The Badlands

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15 Nov 2004 at 11:10

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Bio Gene (More uploads by Bio Gene)

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thebadlands.j2l The Badlands 4.27 kB 15 Nov 2004


A reasonable small level I recently made in my newly installed 1.20. I’m afraid I couldn’t get it beta-tested, but hopefully that isn’t too much of a factor here when playing… enjoy.


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User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 5

Not recommendedReview by cooba

15 Nov 2004, 15:51
Carrot Juice Addict (326 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings112 Featured reviews32 Average helpfulness86%

Could use better layout and bigger size. This turns out to be quite random layout, with lot of platforms in the middle, with average flow, and some dead ends. Five, to be exact. This fact could easily kill the rating. Don’t overdo dead ends in multiplayer. And make sure you don’t have to jump too much.

Looks like typical Inferno eyecandy from what I can tell. Nothing too outrageous, maybe except the lighting, which doesnt work well with bright colors of this tileset. Has some tiling bugs there and there, too; overall pretty average.

Yet another thing pretty much distorting the rating. Lots of ammo, placed in plain squares, and powerup for only one of all ammo types out there (Seeker). There’s Frostbiter ammo, which fails to have a point in this level (this isn’t THAT dark to require Frostbiter, mind you). Nearby the seeker powerup, there’s Full Energy Carrot. Let me quote Blackraptor at this point:

“Dont place Full Energies unless you know what you are doing. People have 5 hearts in battle, it takes time to kill stuff. Not very fun when you spend minutes shooting someone and they just get a full energy and get all their health back.”

Pretty much explanatory, eh?

Plus, this has a unprotected Plasma Shield in the bottom right corner. Placed in a dead end. Good idea? No. In fact, eventing of this level downmarked this level a lot.

Don’t put Frostbiter ammo unless you have some outrageous purpose to place it.

Don’t let player shoot a shield and get 7 free kills. Instead, make it so that you have to buttstomp/destroy it with special move, so player will get 15 seconds, which actually isn’t enough to make a mess.

Don’t overdo dead ends.

Full Energy Carrots in Battle are evil because they let to replenish health after some other player’s hard work to bring your health down.

Alex, Reggen was around way longer than we both, so calling him a n00b is a little inappropiate. ;p

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Review by Reggen

17 Nov 2004, 09:42
CTF Bug (1 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings1 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness11%

GREAT JOB! I can’t understand, why is it at 5 only? I give it a 10!

(Unacceptable rating removal. You receive a warning for this. -Trafton)

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