Devan Bases (A demo episode)

Date uploaded:
27 Jun 2001 at 04:00 (Minor update on 20 Oct 2023)

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MEGACAL (More uploads by MEGACAL)
Single player

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Bases episode (395.58 kB)

File contents

Up.j2l Swamp Outta Here 3.31 kB 27 Jun 2001
Up2.j2l Devans Deckstar Base 1.17 kB 27 Jun 2001
Up3.j2l Falling Apart 1.55 kB 27 Jun 2001
Up4.j2l Water is Wetter 3.18 kB 27 Jun 2001
JJ1Mayhem.j2t Jazz 1: NeW's Mayhem 88.93 kB 13 May 1999
boss.s3m 87.81 kB 15 Jan 1998
song13.s3m 121.97 kB 13 Jan 1998
songcd4.s3m 101.97 kB 27 Mar 1998
songcd5.s3m 94.41 kB 27 Mar 1998


Devan is building different bases and just can’t seem to build them right.

[File restored on 20 October 2023 ~Stijn]


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User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 6.35

Review by MattW

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (44 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings44 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness20%

I don’t have the tileset(s), so i can’t play this. Please include the tileset(s) next time.
I found the tileset in my cache after going to a server, so now i can rate this.

When i first hear of the level, i thought it would look good. But, it really doesn’t.

I’ll make the rest of the story short.

Eyecandy: 1.0/5.0
Music: 1.0/1.0
Tileset: 2.0/2.0
Mode of play: 1.0/1.0
Gameplay: 0.2/1.0

Download?: Your Choice.
[This review has been edited by MattW]

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Review by JJ Tublear

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (74 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings74 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness50%

It says that I need the tileset JJ1Mayhem.j2t

So now please re upload the level pack with the Tilesets needed.

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Review by Assassin

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (11 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings11 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness100%

Luckily I do have the tileset ;).
Well let’s see.
It’s pretty good, especcialy level 1.
The others are a litlle small and levels 4 is just level 1 but backwards and with water.
It’s kinda small with not great eyecandy but it’s kinda fun.
I like it.
I will give this a 7,7.
But like the others said: re-upload it with the tileset.

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Review by SPLASHcc

Posted more than 20 years ago
Spaz Slackrabbit (102 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings102 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness25%
4.5 goes..prepare yourself and fasten yor seatbelts…

level 1: sorry man, very bad lvl, way too lineair, unfinished walls, not wotking events (events at the bottom never work), too much enemies, some puzzle, not good

level 2: small lvl with the robot boss thats all. and even that lvl isnt good, the lvl hasnt even been finished properly.

level 3: another bad level. way too lineair, a useless powerup (where do i need 2 blaster powerups for?), no enemies, bad looking.

level 4: same as level 1, but this time you have to swim back, instead of run forth…geddit? still the same bad level.

plus: u didnt hide the 3 next lvls, thankgod u numbred the lvls..
u didnt add ending after the last lvl, causing jazz to quit cos of an error.
u didnt include the tileset (thankgod i had it). quite ok..jazz1 music always good

this is an extremely bad and extremely short single player “pack” (can i call it that?). stay away from it – it might hurt your eyes

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Review by MEGACAL

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (7 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings7 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

I have put the Tileset on so please download

Also i’m in the making of episode 1

Devans First Attempt

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Review by Catz

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (14 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings14 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

Great work it was brilliant i liked the tileset and music. here is my review
1st level:

good music lots of fatchicks

the levels are dead good and deserve a 8

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Review by Master Cheater

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (22 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings22 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness16%

I don’t even have the tileset

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