Dino Station

Date uploaded:
5 Aug 2000 at 04:00

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Wakeman (More uploads by Wakeman)
Single player
dinostat.zip (1.7 MB)

File contents

Dino Station Readme.txt 2.90 kB 28 Jan 2000
Dino Station Readme.txt 2.90 kB 28 Jan 2000
dinostat.j2l Dino Station 11.07 kB 08 Jan 2000
dinostat.j2l Dino Station 11.07 kB 08 Jan 2000
Space Station.j2t Space Station 188.11 kB 21 Jun 1999
Space Station.j2t Space Station 188.11 kB 21 Jun 1999
friends.xm Friends... 1277.79 kB 11 Apr 1999
friends.xm Friends... 1277.79 kB 11 Apr 1999
chickencow.jpg 39.96 kB 28 Jun 1998
chickencow.jpg 39.96 kB 28 Jun 1998


This is my third level. The tileset was created by Alienator. It is a small level, but contains a great deal of strategy which can make it difficult to complete. There is a large focus on detail and eye candy. Dino Station was originally released in January 2000 as one of the last levels to be posted on Jazz 2 City.


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Quick Reviews Average: 9.25

RecommendedTyphoon Bunny rated 9.5

Good level.No more.

RecommendedKiraImmortal rated 9

This a nice old gem with good looking and interesting gameplay :)

User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 8.890625

Review by Violet CLM

Posted more than 20 years ago
I might as well work here (539 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings280 Featured reviews26 Average helpfulness90%

STORY: There IS no story. Apparently the level was originally made for some episode, but nothing ever came of that, and it is left to wander around pointlessly, as players of this level may end up doing.
Pros: A story for this level might just have the feel of being there so there’d be a story.
Cons: There is no story. However, I am still willing to forgive this for a single level.
Rating: N/A

TILESET/TILESET USE: This is the first thing that will strike you about this level. It uses Alienator’s (I think) boring, colorless block tileset “Space Station”, which is all blue and has a few random Bryce objects with nothing better to do then sit in the tileset. The tileset is used fairly well, six layers at speed 1/1 (..which is way too much, and is kind of cheating.. “all eight layers” indeed), one layer used on the huge planet, which isn’t all that helpful, and one layer for the rather annoying looking background. Still, while I can not say I approve of a lot of this, the fact remains that the level IS nice to look at, and manages to have a lot of 1/1 speed eyecandy.
Pros: It is nice to look at.
Cons: Layers 7 and 8, some kind of wasted layers.
Rating: 8.0

WEAPON/ITEM/ENEMY PLACEMENT: There are a few weapons here and there, but who cares? Other then Bubba, there’s really very little in this level to worry about that your gun will have any effect on. And for Bubba, the blaster is probably more effective then anything you can pick up along the way. Still, the author did place the weapons fairly well, I suppose, such as toaster ammo at the boss, after getting a toaster powerup. The items are also placed well.
Pros: Everything’s placed well.
Cons: Few.
Rating: 7.7

ORIGINALITY: I’m not sure if this level is original or not. The tileset use (other then layers 7, 1 and 2) is great, but I’m not sure if the rest of the level is. We’ve all PLAYED places where you run back and forth looking for what opened up when you hit the trigger crate, only longer and more entertaining.
Pros: The tileset use is original.
Cons: I don’t know if this is original or not..
Rating: N/A

DIFFICULTY: The hardest part about this level is seeing through the three foreground layers, and figuring out what is solid. There are a few enemies, but you go back and forth enough, they might be better off generating. As it is, after you’ve gone through the enemies in the main area once, it starts feeling dead. The place where you climb on spikes has the potential to be difficult, but it’s short and you can avoid the spikes. I’ll admit the boss is kind of difficult, but that’s mainly because of the lighting, which makes it so you can’t even see that the floor will fall out from under you.
Pros: Some parts are kind of difficult.
Cons: It’s short. And not paticularly dangerous.
Rating: 6.7

REPLAY VALUE/FUN FACTOR: This is probably the area the author spent the Least amount of time on – giving it an enjoyable gameplay. It starts out fairly well, with a multiple path area, but then quickly you’re in a big room where you search for three trigger crates (in order). There are sucker tubes where you wouldn’t expect them, no sucker tubes where you Would, spikes where they are hard to see, and the foreground getting in the way of gameplay. I don’t know about you, but I did not enjoy playing in this level.
Pros: You may want to play it again to just look at it.. I don’t know.
Cons: Not paticularly enjoyable, too confusing.
Rating: 6.2

OVERALL (not an average): This is a… level. The author appears to have spent quite some time on “small details”, but it would be nice if he had paid more attention to the larger picture.
Pros: Yes, it is nice to look at, though to be honest I would have preferred less foreground and a moving background. And parts of the level are entertaining.
Cons: Sadly, I am unable to really recommend this level. Maybe if the author had spent less time on the graphics I might, but not in this state.
Rating: 7.0[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

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Review by aiko

Posted more than 20 years ago
I might as well work here (510 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings490 Featured reviews3 Average helpfulness82%

A very hard single player level made of a great spacy 3D tileset by Alienator.
Wakeman made one of the first levels using it: the result is an amazing level, which
is fun to play and nice to look at (=much well arranged layer work).

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Review by Newspaz

Posted more than 20 years ago
Spaz Slackrabbit (140 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings132 Featured reviews2 Average helpfulness68%

I’ve got to test this level before it got released (YAY! :) It’s awesome, great eye candy, But much to hard :)

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Review by EvilMike

Posted more than 20 years ago
Jazz Jackrabbit (217 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings101 Featured reviews16 Average helpfulness84%

I think the difficulty in this level is perfict. Nice and hard, even on easy mode. This level is perfect. The only reason I took away one point was because
it was confusing for me a littile, and I didn’t like the part where you climb that room with the spikes you have to stand on.

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Review by martin aka partydude

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (15 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings15 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness25%

Very nice, I don’t know what I liked more the music or the level.
Reminds me of QoB and I love it with events its even better certainly. :)

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Review by FoD MERC

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (39 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings39 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

10 points. I’m biased.
[This review has been edited by Bobby aka Dizzy]

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Review by AtomicFeline

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (15 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings15 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness57%

ALL 8 LAYERS USED! :) Quite nice. And the level looks great in both high and low detail. Eyecandy? Where is it? ITS THE WHOLE LEVEL! It all stands out, and the work put into the level really shows. Congrads!


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Review by Carrot.cud

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (12 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings12 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness25%

leveldesign ok
tileset looks great!

2 short (actualy only one room)
apart from the spikes 2 easy

conclusion: worth downloading but specially for the tileset

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Review by Blade

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (84 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings84 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness64%

Good tileset. There’s much useful tiles, plus awesome extra stuff. (Dinosaurs, spaceshuttles, etc…) The only problem in tileset is that it looks a little bit like mez01…
Good level. Challenging and extreme difficulty level. I like it. The music is fits very well to the level.

Overall, this is amazing.

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Review by KJAZZ

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (62 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings62 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness23%

Everyone else has already said it.

All 8 Layers (!)

And Very Very Very Hard


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Review by Hawkin 87

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (40 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings40 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness22%

Very nice. I got it a while ago, and I’ve played it at least 10 times since. (10 times in 2 weeks.) It is a bit too hard, but is worth the download. It all adds up to a download worth the space.

Hawkin 87 :-)

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Review by Stilettø

Posted more than 20 years ago
Spaz Slackrabbit (181 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings181 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness30%

Nice lvl
The layout Design is good
you used the layers Good
Recommed to Download


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Review by tazar

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (30 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings30 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

Good music…
Good eyecandy…
Good enemy selecting…
Good level…

,,,but not the best!

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Review by MattW

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (44 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings44 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness20%

Nice Level, Wakeman!
I have nothing else to say, the other people already said everything else. :)

(So repeat them in your own way. No harm in that. It saves your rating from being DELETED!! ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

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Review by Gargoyle

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (68 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings68 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness13%

I used toh have this, i dont remember it very well though, but i did like it.

(I’m fairly sure you shouldn’t review levels you don’t have, not to mention a 9.5 requires more explanation than “I think I used to like this level”. Rating removal. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

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Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
Jazz Jackrabbit (265 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings242 Featured reviews4 Average helpfulness73%

A very cool single playuer level using Alienators pretty cool ‘Space station’ set. This level is very l33t. Its pretty small and short, but needs a big bunch’a strategy and skill to finish. It has multiple routes then can be choosen at several places, wich most single player levels dont have, they just follow one straight path. The way all rooms conect to each other is also pretty good. The use of spikes is also pretty nice, some pf them are used at real iritating places. The enemy placement is also good. At the start, you need to cloect a number of coins from a few places to advance. This is not a new idea, but still, i like that. Scavanging for stuff is fun:P. A big fat 9 points for this super coolish level.[This review has been edited by >CelL<]

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Review by Lark

Posted more than 20 years ago
I might as well work here (500 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings376 Featured reviews10 Average helpfulness77%

I got this one from JazzJackrabbit.com… it very good, and obviously one of the best levels made (since JazzJackrabbit.com only took a few of the best levels).

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Review by Wild Bill

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (35 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings35 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness25%

this is really awesome! the level rocks and the tileset has got some sweet eyecandy.

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Review by the WINNER

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (46 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings46 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness47%

This isn’t good
You used too many LAYER 3 and… How to know what is Layer 4 and what is Layer 3?
Eye candy will save you from 1.0!!
See rating at corner!!!!

[Do not give such a low rating for small flaws such as this. -Trafton][This review has been edited by Trafton]

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Review by Quo-Avek

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (10 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings10 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

This is one of the best single player levels around. (In my opinion.)

I’ve always enjoyed Wakeman’s levels, and this is no exception. Even though it’s a little short, It’s nice and challeging, and the Eye Candy is Excellent.

- A ton of very nice Eye Candy. There’s never a time when you’re looking at just the level. Wakeman Used all 8 layers, and the result is beatifullness.

- Puzzles. I havn’t palyed to many Single player levels, so I might be worng, but it uses some nice origional puzzle Ideas. To beat the level, you have to conquer several consecutive puzzles, which I find a lot more entertaining that a level with millions of baddies, that all the skill you need is to shoot.

- Good enemy placement. Even though there arn’t very many enemies, they are placed well, so that you really have to be paying attention to fight baddies, and conquer the puzzles. Also, Good choice on the enemies. They fit the level atmosphere, and are some of the more difficult ones.

- Nice lighting. This is one of those levels where you don’t want to turn ambient lighting off. Wakeman did a very good job on the lighting throughout the level. Though you start at 100% it goes down in a couple of placces revealing dazzling flickering lights, and pulze lights, and so on and so forth. When you eventually get to the last guy, It’s at about 30, but there is so much lighting you’d never know.

- Neato Last Guy area. Wakeman wisely picked the red tornado dude. It fits the scheme of the level, and it’s also the only last guy that’s not overused. The area where you fight him in is nice and challenging with respawning enemys, and excellent lighting.

- All layers at X-speed 0. Practially… Besides one layer in which there’s a large saturn-like planet, all the layers on in speed 0, meaning they are the same as Layer four. This, while delivering nice Eye candy, can be quite anoying at times, An improvement whould be to put 1 or 2 layers in the backgroudn and forground moving so that it’s easier to navigate around the level.

I give it a biased 9.7 =)

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Review by BlackRabite

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (81 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings81 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness21%

I agree with violet.
I’m giving it a 6.5 because it looks neat and that’s all.

(Much as I like being agreed with, I’m afraid reviews need to go into more detail. Rating removal. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

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Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 20 years ago
Way better than Aiko (862 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings464 Featured reviews35 Average helpfulness92%

Well, Wakeman basically shown us how “beautiful” a level can look by using all the layers. Its a bit hard to win, but basically a lot of effort was put into it. Like the Rex..

Though I may admit, somethings werentthat good and I think Ive got stuck or almost got stuck in one place. Some parts are really hard and all, but great tileset use and eyecandy. That,though, doesnt help the mark enough to keep it a 9 like I rated it previously, so Im forced to change this into an 8.5. I actually quite liked some of it.[This review has been edited by Blackraptor]

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Review by American

Posted more than 20 years ago
I might as well work here (708 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings577 Featured reviews5 Average helpfulness85%

This level is undeniably great looking, but I can’t say that I like gameplay extremely well. Gameplay is pretty good, with all the necessary elements of a good single player level, but it is a little short and a lot of the challenge just comes from the length it takes to complete it. While it is challenging, it’s not really that extraordinary. It’s still a fun play, but other than the fact that it is beautiful to look at, I wouldn’t say this level is anything special. A seven rating would be a tad harsh for this level, so I present you with a nice, fat 8 and a download recommendation. Enjoy.

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Review by firebolt

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (5 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings5 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness33%

pretty good in my opinion…….
even though its short(VERY)
the eye candy and game plays fantastic

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Review by Sacrush

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (87 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings87 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness46%

This is good!!!
only it’s short but still it’s fun and it’s looking great.
Download? Yes

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Review by spazz

Posted more than 20 years ago
Spaz Slackrabbit (166 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings166 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness25%

This is a good level. I also liked the tileset with the pallete. And it was very difficult with all the Triggers and stuff. It is very challenching, because it’s very difficult to complete, and don’t set the level difficulty on hard! Many enemies will kill you. Good save point placement, when it’s get difficult, most of the time there’s a save point nareby. An 8 and a download reccomendation. Much eyecandy by the way, nice…

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Review by snzspeed

Posted more than 20 years ago
Carrot Juice Addict (327 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings269 Featured reviews7 Average helpfulness66%

Very well,because i maded so, so long review today, im pretty tired, and im not gonna rate this fully.

but here is the review:

Tileset use:very good

Download recommedation? yes!!

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Review by cooba

Posted more than 20 years ago (edited 11 Oct 07, 16:45 by Cooba)
Carrot Juice Addict (332 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings112 Featured reviews33 Average helpfulness86%

One of the best and most fun Race levels I’ve seen in a long while.

Let’s start with the pretties. The Diamondus Beta tileset, renowned for being excessively used by level designers of all kinds (which was true especially two years back), has been stretched to its limits in this particular level. The level is chock full of foliage, you’re literally surrounded by bushes and trees wherever you go (run); something which will remind you of P4ul’s infamous Diamondus Beta levels. However, this level retains an unique feel, different than those made by P4ul back in the day. Having never used DiamB myself, I can only guess how painstakingly arduous it was to make the eyecandy so highly detailed. Kudos.

The music used here is awesome. It remains peaceful and calm, while also being quite fast paced and somehow encouranging the player to rush across the grove. The music choice is plain excellent, the track definitely has a place in my mod playlist now.

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Review by Snotticus

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (25 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings25 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0

This level is amazing! The difficulty is just the way I like it. Hard, but not the insane hard like on that Jazz Unleashed thingy. The eyecandy was AWESOME! The enemy placement was not bad at all and the music really matched with the actual level itself. This has got too be one of my favorites. :)

But one of the main downsides is that it’s a little short. But it till has a hard-earned 9 from me.

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Review by Dago

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (6 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings6 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness100%

Dinostation is fairly old, yet it still seems new and challenging. And the eyecandy is amazing! Well, here’s my review of this spectacular level:

Dino Station

Gameplay: Great! That’s all I have to say… just great. :)
Eyecandy: Spectacular! All 8 layer used! This is probably the best aspect of this level.
Enemy Placement: Good, but sometimes it’s hard to see them with the other layers intruding.
Pickups Placement: The pickups in this level are placed great! And they all match with the level too.
Length: Kinda short. Could be longer but the length of this level doesn’t really matter with all the eyecandy.
Difficulty: Hard!
Overall: A little too short but the other aspects are great! Eyecandy is awesome, too! I think this level fully deserves an 8.5 for giving a great challenge and spectacular eyecandy effects! 8.5/10.

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Review by X2

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (4 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings4 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0

Okay, sure, I’m a little late to review this. :P Well, this level is one of the most interesting levels I have played, you go around smashing crates in order to gain access to the boss area. This is not an easy task, as the whole level consits of spikes and other obsticles which stand in your way. Here’s my review:

Dino Station

The eyecandy in this level was one word: spectacular. This is probably the best eyecandy I have ever seen in all my years of Jazz Jackrabbit 2, I’m not kidding. All the layers used were used with great skill. However, occasionally the foreground annoyed me because it continued to get in my way while I was playing. This was only a minor problem, so no points were subtracted from the rating.

Like I said in the introduction to this level, most of the level consists of smashing crates to gain access to the boss area. I have no complaints and I am completely satisfied with the gameplay.

Weapon/Ammo Placement:
It all blended in fairly well with the tileset. I have no complaints/disatisfactions upon the placement of weapons nor ammo.

Enemy Placement:
The enemy placement was acceptable. The selection was good as well. The enemies in this level consist of: Tuf Turtles, Ravens, Dragons and a Bubba Boss (I think that’s it). I think this enemy selection is just perfect for this level. Good job.

Okay, it is obvious that this level has been tested out. There were no bugs whatsoever that I could find of.

Okay, this level has got to be one of my favourites. I suggest you download it right away.

The Rating:
I think this level fully deserves an 8.5. It provided a hard challenge, very good eyecandy and so on. Well done.


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RecommendedReview by Cobra NF

10 Sep 2009, 22:23
Frog (22 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings18 Featured reviews1 Average helpfulness9%


I play this lvl like every day!!!! I love this.


eyecandy is very good or should i say…EXCELLENT!!!


there is a good collection of ammo in the first lvl


there are a LOT of enemies.



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Review by FireClaw

Posted more than 20 years ago
Spaz Slackrabbit (110 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings110 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

A very nice level. Challenging, fairly long. But not too long. Lots and lots of eye candy! Over all, it’s very nice. And I can’t think of many flaws. Nice job, Wakeman!

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RecommendedReview by monkey

18 Oct 2004, 01:37
CTF Bug (2 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings2 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

yeah, yeah, i’m a bit late to rate this but anyway:

story: n/a
orginality: great
gameplay: great
tileset use: excellent
eyecandy: excellent
music choice: excellent
general impression: excellent

a very nice level. i find the boss a bit too easy to beat because of the laser along the bottom but other than that, it’s flawless.

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