28 Nov 2007, 16:21 (edited 28 Nov 07, 16:24)
Now this is the way that levels with limited tilesets should be done.
Wraith has been creative here, and all layers have been used at least a bit. The atmosphere over here is dark anyway, so the background doesn’t need more detailed scenery into it, which would perhaps make it confusing. Overall, the look of the level is really neat, sprite layer eyecandy boosted with several other layers and animated tiles.
The layout may confuse you at first, but nevertheless you are going to learn it fairly fast, since it’s simple, although unusual. It could be annoyingly hard to jump between platforms by default, but here the author made those platforms connect wisely with eyecandy. So as you may guess, this level comes with a warp-pit(and I’m looking forward for a deathpit-version), that brings you to same target always however. The bad thing is the target is bugged for now and easily campable.
Once you get hurt, you may look for 3 carrots that aren’t very far away from each other. Two of them are placed at more difficult positions even. Food is brought here with a nice variation of ammo(ice too) to fill the open space. There could be also a secret flycarrot put in, but then the movement would have to be restricted radically.
This level might be actually fun to play in, and fits for any amount of players in my opinion. The demostyle-music makes sure you don’t get bored too quickly. And note that the Jazz-character is great advantage here. Download this and give it a try!
28 Nov 2007, 21:16 (edited 4 Apr 08, 13:34)
Rating Sector Probe 68-A
To start:
An incredible Battle level, which is created with limited tiles in the tileset. I cannot do this… but you…
Eyecandy: (20 pts)
The Eyecandy is surprising nice! There are no much tiles in the tileset, but when you play the level, you don’t see it. The Eyecandy is very, very nice. And also unusual, with a very real space theme: it’s dark, there are stars on the background… and so on. I will give you seventeen points from the possibly twenty!
Result: 17 pts
Gameplay: (20 pts)
First it confused us a bit, but when we know how we have to fight, it is a piece of cake. But sometimes it could be almost impossible to jump to another platform. They are far distanced. But if you are an advanced jumper, this level has a good gameplay.
Result: 15 pts
Ammo placement: (20 pts)
Ammo is good placed. You have placed ammo into these levels and you spreaded those items very well. But one pity: there are no secret places…
Result: 16 pts
Carrot placement: (5 pts)
You may look for carrots if you are badly hurt. The carrots aren’t very far away from each other. That’s a bit of a pity: it could be challenging to search for carrots while your opponent is chasing you… with the gun…
Result: 2 pts
These levels are so good, that it is not necessary to make a calculating for your figure. If THIS is not the best Battle-level from all over the world, I’m an idiot.
Total points: 50
Maximum number of points: 65
Calculating: 50/65×9+1= 7,9
Mark: 7,9
Download recommendation: 
Battle level that uses Iron Crown tileset.
Gameplay is very unusual, but I like it. Layout is very easy to learn because it’s so simple. Moving between platforms is very easy with Jazz, but with Spaz it’s little bit harder. Ammo placement is good but there are too much food and those 3 carrots are too close eachother. Also it’s a shame that there are no secrets.
Eyecandy is really nice. You have used all layers a bit. There are only 39 tiles in this tileset, but you have created nice eyecandy. And there are no disturbing tilebugs.
Overall this is a good battle level. Not amazing, but it’s worth to try.
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