Final Resistance

Date uploaded:
23 Jun 2006 at 20:11

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Yaxo (More uploads by Yaxo)
Capture the flag
Reptile , Squirrel , FireSworD and Biohazard(for the tileset)

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Final (774.17 kB)

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xlmFinalR.j2l Final Resistance 9.10 kB 23 Jun 2006
BioCorridor 126.j2t BioCorridor 1.26 217.09 kB 29 Jul 2004 Elettrotubo 732.21 kB 12 Jun 2006


Well , it was about time to upload this. I have been working about 2 weeks on this! I hope you’ll see I have put a lot of work in it. ;P
The layout isn’t simple at all , so here’s a little description:
This is a symmetric level with a tube in the middle. You can enter this tube at the bottom of the level and it will lead you to the Seeker PU. In this level there are 2 Seek pu’s , but only one per team. When you reach the top of the tube , blue team will go to the left and red team to the right. At the top of the level there are also 2 +1 carrots , one at each side of the tube. In that area you can also take some ice ammo which are hidden in the wall. You need this ice to freeze two springs at the very bottom of the level. After freezing the 2 springs you can get a full NRG. Normally you should spawn with 3 ice ammo so you can at least take this carrot once. There are 3 Power-Ups , from which I already mentioned the Seeker. The other two are placed symmetrical. At the left side there is a toaster Pu and at the other side there is a bouncer PU.
I hope you will find everything you need in this level.



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User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 7.96

RecommendedReview by master sven

24 Jun 2006, 07:31 (edited 24 Jun 06, 07:32 by masterrokusho)
Spaz Slackrabbit (121 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings71 Featured reviews10 Average helpfulness59%

Before downloading, I expected a lot from this one. And it was there.


Good eyecandy, everywere where you walk you can find some foreground to hide behind.(which isn’t possible online because of your name) Also a good background. No bugs in the eyecandy.


It is a big level and because a lot is symitric I couldn’t really see where I was except if I was at the bottom of the level. But the level had a very nice flow which was completed with tubes.


You’ve put quite a lot ammo in this level but thats good, it was also a big level.I liked the way in which you had to get the seeker PU.

The size a big but you’ve handled with it well and made a very good level.

Eyecandy: 9
Gameplay: 8
Size: 8

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RecommendedReview by snzspeed

20 Jul 2006, 07:25 (edited 20 Jul 06, 07:27 by Snooz)
Carrot Juice Addict (327 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings269 Featured reviews7 Average helpfulness66%

This is a symmetric ctf level using quite … um .. original design style and stuff. placement of stuff is alright,(except for the +1 cars which are in deadends), and so is the gameplay, i don’t get stuck and i can also move around here. altough i feel this level needs more ice. and ec too, i mean, it lacks background ;p and some foreground ec looks quite annoying.

i think its an okay level, but i dont think it deserves high ratings like 8. i’m sorry ;( but yeah, keep making levels and stuff. and put more ec in them or something.

- snz

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RecommendedReview by Arti

28 Jun 2006, 19:18 (edited 29 Jun 06, 10:16)
Frog (24 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings24 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness65%

A very quick review.

Gameplay: The level is very nice. Good placed ammo. Spring placement is alright, although sometimes they get in the way. The flow is very good, but it takes little time to get to the other base. The PU’s are a little bit away from the level though, were probably all the action is, like lonely at the bottom. There’s a few dead ends where springs lead, but these have got goodies.

Eyecandy: This is very good. Some places are a little bit empty though, but some places have a lot again, which evens this out. Little bug though, at the pu the water isn’t in foreground and it just looks wrong to me.

Bugs: Didn’t find any, except for the little bug mentioned above.

Weapon Placement: It’s good, but not really placed in interesting shapes.

That’s it. Download recommendation and an 8.6

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RecommendedReview by Jerrythabest

26 Jun 2006, 10:02 (edited 26 Jun 06, 16:12)
CTF Bug (1 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings1 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness50%

Great level! Really nice eyecandy, funny ways to get the powerups and full NRG carrot, good gameplay. I don’t think there’s that much ammo, and I don’t really find this level that big (maybe because of the big open areas), but still the size and amount of ammo is just perfect! I like the two extra normal carrots too, they’ll make it impossible to be absolutely certain of the enemy’s health if you lost track of him. It’s something I miss in other levels, really.

One thing: I don’t really like the position of the warp targets of the warps to get to the other side of the center tube. It would be better, if their targets were in the top areas with the bevelled ceiling (next to the rooms where the carrots are).

What else can I say? I really enjoyed this level and I’m certain this will be as overplayed as Jungle’s Edge is. I’m gonna duel someone in this today for sure! Good work!


[Unsupported rating (9.0) removal. “Nice eyecandy and good gameplay” is not enough explanation for a rating. – FQuist]
[Explained more and put back rating. – Jerry RR]

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Review by reches

25 Jun 2006, 09:35 (edited 25 Jun 06, 19:56 by Violet CLM)
CTF Bug (0 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings0 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

its good
(Unsupported rating (5.5) removal. ~Violet)

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