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Sureal VI: Future

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Kovu aka Alec

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Jun 24, 2002, 06:02 AM
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Sureal VI: Future

Yea, well, whaddya know, after days of poking and proding and telling me to hurry up by my peers, the next installment thingy in the Sureal saga is up. Reply peoples, or I won't write anymore.

by Kovu aka Alec

Author's Notes: Nothing really important, the continuingly unpopular Sureal series flourishes, mainly being egged on by one or two lone individuals. Check out Defalcon's companion story! Rating: Probably PG, although maybe PG-13, make the judgement yourself.

Beyond the Inky Blackness

When Teross was erased at Apollyon, they thought it was forever. It was not. Somehow he slipped through the narrow passageways of the time-space continum, and created a new universe, where he existed. He found Knnryshaa, a peaceful planet, one of those chronicled in the Tome of History written by the most Ancient ones. It was inhabited by the Knn, a massive, though slow and kindhearted people. He slaughtered thousands. Those that remained where in terror, rather than rage. And they were his to command. He found something else on Knnryshaa. Something that dated back to a story millenia past. The Esem, inhabitants of the Western Quadrant of the galaxy, and one of the three descendence of an ancient unknown race known as Humans, emitted powerful psionic waves and could bend the minds of other intelligent beings to their will. And if they were ever killed, they became the demonic soul hunters known as Esx. The Czm, a catlike race from another galaxy which rules the Eastern Quadrant, were so afraid of their power that they lead a holy crusade, obliterating their colonies with their technological might. When they arrived at their homeworld, they used a powerful ship to create a radiation belt around the planet, allowing no ships to enter and no ships to leave. They then dumped this warfleet and the radiation creating ship on the planet Knnryshaa, burying them under mountains, hoping noone would find them. Teross did. And with an army and a mighty warfleet, he moved to wreck revenge upon those who had obliterated his past, before they were born. He went to Carrottous, and encased it in the radiation bubble. The economy, the technology, and the people of Carrottous collapsed. Teross then methodically obliterated Carrottian colonies and outposts. It was not until twenty years later he moved to finish the job. Through a wierd series of events, they arrived at an ancient world, and Teross was killed by a random flying bar as his ship collapsed, becoming mortal by fettering too long the the physical plane without returning to the other planes. That is the history of the beggining to the end of the universe.

Seraph strode proudly down the steel hallways of the Carrottous dressed in her favorite white attire, a white cape billowing, and her all white fur, made her appear as a ghost, if not for her black boots and gloves, the characteristic red under-shirt and under-cape of Ontranaught uniforms, and the unmistakable symbol of the Alliance emblazoned on her uniform. Fate was apparently not blind, the Seraph in the Original universe led an unremarkable, unimportant and aristocratic life, so little of it's being was imposed on the Seraph from the universe After Teross' defeat, when the two contiuums became one, she was the same, cautious, leaderly, and proud.
After walking the endless corridors, Seraph finally arrived at her destination. A thick steel door at the end of a hallway with the word 'War Room' stenciled on it. She entered a code on the keypad and the door opened with a satisfying thiisssh. She strode into the large room, that had maps, diagrams, blueprints and holoscreens all lying about. A form, with a similair caped uniform and billowing purple hair, stood staring out into the swirling vortex of AlternateSpace.
"Aldan?" Aldan turned slowly to face Seraph. He didn't look the same as he did in 2799, well over thirty years past.
He was fifty, but since Carrottians can live to be three-hundred, he was equivalent to the age of thirty in hundred year living races. Not to mention the fact that his physical form was still being substained by the ebbing prescence of Sparif. But still, he was not the young rabbit he had been during the times of the first clan of Ontranaught. Though he had little phyisical change, prehaps a few grey hairs, his soul was old and tired and jaded. He'd seen six wars, two changes in the temporal fabric in the universe, four upheavals of the Carrottian govermental structure, the oncomming of angelic assasins and the assault of a rebelling Demon general, and the death of so many loved ones. Prehaps not physically, but mentally, he was certaintly no longer young, he was very, very old.
"Ah, Seraph, excellent! I'm glad you came so quickly."
"No trouble. But why did you call me?"
"Because I will need your expert experiance." Seraph looked puzzled.
"We are heading to the planet known as Grey, atleast, that's what I've been hearing it's called. You know it better as Ortegas IV." Seraph gasped.
"The planet of the Blue Turtles. But how did you know about it?"
"It exists in both universes. As for it's name and it's incredible importance, I had some help in that department." Aldan smiled, then called out,
"Alldeequek." Seraph turned to see a bizarre, luminous being walk into the middle of the room. It had two arms, and a mouthless face with piercing yellow eyes, and it's legs seemed to be a singular cylinder as it moved along without appearing to exert itself. It's body was brilliantly bright, and seemed to be made of pure energy.
"Greetings, Seraph, how are you?" The being called out psyhically, with more psychic power than anything Seraph had felt before. It moved through her mind and soul with a genuine curiosity, and talked to her in whispers of thought. Finally, the being left her mind, feeling how uncomfortable she was having her mind read like a book.
"I apologize." The being, Alldeequek, said in the same psychic tone, such as Seraph had heard in only one other being.
"Who are you?" Seraph asked, awed and confused all at once.
"He is one of the Ancient ones, the oldest species in our universe, known as the Askoolu, the oldest of the old. He's come here to help us."
"We are the ones who have fought the Demon scourge in this plane for billions of years, keeping them in the dark places between galaxies, where they could do no harm to...child...races such as yourself. No offense is meant."
"None taken." Seraph returned, realizing a short time later that she was making a statement on behalf of all the life in the galaxy. Then, she posed a question.
"Are you the beings of light of which the turtles spoke on that planet."
"No, we are not the true beings of light, we are not the Ahn'gell, or Angels as they have been come to known here."
"Are they comming?"
"Not yet, they can only manifest themselves in this plane once every thousand years, and they are trying to amass their forces to the point that they won't have to return for support to the astral planes. We are merely, their children, the next best thing. We will be aiding you in this war." Seraph was about to open her mouth again, but Alldeequek spoke up first, knowning what she was going to say.
"You must return to the planet known as Grey, because there lay the Data-bank." Seraph was about to pose another question, but in like, Alldeequek spoke up before she could speak.
"The data-bank is the store of all the information that has transpired in this plane for the past nineteen billion years. The history of the first billion years of existance is lost due to the fact that the Demons took control of that data. You are going there to move that data, as we, the Askoolu, have reason to believe that Grey will fall under Demon control at some point in the near future. However, we cannot help you in this endevour, this is something you must do." Alldeequek turned, and then said,
"And before you say anything, yes, I am leaving, but we will meet again." And with that, he left. Only a few seconds later, the comm. beeped in.
"Leader, the Askoolu ship just left the docking bay and went off in a seprate direction in Alternatespace."
"Thank you, Aldan out." Seraph just walked around abit, in an amazed state.
"Well, that certainly made things more intresting..."
"Indeed it did." Aldan commented, as Seraph went out the door.
"One more thing." Seraph turned around to face him again.
"Our forces are amassed above Tubelectric, we're about to make an assault on the relatively unguarded Demon outpost of Iridani II, it may be the first victory we have in this war, after losing 20% of our territory already.
"Great, inform me of what happens."
"And so it begins."
"If you go to Za'Ha'Dum, you will die."
"We are all Kosh."
-Kosh, Babylon 5
Kovu aka Alec

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Jun 24, 2002, 06:05 AM
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*@%$%*#$^@ charachter limit!

The universes had been reunited some time ago. Immediatley afterward, Aldan, who still held a large deal of power in the realm of Rabbit Empire, informed the people of what had happened, about Teross, about the two universes. It was not until three days later that Seraph, Juiso, and Tymen returned to Carrottous. Ducky, Tyio, and BlackSheep had remained on Carrottous, since their new conciousness was based largely on their experiances before history was altered. They had informed the Empire that a new threat was comming. Since Aldan believed them, he was able to convince the Council and the clans, aswell as put to this new Alliance to force of his remade Ontranaught clan. Seraph was able to put her Konitar clan to the Alliance. Shortly therafter, Grnome pledged their complete allegiance to the Alliance, and the Hisect offered support, they were, however, unable to offer military support since their race had been brought to the brink of extinction during the war aginst Zygot. Soon, almost all of the races in the Southern Quadrant voluntarily joined, except the Blex, who were reluctant until the Clans threatened to withdraw their support if they would not join the Alliance, and the Barshaarden, who had a deep-running hatred aginst the Rabbits. Two months later, the Demons came from nowhere, seemingly appearing from HyperSpace, comming from the Core. The core is the most inhospitable place in the galaxy, as trillions of raging stars wage gravity wars that will obliterate most ships, searing radiation and heat, mounds of ravenous black holes that consume everything, and an immense snarl in the fabric of Hyperspace, preventing movement at faster than light speeds. They attacked with hideous force. Within a week they already had control of six systems adjuctant to the core. What was worse, as the now immense Alliance fleet moved to assault them, was that the weapons that the galaxy had been using for eons, High energy plasma blasters, Phase beams, Pulse rifles, explosive warheads and torpedos, and even nuclear detonators, had minimal effects on Demon personel and technology, while Demon anti-matter weapons, a technological feat no-one in the galaxy yet possesed, easily tore through Alliance vessels and soldiers, with immense destructive force. The fleet had to pull back, losing twenty systems in a month. Alliance scientists worked in overdrive to complete the thus-far experimental Tachyon weapons, and immediatley put them into service as part of a campaign to take back lost territory. Though more effective than traditional weaponry, the Tachyon weapons still proved ineffective, and highly expensive. By the next month, thirty more inhabited systems fell, and hundreds derilict ones, the Demons now had an immense foothold, controlling 20% of the Southern Quadrant, and 50% of the Western Quadrant. They had not made advances torward the Czm, who controlled all of the Eastern Quadrant, or the wild, uncharted lands of the Northern Quadrant. The Carrottous was three fourths complete when news of the war reached Carrotous, and was designed to be a large exploratory craft for the Ontranaught clan. When it did arrive, the ship was pushed haphazardly torward completion, and fitted with vast amounts of weapons, improved A-Space drive, shields, and hull, and equipped with three full fighter squadrons. It was designated as the flagship of the alliance fleet. It was done just in-time to be to late for the most recent offensive aginst the Demons, and one that was doomed to failure due to the ineffective and overly-relied on Tachyon weapons. And so, as the now battered Alliance fleet moved back into Alliance territory, the Carrottous provided the best chance for survival in the greatest war of all time.

The bridge of the Carrottous was disc shaped and modest, filled with the same blue, black, and grey colors that existed throughout the ship. It had various officers milling about, tending to control of the ship. Tyio stood above them on a ellivated platform, proudly staring into the swirling red madness of AlternateSpace. Tyio was the same as ever, wise, bold, suffering and selfless. Due to his Gerenpfpssh blood(as they were now accepted to be known)he looked exactly the same, fur still blood red, hair still inky black, and polished emeralds of eyes. If anything had changed in him since the first defeat of Teross, he was now humbler, knowing that his existance could be snuffed out in an instant. Behind him, the door opened with a hiss. Tyio turned around to see Tymen striding in.
"Is it 1900 hours already?" Tyio asked, knowing that Tymen was their to take command of the next shift.
"No, but I wasn't doing anything, so I thought I'd do nothing up here." Tyio smiled.
"Very well. Thanks, Tymen." Due to the change in the universe, Tyio knew Tymen, but the callousness he carried torward them early on was erased, so he had a wholly different relationship with them all. Tyio would often ponder the darastic consequences of temporal changes, but then realize they were far too complex for him to worry about.
After walking through the winding passagways of the ship, Tyio came to another door, and entered a keycode, afterwhich the door opened automatically.
"Tyio, you're early!" Ducky stated, rising from a chair and setting down a data-pad, and moving to embrace Tyio with open arms. All of her fur was a warm, friendly grey, and she had long, jet black hair, just like Tyio's, only longer. And her eyes were the same colors as his, emerald like. Tyio had known her for what had seemed like ages past. Finally, they stepped away.
"Yes, Tymen releaved me early." Ducky nodded,
"Just as well." The two of them sat down on an overplush couch in Ducky's quarters, snatched a bucket of popcorn, and flipped on the holo-viewer.
"The Granola Report...with Sandy McCracken..."
"And so it begins."
"If you go to Za'Ha'Dum, you will die."
"We are all Kosh."
-Kosh, Babylon 5
Kovu aka Alec

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Jun 24, 2002, 06:06 AM
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*&%$@&%&^!%(&%%&^!%#&% CHARACHTER LIMIT!

Though much of the amenities and scientific features of the Carrottous were sacrificed for weapons ports and bays, power cells, A-Space drives and shield generators, Aldan insisted that the Arboretum remained. Though small, it was filled with five benches, ten foot high trees, moss, vine, and a simulated brook. Aldan sat on one of the five benches, the only person in the Arboretum, his eyes closed, breathing deeply, thinking of things to come and things long past. He stayed that way for seeming ages, before a door opened in the Arboretum, disturbing the natural tranquility. Though Aldan's thought train was disrupted, he continued to maintain his revere. He heard the heavy steps of large boots, comming close to him. He could hear the kheeee and ckhooooo of an artificial respirator, comming closer. Aldan wasn't aware that anyone with an enviroment suit or artificial lungs was aboard the Carrottous. He remained with his eyes closed until he felt cold breathing on his neck, and a whisper in his ear,
"Wake up, Aldan." He heard a odd, reverberated voice that was altogether unlike any sort of voice, including psychic, he had ever heard before. His eyes shot open and he jumped a foot back, unseathing the sword he always kept at his side. He saw the being now. It's head was completely contained in a sand colored, patterned helmet, that was flattened and elongated in the back, and rounded the face jaggedly. Their were no eye holes, and only a small respratory port. Then there were bulky, similarly colored shoulder pads, and a cloak that encased the entire body which extended down to the soles of two barely visible boots.
"So quick to unseath your swords. So violent are the children."
"Who are you?" Aldan asked, still pointing the sword torward him.
"I have no name, in heaven or ****, and in the expanse between."
"That's not good enough..."
"If you must call me something, know me as...a messenger." Aldan was further befuddled.
"Then what are you? Are you and Ancient."
"Are you an Ahn'Gell?"
"What are you?"
"I am something else. Put away your sword, child." Aldan did not comply.
"I COMMAND!" The being spoke with a piercing, bloodcurling voice, and Aldan immediatley put the sword back in it's sheath.
"I come, only to aid a wayward child. You have lost your way, young one, and you need to find it. For the task at hand is great."
"Do you come to help us?"
"Only with my words, and only for you. I cannot fight for you, for I have no hands in this place except your own."
The being extended two altogether rabbitine arms, except they had no hands. Not that they were cut off or stubs, but the wrist simply, faded into nothingness. Aldan recoiled.
"All I have in this place is my voice, a voice so old none remember it's meaning." Aldan was utterly confused at that point. The being then turned to leave.
"Will you return?" Aldan asked.
"Yes...wait, I nearly forgot." The being turned to face Aldan again.
"I have a message." The beings cloak opened, blazing white light beneath it, and amid it, Aldan saw something.
"Kayle?" She sood their, amid the blast of light. His long dead love, with perfect yellow fur and brown eyes.
"Kayle!!" He ran torward her, but the second he touched her, he felt something else.
Searing bolts of eletricity coursed through his body, and the light turned to darkness and electricity rivited throught the room. Finally it subsided, and he collapsed to the floor. He looked up to see the being staring at him.
"This was a test, there will be many more." With that, he dissapeared.
When he finally had the strength, he rose to a nearby data port.
"Computer, play back surveilance camera footage of Arboretum from time index 1743, password, Aldan Sigma 4977" The computer played back the footage, and all Aldan saw was him sitting their, on the bench, the whole time, never moving.
"Computer, was anything strange reported in the arboretum in the last hour."
"A massive static discharge was detected, this was due to a cooling plasma pipe in the adjuctant shield generating room. Another layer of insulatory regulators has been emplaced."

The ragtag Alliance fleet burst out of HyperSpace, right above the swirling gases of Iridani II. The small Demon outpost was only guarded by a squadron of fighters and one cap ship.
"Alright men, we only get one shot at this. Alpha through Sigma squadrons, ingage the fighters, Team A engage the outpost, Team B engage the Cap ship. We want the outpost to be fairly undamaged. Alright men, move out, move out!!" The swarm of ships moved torward the Demon installation. Even as they fired beams of blasters and high power nuclear missles, only little damage was done. That is, until the Demons brought their massive beam cannons to bear...
"And so it begins."
"If you go to Za'Ha'Dum, you will die."
"We are all Kosh."
-Kosh, Babylon 5
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Jun 24, 2002, 12:46 PM
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I like it.. I'm still a little confused, though.
Kovu aka Alec

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Jun 24, 2002, 01:27 PM
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YAY! A Reply! Thank God!

What's confusing, I tried to make it very un-confusing.
"And so it begins."
"If you go to Za'Ha'Dum, you will die."
"We are all Kosh."
-Kosh, Babylon 5

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Jun 24, 2002, 02:28 PM
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It takes courage to continue in the face of no replies.
Huzzah, Kovu
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Jun 24, 2002, 06:54 PM
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Hmm, I still think I shouldn't have continued, there's no intrest, and the story is in a rut(not to mention reaching an ideal part to end the story), but, rather than get spammed every day for the rest of my life, I decided to continue.
*Sigh* I guess I was right. Opening day for a story usually sees atleast four replies.
But thankkies anyway, Cobbie.
"And so it begins."
"If you go to Za'Ha'Dum, you will die."
"We are all Kosh."
-Kosh, Babylon 5
4I Falcon

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Jun 24, 2002, 08:04 PM
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is there going to be an opportunity for joining anywhere?

just checking... heh? *is hit by a random object*

'Tis an excellent story, Kovu. I'm expecting more. You are talented.
Character limits suck. >(.


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Kovu aka Alec

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Jun 24, 2002, 08:52 PM
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only for cameos, just give me a desc.
More will come, probably. Have you read the ones that came before it, Falcon (not talking to you, Def) I think 3 of them are here.
"And so it begins."
"If you go to Za'Ha'Dum, you will die."
"We are all Kosh."
-Kosh, Babylon 5

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Jun 25, 2002, 05:06 AM
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W00t! Go Kovu!!!
My companion story will begin shortly, lol, I have to finish camp first.

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Jun 25, 2002, 11:08 PM
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Continue =P
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu
Kovu aka Alec

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Jun 26, 2002, 04:33 AM
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Darnit, Kaz! You said you'd reply like, a year ago.
Patience my son, patience, for my laziness is greater than you know.
"And so it begins."
"If you go to Za'Ha'Dum, you will die."
"We are all Kosh."
-Kosh, Babylon 5
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Jul 2, 2002, 10:42 AM
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Oh Kovey...

*cries hysterically*
remember? (:
Kovu aka Alec

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Jul 2, 2002, 11:14 AM
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There should be a 'don't let this topic get resurrected' switch, yes

Sigh. Sorry all two, three, possbly four of you people out there who may or may not have wanted the story to continue. Dispite the egging on of the story by stuffness, I'm going to end this and all future Sureal stories, simply because I have no more inspiration for Sureal, and can't write any more about it. Even if I did try, it would just become more and more trite until no one would want to read it. So, wouldn't you all rather it end on a high note? But, anyway, erhm, lost my train of thought.
Oh yea, I'll write something else, that's way spiffier than Sureal ever had time to be. Yea.
And it's name will be spelled right on the first go around.
"And so it begins."
"If you go to Za'Ha'Dum, you will die."
"We are all Kosh."
-Kosh, Babylon 5
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Jul 2, 2002, 01:03 PM
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Those were tears of joy, you idiot.

*ruffles hair*
remember? (:
Kovu aka Alec

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Jul 2, 2002, 05:07 PM
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I knew THAT...
"And so it begins."
"If you go to Za'Ha'Dum, you will die."
"We are all Kosh."
-Kosh, Babylon 5

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Jul 3, 2002, 03:08 AM
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Then know that we want it to continue =>
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu
Kovu aka Alec

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Jul 3, 2002, 07:18 AM
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Argh, Kaz, did you not read what I just said?
"And so it begins."
"If you go to Za'Ha'Dum, you will die."
"We are all Kosh."
-Kosh, Babylon 5

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Jul 3, 2002, 07:22 AM
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Yes he did, so did I. That doesn't mean we like it. ;P
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Jul 3, 2002, 03:58 PM
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But surely you all must realize it's for the better good of uhm, stuff, yes.
"And so it begins."
"If you go to Za'Ha'Dum, you will die."
"We are all Kosh."
-Kosh, Babylon 5
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Jul 7, 2002, 02:47 PM
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The end is for the general good? Tyio is my hero. Heros never end.

*sits on the floor and waits*
remember? (:
Kovu aka Alec

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Jul 7, 2002, 05:21 PM
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Grah unto you all

*sigh* you all are going to make this extremely difficult, aren't you? Tyio isn't ending, but his story is. Legends never die, but the legends end.
And yes it is for the good. The good of
1: my sanity(which is a moot point, but anyway)
2: the story (because if it ends, it will remain good)
3: the charachters (they are developed to a good point, and if they are developed any more they will become two dimensional)
4: your sanity and my health (so you don't kill me when it begins to get horrible)
5: my next story (which, though will undoubtably forever live in Sureals shadow, will never even get a peek at life if Sureal continues)

My point is made.
"And so it begins."
"If you go to Za'Ha'Dum, you will die."
"We are all Kosh."
-Kosh, Babylon 5
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Jul 7, 2002, 06:46 PM
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*cries inconsoleabley on the floor*
remember? (:

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Jul 8, 2002, 06:36 AM
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Love is only but a dword in the wired... encouragement is a string however. The thread that made the file... the thread that began and never ended for all the possibilities.

You'll figure out a way to get past insanity, health, and possibly 2d characters. I'd say continue, afterall, you've gotten a plot started. If it's horrible, then you'll end it.

*Sits on the floor with Duckay and waits*
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu
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Jul 12, 2002, 10:26 AM
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Twizzler while you wait, Kaz?
remember? (:

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Jul 26, 2002, 10:35 AM
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I guess I'm just evil.

I'd love one.

(starts using them to make words on a clean floor so maybe he could eat them later on)

\/\/ |2 | 7 3 |\/| 0 |2 3.
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu


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Aug 14, 2002, 10:41 AM
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Kovey, you weren't supposed to make a new one while I was gone! *sobs*
Anyway, it's still good, of course it is, what am I saying? All your stories are good.
I have to go now, I'll be back in about a month. This brief post is sponsored in part by my aunt's laptop. Goodbye for now.

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