8 May 2007, 09:58 (edited 8 May 07, 10:01)
5.7? This tileset is not worth that.
There are already several other Windows tilesets available, so is this one any better? Nope.
This does not look anything like Windows Vista. This looks more like Windows 98 or 2000. Although there are Vista icons, they do look bad when used in 256 colours. The Taskbar is from XP not Vista. The backgrounds are not very good. The one you used in the example level is bad because you can see lines there. I do like the loading bar, that’s pretty cool.
There is a Windows 98 style background but it can’t be used in Layer 8. If used in that layer it will look a mess as it won’t tile properly.
There are no tiles that can be used in the Foreground (Layers 1 & 2) or the other 2 background layers (6 & 7).
This tileset is missing the very important basic JJ2 stuff. The Destruct, Buttstomp and Trigger scenery blocks are missing. There’s nothing to use for V/H-Poles.
The masking is OK, but I cannot find anything in this set that is useful for making a good level.
TOTAL SCORE: 2.5/20 = 1.25 = 1.3
RANK: F = Bad
As this tileset is missing the basic JJ2 stuff, this set is not very useful. Also, the tiles appear grainy which doesn’t look good. So, no DR.
7 May 2007, 18:49 (edited 8 May 07, 08:16)
Rating New Windows 98
To start
Another Windows-tileset. And once again it is a very worse tileset. If you like this tileset, you are a very strange human.
Practical: (20 pts)
More than impractical. The worst facts are these: it is impossible to create beautiful platforms and you can’t create a nice background. And you can’t put spikes into your level with this tileset. And there are a lot more bad things, so no points at all for this part. I’m terribly sorry…
Result: 0 pts
Beautiful (20 pts)
Well… it is NOT beautiful. No beautiful things, even not for layer 8. The paths are boring grey and there are almost no colorful things. So also a big fat zero for the second part.
Result: 0 pts
Orginality (10 pts)
There was no Windows Vista Tileset yet uploaded, so that is original. But I can’t give you more than one point, because the rest is not original. If you put some more program-things into your tileset and maybe with some viruses which you can use as spikes I’m sure you’ll get more points…
Result: 1 pt
Example Level: (10 pts)
There is an example level, but it is very worse. You can’t discover how you should use this tileset. Which obstacles could you place into a level made with this tileset? Which enemies are good to use? So once again just one point.
Result: 1 pt
Very bad tileset. If you want to create a new Windows-tileset, just ask an advance tileset-creator for help, like Agama or Blade. And also my friend Gus is a very good tileset-creator. Maybe they can give you tips and hints for your next tileset. In advance: good luck with your next files…
Total points: 2
Maximum number of points: 60
Calculating: 2/60*9+1=*1,3*
Mark: 1,3
Download recommendation: 
this sux there are more tilesets!Its A Pile Of Dumb poop!
I give it a
Plus:Zasto Bi Iko Pravio Vista Tileset Sa
256 boja
[Review changed to quick review, see the review rules.
28 Feb 2013, 00:48
Okay Windows 98 tileset with vista icons.
The level is poor.
Event tiles missing
Background missing
Very original
8 May 2007, 18:57 (edited 8 May 07, 18:57)
RATING Windows Vista Classic
Another Windows-based tileset…
[Yes, I have also TSF]
BUT… Is this Windows Vista??
Only the icons looks like Vista. All other looks like Windows 2000.
Also- The Eyecandy objects are too rough. Thatws what happen when you make tileset with 256 colors.
Download? NO. but if you want another Windows tileset-why not?
ummm. What to say. This is a bad tileset. There’s no destruct blocks or poles or not much of anything! The tiles are just ones from windows and thus it’s almost impossible to make anything interesting with it! It’s would be hard to make secrets or even a challenging level! Plus there’s not much to the tileset. Also there’s almost nothing you can use as foreground. It’s a nice idea though and it does have some good sides. There’s tiles to make a background and the loading bar is cool. If you want to make a windows level then this is your tileset but if you want to make more complicated levels then stay away.
Overall I give this tileset a 2.5
Another of these vindows sets. They are kind a like rare now.
Eyecandy 14/20
good, but not much. There’s a bit too low number of things. Icons are ok, but the prog icons size doesn’t match with the others.
usefulnes 10/20
levels made with this doesn’t look very awesome. The masks could be a bit better.
idea 7/20
the idea is taken from windows vista, but it doesn’t look like it. And, some of the graphics was drawn yourself, wich gives you few more points. Anyway, I’ve seen better windows sets.
palette 18/20
normal. Nothing new or odd.
others 7/20
harmfully, this tileset has a lack in event tiles, such as poles, sucktubes and vines.
score under 75, no download recommendation.
7 May 2007, 15:02 (edited 7 May 07, 15:03)
I have one good thing for you:
Good, that its english XD
But there are so much negative things…
EDIT: And its not Vista!!! It is Microsoft Windows 98!