New Ages V

Date uploaded:
3 Apr 2012 at 08:35 (Minor update on 8 Dec 2017)

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snz (More uploads by snz)
Purplejazz, DarkSonic, cooba, Ragnarok, CJ, FireSworD, Sir Ementaler, FawFuL, Raven
1.23+ (This file requires JJ2+)

File contents

navbatf00.j2l 0 18.90 kB 08 Dec 2017
navbatf01.j2l Firebreather 12.24 kB 08 Dec 2017
navbatf02.j2l WTF? 15.07 kB 08 Dec 2017
navbatf03.j2l Sodan Valtakunta 21.56 kB 08 Dec 2017
navbatf04.j2l Robot Village 14.42 kB 08 Dec 2017
navbatf05.j2l Frozen Lake 19.18 kB 08 Dec 2017
navbatf06.j2l DEATHMATCH 14.33 kB 08 Dec 2017
navctfx00.j2l A Gorgeous Island 15.78 kB 08 Dec 2017
navctfx01.j2l Minimal Duel 6.98 kB 08 Dec 2017
navctfx02.j2l Antiquity 23.34 kB 08 Dec 2017
navctfx03.j2l Medium 57.32 kB 08 Dec 2017
navctfx04.j2l Crown Mansion 9.48 kB 08 Dec 2017
navctfx05.j2l Overgrown Backyard 22.60 kB 08 Dec 2017
navctfx06.j2l Veli Hopea 7.50 kB 08 Dec 2017
beach dark.j2t beach dark 222.90 kB 08 Dec 2017
EasterWinter.j2t Easter Winter 245.71 kB 08 Dec 2017
Gothic 1.23.j2t Gothic 1.23 134.77 kB 08 Dec 2017
IC - Medivo2.j2t IC - Medivo2 215.32 kB 08 Dec 2017
IC - Technoir2.j2t IC - Technoir2 161.80 kB 08 Dec 2017
ICMediv2o4.j2t IC - Mediv2o4 184.22 kB 08 Dec 2017
JJ1 Fanolint v1.2.j2t JJ1 Fanolint v1.2 86.80 kB 08 Dec 2017
McKinley.j2t McKinley 122.22 kB 08 Dec 2017
MedvioD.j2t MedvioD 112.00 kB 08 Dec 2017
MEZ02.J2T MEZ02 26.19 kB 08 Dec 2017
psych3snzedit.j2t psych3snzedit 186.37 kB 08 Dec 2017
Temple.j2t Temple 41.60 kB 08 Dec 2017
Twilight Park.j2t Twilight Park 125.36 kB 08 Dec 2017
xlmdamn3.j2t Damn + Hot 225.31 kB 08 Dec 2017
hell.j2b Dark Groove (part 1) 240.29 kB 08 Dec 2017 Tales of Magic(Nightbeat) 590.13 kB 08 Dec 2017
7DAYS1WEEK.xm 7 days and 1 week 377.07 kB 08 Dec 2017
ASADTOUCH.XM a sad touch 34.90 kB 08 Dec 2017
DAEMON.xm Daemon 907.13 kB 08 Dec 2017
itsde018.xm idea- NOT finished 573.50 kB 08 Dec 2017
naranja.xm Naranja! (Zodiak) 389.93 kB 08 Dec 2017
MELON.MOD melon 205.46 kB 08 Dec 2017
cRYSTALD.S3M Crystal Dragon 258.14 kB 08 Dec 2017
PINBALL.S3M 151.29 kB 08 Dec 2017
DKC3_WW2.mp3 Kong 3880.86 kB 08 Dec 2017
f12010_main_menu.mp3 2452.68 kB 08 Dec 2017
Phendrana.mp3 3600.44 kB 08 Dec 2017
snz_-_warfare_in_my_mind.mp3 8375.58 kB 08 Dec 2017


This is the fifth installment in the New Ages series. Contains multiple levels for varying sizes. Hope you enjoy.

- snz


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Quick Reviews Average: 9.6166666666667

RecommendedPurpleJazz rated 9.5

By far snz’ best MP pack yet. A close to perfect balance of eyecandy and gameplay has been achieved, as tough as that is. There’s also a huge variety, featuring levels ranging from all shapes and sizes. They show off the epitome of snz’ JCS talents. There isn’t much more to say; if you fancy playing awesome new levels then download immediately!

RecommendedLoon rated 9.5

Quality on it’s finest. Snooze did a good job with this pack. A must for every jj2’er!

RecommendedSuperjazz rated 9.7

Well what can I say…

This is a pack with everything for everyone, and everything in top quality. There are levels like ‘Firebreather’, and ‘Minimal Duel’ for the duelist people, yet there is also the +16 player-suited map ‘Medium’. My personal favourite is Sodan Valtakunta, what’s yours? Download and enjoy!

RecommendedRagnarok! rated 9

Two of the CTFs were absolutely phenomenal, being Minimal Duel and Antiquity, probably deserving near 10/10 ratings.
The battles, generally all screamed great design, especially Sodan Valtakunta, Firebreather, Frozen Lake and Robot Village.
On the whole I’d say most of this pack is nearly the best type of leveldesign you’d get nowadays. DL PLZ.

RecommendedZoro rated 10

Wheeee :D
GJ snz… U PWN as always…

RecommendedForthRightMC rated 10

This is my best pack of New Ages series! I like these levels, although I have some music files missing.

10/10 HYPE

Download is surely recommended.

Great work snz!!!

User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 0

Review by Ðx

6 Apr 2012, 07:32 (edited 8 Apr 12, 09:36 by cooba)
Carrot Juice Addict (330 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings332 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness26%


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