battle4lev.j2l | The Lost Battle Game | 11.28 kB | 31 Dec 2005 |
ICbattle4.j2l | Battle Game D | 2.13 kB | 28 Dec 2005 |
DiambGarden.j2t | Diamondus ? Garden | 247.29 kB | 16 Nov 2004 |
newmca9.s3m | Unreal #9 (By Michiel) | 636.56 kB | 25 Oct 2000 |
(Reuploaded due to the filename causing problems)
This download consists out of two levels. The first level (ICbattle4.j2l) is a remake of the level that came with the OEM versions of Jazz2. It’s not a perfect conversion but it comes very close. I wouldn’t bother playing it online because it relies heavily on the fact that in the OEM version TNT could do damage to other players. But I would like to note that I think it’s very nice we can play that level with 1.23 now. So it’s a nice added bonus to the remake. Now, let’s rate the actual remake.
Eye Candy
First I would like to mention that the eye candy is superb. It looks very nice, although I can imagine that some people don’t like the amount of foreground eye candy. I myself like that so it won’t affect your rating. There also are a couple of nice touches like the light effects, moth events, and you even see a leaf fly by occasionally. When you look at the original level (ICbattle4.j2l) it becomes obvious why the level needs this much eye candy.
The level isn’t much more than a big open area with some platforms in it. Which is obvious because the creators tried to remake a level with the same problems. They did a nice job disguising the problem with the eye candy I mentioned earlier. And I really don’t want to lower my rating much over this slight problem. They also did lots of things to improve the level flow such as adding a bunch of springs, flow up, and one way events.
Ammo and pickup placement
I think the level is slightly out of balance, it has three carrots and they are quite near to eachother. The variaty of ammo is pretty good as well. There are three power ups to be found, and this should make playing this with couple of people a lot of fun. I’m not sure if I would prefer this for duels though. I don’t really get how I should take the seeker power up, but perhaps I’m not the brightest star out there.
Very nice level nonetheless and the original battle4 is an extra bonus. I will definitely host it a couple of times.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.
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