Knapweed Bog

Date uploaded:
22 Jan 2024 at 03:47

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Lark (More uploads by Lark)
Blacky and Sal for ideas, Violet for being Violet, tileset makers, musicians, my wife for dealing with me spending so much time on this.
1.23+ (This file requires JJ2+)

No screenshots yet. (516.63 kB)

File contents

olcknapweed.j2l Knapweed Bog 5.94 kB 21 Jan 2024
Islands.j2t Islands 108.75 kB 03 May 2005
jungrocklrk.j2t JJ1: Jungrock (LRK) 96.91 kB 22 May 2004
Meteor.j2a 3.29 kB 02 Jan 2024
Mortar.j2a 5.99 kB 02 Jan 2024
weaponVMega.j2a 32.08 kB 09 Jan 2024
africanroots.mod African Roots 301.10 kB 01 Jan 2024
olcknapweed.j2as 1.15 kB 21 Jan 2024
ArcaneWeapon2.asc 5.08 kB 02 Jan 2024
ArcaneWeapon4.asc 5.36 kB 02 Jan 2024
MLLE-Weapons.asc 47.25 kB 09 Jan 2024
SEweapon.asc 14.07 kB 09 Jan 2024
WeaponVMega1.asc 2.63 kB 02 Jan 2024
WeaponVMega3.asc 3.28 kB 02 Jan 2024
expmine.wav 25.18 kB 02 Jan 2024
f_gren4.wav 32.92 kB 02 Jan 2024
MLLE-Include-1.6w.asc 24.49 kB 21 Jan 2024
olcknapweed-MLLE-Data-1.j2l MLLE Extra Data 3.66 kB 21 Jan 2024


One day, it started to rain, and it didn't quit for four months.

I spent way too long on this. Have fun. I promised I'd make more…


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Quick Reviews Average: 8

RecommendedViolet CLM rated N/A

I think the pairing of the big vertical areas and the vertical weapons works well here, though it may feel even more random than usual whether you hit people—Minimap might be in order. Bogs aren't the commonest theme but this hits it well, though fewer straight lines would help. Seems like a fine little level to me!

Recommendedminmay rated 8

Really fun duel level with good focused use of custom weapons. I like the background, but the foreground is underdecorated – there's nothing to see in the big blocky walls except the same tile repeated over and over.

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