Frontier Falls

Date uploaded:
1 Aug 2011 at 20:58 (Minor update on 12 Nov 2011)

Download details

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FawFul (More uploads by FawFul)
Capture the flag
Darksonic, cooba, jake for looking around in my server (?)
1.23+ (This file requires JJ2+)
Screenshots (256.17 kB)

File contents

xlmff.j2l Frontier Falls 10.76 kB 12 Nov 2011
A_CarrFIXdayEDIT.j2t A_Carrotus_FIX_DayEDIT 241.00 kB 24 Jul 2011


It’s somehow here..

New release for DT3.0. a fairly big level for a duel contest level i must say, although shattering the ammo around makes it alright, I guess. Have fun with this level :)

This also has familiar stuff out of Wicked Wood and out of Voltage Cable Malfunction.


First Edit:
tilebug fixes + small edits for better flow. bases 2 tiles further, less fastfire and toaster ammo next to blaster instead of around it.

Keep in mind that the old version was rated for the rankings in the contest. Edit allowed by SJ.

Second Edit:
Moved Blaster power up, changed carrot position, tilebug fix.

Third (and hopefully last) Edit:
Added a feature that allows you to turn off the waterfall background by turning on trigger31. This Layer will turn black this way. so for everyone: “/ptrigger 31 on/off”

Fourth…… edit:
Fix Update Bug Fix Update bug Fix update respawn times side carrots from 30 to 20 gg…


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Quick Reviews Average: 8.7333333333333

Recommendedsnzspeed rated 8.4

Since this won the contest I felt that it would be appropriate to review it.

RecommendedZoro rated 8.5

Looks good. Fine gameplay.
I like the eyecandy, especially this “Niagara” waterfall…

RecommendedGalana rated 8.5

Great level except for the carrot area. 8.5+DR should be enough.

Recommended>CelL< rated 8

Since this reviewed the contest I felt that it would be appropriate to win it.

RecommendedRagnarok! rated 10

Old review: Great layout, great level tbh, but questionable balance in terms of powerups and the campy carrot area stops it from getting any higher than a 9… Good job though. Love the theme. Re-rated due to changes made. Bon appetit. Re-rated once again after having played a match here; it was better than sex.

RecommendedPurpleJazz rated 9

I personally feel as if a rating of 10 would be inappropriate as I don’t think the level is really in a whole new league of its own in terms of quality, nor particularly groundbreaking. I feel FawFuL has more to offer. However, it’s still amongst the very best of CTF levels. Highly recommended.

Turns out I had an old version, apologies.

User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 9.45

RecommendedReview by PT32

22 Nov 2011, 20:59
Jazz Jackrabbit (202 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings171 Featured reviews4 Average helpfulness61%

Wow. I can’t believe no one has seriously given this level a decent review.

So I guess I will.

This level came to my attention through the Top Ten Neglected Levels thread on the JCF, so I thought I’d check FF out and see how it was.

Frontier Falls is simply magnificent. Not only is the level squeaky clean of bugs, but it also has excellent eyecandy, using things in ways most levelbuilders wouldn’t even imagine. Like using a textured BG as a waterfall. Would YOU have done that? Would you?

If you’re not Fawful, then no, you wouldn’t have.

Gameplay is smooth, mechanics are good and it’s quite a pleasure to play. I didn’t download the music (since I’ve gotten computer viruses that way before), but if it’s as good as the level, I’m sure it’s just fine.

I can’t believe nobody has capitalized on the opportunity to score free reviewer points here, because it’s certainly a great place to do so. Frontier Falls is an excellent level, and I heartily recommend its immediate and unconditional download.

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