The Candion Wars

Date uploaded:
19 Mar 2016 at 12:30 (Minor update on 19 Mar 2016)

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Slaz (More uploads by Slaz)
Some weirdo orchestra in NY for the music, Violet for scripting, with additional help from PurpleJazz.
1.23+ (This file requires JJ2+)
Screenshots (1.49 MB)

File contents

CandionWars.j2l The Candion Wars 11.31 kB 17 Mar 2016
Qobcandi.j2t QoB Candion TC 38.33 kB 21 Sep 1998
CandionWars.mp3 Carol of the Bells 1407.75 kB 22 Dec 2015
CandionWars.j2as 1.89 kB 19 Mar 2016


This level was finished for Anniversary Bash 18. But wait, isn’t it christmas themed? Well, Candion can be anything themed I guess. This level started off as a little playing around in JCS around mid-2007. I didn’t consider wisely which tileset to use back then, just what was at hand. When I saw this level again, I first thought of converting it to the better Candion conversion, but then I thought I could just use scripts to make something feasible out of it.

This level uses just one gun, the explosive Ice gun scripted by Violet. I saw the snippet and thought it was too good an idea to remain unused, as well as a good way to push the otherwise underused Ice gun. Due to this, the level is very horizontally oriented. Blaster ammo is disabled, and ammo is limited, this is to make players use ammo more decisively. But there should be enough ammo to make an event work I guess.

EDIT: Edited the script to replace the forced weapon change to a proper line (thanks PurpleJazz!).


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Quick Reviews Average: 7

RecommendedDennisKainz rated 9

I’m too lazy to leave a full review, and other users don’t appreciate my reviews.
I’ll just say that I really enjoyed this level, and even though I favor the movement started by Sir Ementaler to create good levels without Plus or Angelscript, this level is an inspiration for all those who do use Angelscript.

Not recommendedTreyLina rated 5

I’ve played it at bash18, and stallfests happened all the time (even with mouseaim and plenty of players), due to lack of ammo types. If you want to encourage people to use an underused weapon, make it strong and most importantly – fun. Also shooting with no ammo could’ve been scripted better, as the current way makes the game look bugged.

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