Future Evolution Beta 2 v0.95

Date uploaded:
23 May 2001 at 04:00 (Minor update on 23 May 2001)

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ShadowGpW (More uploads by ShadowGpW)
Capture the flag
TileSets: DethMan and Mez!

No screenshots yet.

Futevob2v095.zip (2.03 MB)

File contents

ml_Evolution.txt 5.15 kB 22 May 2001
mlClaustro.j2l ClAuStRo MaNiA 11.50 kB 23 May 2001
mlLab.j2l Blasting Tron Project 13.90 kB 24 May 2001
mlNuke.j2l Waste House 13.75 kB 23 May 2001
mlShockWave.j2l ShockWave 17.46 kB 23 May 2001
mlSpaceWorld.j2l ForceDraw 13.60 kB 23 May 2001
CyberSpaz Tileset1a.j2t CyberSpaz Tileset1a 96.19 kB 18 Jan 2000
CyberSpaz Tileset2v.j2t CyberSpaz Tileset2v 170.25 kB 18 Jan 2000
MEZ03A.J2T MEZ03a 42.69 kB 09 Apr 1999
MEZ03B.J2T MEZ03b 42.69 kB 03 Jul 1999
song_revenge_of_cats.it Revenge of the Cats 623.08 kB 08 Apr 2001
Sor-DDawn.it -The Digital Dawn- 488.02 kB 26 Jun 2000
Sor-Genesis.it The Genesis Factor 415.00 kB 30 Jun 2000
KILL.MOD Episode 350.78 kB 17 Jul 1996
wessyT2K.mod T2k song1 remix! 297.96 kB 23 May 2001


The Second Beta of Future Evolution.
What’s Changed?
2 New Levels
2 New songs
Bug Fixed
New Secrets
New WeaponLayout


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User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 9.0384615384615

Review by Stilettø

Posted more than 20 years ago
Spaz Slackrabbit (181 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings181 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness30%

Whee Finaly the second Beta
The levels are Pretty good Above average
I liked The design Layout Very much
Weapon Placement Was ok
Eyecandy was good
mlShockWave Was The Best lvl
DOwnload? yes[This review has been edited by Stilettø]

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Review by F!re

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (48 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings48 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness50%

Whoah You’ve done a censored good job.
I think these levels are the best ctf-levels I’ve ever seen. I especially like mlclaustro. Some nice eyecandy and the weapondeployment is ok aswell.You walk very fast and smoothly through these levels which I think is very important with ctf. It also includes some humor which I personally like.These musicfiles and tilsets are great they were an exellent choice.Man You’ll get a 9 from me man.Keep up the great work.[This review has been edited by F!re]

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Review by BlackDeath

Posted more than 20 years ago
Spaz Slackrabbit (111 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings111 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness44%

AHa It was about time for some excellent stuff on j2o and these levels are a good example of that.

Im not really into ctf but as far as i have testeed it (against my brother) the levels were great exept for a few text bugs.

The eyecandy is good, weapon placement is good and gameplay is excellent.

This level gets a MUST DOWNLOAD recommendation from me.

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Review by ÍpÐøpé

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (61 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings61 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness100%

oke! good job, shadow!

~Good Eyecandy
~Good Weapon Placement

for all the CTF fans: you must download this!

~JøJø aka ÍpÐøpé

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Review by aiko

Posted more than 20 years ago
I might as well work here (510 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings490 Featured reviews3 Average helpfulness82%

I don’t feel like theres a need to completely write a new review for the current version of Shad’s “The Future Evolution” so here goes my my edited review from the previous version:

Wow!!! With this CTF level pack, ShadowGPW proves it again: he is one of the best level designers of all times. “The Future Evolution” includes five absolutely stunning CTF maps using Tube Electric, Labrat, MEZ’s third set (Version 03b, i wonder why he included 03a also) and two of DethMan’s awesome CyberSpaz tilesets. No doubt, this is one of the best CTF packs i’ve ever seen. Amazing!

The design and layout of the levels in unbelievable and so is the eyecandy. Spaceships, insane tube constructions, you’ll get everything here! I’m lacking words too describe it.

Not to forget the music: very fresh, very rocking tunes using the classic tracking style. Great choice, great! Sorath’s two tunes leave me completely breathless, as well as the song by W3Z and Skaven’s rocking “Return Of The Cats”. Only the “Episode” (kill.mod) didn’t fit perfectly (no biggie though).

Well, anyways…Shadow, i bow down to you! You truly deserve a 9 for this AWESOME pack! (9!!! Still makes me dizzy :-).

To sum it up, if you don’t download this, you don’t want to download anything else because you can’t be a Jazz player in that case. Things like this make people like me thinking about converting to CTF fans ;-) DOWNLOAD NOW!!!

P.S.: The few minor bugs have been corrected to my satisfaction :-)[This review has been edited by Aiko]

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Review by ShadowGPW

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (46 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings38 Featured reviews2 Average helpfulness85%

Hehe, Thank you guys for the reviews..

Anyways ive just reuploaded the pack because MLlab had a Eyecandy/TileBug and didn’t had any carrots

And at the End of the summor vacantion the FINAL Release with 10 levels will be ready..

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Review by $TÛNT$

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (29 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings29 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness33%

Future Evolution is sure to be an ace CTF pack, not perfect but ace. A must be for CTF fans I guess.

The eyecandy looks perfect: The author used max. out of the tilesets and the layers are used very efficient. However in some the lvls it’s 2 confusing and slowsdown gameplay.

The gameplay itself isn’t perfect, rather normal/good. Some springs are placed awful (and if the’re is one thing I hate it is that). The springs are very important ingredients for gamespeed. Some lvls have these “bad-springs”. Bumping yer head against walls or being stuck behind debris cos of a spring, that’s real annoying when u have the flag and a bandit on yer six (especially one with RF missiles).
The music choice is perfect, my personal favourite is wessyT2k.mod the file used for Waste House. This file is actually a remix of the music file this same Author used in Toxic Waste.

To sum it all up this one definetely deserves a 9. It could be higher if the the “badsprings” and other “slow-down-gameplay-things” are removed/enhanced. But hey, it’s a beta perhaps he’ll change to make em even more perfect… I certainly hope so.

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Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 20 years ago
Jazz Jackrabbit (255 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings255 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness22%

Wow. This CTF pack is simply amazing.
All of the levels have great design, very nice eye candy, excellent event placement and more. The tilesets were used pretty good (nothing to complain about, really) and the CTF bases were placed in nice strategical positions. The music choices… now these are good. They all fit well and add to the level’s overall feel. My only real complaint is that it can get a tad confusing, but that’s majorly to blaim on the level’s size, which is not a problem at all, so I will not really take away from the rating because of it.
Overall this is a must for everyone.

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Review by Blade

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (84 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings84 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness64%

Heh, I do really like this one. I’m not actually a big capture-the-flag fan, but ShadowGpW has done a impressive work. The eye-candy rocks, and weapon placement is in good condition. I liked the music as well :) .[This review has been edited by Blade]

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Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
Jazz Jackrabbit (265 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings242 Featured reviews4 Average helpfulness73%

This is realy one of the best level packs out there. With CtF being a not that popular game mode, i`m pleased to see that there are stillsuch good CtF levels out there. Nothing more to ad to the other 1O reviews, cuz all the good things are pretty much taken:-).


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Review by White Rabbit

Posted more than 20 years ago
Auto-Reviewing Zombie (435 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings268 Featured reviews15 Average helpfulness85%

Great use of tilesets,
Great eyecandy,
Great weapons placement,
Great gameplay,
Great navigation,
Great secrets,
Great music,
Great CTF lvls,
Great CTF lvl pack!
And because of this, I’ve decided to give Future Evolution a great rating of 9,
Isn’t that great? :-)

?!!? Why is there an 8.7 instead?! Well, I’m sry to say I’ve cut down 0.3 points because of too many VERY irritating dead ends in some lvls, if ya fix those minor bugs I’ll raise my rating Shadow.


White Rabbit.[This review has been edited by White Rabbit]

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Review by Umbaman

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (22 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings22 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness50%

Wow! A pretty nice Ctf Pack. Good Lvls. Good music….. This is for me The best Ctf pack ever…. Only some little bugs [This review has been edited by umbaman]

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Review by CraccoBoy

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (52 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings52 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness29%

(original rating 3.5)

I can see that you’re all friends of shadow.

Don’t rate your friends tilesets in a biased way, read the J2o rules!

Bad levels. Too boring, not useful at all. The eyecandy isn’t really eyecandy, it’s more eyepoo. I expected something better from you!

No download reccomedation!![This review has been edited by ShadowGPW]

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Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 20 years ago
Way better than Aiko (862 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings464 Featured reviews35 Average helpfulness92%

Clausto Mania: Nice music, the gameplay was about average, eyecandy was simple, but good and detailed. Placement was to simple. Ok base placment

Blasting Tron Project: Good music, nice layout, some hidden secrets there as well, good eyecandy and tileset use, average placement. Ok base placement

Waste house: So-so music, layout was ok, not the best. Eyecandy good, sometimes a bi overused, but good. Base placement was ok i guess.

Shockwave: Nice music. The layout was fine, excpet i had no idea that one of the “missing tile” area’s were warps. I was near a bouncy powerup when i just “accidentally” jumped in one of them for curiousity. Eyecandy deserves about a 6.7

Finally, Force Draw: Eyecandy to confusing here, so is the layout. Placement was ok, not to good, not to bad. Base placement was good.

OVERALL: Some nice ok CTF levels, some irritations in them, but good eyecandy and secrets. Id rate this a 7, but I do not want to harm the rating of this, so ill leave it N/A. Mez and Dethman tilesets are WAY overused btw.

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Review by spazz

Posted more than 20 years ago
Spaz Slackrabbit (166 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings166 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness25%

Realy good levels!

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Review by snzspeed

Posted more than 20 years ago
Carrot Juice Addict (327 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings269 Featured reviews7 Average helpfulness66%

This is one of the best CTF uploads what i have seen!!


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