Jazz 2 Battle Pack

Date uploaded:
30 Dec 2000 at 05:00

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Bartman (More uploads by Bartman)
Whoever made the tilesets and musics, see read-me

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jj2battlepack.zip (1.64 MB)

File contents

JJ2battlereadme.txt 2.22 kB 31 Dec 2000
bartctf1.j2l That 70`s Castle 2.64 kB 31 Dec 2000
bartctf2.j2l Outer Space 2.82 kB 31 Dec 2000
bartctf3.j2l Facing Worlds 1.89 kB 31 Dec 2000
Battle Space1.j2l The SC Star 6.51 kB 31 Dec 2000
Battle Space2.j2l Out of the ship 6.18 kB 31 Dec 2000
nslndbtl1.j2l Silcon Space Station 2.82 kB 31 Dec 2000
nslndbtl2.j2l Blackout 1.13 kB 31 Dec 2000
nslndbtl3.j2l City Strike! 3.28 kB 31 Dec 2000
nslndbtl4.j2l Jerry Springer 2.09 kB 31 Dec 2000
Cheq.j2t Cheq 3.49 kB 13 Jun 1998
Hocus.j2t Hocus Pocus 20.74 kB 29 Jun 1999
Metropod.j2t Metropolis Day 44.44 kB 22 Oct 1999
Mez01.j2t MEZ01 35.74 kB 05 Sep 1998
Medivo.it Medivo 759.37 kB 29 Mar 2000
Mission.it Mission Landing 709.82 kB 31 Dec 2000
click.s3m "Click" - Necros/PM 288.09 kB 27 Sep 1998


Since after what I saw of how popular Agent Jackrabbit was to you all, I decided to throw another level pack in the mosh pit. But for RiTaS fans, you’ll have to wait. But for now enjoy this! This package features Battle, Capture the Flag and Treasure levels. A total of 9 levels. Oh and expect a wide range of Mez01 uses.

It features 4 battle levels, 3 CtF levels, and 2 comination levels, which consist of CtF, Battle and Treasure, beware though as the combi-levels are meant for servers with lots of players in it. Because they are HUGE!

Btw theres also some cool music to join in :D


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User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 7.1666666666667

Review by aiko

Posted more than 20 years ago
I might as well work here (510 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings490 Featured reviews3 Average helpfulness82%

Cool, this is another great pack from Bartman, the creator of the well-known episode “Agent Jackrabbit”. This time its a bunch of multiplayer levels using four different tilesets (namely MEZ01, Cheq, Metropolis Day and Hocus Pocus, all of them are elite sets).
The levels itself are really interesting, because Bartman is one of the most creative level makers i saw. He tries to put new effects and ideas everywhere, which makes his levels pretty original and somehow different.
Reminds me of “Another Jazz 2 fan”, who also created his own (sometimes weird) style. What i want to say is…eyecandy and design are great :-)
Well, of course, some levels are better than others (i didn’t like “Outer Space” for example).
The background music is a good choice, you can’t do much wrong with songs by Alex Brandon, Necros and Unreal Tournament music.

Overall, this definitely gets a DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDATiON from me. Everyone should get “Jazz 2 Battle Pack” now and put it in his/her Jazz2 folder (oh btw next time i will subtract one point for the stupid name, really).

Unfortunately, the third CTF level (bartctf3.j2l) doesn’t work. Maybe you should use the re-upload feature :-)

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Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 20 years ago
Jazz Jackrabbit (255 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings255 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness22%

A pretty good Multiplayer pack from Bartman (I didn’t like it as much as Aiko), has some interesting ideas, which I like. The blackout level is especially cool. :) This pack does have it’s flaws though, the event placement wasn’t so hot (30 toaster pickups right next to each other has never been something I was tempted to do. :) The layout is something I like, it’s done well, and has eye candy to back it up. The music fit well and the tilesets were used well. Though you could have spent more time on certain levels as I don’t like them/they look sloppy.

Overall I can’t say much but that you should DOWNLOAD NOW.

(note as Aiko said, bartctf3.j2l doesn’t work, fix and re-upload now. ;-)

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Review by KJAZZ

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (62 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings62 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness23%

Ummm…….are you who made the blackout level? I thought someone else made it…Cause its a cool idea.

I might rate this someday.

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Review by FireClaw

Posted more than 20 years ago
Spaz Slackrabbit (110 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings110 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

I don’t think I liked these levels as much as most of you did… The levels I think were a little above average.

Anyway, some had a few problems. One of the levels I had AWEFUL framerate in. Also, in the CTFs, I disliked base routes.

Also, there is a creative idea with the Blackout level, but I think it will get tiring after time.

Well, anyway, it will be worth downloading if you’re interested in level. Packs.

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