
Date uploaded:
29 Aug 2015 at 09:00 (Minor update on 25 Nov 2015)

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FireSworD (More uploads by FireSworD)
Levels: "LFGPU-3000" and "ELFGPU-3000" by Me. Tilesets: "Desolation" by BlurredD, mainly. Music: "Nuclear" by Basehead/Pretzel Pete and "Avenging Angel" by ViPeR. Scripts: Sir Ementaler, PurpleJazz and Myself. BIG thanks to PJ for his help on LFGPU and Sir Ementaler for most of the scripting. Also, thanks to all of the other testers and supporters.
1.23+ (This file requires JJ2+)
LFGPU-3000.zip (1.12 MB)

File contents

elfgpu.j2l [Evening] LFGPU-3000 13.02 kB 24 Nov 2015
lfgpu.j2l LFGPU-3000 13.02 kB 24 Nov 2015
Desolation01.j2t Desolation 01 148.72 kB 05 Aug 2007
Desolation02.j2t Desolation 02 148.69 kB 05 Aug 2007
pretzel pete (nuclear).it pretzel pete (nuclear) 248.24 kB 26 Jun 2015
avengingangel.xm Avenging Angel 1103.21 kB 27 Mar 2011
elfgpu.j2as 1.50 kB 28 Aug 2015
lfgpu.j2as 1.50 kB 28 Aug 2015


Small rabbit with a very big gun.

The LFG 2000, Jazz’s gun, has a power-up in these levels. The “PU” in the level names stand for power-up.

These levels are mainly suited for duels, but games with a few more players work well too; You can roast many players at once with ease.

This has an evening version of LFGPU, because I like to use the alternate versions of sets for levels.

Also, LFGPU is an entry to PJ’s contest.

EDIT: Fixed bugs.


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Quick Reviews Average: 8.6

RecommendedSeren rated 8.7

Few levels incorporate instant death into their design as competently as this one. It involves high level of the psychological factor and is very fun to play. However, I find that gameplay becomes repetitive and mechanical after several matches. Only a small linear portion of the level is laser-safe and that’s where most of the game takes place.

RecommendedPurpleJazz rated 8.5

A clever level with a unique take on a “death pit” mechanic. While perhaps the layout directly in front of the gun could have been more purpose-built, the execution of the concept remains solid. The level is a chaotic and somewhat surreal amalgamation of the different set elements, which looks messy but is visually appealing nonetheless.

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