like about it, though.
CONCLUSION:an ok level.. layout is nice. my rating is 8.3.

CTF levels:

level 1:One Spot

EYECANDY:Nice.. i love that bg. eyecandy here looks awesome. keep it up.
GAMEPLAY:Nice.. flow is good, and base placement is quite good too. ;p
WEAPON PLACEMENT:nice. i like about it.
CONCLUSION: Heh, nice CTF level.
rating: 8.5

level 2:The Melting point

EYECANDY:nice.. this level is best in the pack in my opinion. tileset was used correctly, which is good thing.
GAMEPLAY:nice, good flow too. only problem is that those winds are very annoying.
WEAPON PLACEMENT:Nice. power ups were nicely choiced
CONCLUSION:another great CTF level. my rating is 8.7

Level 3:Medival skyscrapers

EYECANDY:good. i love it. i still think there should be some more eyecandy.. but its the authors decision anyway.
GAMEPLAY:heh, nice layout & flow, and its easy to remember and learn. nice..
WEAPON PLACMENT:Great, once again
CONCLUSION:Heh. great level. rating is 8.5

Well, this pack is great.

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Review by DranzerJ4E

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (9 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings9 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

Very nice levels.

I dont rate cuzi dont say much, but i agree with blurredD

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Review by DarkSonic

Posted more than 20 years ago
Carrot Juice Addict (307 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings177 Featured reviews14 Average helpfulness85%

Ok, I just want to review this pack.
CTF levels:
One Spot
Gameplay: Good/Very Good. I agree with LRK, but the flow isn’t that bad. The base placement is original. The Full Energy placement is also original.
Eye Candy: Very Good. I loved the eye candy. It was just very good. Nothing bad about it. Excellent Sprite layer eye candy, good background enz…
Pickup placement: Very Good. It’s also very good. Although one place only had a bouncer Power-up, other places had a lot more. But there is enough ammo for every player. The carrot placement is good too.
The Melting Point
Gameplay: Good/Very Good. It’s a small level, but the gameplay is nice. It’s original that you used the wind to get the carrots.
Eye Candy: Very Good. Well, I think that it’s very good here. There is enough stuff to make it very good.
Pickup placement: Good/Very Good. It’s also nice. There is one Carrot and Power-Up at each side, and another Power-Up in the middle. There is no Full Energy, though. Well, I don’t think that’s bad, cause it’s a small level.
Medieval Skyscrapers
Gameplay: Very Good. This level is absolutely a new top level. The gameplay r0x of course then. I can’t say more about it.
Eye Candy: Very Good. This is also very good. This level is probably one of the levels with the best eye candy.
Pickup placement: Very Good. This is also very good. I won’t say all the things, because others already said.
Non-Typical Battle
Gameplay: Good/Very Good. It’s not perfect or very good, but it’s nice. Good use of springs, Tubes and float ups, but the only thing is that it’s too small for a very good gameplay.
Eye Candy: Very Good. Every level of this pack has very good eye candy, so this also has. The background is also original.
Pickup placement: Good/Very Good. This level doesnt have a lot of ammo, but it’s good spread.
Well, I guess this was my longest review so far.
One Spot: 8.6.
The Melting Point: 8.3.
Medieval Skyscrapers: 9.
Non-Typical Battle: 8.2.
34.1:4=8.525=8.5. Almost great job, I will just say that this levelpack r0x.
da man

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Review by sonictth

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (33 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings33 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness15%

The Levels are really good.
The Size is a bit small but even good for a 2 on 2 CTF Game with 10 Captures and then Going to the next level.
The jj1 Diamondus level is very good espescially the Diagonal Watterfall and the idea with the planet behind the mountain…… Overall Very Good!
A Nine!

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Review by Ðx

Posted more than 20 years ago
Carrot Juice Addict (330 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings332 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness26%

This is one of the greatest CTF packs ( + battle :P )


PERFECT! originally eyecandy also
nice tiles used. i liked the 7th lava fall


i hope this will be hosted many times. you
will have fun with it in duel


Not bad placed. only he jail in the battle BAH! you must some secs.
but not bad :P

Ammo placed good!

final rating from me

- 8.7 -


O i forgot

Download reccomed: Yes
Host this: Yes
[This review has been edited by Ðx]

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Review by the WINNER

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (46 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings46 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness47%

There is no apparent ORDER for these levels. I happened to start from Medieval Skycrapers so I’ll start there.


Eyecandy: 9.5
The eyecandy is pwnage. The mountains in the background and some stuff that makes even low detail users enjoy the game. I like the “burning” atmosphere in the level. It feels like the level is on fire or in a volcano. Anyway, the eyecandy is pwnage. That’s all.

Gameplay: 8.7
Fly carrots. Many of levels don’t use these. There’s really two ways of going to the bases. One is the most obvious. Fly carrots. And you could always just go simply inside. Now, the gameplay.. the level isn’t sux. It’s fun to play at and pretty easy to navigate in.

Stuff placement: 6.0 – 0.25
Two +1 carrots, toaster powerup, bouncer powerup and a seeker powerup (-0.25). I liked the ammo placement of all except the seek powerup. It’s way too easy to get, and of course, seek powerup ruins JJ2 so there’s no real reason to use it. You can get the powerups with the TNT spawning nearby.

Originality: 8.7
Not many levels use a fly carrot. It’s the thing what really makes the level original. None of the levels I’ve met used the music I found.

Fun factor: 6.5
The seek powerup mostly ruins it all. Time to stop the review, people want me to skip.
OVERALL: 7.3 (-0.25)

The level’s idea is original. Go in the warp and then choose the base to raid.

Eyecandy: 7.5
This tileset used is ugly. I know it’s a JJ1 tileset but still I hate it. The tileset is actually used well but I hate the tileset so the eyecandy sux. You still don’t have any tiling errors, can’t see any.

Gameplay: 8.5
The idea is to go in a warp to choose which base to raid. It’s pretty fast to score and that’s what isn’t good. You really don’t need any of the powerups. Just be faster than the other player.

Originality: 10
The level is the first to use the idea for getting inside a warp to choose which flag to capture. Sadly, it doesn’t work well, but it is still an idea.

Fun factor: 7
Mostly when you score yourself, the other team manages to score before you capture their flag again.

Stuff placement: 8.5
The powerups are placed well, and you can get them easily. Most of it are just close to the warp and makes them easy to get.

I have seen this level before. The first thing I saw that wide screen is added and seek powerup removed.

Eyecandy: 6.6
This is where the level falls to victim. The edges of the pipey things where the tileset maker has written “lag is deth” and stuff, the edges of them look ugly when compared to the other things of the level. They look dull. The bg layers are used and they rox. The dull parts of the levels, mostly up, suck.

Gameplay: 8.2
The thing is fine, sometimes the tubes what suck you in, may surprise if you don’t know about that yet. It’s bad for the people not familiar with the level. Anyway, the gameplay is fine and at least you don’t fall down to the tubes so often that you now added a platform with the pepper powerup.

Stuff placement: 7.1
Red has an advantage with the RFs and blue has just bouncies. The main powerup is a PEPPER SPRAY POWERUP. It doesn’t cause nothing but 1 damage, powered up or not. Weird idea to use a powerup like that.

Fun factor: 8.7
Although of the many downsides, the level IS fun to play. You can have a good fun with this level. GF HL or how was it.

Battle level time.
This level presents a jail ;/

The eyecandy is fine. I like it. This thing looks like you would be in a jail. Looks like that.

Gameplay: 5.6
The gameplay is good, but sometimes you keep hitting the warps accidentally. I keep doing that alltime. A shield, which you can’t obtain, is in here. ohhh… But the jail sucks. I hate jails. It was a stupid bad idea to put something like that there.

Stuff placement: 8.6 (-0.25)
Seek powerup strikes back. Sux0red by seek powerup. The level has only three powerups. A bouncie powerup, seek powerup(-0.25), pepperspray powerup, which doesn’t do more damage than one. The ammo is placed fine. I don’t see any probs in that.

Fun factor: 7.5
Isn’t fun to run away from seeks. Anyway, many people don’t even know where is a seek powerup. But it still ruins the game.

Originality: 8.5
Omg, BATTLE LEVEL WITH JAIL ;O. This sounds like a hotel. But it still isn’t. Go see this level. I hate the jail.

PACK OVERALL: 7.7 (-1.0)

[EDIT] I forgot to mention that when I skip level with Controller or when the score limit is reached, the level skips to itself, not the other levels in the pack. (-0.5)

(Borderline rating removal. Please do not rate multiplayer levels based on their next level settings; that is irrelevant to level quality. Additionally, consider being a bit less harsh, especially given that the other ratings are so much higher. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

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